991 resultados para Enterprise evaluation
Objective: The aim of the study was to study the psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) in its version for the context of Brazilian adults. Methods: A sample of Brazilian university students from the general population (n = 2314) and a sample of university students identified as cases (n = 88) and noncases (n = 90) of social phobia were assessed, using as a parameter the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. The different instruments were applied individually in the presence of a rater. Results: The SPIN showed adequate internal consistency (.63-.90) and concurrent validity with different instruments of auto- and hetero-evaluation of social phobia. Discriminative validity showed 0.84 to 0.86 sensitivity and 0.84 to 0.87 specificity for cutoff notes between 19 and 21. Factorial analysis showed the presence of a variable number of factors as a function of the different samples. Conclusions: The version of the SPIN studied is quite adequate for use in the context of Brazilian university students, favoring the screening of social phobia. However, further studies using more diverse samples are needed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles of children having rapid maxillary expansion (RME) with a bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance. Methods: The sample consisted of 27 children (mean age, 8.6 years) with posterior crossbite who required RME treatment. Electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles was analyzed before treatment and after the appliance was removed. The mean interval between the 2 analyses was 5 months. Muscular activity was electromyographically analyzed in rest position, and with maximum voluntary dental clenching and chewing. Differences in the 2 measurements were evaluated by using paired t tests. Results and Conclusions: Electromyographic analysis showed that activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles increased significantly after the expansion appliance was removed during rest, dental clenching, and habitual chewing. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:355-60)
To assess the immunization status of pediatric renal transplant patients followed at a single center in Brazil, vaccination charts of all patients aged between one and 18 yr were analyzed both pre- and post-transplantation. Appropriate immunization was defined according to the National Immunization Program (routine vaccines) - for all Brazilian children - and the Special Immunobiological Agents Program that also includes special vaccines for immunodeficient or other high-risk children. A total of 46 patients was evaluated (mean age 13.7 yr; range 4-17 yr). Vaccination charts were found to be up to date in only two patients (4.3%) pretransplant and in two (4.3%) post-transplant. Although 36 patients (62.2%) in the pretransplant phase and 24 (52.1%) in the post-transplant phase had been vaccinated according to the National Immunization Program, they had not received the special vaccines indicated for their immunocompromised condition. Therefore, despite being followed at a referral center, almost all patients presented an incomplete immunization status pre- and post-transplant. This probably reflects missed opportunities and medical/parental apprehension related to vaccination of patients with chronic renal insufficiency, dialysis or kidney transplantation. Efforts should be made to ensure adequate vaccination in children with kidney diseases, especially before kidney transplantation.
The purpose of this study was to deter-mine maximum bite force in molar and incisor regions in young Brazilian indigenous individuals, who have had a natural diet since birth, and compare the sample with white Brazilian individuals. To do this, individuals were paired one-to-one (same weight, height, and Class I facial pattern). A secondary purpose was to elucidate the relation between bite force and gender in both populations. Eighty-two Brazilians took part in this study. Participants were aged between 18 and 28 years and were divided into two groups: 41 Xingu indigenous individuals and 41 white Brazilian individuals, with 28 men and 13 women in each group. The inclusion criteria were: having complete dentition; normal occlusion; no neurological, psychiatric or movement disorders.; no reports of toothaches; having satisfactory periodontal health; absence of large facial skeletal alterations (typical Class II and Class III individuals); and no previous treatments using occlusal splints. To measure maximum bite force, a digital dynamometer model IDDK (Kratos-Equipamentos Industriais Ltda, Cotia, Sao Paulo, Brazil) was used, with a capacity of 1000 N, adapted for oral conditions. Assessments were made in the first molar (right and left) and central incisive regions. Results reveal that mean maximum bite forces in indigenous individuals of the right molar is 421 N, left molar 429 N and incisor region is 194 14 and for white individuals of the right molar is 410 N, left molar 422 N and incisor region is 117 N. Comparing indigenous with white individuals, maximal bite force showed a tendency of being greater in the indigenous group. It was observed that the incisor region showed statistical significance (p < 0.0005) but no significance was observed in the molar region. Moreover, indigenous men showed the highest bite force values. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To assess the development of face and hyoid bone in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) through lateral cephalometries. Materials and methods: Children aged 7-10 years with mixed dentition and with no previous otorhinolaryngologic, orthodontic or speech therapy treatments were studied. Twenty nasal breathers were compared to 20 mouth breathing children diagnosed as OSAS patients. All children underwent otorhinolaryngologic evaluation and cephalometries; children with OSAS also underwent nocturnal polysomnography in a sleep laboratory. Results: Children with OSAS presented increase in total and lower anterior heights of the face when compared to nasal breathers. In addition, children with OSAS presented a significantly more anterior and inferior position of the hyoid bone than nasal breathers. No significant differences in upper, anterior or posterior heights of the face were observed between groups. Conclusion: The results suggest that there are evident and early changes in facial growth and development among children with OSAS, characterized by increased total and inferior anterior heights of the face, as well as more anterior and inferior position of the hyoid bone. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Ligation of the sphenopalatine artery is used to treat severe nasal haemorrhage. The objective of the study was to investigate the numerical variation of the sphenopalatine foramen (SPF), its relation to the ethmoid bone crista of the palatine bone in the lateral nasal wall, its distance from the anterior nasal spine and the angle between this distance and the anterior nasal floor. Material and Methods: Fifty-four hemiskulls were submitted to anatomical study and measurements using the Image Tool 3.0 software. Results: The SPF was single in 87% of the specimens, and more than one orifice was present in 13%. It was possible to establish a relation with the ethmoid crista, which is a surgical reference for the SIT location. The mean values of the measurements were significantly higher in the hemifaces than in the hemiskulls ranging from 54 to 63mm, and angulation ranged from 20 to 32 degrees. Conclusions: In most specimens studied, the SPF was single and located in the superior nasal meatus. The distances measured suggest that these values can be used as distance references for the use of the endoscope for ligation or endonasal cauterization of the branches of the sphenopalatine artery, preventing possible errors and complications.
Objective: Clinical evaluation of the stomatognathic system is indispensable for the diagnosis of orofacial myofunctional disorders. In order to obtain a more precise diagnosis, the protocol of orofacial myofunctional evaluation with scores (OMES protocol) (Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 72 (2008) 367-375) was expanded in terms of number of items and scale amplitude. The proposal of this study is to describe the expanded OMES protocol (OMES-E) for the evaluation of children. Validity of the protocol, reliability of the examiners and agreement between them were analyzed, as also were the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the instrument. Methods: The sample consisted of videorecorded images of 50 children, 25 boys (mean age = 8.4 years, SD = 1.8) and 25 girls (mean age = 8.2 years, SD = 1.7) selected at random from 200 samples. Three speech therapists prepared for orofacial myofunctional evaluation participated as examiners (E). The OMES and OMES-E protocols were used for evaluation on different days. E1 evaluated all images, E2 analyzed children with recordings from 1 to 25 and E3 analyzed children with recordings from 26 to 50. The validity of OMES-E was analyzed by comparing the instrument to the OMES protocol using the Pearson correlation test complemented with the split-half reliability test (p < 0.05). The linear weighted Kappa coefficient of agreement (Kw`), the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values and the prevalence of OMD were calculated. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between the OMES and OMES-E protocols (0.79 > r < 0.94, p < 0.01) and a significant test-retest correlation with the OMES-E (0.75 > r < 0.86, p < 0.01), with a reliability range of 0.86-0.93. The correlation and reliability coefficients between examiners were: E1 x E2 (r = 0.74, 0.84), E1 x E3 (r = 0.70, 0.83) (p < 0.01). Kw` coefficients with moderate and good strength predominated. The OMES-E protocol presented mean sensitivity = 0.91, specificity = 0.77, positive predictive value = 0.87 and negative predictive value = 0.85. The mean prevalence of OMD was 0.58. Conclusion: The OMES-E protocol is valid and reliable for orofacial myofunctional evaluation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plastic surgery is based on improving esthetic for the patient. In most services, the surgery outcome is evaluated in a subjective manner. Aim: to objectively assess the degree of patient satisfaction one year after rhinoplasty using the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation questionnaire at a referral academic center. Materials and Methods: 69 patients operated in the otorhinolaryngology service were selected. The patients were operated upon by third year residents during the period from January to December 2007 and answered the questionnaire translated by the authors of this study. Results: we obtained a mean value of 73.25% of satisfaction for primary rhinoplasty and a mean value of 72.02% of satisfaction for secondary rhinoplasty. Conclusion: the level of satisfaction presented by the patients was considered to be very good.
