989 resultados para Eric Weil
Homem de 20 anos, previamente hígido, com quadro clínico de dispneia paroxística noturna e cansaço aos médios esforços com evolução em torno de dez dias, apresentou, ao exame ecocardiográfico, mixoma em átrio esquerdo funcionando como estenose mitral grave.
No presente trabalho foi determinada a variabilidade de X. malvacearum, em condições de casa de vegetação, baseando-se na reação dos hospedeiros diferenciais para raças fisiológicas do patógeno. A técnica de inoculação empregada foi a de riscos feitos na página inferior das folhas e para avaliação dos sintomas foi adotada uma escala que variou de 1 a 5. Foi detectada a ocorrência das raças fisiológicas 3, 8 e 10. A linhagem do algodoeiro IAC RM3-4133 71/523 foi resistente à raça fisiológica 3, enquanto que as linhagens (Acala x Nu.16) 71/213 e IAC 12-2 71/170 foram resistentes às raças 3, 8 e 10.
Anhand von Bildanalysen wird die ungleiche Kräfteverteilung zwischen amerikanischen Soldaten und vietnamesischen Zivilisten deutlich, die sich in einem "asymmetrischen Krieg" gegenüberstanden. Diese Bildwirkung wird anhand spezifischer Stilmittel, die die Bildsprache ausmachen, verdeutlicht. Der Bildband gilt als "Meisterwerk des Fotojournalismus", weil es Griffiths damit gelingt, die Wahrheit über Krieg zu visualisieren.
Wie sieht es da bei uns in der Technischen Redaktion aus? Oft genug entsteht die Dokumentation als Last-Minute-Produkt", das eigentlich nichts kosten darf, weil irgendjemand bei der Produktkalkulation vergessen hat, die Kosten dafür einzuberechnen. Zeit für eine Benutzeranalyse ist ebenso wenig vorgesehen wie die Überprüfung auf Einhaltung der einschlägigen Normen für Technische Dokumentation. Am Ende steht dann oft die Auslieferung einer Dokumentation, die dem Benutzer nicht die notwendige Unterstützung bietet. In dieser Lektion erhalten Sie keine fertige Lösung, aber viele Ansatzpunkte, wie Sie Ihre Informationsprodukte besser gestalten können: besser" im Sinne einer Gestaltung, die dem Benutzer hilft, die notwendigen Informationen schnell zu finden und zu verstehen. Besser" im Sinne von Ideen, die dem Informationsarchitekten" helfen, eigene Informationsmodule und Konzepte zu entwickeln, die sich für unterschiedliche Produkte, Anforderungen und Budgets anpassen lassen.
Alle Komponenten der Hochfrequenztechnik sind bei jedem Anwendungszweck unterschiedlichen Umwelteinflüssen ausgesetzt. Um einzelne Bauteile oder verschiedene Baugruppen auf ihr Verhalten unter verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen zu untersuchen und um eine stabile Funktionsweise bei diesen zu gewährleisten, wurde ein Messplatz konzipiert, entwickelt und verifiziert. Zur Ansteuerung wurde Labview als Programmierumgebung verwendet. In dieser Arbeit wird nachfolgend auf die Grundlagen dieser Thematik, die verwendeten Geräte mit dazugehörigem Aufbau und die Programmierung in Labview erläutert. Abschließend wird auf die verschiedenen Verifizierungsmessungen eingegangen. Bei diesen wurde ein Verstärker mithilfe eines vektoriellen Netzwerkanalysators auf seine Charakteristiken bei verschiedenen Temperaturen untersucht und mit den Kennwerten des Herstellers verglichen.
Setting: There exists very little supportive valuation literature for the valuation of industrial properties and the present state of research is capable of improvement. Objective: A critical examination of the procedure for the determination of the market value of industrial properties in accordance with § 194 Building Code will be made on the basis of the relevant valuation literature. Based on using standard valuation practices there should be a ground value derived for an industrial estate. Conclusion: When valuing industrial properties economic use is crucial, therefore the income approach is applied in order to attain the market value of the property. Difficulties which may arise include customary approaches for rent, property management costs and interest rates. Based on a Germany-wide cross-comparison with other automobile-producing properties a plausible range for the derivation of the groundvalue was determined. At the time of submission, the determination of the ground value by the expert Committee was unfinished.
