944 resultados para Estimulação cerebral profunda
Postanoxic coma after cardiac arrest is one of the most serious acute cerebral conditions and a frequent cause of admission to critical care units. Given substantial improvement of outcome over the recent years, a reliable and timely assessment of clinical evolution and prognosis is essential in this context, but may be challenging. In addition to the classic neurologic examination, EEG is increasingly emerging as an important tool to assess cerebral functions noninvasively. Although targeted temperature management and related sedation may delay clinical assessment, EEG provides accurate prognostic information in the early phase of coma. Here, the most frequently encountered EEG patterns in postanoxic coma are summarized and their relations with outcome prediction are discussed. This article also addresses the influence of targeted temperature management on brain signals and the implication of the evolution of EEG patterns over time. Finally, the article ends with a view of the future prospects for EEG in postanoxic management and prognostication.
1. ¿Cuál de las siguientes arterias no forma parte del territorio carotídeo? a. Arteria cerebral posterior, b. Carótida interna, c. Arteria cerebral media, d. Arteria ...
Glucose is the primary source of energy for the brain but also an important source of building blocks for proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Little is known about the use of glucose for biosynthesis in tissues at the cellular level. We demonstrate that local cerebral metabolic activity can be mapped in mouse brain tissue by quantitatively imaging the biosynthetic products deriving from [U-(13)C]glucose metabolism using a combination of in situ electron microscopy and secondary ion mass-spectroscopy (NanoSIMS). Images of the (13)C-label incorporated into cerebral ultrastructure with ca. 100nm resolution allowed us to determine the timescale on which the metabolic products of glucose are incorporated into different cells, their sub-compartments and organelles. These were mapped in astrocytes and neurons in the different layers of the motor cortex. We see evidence for high metabolic activity in neurons via the nucleus (13)C enrichment. We observe that in all the major cell compartments, such as e.g. nucleus and Golgi apparatus, neurons incorporate substantially higher concentrations of (13)C-label than astrocytes.
OBJETIVO: Descrever e comparar os métodos de imagem e os aspectos clínicos em quatro recém-natos a termo diagnosticados como trombose venosa cerebral, sem dano encefálico, adscritos a uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Revisão em 10 anos com quatro casos diagnosticados como trombose venosa cerebral por meio de ultrassonografia transfontanela com Doppler e confirmados por ressonância magnética/angiorressonância, correlacionados aos aspectos clínicos e evolução neurológica. RESULTADOS: A ultrassonografia foi normal em 75% dos casos e a ressonância magnética, em 100%. No caso alterado, a dilatação venosa foi identificada. O Doppler e a angiorressonância estavam alterados em 100% dos casos. Dos aspectos clínicos, a hipóxia (100%) e a convulsão precoce (100%) predominaram, com potencial evocado alterado em 50% dos casos. Na avaliação do neurodesenvolvimento, todas as áreas estiveram dentro da normalidade até a última avaliação. CONCLUSÃO: A ultrassonografia associada ao Doppler é capaz de identificar as alterações da trombose venosa cerebral, devendo ser complementada com a ressonância magnética, que é o padrão ouro de diagnóstico.
Lactate has been shown to offer neuroprotection in several pathologic conditions. This beneficial effect has been attributed to its use as an alternative energy substrate. However, recent description of the expression of the HCA1 receptor for lactate in the central nervous system calls for reassessment of the mechanism by which lactate exerts its neuroprotective effects. Here, we show that HCA1 receptor expression is enhanced 24 hours after reperfusion in an middle cerebral artery occlusion stroke model, in the ischemic cortex. Interestingly, intravenous injection of L-lactate at reperfusion led to further enhancement of HCA1 receptor expression in the cortex and striatum. Using an in vitro oxygen-glucose deprivation model, we show that the HCA1 receptor agonist 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid reduces cell death. We also observed that D-lactate, a reputedly non-metabolizable substrate but partial HCA1 receptor agonist, also provided neuroprotection in both in vitro and in vivo ischemia models. Quite unexpectedly, we show D-lactate to be partly extracted and oxidized by the rodent brain. Finally, pyruvate offered neuroprotection in vitro whereas acetate was ineffective. Our data suggest that L- and D-lactate offer neuroprotection in ischemia most likely by acting as both an HCA1 receptor agonist for non-astrocytic (most likely neuronal) cells as well as an energy substrate.