Objective: In the literature there is no validated instrument for the clinical evaluation of the orofacial myofunctional condition of children that will permit the examiner to express numerically his perception of the characteristics and behaviors observed. The proposal of this study is to describe a protocol for the evaluation of children aged 6-12 years in order to establish relations between the orofacial. myofunctional conditions and numerical scales. The protocol validity, reliability of the examiners and agreement between them was analyzed. Methods: Eighty children aged 6-12 years participated in the study. All were evaluated and 30 were selected at random for the analyses (age range: 72-149 months, mean = 103.3, S.D. = 23.57). Individuals with and without orofacial myofunctional. disorders were included. The examiners were two speech therapists property calibrated in orofacial myofunctional evaluation. Two protocols were constructed. One, based on traditional models, was called traditional orofacial. myofunctional. evaluation (TOME), and the other, with the addition of numerical scales, was called orofacial myofunctional. evaluation with scores (OMES). The clinical conditions included were: appearance, posture and mobility of lips, tongue, cheeks and jaws, respiration, mastication and deglutition. Statistical analysis was performed using the split-half reliability method. Means, standard deviations and the Spearman correlation coefficient were also calculated. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between the evaluations of 30 children assessed with the TOME and OMES protocols (r = 0.85, p < 0.01). The reliability between protocols was 0.92. The test-retest reliability of the OMES instrument was 0.99 and the correlation was 0.98. Reliability between examiners 1 and 2 using the OMES protocol was 0.99, and the correlation was 0.98 (P < 0.01). Conclusion: The OMES protocot proved to be a valid and reliable instrument for orofacial myofunctional evaluation, permitting the grading of orofacial myofunctional conditions within the limits of the selected items. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim: To demonstrate that the evaluation of erythrocyte dysmorphism by light microscopy with lowering of the condenser lens (LMLC) is useful to identify patients with a haematuria of glomerular or non-glomerular origin. Methods: A comparative double-blind study between phase contrast microscopy (PCM) and LMLC is reported to evaluate the efficacy of these techniques. Urine samples of 39 patients followed up for 9 months were analyzed, and classified as glomerular and non-glomerular haematuria. The different microscopic techniques were compared using receiver-operator curve (ROC) analysis and area under curve (AUC). Reproducibility was assessed by coefficient of variation (CV). Results: Specific cut-offs were set for each method according to their best rate of specificity and sensitivity as follows: 30% for phase contrast microscopy and 40% for standard LMLC, reaching in the first method the rate of 95% and 100% of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, and in the second method the rate of 90% and 100% of sensitivity and specificity, respectively. In ROC analysis, AUC for PCM was 0.99 and AUC for LMLC was 0.96. The CV was very similar in glomerular haematuria group for PCM (35%) and LMLC (35.3%). Conclusion: LMLC proved to be effective in contributing to the direction of investigation of haematuria, toward the nephrological or urological side. This method can substitute PCM when this equipment is not available.
Noninvasive assessment of cardiac structure and function is essential to understand the natural course of murine infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and echocardiography have been used to monitor anatomy and function; positron emission tomography (PET) is ideal for monitoring metabolic events in the myocardium. Mice infected with T. cruzi (Brazil strain) were imaged 15-100 days post infection (dpi). Quantitative (18)F-FDG microPET imaging, MRI and echocardiography were performed and compared. Tracer ((18)F-FDG) uptake was significantly higher in infected mice at all days of infection, from 15 to 100 dpi. Dilatation of the right ventricular chamber was observed by MRI from 30 to 100 dpi in infected mice. Echocardiography revealed significantly reduced ejection fraction by 60 dpi. Combination of these three complementary imaging modalities makes it possible to noninvasively quantify cardiovascular function, morphology, and metabolism from the earliest days of infection through the chronic phase.
