831 resultados para Environment impact
Under-boulder communities are listed as a priority habitat as they provide shelter, shade and moisture and play an important role in the life-cycle of many marine algae and animals.
With biochar becoming an emerging soil amendment and a tool to mitigate climate change, there are only a few studies documenting its effects on trace element cycling in agriculture. Zn and Cu are deficient in many human diets, whilst exposures to As, Pb and Cd need to be decreased. Biochar has been shown to affect many of them mainly at a bench or greenhouse scale, but field research is not available. In our experiment we studied the impact of biochar, as well as its interactions with organic (compost and sewage sludge) and mineral fertilisers (NPK and nitrosulfate), on trace element mobility in a Mediterranean agricultural field (east of Madrid, Spain) cropped with barley. At harvesting time, we analysed the soluble fraction, the available fraction (assessed with the diffusive gradients in thin gels technique, DGT) and the concentration of trace elements in barley grain. No treatment was able to significantly increase Zn, Cu or Ni concentration in barley grain, limiting the application for cereal fortification. Biochar helped to reduce Cd and Pb in grain, whereas As concentration slightly increased. Overall biochar amendments demonstrated a potential to decrease Cd uptake in cereals, a substantial pathway of exposure in the Spanish population, whereas mineral fertilisation and sewage sludge increased grain Cd and Pb. In the soil, biochar helped to stabilise Pb and Cd, while marginally increasing As release/mobilisation. Some of the fertilisation practises or treatments increased toxic metals and As solubility in soil, but never to an extent high enough to be considered an environmental risk. Future research may try to fortify Zn, Cu and Ni using other combinations of organic amendments and different parent biomass to produce enriched biochars.
Organizing and managing channels of distribution is an important marketing task. Due to the emergence of electronic commerce on the Internet, e-channel distribution systems have been adopted by many manufacturers. However, academic and anecdotal evidence both point to the pressures arising from this new e-channel manufacturing environment. Questions marks therefore remain on how the addition of this e-channel affects the traditional marketing strategies of leasing and selling. We set up several two-period dual-channel models in which a manufacturer sells a durable product through both a manufacturer-owned e-channel and an independent reseller (leaser) who adopts selling (leasing) to consumers. Our main results indicate that, direct selling cost aside, product durability plays an important role in shaping the strategies of all members. With either marketing strategy, the additional expansion of an e-channel territory may secure Pareto gains, in which all members benefit.
This study considers the potential for influencing business students to become ethical managers by directing their undergraduate learning environment. In particular, the relationship between business students’ academic cheating, as a predictor of workplace ethical behavior, and their approaches to learning is explored. The three approaches to learning identified from the students’ approaches to learning literature are deep approach, represented by an intrinsic interest in and a desire to understand the subject, surface approach, characterized by rote learning and memorization without understanding, and strategic approach, associated with competitive students whose motivation is the achievement of good grades by adopting either a surface or deep approach. Consistent with the hypothesized theoretical model, structural equation modeling revealed that the surface approach is associated with higher levels of cheating, while the deep approach is related to lower levels. The strategic approach was also associated with less cheating and had a statistically stronger influence than the deep approach. Further, a significantly positive relationship reported between deep and strategic approaches suggests that cheating is reduced when deep and strategic approaches are paired. These findings suggest that future managers and business executives can be influenced to behave more ethically in the workplace by directing their learning approaches. It is hoped that the evidence presented may encourage those involved in the design of business programs to implement educational strategies which optimize students’ approaches to learning towards deep and strategic characteristics, thereby equipping tomorrow’s managers and business executives with skills to recognize and respond appropriately to workplace ethical dilemmas.
Os estuários são ambientes complexos, biologicamente diversos e muito importantes no que respeita à produtividade primária. As zonas intertidais destes ecossistemas são ocupadas por organismos que possuem uma elevada capacidade de sobrevivência e adaptação face às variadas e rápidas alterações nos factores ambientais (tais como temperatura, salinidade, conteúdo hídrico, etc.). As cadeias tróficas com origem no ecossistema estuarino bentónico são essencialmente herbívoras, regulando o fluxo de energia desde o fundo sedimentar e através do ecossistema. Nas áreas estuarinas intertidais a produção primária é essencialmente suportada pelo microfitobentos (MPB). Estas comunidades de microalgas bênticas constituem uma importante fonte de matéria orgânica e são por si só a principal fonte alimentar para as populações de Hydrobia. Neste contexto, a interacção MPB - Hydrobia é um modelo-chave na investigação da cadeia trófica estuarina de origem bentónica, actuando como um importante canal de transporte de energia para os níveis tróficos superiores, especialmente se considerarmos que Hydrobia é uma importante presa para peixes, aves e caranguejos. O presente estudo tem por objectivos gerais: i) a investigação do controlo ambiental (particularmente da luz e do teor em água do sedimento) e endógeno na migração vertical do MPB e ii) a identificação e potencial utilização de marcadores tróficos (pigmentos e ácidos gordos) úteis à investigação da interacção MPB – Hydrobia em laboratório e em condições naturais, considerando a existência de uma elevada plasticidade trófica por parte da Hydrobia e a elevada densidade populacional que estes organismos podem apresentar. A primeira fase de investigação resultou na comparação do papel dos estímulos ambientais e do controlo endógeno nos padrões de comportamento migratório vertical do microfitobentos, demonstrando a existência de um controlo essencialmente endógeno na formação e desintegração do biofilme superficial. A regulação e manutenção da biomassa à superfície do sedimento são claramente controladas pela variação dos factores ambientais, em especial da luz, cuja presença é essencial à formação total do biofilme microalgal à superfície do sedimento intertidal. Foi proposta uma nova abordagem metodológica com vista à estimativa nãodestrutiva do teor de água de sedimentos intertidais vasosos , possibilitando o estudo da influência da acção do vento no conteúdo hídrico dos