1000 resultados para Ecossistemas amazônicos
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Fruto da crescente preocupação face à bioacumulação e bioconcentração de poluentes e conscientização dos efeitos do aquecimento global, nos últimos anos têm sido adoptadas inúmeras acções e medidas que visam o controlo de parâmetros indicadores da qualidade do meio, a detecção de substâncias potencialmente perigosas e a promoção/utilização de energias alternativas não poluentes. Neste âmbito, a monitorização em tempo real revela-se fundamental para a análise contínua do equilíbrio dos ecossistemas. Neste contexto, os sensores de fibra óptica, mais concretamente os sensores químicos em fibra óptica possuem um conjunto de características, como por exemplo a miniaturização, baixo custo, versatilidade, biocompatibilidade, capacidade de monitorização remota, que representam uma alternativa tecnológica e economicamente viável. Por outro lado, a utilização de redes de difracção em sensores de fibra óptica, é em adição uma mais-valia para este tipo de sistemas, as redes de período longo pela sua sensibilidade intrínseca ao índice de refracção, e as redes de Bragg pela sua facilidade de interrogação e facilidade de multiplexagem. A presente dissertação tem por objectivo o estudo, desenvolvimento e análise de sensores em fibra óptica para monitorização de espaços ambientais. O presente documento encontra-se organizado em cinco capítulos. O capítulo 1 faz um enquadramento dos sensores de fibra óptica para monitorização ambiental dando relevo aos sensores químicos em fibra óptica. No capítulo 2 expõe-se o conjunto de conceitos necessários para a compreensão do trabalho. A começar pelas redes de difracção em fibra óptica e a suas potencialidades como elementos sensores. Algumas configurações foram detalhadas assim como alguns princípios para interrogação das mesmas. A medição multi-parâmetro e o fabrico de membranas de sensibilidade selectiva são também abordados. O Capitulo 3 refere a primeira configuração desenvolvida, trata-se de um sensor interferométrico baseado numa cavidade Fabry-Pérot, constituído por uma rede de Bragg e a reflectividade da ponta da fibra. O objectivo do sensor é a monitorização do ácido acético e outras espécies carboxílicas em bioreactores. Para tornar a configuração sensível ao ácido foi aplicado um revestimento de Silane-PVP à extremidade da fibra. A configuração sensora demonstrada aufere de características favoráveis, como excelente resolução, resposta linear, não utilização de indicadores, leitura em reflexão e o facto de operar na janela espectral das telecomunicações. O Capítulo 4 apresenta a segunda configuração desenvolvida que tem por objectivo a medição simultânea de salinidade e temperatura. A medição de salinidade é baseada no índice de refracção. Trata-se de um sensor de intensidade auto-referenciado, baseado em três redes de difracção. Uma rede de período longo sensível ao índice de refracção e temperatura e duas redes de Bragg, para interrogação da da rede de período longo e compensação de temperatura. Para discriminação dos parâmetros de interesse foi utilizado o método matricial. A configuração exposta exibe características favoráveis, como excelente resolução, resposta linear, discriminação de índice de refracção e temperatura, leitura em reflexão e o facto de operar na janela espectral das telecomunicações. O Capitulo 5 contém as conclusões e comentários finais ao trabalho. No final da tese seguem-se os anexos, onde se encontram as publicações e comunicações resultantes do trabalho realizado.