INTRODUCTION: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability in childhood. It is a disorder resulting from sensory and motor impairments due to perinatal brain injury, with lifetime consequences that range from poor adaptive and social function to communication and emotional disturbances. Infants with CP have a fundamental disadvantage in recovering motor function: they do not receive accurate sensory feedback from their movements, leading to developmental disregard. Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is one of the few effective neurorehabilitative strategies shown to improve upper extremity motor function in adults and older children with CP, potentially overcoming developmental disregard. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This study is a randomised controlled trial of children 12-24 months corrected age studying the effectiveness of CIMT combined with motor and sensory-motor interventions. The study population will comprise 72 children with CP and 144 typically developing children for a total of N=216 children. All children with CP, regardless of group allocation will continue with their standard of care occupational and physical therapy throughout the study. The research material collected will be in the form of data from high-density array event-related potential scan, standardised assessment scores and motion analysis scores. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board. The findings of the trial will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT02567630.
En aquesta investigació qualitativa s’ha fet un estudi sobre la possibilitat d’incloure a un infant amb paràlisi cerebral en una escola ordinària. Per fer-ho, s’ha treballat a partir de l’estudi de cas d’un infant concret escolaritzat en un centre d’educació espacial. S’ha realitzat un anàlisi de la realitat d’aquest centre, l’Arboç, i de dos centres on les investigadores han realitzat l’estada de pràctiques, a l’escola Camí del Mig i a la Llàntia. Els instruments utilitzats al llarg del procés de recerca han estat les entrevistes, les graelles d’observació, el diari de camp i l’anàlisi de documents dels centres. Aquests s’han complementat amb una observació directa i participant a les escoles esmentades. La conclusió obtinguda després d’haver realitzat tot el procés d’investigació, és que la inclusió d’aquest infant no seria possible en els dos centres ordinaris estudiats, ja que seria necessari introduir un seguit de canvis a nivell d’infraestructures, metodologia, organització i de recursos humans i materials.
Cerebral energy dysfunction has emerged as an important determinant of prognosis following traumatic brain injury (TBI). A number of studies using cerebral microdialysis, positron emission tomography, and jugular bulb oximetry to explore cerebral metabolism in patients with TBI have demonstrated a critical decrease in the availability of the main energy substrate of brain cells (i.e., glucose). Energy dysfunction induces adaptations of cerebral metabolism that include the utilization of alternative energy resources that the brain constitutively has, such as lactate. Two decades of experimental and human investigations have convincingly shown that lactate stands as a major actor of cerebral metabolism. Glutamate-induced activation of glycolysis stimulates lactate production from glucose in astrocytes, with subsequent lactate transfer to neurons (astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle). Lactate is not only used as an extra energy substrate but also acts as a signaling molecule and regulator of systemic and brain glucose use in the cerebral circulation. In animal models of brain injury (e.g., TBI, stroke), supplementation with exogenous lactate exerts significant neuroprotection. Here, we summarize the main clinical studies showing the pivotal role of lactate and cerebral lactate metabolism after TBI. We also review pilot interventional studies that examined exogenous lactate supplementation in patients with TBI and found hypertonic lactate infusions had several beneficial properties on the injured brain, including decrease of brain edema, improvement of neuroenergetics via a "cerebral glucose-sparing effect," and increase of cerebral blood flow. Hypertonic lactate represents a promising area of therapeutic investigation; however, larger studies are needed to further examine mechanisms of action and impact on outcome.
Is there any influence of breastfeeding on the cerebral blood flow? A review of 256 healthy newborns
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether breastfeeding influence the cerebral blood-flow velocity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study included 256 healthy term neonates, all of them with appropriate weight for gestational age, 50.8% being female. Pulsatility index, resistance index and mean velocity were measured during breastfeeding or resting in the anterior cerebral artery, in the left middle cerebral artery, and in the right middle cerebral artery of the neonates between their first 10 and 48 hours of life. The data were analyzed by means of a paired t-test, Brieger's f-test for analysis of variance and linear regression, with p < 0.01 being accepted as statistically significant. RESULTS: Mean resistance index decreased as the mean velocity increased significantly during breastfeeding. Pulsatility index values decreased as much as the resistance index, but in the right middle cerebral artery it was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Breastfeeding influences the cerebral blood flow velocities.
The present report describes the case of a 43-year-old diabetic patient with facial pain, protruding eyes, nasal congestion and decreased right vision (involvement of the ipsilateral cranial nerves III, IV and V). Computed tomography showed diffuse sinusitis at right, cribriform plate erosion and presence of a hypodense collection in the frontal lobe with peripheral enhancement. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the presence of a cerebral abscess. Samples were collected from the lesion, confirming hyphae compatible with mucormycosis.