sedimentos e o consequente impacto da dessecação na comunidade microfitobêntica. Observou-se que a dessecação provoca efeitos limitantes não só na biomassa superficial mas também na actividade fotossintética dos biofilmes microfitobênticos, conduzindo à diminuição da produtividade primária. No que respeita à dinâmica trófica da interacção MPB - Hydrobia foi estabelecido o uso do pigmento feoforbide a, quantificado nas partículas fecais da fauna, como marcador trófico que permite estimar a quantidade de biomassa de microalgas (clorofila a) incorporada pelos organismos animais.Para tal foi investigada e comprovada a existência de uma relação significativa entre a concentração de feopigmentos excretados e a concentração de clorofila a ingerida. Estes estudos foram desenvolvidos numa primeira fase à escala diária, considerando os efeitos dos ciclos sazonais, dia-noite e maré, e depois com a validação em condições naturais, numa escala mensal. A taxa de ingestão média de indivíduos de H. ulvae varia ao longo do dia, com o máximo em torno dos períodos diurnos de maré baixa, o que pode estar relacionado com a disponibilidade de MPB. As taxas de ingestão (TI) de H. ulvae variam ainda em função da estação do ano (TI verão > TI primavera) e em função da densidade de indivíduos (> densidade, < ingestão). Verificou-se um efeito negativo na concentração de clorofila disponível após herbívoria independentemente da densidade de indivíduos. Finalmente, a comparação dos perfis de ácidos gordos de H. ulvae provenientes de diferentes habitats com os perfis de potenciais fontes alimentares permitiu demonstrar que os ácidos gordos são ferramentas úteis na identificação do habitat ocupado por estes organismos. No entanto, apesar da ocupação de diferentes habitats e da integração de múltiplas fontes de produção primária na sua dieta foram sempre observados significativos níveis de ácidos gordos específicos de microalgas (em particular diatomáceas), reforçando o papel importante das comunidades de microalgas bênticas na dieta das populações de H. ulvae.
Endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals are considered to be concerning environmental contaminants. During the last two decades, studies dealing with the occurrence and fate of these emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment have raised attention and its number is constantly increasing. The presence of these contaminants in the environment is particularly important since they are known to induce adverse effects in the ecosystems even at extremely low concentrations. Estrogens and antibiotics, in particular, are identified as capable of induce endocrine disruption and contribute for the appearance of multi-resistant bacteria, respectively. A better assessment and understanding of the real impact of these contaminants in the aquatic environment implies the evaluation of their occurrence and fate, which is the main aim of this Thesis. Two estrogens (17-estradiol and 17-ethinylestradiol) and an antibiotic (sulfamethoxazole) were the contaminants under study and their occurrence in surface and waste waters was assessed by the implementation of enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). The assays were optimized in order to accomplish two important aspects: to analyze complex water samples, giving special attention to matrix effects, and to increase the sensitivity. Since the levels of these contaminants in the environment are extremely low, a pre-concentration methodology was also object of study in this Thesis. Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) was developed for the preconcentration of E2 and EE2, subsequently quantified by either highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the previously optimized ELISAs. Moreover, the use of anthropogenic markers, i.e. indicators of human presence or activity, has been discussed as a tool to track the origin and type of contamination. An ELISA for the quantification of caffeine, as an anthropogenic marker, was also developed in order to assess the occurrence of human domestic pollution in Portuguese surface waters. Finally, photodegradation is considered to be one of the most important pathways contributing for the mitigation of pollutants’ presence in the aquatic environment. Both direct and indirect photodegradation of E2 and EE2 were evaluated. Since the presence of humic substances (HS) is known to have a noticeable influence on the photodegradation of pollutants and in order to mimic the real aquatic environment, special attention was given to the influence of the presence and concentration of different fractions of HS on the photodegradation of both hormones.
Ecological studies that examine species-environment relationships are often limited to several meteorological parameters, i.e. mean air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation. The impact of local wind, its speed and direction are less commonly investigated in aerobiological surveys mainly due to difficulties related to the employment of specific analytical tools and interpretation of their outputs. Identification of inoculum sources of economically important plant pathogens, as well as highly allergenic bioaerosols like Cladosporium species, has not been yet explored with remote sensing data and atmospheric models such as Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT). We, therefore, performed an analysis of 24 h intra-diurnal cycle of Cladosporium spp. spores from an urban site in connection with both the local wind direction and overall air mass direction computed by HYSPLIT. The observational method was a volumetric air sampler of the Hirst design with 1 h time resolution and corresponding optical detection of fungal spores with light microscopy. The atmospheric modelling was done using the on-line data set from GDAS with 1° resolution and circular statistical methods. Our results showed stronger, statistically significant correlation (p ≤ 0.05) between high Cladosporium spp. spore concentration and air mass direction compared to the local wind direction. This suggested that a large fraction of the investigated fungal spores had a regional origin and must be located more than a few kilometers away from the sampling point.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
This study addresses our approach to the difficult task of measuring the impact of an eLearning service, the Graduate Virtual Research Environment (GVRE), provided to doctoral students at a UK University since October 2009. The GVRE provides research students with access to a training needs analysis tool which is linked to a repository of video learning resources created by academics and experienced research students. This paper explores the use of the Rugby Team Impact Framework as a guide to measuring impact and our use of a number of techniques to gather evidence about the changes resulting from use of the GVRE. The framework gives four levels of evidence, starting with simple measures of provision, through attendance, interest and to outcomes. As with other research, we found the former easy to assess but the outcomes harder to define. We conclude with a critical evaluation of our research process and outcomes.