1000 resultados para Estimação de custo


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objetivou-se estimar parâmetros genéticos, utilizando inferência Bayesiana, para as estimativas dos parâmetros individuais de peso à maturidade (Â) e taxa de crescimento, obtidos pela função de crescimento Brody. O arquivo estava constituído de 14.563 registros de pesos e idades referentes a 1.158 fêmeas da raça Nelore, participantes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Nelore. Para a análise das estimativas dos parâmetros da curva, via inferência bayesiana, foi proposto um modelo animal unicaráter, que incluiu como fixo o efeito de grupo contemporâneo (animais nascidos no mesmo estado, no mesmo trimestre do ano, mesmo ano e mesmo regime alimentar) e como aleatórios os efeitos genético direto e residual. Nessa análise, foram utilizados dois diferentes tamanhos para as cadeias geradas pelo algoritmo de amostragem de Gibbs, de 550 e 1.100 mil ciclos, com períodos de descarte amostral de 50 e 100 mil ciclos, respectivamente, e amostragens a cada 500 e 1.000 ciclos, respectivamente. As médias posteriores da variância genética aditiva e residual foram próximas, tanto para  quanto para a, mesmo quando implementados diferentes tamanhos para as cadeias geradas pelo algoritmo de amostragem de Gibbs. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade estimados para Â, variaram de 0,44 a 0,46, amplitude semelhante aos 0,46 a 0,48 obtidos para as estimativas de. Essas magnitudes indicam que a seleção pode ser usada como instrumento para alterar a forma da curva de crescimento desses animais. Entretanto, o uso das informações obtidas, visando à alteração da curva de crescimento dos animais, deve ser feito com grande cautela, uma vez que as características a serem trabalhadas na modificação do formato da curva de crescimento, de acordo com resultados da literatura especializada, são negativamente correlacionadas.


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OBJETIVOS: Observar se existem diferenças nos valores monetários destinados aos procedimentos de saúde para o tratamento de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 quando estratificados em diferentes níveis de atividade física habitual. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Cento e vinte um diabéticos tipo 2 foram avaliados em duas unidades básicas de saúde de Bauru, SP. Atividade física foi avaliada por meio de entrevista. Retroagindo um ano ao dia da avaliação, por meio de notas fiscais, foram computados valores de exames, medicamentos e consultas médicas e de enfermagem. RESULTADOS: Quando comparados aos diabéticos ativos, os sedentários apresentaram gastos com consultas em clínico-geral 63% superiores (p = 0,017). Gastos com medicamentos para o tratamento de outras doenças também foram superiores em diabéticos sedentários (p = 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Quando comparados de acordo com a prática de atividades físicas, diabéticos tipo 2 com menor prática de atividades físicas apresentam maiores custos com serviços médicos e consumo de medicamentos.


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Os objetivos neste trabalho foram comparar estimativas de parâmetros genéticos obtidas por meio de dois modelos - um contendo apenas efeitos aditivos e de dominância e outro que incluiu os efeitos aditivo-conjunto (complementaridade) e epistático - e testar alternativas de critérios objetivos para determinação do coeficiente lambda na aplicação da regressão de cumeeira. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a escolha de um critério para determinação do coeficiente lambda em regressão de cumeeira depende não apenas do conjunto de dados e do modelo utilizado, mas, sobretudo, de um conhecimento prévio acerca do fenômeno estudado e do significado prático e da interpretação dos parâmetros encontrados. Pelo uso de modelos mais completos para avaliação de efeitos genéticos em bovinos de corte, pode-se identificar a contribuição dos efeitos aditivo-conjunto e epistático, que encontram-se embutidos no efeito de heterose estimado por modelos mais simples. A regressão de cumeeira é uma ferramenta que viabiliza a obtenção dessas estimativas mesmo na presença de forte multicolinearidade.