Objective The present study was aimed at estimating the doses received by physicians and patients during cerebral angiography procedures in a public hospital of Recife, PE, Brazil. Materials and Methods The study sample included 158 adult patients, and during the procedures the following parameters were evaluated: exposure parameters (kV, mAs), number of acquired images, reference air kerma value (Ka,r) and air kerma-area product (PKA). Additionally, the physicians involved in the procedures were evaluated as for absorbed dose in the eyes, thyroid, chest, hands and feet. Results The results demonstrated that the doses to the patients' eyes region were relatively close to the threshold for cataract occurrence. As regards the physicians, the average effective dose was 2.6 µSv, and the highest effective dose recorded was 16 µSv. Conclusion Depending on the number of procedures, the doses received by the physicians may exceed the annual dose limit for the crystalline lenses (20 mSv) established by national and international standards. It is important to note that the high doses received by the physicians are due to the lack of radiation protection equipment and accessories, such as leaded curtains, screens and protective goggles.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a dose em pacientes submetidos a PET/CT para diagnóstico de comprometimento cognitivo leve. Materiais e Métodos: Para as medidas da dose absorvida proveniente da modalidade CT utilizaram-se detectores TLD-100 inseridos em um simulador Alderson Rando®. Os simuladores antropomórficos (versões masculina e feminina) foram submetidos aos mesmos protocolos técnicos para aquisição das imagens dos pacientes. A dose absorvida resultante da injeção do radiofármaco foi estimada por meio do modelo proposto pela ICRP 106. Resultados: A dose efetiva a que foram submetidos os pacientes com esta técnica diagnóstica foi, aproximadamente, (5,34 ± 1,99) mSv. Conclusão: Protocolos otimizados para cálculo de atividade radioativa que será injetada em cada paciente podem contribuir para a redução da dose efetiva nos pacientes durante a realização do diagnóstico de comprometimento cognitivo leve com PET/CT.
BACKGROUND: Fatigue is likely to be an important limiting factor in adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy (CP). AIMS: To determine the effects of walking-induced fatigue on postural control adjustments in adolescents with unilateral CP and their typically developing (TD) peers. METHODS: Ten adolescents with CP (14.2±1.7yr) and 10 age-, weight- and height-matched TD adolescents (14.1±1.9yr) walked for 15min on a treadmill at their preferred walking speed. Before and after this task, voluntary strength capacity of knee extensors (MVC) and postural control were evaluated in 3 conditions: eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC) and with dual cognitive task (EODT). RESULTS: After walking, MVC decreased significantly in CP (-11%, P<0.05) but not in TD. The CoP area was only significantly increased in CP (90%, 34% and 60% for EO, EC and EODT conditions, respectively). The CoP length was significantly increased in the EO condition in CP and TD (20% and 21%) and was significantly increased in the EODT condition by 18% in CP only. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike TD adolescents, treadmill walking for 15min at their preferred speed lead to significant knee extensor strength losses and impairments in postural control in adolescents with unilateral spastic CP.
Este trabalho visou caracterizar quanto a critérios morfológicos e fisiológicos isolados de Streptomyces causadores de sarna comum profunda em batata; avaliar o comportamento de cultivares em relação à doença e a variação na agressividade entre os isolados da bactéria. Os isolados de Streptomyces apresentaram coloração cinza em meio extrato de levedura e malte e cadeias de esporos espiraladas, produzidas sobre um micélio aéreo. Ocorreu produção de melanina em meio de tirosina-ágar e a utilização de oito fontes de carbono recomendadas, propriedades estas que correspondem às descritas para S. scabies. Batatas-semente sadias de seis cultivares foram plantadas em substrato infestado com seis isolados de S. scabies separadamente e as plantas cultivadas em vasos e ambiente aberto. A severidade da doença foi estimada com auxílio de uma escala diagramática e avaliou-se o rendimento de tubérculos (g/planta). As cvs. Mondial e Jaete Bintje foram as mais resistentes à sarna comum com severidade média nos dois experimentos de 10,5% e 14,0%, respectivamente, seguidas por Asterix (17,4%), Ágata (21,8%), Monalisa (23,0%) e Cupido (23,3%). A agressividade dos isolados variou quantitativamente, com severidade maior para o isolado M4 (34,7%) e menor para o isolado M1 (6,2%). Redução da produção de tubérculos foi verificada na cv. Jaete Bintje, no primeiro experimento, e quando as cultivares foram infectadas pelos isolados A1, M2 e M3, no primeiro experimento, e pelo isolado M4, no segundo experimento.