A partir do Relatório Bruntland, da UE, o vocábulo sustentabilidade passou a ser utilizado correntemente nas mais variadas áreas de estudo, com especial incidência nas áreas de âmbito sócio-económico e ambiental, tendo em vista alcançar o denominado desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, o conceito sustentabilidade está hoje intimamente relacionado com o desenvolvimento. Como se depreende das múltiplas versões que pretendem definir os conceitos, existe uma complexidade latente, dada a abrangência dos mesmos. Daí que, muitas vezes a utilização destes conceitos, não seja a mais correcta. Inicialmente confinada ao ambiente natural, a sustentabilidade congrega hoje em dia, as componentes social, económica e cultural, bem como o ambiente construído pelo homem. A noção de desenvolvimento sustentável expandiu-se e alargou-se a sectores e actividades económicas específicos, incluindo o Turismo. Neste caso concreto, o sector assume particular importância no contexto da economia mundial, dado o seu dinamismo e crescimento, bem como a contribuição que oferece às economias de muitos países e destinos locais, e ainda porque é uma actividade que envolve uma relação especial entre os visitantes, a actividade económica, o ambiente e as comunidades locais. Contudo, o turismo não permaneceu nem pode permanecer indiferente ao desafio da sustentabilidade, pois apesar de contribuir com cerca de 10 % do total da actividade mundial e ser um dos principais geradores de emprego, causa também impactos significativos no meio natural e construído e no bem-estar e cultural das populações receptoras. Concretamente no caso do turismo em ilhas, o sector representa muitas vezes a força motriz que está por detrás da economia das pequenas ilhas. Todavia, em certas ilhas, a indústria do turismo assumiu tais proporções que ameaça o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas e as próprias culturas. A utilização sustentável e uma política racional de conservação desses mesmos recursos são pré-requisitos essenciais à sua plena exploração, dada a vulnerabilidade da maioria dos pequenos territórios insulares.Neste trabalho, procura-se inicialmente compreender o significado de conceitos como desenvolvimento sustentável e em particular turismo sustentável e turismo sustentável em ilhas. Como caso de estudo, apresenta-se a ilha do Porto Santo, pertencente ao Arquipélago da Madeira. Inicialmente é feita uma caracterização da ilha, desde as suas gentes e cultura, até às infra-estruturas de que hoje dispõe, para depois se procurar compreender a importância e o papel do turismo na economia portossantense, e os impactos que o sector do turismo tem gerado nesta pequena ilha do Atlântico. Apresenta-se, por fim, e de forma sucinta, a avaliação de modelos e soluções de desenvolvimento assentes no turismo sustentável e a apresentação de rácios de avaliação do desenvolvimento turístico sustentável e a sua consequente aplicação à ilha do Porto Santo. Para o efeito, além dos dados recolhidos junto das entidades competentes, elaboraram-se ainda dois questionários: um aos residentes da ilha, outro aos turistas. O objectivo foi o de se retirarem ilações sobre o que os turistas pensam da ilha e, na opinião dos residentes, quais as alterações sócio-económicas e culturais que o turismo trouxe ao Porto Santo. Por fim, apresentam-se as conclusões e recomendações sobre o destino turístico Porto Santo.
Sea urchins are common benthic organisms on coastal ecosystems of tropical and temperate shallow waters. The impact of sea urchins populations in shore communities is density-dependent, and therefore, knowledge of the life history of these animals is important to understand these interactions. Between 2000 and 2005 a population boom of Tripneustes ventricosus was observed in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. In 2004 a research program was started to monitor the population dynamics of T. ventricosus in the archipelago, when it noted a lack of basic information on the biology and reproduction of this species, despite its broad geographic distribution and economic importance in parts of its occurrence. In this context, this work focuses on the reproductive biology of T. ventricosus with emphasis on the description of the gametogenic stages. Between December 2006 and July 2007, ten urchins were collected by snorkeling in two sites of the archipelago, totaling 120 individuals. Gametogenic stages were described for both sexes through microscopic analysis, and were defined as: Recovery, Growing, Premature, Mature and Spawning. Results showed increasing in Gonad index throughout of months of sampling and suggest that the reproductive cycle of the species in the archipelago is annual
Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items
The eutrofization is a natural process of accumulation of nutrients in aquatic´s body that it has been accelerated for the human´s actives, mainly the related with the activities of camp, industrial and the inadequate disposition of the domestic sewage. The enrichment of the aquatic´s body with nutrients, mainly the nitrogen and the phosphorus, and the consequent proliferation of algae and Cyanobacteria can commit the quality of the water for the public provisioning, for the fish farming and for other ends. The problem becomes more critical when there is a shortage of water naturally as in the semi-arid area of the Brazilian northeast. Before that problem this work had as objective evaluates the trophic state of six reservoirs of the basin of River Seridó of Rio Grande of Norte and also estimate the capacity of load of match of the reservoir and risk probabilities based on the established limits by the resolution Conama 357/05. The results demonstrate that the six reservoirs are eutrofization, with concentration of total phosphorus and cloro a in the water upster to 50 e 12 μg l-1. The results show that space homogeneity exists in the state trophic of the reservoirs, but a significant variation interanual in function of the increase of the concentrations of nutrients and decrease of the transparency of the water with the reduction of the body of water accumulated in the reservoirs.The results of the simulation risk estocastic show that the reservoirs could receive annually from 72 to 216 Kg of P, assuming a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 30 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total match in the water of these reservoirs. This load could be high in until 360 kg of P a year in case the managers assume a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 50 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total phosphorus in the waters of these reservoirs