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Dados de 39.578 controles leiteiros de 3.766 primeiras lactações de vacas da raça Holandesa, ocorridas de 1994 a 2002, foram analisados com os objetivos de estimar parâmetros genéticos para as produções de leite no dia do controle (PLDC) e para a produção até 305 dias de lactação (P305) e comparar estes dois critérios de seleção. Os componentes de variância foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, sob modelo animal univariado ou bivariado. Para as PLDC, os modelos incluíram o efeito aleatório genético aditivo, o efeito fixo de grupo contemporâneo e, como covariáveis, a idade da vaca ao parto (efeitos linear e quadrático) e os dias em lactação (efeito linear). Para a P305, foi utilizado o mesmo modelo, substituindo dias em lactação por duração da lactação. Os grupos de contemporâneos foram formados por ano, mês do controle e rebanho (para as PLDC) e por ano, época do parto e rebanho (para a P305). As herdabilidades estimadas para a P305 foram de 0,27 e 0,25 para as análises univariadas e bivariadas, respectivamente. Para as PLDC, as herdabilidades variaram de 0,11 a 0,31. Para o modelo bivariado (pelo qual avaliaram-se simultaneamente P305 e as PLDC), as herdabilidades para os controles (PLDC) foram menores, variando de 0,08 a 0,25. As maiores estimativas ocorreram para as produções do 4º e 5º controles, correspondendo aos 2º e 3º meses de lactação. As correlações genéticas entre P305 e os controles individuais foram positivas e elevadas, variando de 0,83 a 1,00. Os resultados indicaram que a seleção direta para P305, como tradicionalmente realizada, implicaria maiores ganhos genéticos para a produção de leite (PL) na maioria dos controles quinzenais. Além disso, a seleção direta para as produções parciais poderia proporcionar ganhos correlacionados também para a P305, mas estes ganhos seriam menores que os obtidos via seleção direta.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for non-standardized weights at nursing (PR120), at weaning (PR240), at yearling (PR365) and at post yearling (PR550), and to predict EPD's (expected progeny differences) for these traits using records from 29,769 Nellores. Covariance components and genetic parameters were estimated by mixed-model methodology, REML, using an animal model. Models for PR120, PR240, PR365 and PR455 included the random direct and maternal animal effects, the dam permanent environmental effect and the error. Fixed effects were contemporary group (CG) and age of cow at parturition (CIVP) and the covariate age of the calf at measuring. Two additional models for PR365, PR455 and PR550 analyses were used: the first included CG and CIVP, animal and maternal direct effect, residual and age of the calf (as covariate), and the second included CG and CIVP (as fixed effects), animal direct effect, residual and age of calf at measuring. Observed means±standard deviations were: 127±25kg (PR120); 191±34kg (PR240); 225±42kg (PR365); 266±51kg (PR455) and 310±56kg (PR550). From single-trait analyses, direct and maternal heritabilities for PR120, PR240, PR365 and PR455 were, respectively, .23 and .08; .19 and .10; .24 and .04; .30 and .04. Direct heritabilities were .39; .44 and .43, respectively, for PR365, PR455 and PR550. In the model without permanent effect, direct and maternal heritabilities for PR365, PR455 and PR550 were .25 and .08; .32 and .07; .38 and .03, respectively. When the estimates for standardized traits at the same period were compared, no differences in magnitude were found. Rank correlation had important changes when standardized and non-standardized traits were compared.


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Human platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was purified from lysates of clinically outdated human platelets by ionic exchange chromatography in CM-Sepharose. The eluated fraction was submitted to the Immunoblot/Slot Blot assay using anti-PDGF-AA and anti-PDGF-BB polyclonal antibodies and was evaluated as to its biological activity through the test of [H 3]-thymidine incorporation in NIH/3T3 cell line fibroblasts in culture. The Immunoblot/Slot Blot assay using anti-PDGF-AA and anti-PDGF-BB antibodies proved the presence of the PDGF in chromatographic cationic fraction. The comparison of biological activities between fiblobrast stimulation assay using recombinant PDGF-AB and partially purified PDGF was demonstrated in 165.796 and 157.567 cpm, respectively. This result, proved the potent mitogenic effect of partially purified PDGF and consequently their evidence about the wound healing activity.


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The amount of metabolic energy spent in transporting the body mass of the subject over a unit of distance has been defined as the energy cost of locomotion, or regarding to swimming, cost of swimming. The differences in the cost of swimming between the individuals seem to be influenced by two main factors, the hydrodynamic resistance and technical skill of the swimmer. The lower cost of swimming showed by females has been attributed to a smaller hydrodynamic resistance due to their smaller size, larger percentage fat and more streamlined position. However, the difference in cost of swimming between males and females disappears when correcting for body size. With regard to children, the higher energy cost of swimming when correcting for body size may be caused by the lower swimming technique showed by them. For individuals with the same anthropometric characteristics, the better swimming technique and larger size of propelling surface, associated with higher propelling efficiency, may decrease the energy cost of swimming. When comparing different types of strokes, the most economical stroke is crawl, followed by backstroke, irrespective the swimming velocity. Butterfly is the less economical at low velocities (< 0.8 m·s-1). However, above that velocity the breaststroke become the less economical stroke.