Os autores mostraram a necessidade de estudar minuciosamente os fócos da doença para o melhor conhecimento das questões epidemiológicas e clínicas da mesma. Mostraram que os Veados e Cabritos pódem desempenhar papel importante na difusão do virus. Os autores dão gráficos sôbre a reação de Weil-Felix com nove Proteus em homens e animais.
In articles, already published, we have proved that the strain V. B. of Brazilian virus, goes through the placenta (Macacus rhesus) (1) and the apparently normal gastro-intestinal tube (1934-1937) (Canis familiaris) (2). Today we present the idea that the Brazilian virus can reach the milk of an animal even when the latter has only the unapparent disease. In former articles (**), we have shown that the goat (Capra hircus) can be an excellent reservoir of Brazilian virus, having the strain V. B. in its blood and presenting a Weil Felix reaction high and in group, with the disease unapparent. When the goats are bred in the laboratory, and even in some foci of the disease, they give a negative Weil Felix, being zero for all the nine strains of Proteus. In the interior of Brazil, in many localities, goats substitute cows, in supplying milk for children and adults, and in some districts goats milk is considered superior to cows milk, possessing marvellous qualities for men, women an children. Having proved, now, that goats milk can contain the virus even when the animal presents nothing clinically, and having also shown that this virus goes through the digestive tube apparently sound, it is easy to understand how infants-in-arms, that is, only a few months old, living in strictly domestic surroundings, can contract the disease; we have many such cases on record. Protocol of the experiments: Goat nº 2, white, January 1948. This animal had been inoculated with the V. B. strain of the Brazilian virus in June 1947, via intra-peritoneal, presenting nothing then, not even a feverish reaction. On that occasion it was not possible to isolate the virus of the blood, although the Weil Felix reaction was positive, high and in group. Now January 17, 1948, seven months later, the same animal was reinoculated with a semple of virus V. B. in the same manner (intra-peritoneal) two days after bringing forth two sturdy kids. The virus V. B. was obtained from guinea-pig n. 7170 whose thermic graph was as follows: Temperatura 38,8 39,1 39,5 39,4 39,8 40,4 40,2 40,1 - + Necropsy Typical lesions. The spleen weighed 5 grammes. With 3c.c. of emulsion from the nervous system of this guinea-pig, we inoculated not only the goat, as also two guineapigs, number 14 and number 5. The following is the thermic graph of one: - Guinea-pig n. 14 38,9 39,1 39,2 39.2 40,7 41,0 40,5 40,4 40,1 - + Typical lesions. Guinea-pig n. 2 presented the following thermic graph after the infective inoculation: - 39,5 39,7 39,7 39,7 39,5 39,3 39,5 39,5 39,5 etc. Clinically, this animal presented nothing unusual, feeding well and suckling the kids normally. The Weil Felix reaction was positive, in group high very similar to the reaction obtained in June 1947, with the first infective inoculation. On the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh day after the infective inoculation, we took milk from the goat and inoculated male guinea-pigs via intra-celular and via intra-peritoneal, giving 5 c.c. to each animal. Guinea-pig n. 4663, inoculated with 5 c.c. of milk, via intra-muscular, taken on the third day of the infectaive inoculation, presented the following thermic graph: - 38.8 (*) 39,1 39,0 39,1 40,1 40,1 40,8 (**) 40,8 Killed Typical deisions (***). The virus V. B. of this goat, circulated naturally in the blood up to the third day, having passed into the milk, producing nothing in the kids, on account of the natural resistance of these animals to the disease. The Weil Felix reaction and that of Widal for the Burcellas suis, abortus and militensis were negative for the goat and the kids. It is remarkable that, even with inoculation of the living virus after a period of seven months we cannot get a real and absolute immunity of sensitive animals. We shall return to this subject later. The hart Mazama simplicicornis may be a carrier of the virus in Brasil. The experimental serum against the virus of Exanthematic neotropical typhus has not protected guinea-pigs.