The objectives of this research were to investigate the agrotoxic most used in the Gramorezinho region in the green belt of Natal, and to evaluate the acute toxicity of these, based on the LC50-48h values estimated in tests for Danio rerio, internationally used as test organism. The acute toxicity tests were performed under laboratory conditions, according to standardized methods (ABNT/NBR/15088/04) for this species. The LC50-48h estimated to Tamaron BR was 352.89 mg.L-1, which characterizes that as practically non-toxic, according to toxicological classes cited by Zucker. For Decis 25EC, the LC50-48h estimated was 0.0004156 mg.L-1 (4.156 X 10-4 mg.L-1), which classifies it as highly toxic to this species
The biomonitoring technique for water quality in water bodies has been incorporated increasingly in management of the natural resources, using mainly indices of its aquatic community characteristics. In Brazil the first efforts to use this technique was restricted to the South and the Midwest region of this country. Located in the northeast region, this study was conducted at Rio Grande do Norte state and had as main objective the assessment of water quality in the Piranhas-Açu river using benthic macroinvertebrates community as biological indicators. Thus, were applied two biotic indices, the BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party score system) and the IBF (Family Biotic Index). According the requirements of these indices, two periods of sampling were determined as basic methodology, in dry seasons of 2006 and 2007. The sampling sites were around the municipalities of Açu, Ipanguaçu, Alto do Rodrigues and Pendências. Physical-chemical measurements; a protocol of rapid assessment of diversity of habitats, and determination of the degree of tolerance of each taxon to organic pollution were also performed. The most abundant organisms found in the river were tolerant with the prevalence of Chironomidae (Diptera) and Melanoides tuberculata. This results, together with those ones got in indices application, showed a considerable organic pollution in the four sample places and the reaches were classified as modified to impacted. According to the used indices, this study suggest that this river have significant alteration in the biotic community and water quality on the organic pollution, and this fact, occurs in the reach of the river further downstream, where were expected a good water quality. Considering these results, measures aiming the conservation of this water body are needed regarding as it is inserted into a fragile ecosystem with dry season phenomenon, and the water of this river has extremely importance for the local economy
Considering their commercial importance, as these are the species of freshwater fish more commercialized in Brazil, their occurence in different kinds of aquatic environments (lakes, rivers and dams) and for being tolerant to a wide range of variation of various physical parameters and chemical water, the fish species Oreochromis niloticus, Cyprinus carpio and Colossoma macropomum were chosen for this study, furthermore, to test the toxicity we used the herbicide Roundup. The fingerlings of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), commun carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) were submitted to the herbicide roundup in the following concentrations: 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, 0.0 (control); 13,89; 14,86; 15,83; 16,81 and 17,78 mg.L-1, and 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, respectively, three for 96 hours. The LC50 - 96h for O. niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum was 21,63, 15,33 and 20,06 mg.L-1 of the herbicide roundup, respectively. The results show that this herbicide is classified as slightly toxic to the three species. The values of dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature recorded in the aquarium control and aquarium experimental of the three fish species have remained without significant variations during the tests, which reduces the possibility of death caused by sudden variations of these parameters during the 96 hours the experiment. The values of LC50 between different species of fish were observed, noting that the species O.niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum showed no expressive differences. The values of environmental risk of Roundup were calculated to obtain more stringent parameters in assessing the dangerousness of those on nontargets. The risk of environmental contamination by Roundup for the Nile tilapia, common carp, and tambaqui are low for the lowest application rate (1 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m). The dilution of 100%, the highest recommended dose (5 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m) the risk is moderate for the three species. The values of the Risk Ratio (QR) were greater than 0,1, indicating that the values of the CAE and LC50 are above acceptable levels and there is a need, this study, a refinement in ecotoxicological tests
Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent
In Brazilian semiarid region, the majority of water bodies are temporary and the biodiversity in these ecosystems is poorly known. The goal of this study was to describe the temporal variation of benthic macroinvertebrates in an intermittent stream in the Brazilian semiarid region. From March to July of 2009, surveys of benthic macroinvertebrates and water physiochemical parameters were done in a first order stream located at Piranhas-Açu River basin. 25 macroinvertebrates families were found, 21 belonging to Insecta class. The chironomids were the most abundant group during all study period and were represented by 19 genus. The largest densities and taxonomic richness were seen in the drying phase of the stream while the smallest values were found in the period with the heaviest rainfalls ( wet phase ). Only the families Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae were found during all study period, suggesting that these groups have better adaptations to support floods and droughts. Furthermore, these two groups seemed to be pioneering in this stream. Among the chironomids, Paratendipes dominated the period of floods while Tanytarsus were more abundant in the drying phase . This study showed that hydrological fluctuation is the main force influencing the macroinvertebrate community in this stream, therefore, efforts seeking the conservation and management of Brazilian semiarid water bodies should consider this high natural variability in flow regime
Marine shrimp farming has grown exponentially during the last years in Brazil. In spite of the promising economical situation, this activity is facing an increasing criticism due to its environmental impact. Thus, the necessity of alternatives to mitigate environmental degradation caused by this activity. An alternative that is being studied is the policulture that is the integrated culture of two or more organisms, normally one of them a filtering organism. Among filtering organisms, macroalgae are very practicable because they are efficient in the removal of the exceeding nutrients of the water and do not leave residues in the water. Besides, the integrated culture with macroalgae allows the economical exploration of the seaweed (for the manufacture of jelly and jam, for the dairy industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) along with possibility of a sustainable aquaculture. In the present experiment, the development of the seaweed Gracilaria birdiae, the influence and tolerance of this species to the environmental parameters, and its absorption efficiency in relation with the three kinds of macronutrients (NH4+, NO3- and PO4-3) found in the effluents of marine shrimp farming was studied. The experiment was divided in two parts: a laboratorial part and one part carried under natural conditions. The water used in the laboratory trial was collected in the shrimp ponds of Tecnarão farm and distributed in aquaria containing 20 g of G. birdiae. In the field trial, 0.5 kg of G. birdiae was inserted in PVC cages cultivated in the farm. The results of the study showed a modest growth of G. birdiae, probably due to its low tolerance to highly eutrophicated environments. However, the removal of nutrients was very expressive. Ammonia was reduced in approximately 34 %. Ortho-phosphate showed a reduction of 93.5 %. The capacity of biofiltration of the NO3- by the macro algae was of 100 %, showing that G. birdiae is a seaweed-filtered with a high level of removal for this nutrient under laboratorial conditions. In spite of the low growth of the macro algae in the experiment, the results in relation to the removal of nutrients of the water was encouraging, suggesting that this species can be an efficient biofilter and thus, a strong candidate to be used in a sustainable aquaculture
Despite the importance of coral reefs to humanity, these environments have been threatened throughout the world. Several factors contribute to the degradation of these ecosystems. The Maracajaú Reef Complex, in Rio Grande do Norte state is part of the Coral Reefs Environment Preservation Area in northeastern Brazil. This area has been receiving an increasing influx of tourism and the integrity of the local reefs is a matter of concern. In this study, the reef macroalgae communities were studied and compared within two areas distinguished by the presence or absence of tourism activities. Two sample sites were chosen: the first one, where diving activities are intense; and the other, where these practices do not occur. Samples were collected at both sites within a quadrate of 625 cm2 of area randomly thrown 5 times along a 10 meters transect line. Richness, Shannon-Hill diversity and Simpson dominance indices were determined based on biomass data. Similarity between sites was analyzed with Bray-Curtis similarity and distance index. Fifty-eight macroalgae species were observed, including 7 Chlorophyta, 13 Phaeophyta and 38 Rhodophyta. In the non-disturbed site, 49 species were found, while at the disturbed site, there were 42 species. Dictyotaceae and Corallinaceae were the most representative families at the non-disturbed site, and Rhodomelaceae and Dictyotaceae at the disturbed site. The non-disturbed site presented a higher biomass and the greatest richness and diversity indices. In the disturbed site the dominance index was greater and Caulerpa racemosa was the dominant species. The dendogram based on similarity index showed two major clusters, and an isolated element at the center that corresponds to a sample from the disturbed site. In the first cluster, samples from the non-impacted site were predominant and fleshy brown algae were more conspicuous. The second cluster was composed primarily of samples from the impacted site, where C. racemosa and red filamentous and erect calcareous algae associations (turf forming) were observed covering large extensions. These associations are represented by groups of algae adapted to environments where disturbances are frequent. They can grow rapidly on substrate where benthic community was removed and do not allow the establishment of other species. The results of the present study show that tourism activity is an impacting factor that has been causing shifts in macroalgae communities in the Maracajaú Reef Complex