Objective. To validate a core set of outcome measures for the evaluation of response to treatment in patients with juvenile dermatomyositis (DM). Methods. In 2001, a preliminary consensus-derived core set for evaluating response to therapy in juvenile DM was established. In the present study, the core set was validated through an evidence-based, large-scale data collection that led to the enrollment of 294 patients from 36 countries. Consecutive patients with active disease were assessed at baseline and after 6 months. The validation procedures included assessment of feasibility, responsiveness, discriminant and construct ability, concordce in the evaluation of response to therapy between physicians and parents, redundancy, internal consistency, and ability to predict a therapeutic response. Results. The following clinical measures were found to be feasible, and to have good construct validity, discriminative ability, and internal consistency; furthermore, they were not redundant, proved responsive to clinically important changes in disease activity, and were associated strongly with treatment outcome and thus were included in the final core set: 1) physician`s global assessment of disease activity, 2) muscle strength, 3) global disease activity measure, 4) parent`s global assessment of patient`s well-being, 5) functional ability, and 6) health-related quality of life. Conclusion. The members of the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation, with the endorsement of the American College of Rheumatology and the European Leauge Against Rheumatism, propose a core set of criteria for the evaluation of response of therapy that is scientifically and clinically relevant and statistically validated. The core set will help standardize the conduct and reporting of clinical trials and assist practitioners in deciding whether a child with juvenile DM has responded adequately to therapy.
Background and purpose: Calendula officinalis flowers have long been employed time in folk therapy, and more than 35 properties have been attributed to decoctions and tinctures from the flowers. The main uses are as remedies for burns (including sunburns), bruises and cutaneous and internal inflammatory diseases of several origins. The recommended doses are a function both of the type and severity of the condition to be treated and the individual condition of each patient. Therefore, the present study investigated the potential use of Calendula officinalis extract to prevent UV irradiation-induced oxidative stress in skin. Methods: Firstly, the physico-chemical composition of marigold extract(ME) (hydroalcoholic extract)was assessed and the in vitro antioxidant efficacy was determined using different methodologies. Secondly, the cytotoxicity was evaluated in L929 and HepG2 cells with the MTT assay. Finally, the in vivo protective effect of ME against UVB-induced oxidative stress in the skin of hairless mice was evaluated by determining reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and monitoring the secretion/activity of metalloproteinases. Results and conclusions: The polyphenol, flavonoid, rutin and narcissin contents found in ME were 28.6 mg/g, 18.8 mg/g, 1.6 mg/g and 12.2 mg/g, respectively and evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant activity demonstrated a dose-dependent effect of ME against different radicals. Cytoxicity experiments demonstrated that ME was not cytotoxic for L929 and HepG2 cells at concentrations less than or equal to of 15 mg/mL However, concentrations greater than or equal to 30 mg/mL, toxic effects were observed. Finally, oral treatment of hairless mice with 150 and 300 mg/kg of ME maintained GSH levels close to non-irradiated control mice. In addition, this extract affects the activity/secretion of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 (MMP-2 and -9) stimulated by exposure to UVB irradiation. However, additional studies are required to have a complete understanding of the protective effects of ME for skin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Studies carried Out to assess the effects of antiretroviral drugs (ARV) in HIV-1 infected pregnant women have demonstrated carbohydrate intolerance. Some reports also refer to the effect of disturbances in the expression of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system on pancreas beta-cell function in humans and IGF-2/ApaI polymorphisms have been associated with obesity and features of the metabolic syndromes. in the present study, we tested the association between IGF-2/ApaI genotype and hyperglycemia in HIV-1 infected pregnant women receiving ARV. Design: We studied IGF-2/ApaI polymorphism in 87 healthy pregnant women, 43 HIV-1 infected pregnant women taking ARV with hyperglycemia during pregnancy, and 43 HIV-1-negative pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Blood samples were obtained for DNA extraction, PCR and genotyping. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality, ANOVA and chi-square tests. Results: There were no significant differences in genotype frequency among the three groups analyzed. Considering the HIV-1-infected pregnant women, there were no significant differences in genotype frequency between the zidovudine group and the triple antiretroviral treatment group. There were no significant differences in allele frequencies among the groups evaluated. Non-white pregnant women tended to present the GG genotypes compared to white pregnant women. Conclusion: These results contribute to a better understanding of metabolic glycemic disorders in HIV-1 infected pregnant women using ARV, showing that IGF-2/ApaI polymorphisms are not responsible as a single Causative factor of glycemic alterations. These data indicate that other variables should be studied in order to explain these glycemic abnormalities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.