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The present work aims to raise the costs of high-cost drugs used to treat patients of Refractory Schizophrenia in ambulatory unit. The study was carried out in the Psychosocial Support Center, which treated 33 patients with these medications, during the period of June, 2005 to May, 2006. Data analysis disclosed that the mostly used drugs to treat the carriers of Refractory Schizophrenia were: clozapina and risperidona. It was observed that the treatment with olanzapina is more expensive than that with risperidona. The study concluded that the analysis of the consumption and costs of drugs of high cost is necessary to subside better management of the expenses and new investments in the service. Moreover, the necessity of more studies in the area was also identified to contribute with the control of costs.


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Economic evaluation of the treatment bovine subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus was evaluated. Two hundred and seventy udder quarters with or without subclinical mastitis were distributed into four groups, in conformity to lactational stage and treatments. Group 1 included animals treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 2 included animals treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying; group 3 included animals no treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 4 included animals no treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying. Treatment with gentamicin (150mg) was accomplished by intramammary doses, once a day, after performing sensitivity tests. The mammary quarters were re-evaluated after 30 days. The costs with the treatment were calculated considering a S. aureus prevalence of 5% as well as expenses with antibiotic, milk disposal, tests of drug sensitivity and workload. There was loss of income of 2% and 14% in the groups 1 and 2, respectively, when compared with the values before the treatment. In such case, the treatment of bovine subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus in the lactation was economically unviable.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the consumption, electric energy cost, and economic results of irrigated citrus (Citrus sinensis). The treatments consisted of a dripping irrigation system with one and two lateral distribution lines, a micro sprinkler irrigation system and a treatment without irrigation. For each irrigation system, three water depths were used: 100%, 75% and 50% of Etc (citrus evapotranspiration). The electric energy cost for two tariff groups, Group A and Group B, was studied. For Group A, the expenses with energy were determined for the Conventional Binomial Structure tariff, the Hour-seasonal tariff (green and blue) and the special tariff for nocturnal irrigation. The kWh cost for the tariff systems were obtained from the website of CPFL (São Paulo State Power and Light Company, Brazil). The best relation between the electric energy consumption (kWh.ha -1) and productivity (t.ha -1) occurred in the treatment irrigated with 50% of the Etc. The irrigated treatments increased productivity. The biggest productivity was observed in the irrigation treatments with 50% of the Etc when compared to the ones with 100% of the Etc. The blue and green Hour-seasonal tariff system of Group A (nocturnal irrigation) was the best option. A biggest economic turnover occurred in the treatments irrigated with 50% of the Etc.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the production cost and profitability of the second season corn crop in the Medio Paranapanema region, São Paulo State Brazil, under two technological levels (middle and high technology), crop 2008/2009, and compare the results with the 2006/2007 agricultural year. Effective and total operational cost as well as five profitability indicators were used. It was concluded that the high technology production cost for corn crop (direct seedling, sowing during the recommended period, use of simple hybrid seed, application of side-dressing fertilization, and treatment of seeds with different insecticides) was superior to the middle technology production cost (direct seedling, sowing after the recommended time, use of double hybrid seed, and no side-dressing fertilization). However, the average cost was inferior (US$ 8.5), due to a higher yield (4 t). The high technology corn crop was profitable (gross income and profitability index of 14% and 12%, respectively). For the middle technology crop, profitability indexes pointed out that the cropping system needs to be reevaluated by technicians and research institutions, regarding the adequate technical recommendations. Profitability indexes decreased considerably in both cropping systems. It was verified that, in relation to the 2006/2007 harvest period, the total operational cost increased for both technologies, mainly because of the increase of supplies prices.


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This paper proposes a solution to improve the performance of the first order Early Error Sensing (EES) Adaptive Time Delay Tanlock Loops (ATDTL) presented in (Al-Zaabi, Al-Qutayri e Al-Araji, 2005), regarding to frequency estimation and tracking time. The EES-ATDTL are phaselocked-loops (PLL) used to hardware implementations, due to their simple structure. Fixed-points theorems are used to determine conditions for rapid convergence of the estimation process and a estimative of the frecuency input is obtained with a Gaussian filter that improves the gain adaptation. The mathematical models are the presented by (Al-Araji, Al-Qutayri e Al-Zaabi, 2006). Simulations have been performed to evaluate the theoretical results.