The incidence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms is one of the important consequences of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. It is a very common phenomenon in reservoirs and shrimp ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Cyanobacterias produce toxins which can affect aquatic organisms and men trough the food chain. Aiming to contribute to the studies of cyanobacterias in RN, we propose: a) to evaluate the toxicity of isolated cyanobacterias in important fresh-water environments; and b) to verify the effects of both natural and cultured blooms occurred in reservoirs for human supply and in the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. This study was carried out using samples of natural blooms occurred between March and October of 2004 in Gargalheiras Dam (08º L e 39º W), in July of 2004 in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Dam (06o S e 37o W) and in commercial shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannamei) located in fresh-water environments. The samples were collected with plankton net (20µm.) for identification, isolation and obtaining of phytoplanktonic biomass for liophilization and later toxicity bioassays. The toxicity of cultured samples and natural blooms was investigated through bioassays in Swiss mice. Quantification of cyanobacteria in samples was conducted following the Ütermol method, with 300mL samples fixed with lugol. The toxicity test with Ceriodaphnia silvestrii followed ABNT, 2001 recommendations, and were accomplished with natural hepatotoxic bloom s samples and cultured samples of both non-toxic and neurotoxic C. raciborskii. In this test, five newborns, aged between 6 and 24 hours, were exposed to different concentrations (0 a 800 mg.L-1) of crude cyanobacterial extracts during 24 and 48 hours. Three replicates were used per treatment. The pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen at the beginning and after 24 and 48hours from the test were measured. We estimated the CL50 through the Trimmed Spearman-Karber method. The blooms were constituted by Microcystis panniformis, M. aeruginosa, Anabaena circinalis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Planktothrix agardhii, producers of mycrocistin-LR confirmed with HPLC analysis. Samples of hepatotoxic blooms registered toxinogenic potential for C. silvestrii, with CL50-24h value of 47.48 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 38.15 mg.L-1 for GARG samples in march/2005; CL50-24h of 113,13 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 88,24 mg.L-1 for ARG July/2004; CL50-24h of 300.39 mg.L-1 and CL50-48h of 149.89 mg.L-1 for GARG October/2005. For cultured samples, values of CL50-24h and CL50-48h for C. raciborskii toxic strains were 228.05 and 120.28 mg.L-1, respectively. There was no mortality of C. silvestrii during the tests with non-toxic C. raciborskii strain. The toxicity test with C. silvestrii presented good sensitivity degree to cyanotoxins. The toxicity of natural hepatotoxic blooms samples (microcystins) and cultured neurotoxic saxitoxins producer samples analyzed in this study give us strong indications of that toxin s influence on the zooplanktonic community structure in tropical aquatic environments. Eleven cyanobacteria strains were isolated, representing 6 species: Anabaenopsis sp., Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Chroococcus sp., Microcystis panniformis, Geitlerinema unigranulatum e Planktothrix agardhii. None presented toxicity in Swiss mice. The strains were catalogued and deposited in the Laboratório de Ecologia e Toxicologia de Organismos Aquáticos (LETMA), in UFRN, and will be utilized in ecotoxicológical and ecophysiological studies, aiming to clarify the causes and control of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic environments in RN. This state s reservoirs must receive broader attention from the authorities, considering the constant blooms occurring in waters used for human consumption
Strandings of live or dead aquatic mammals constitute an important instrument to provide information regarding the occurrence, biology and ecology of these species. The aim of this study was to register the stranded species of cetaceans, the frequency and the spatial-temporal distribution of theses strandings during the period of 1984 to 2005, in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Data was acquired through the monitoring of strandings in the north, north-west and south coast of RN, and through information obtained from institutions and newspaper archives of the State. A total of 122 strandings of cetaceans were registered along the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Of the 14 species of cetaceans registered, four species had higher frequencies: Sotalia guianensis (n= 65), Steno bredanensis (n = 6), Globicephala macrorhynchus (n = 6) and Physeter macrocephalus (n = 7). Out of 118 strandings, 93 occurred in the south coast (78.8 %), 23 in the north coast (19.5%) and 2 (1.7%) in the north-west coast of the State. The highest frequency of strandings occurred during the months of August to March and the maximum number of strandings occurred from 2000 onwards, as a consequence of the intense monitoring of the Pequenos Cetáceos Project in Rio Grande do Norte