999 resultados para Dispersal stages


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In networks of plant-animal mutualisms, different animal groups interact preferentially with different plants, thus forming distinct modules responsible for different parts of the service. However, what we currently know about seed dispersal networks is based only on birds. Therefore, we wished to fill this gap by studying bat-fruit networks and testing how they differ from bird-fruit networks. As dietary overlap of Neotropical bats and birds is low, they should form distinct mutualistic modules within local networks. Furthermore, since frugivory evolved only once among Neotropical bats, but several times independently among Neotropical birds, greater dietary overlap is expected among bats, and thus connectance and nestedness should be higher in bat-fruit networks. If bat-fruit networks have higher nestedness and connectance, they should be more robust to extinctions. We analyzed 1 mixed network of both bats and birds and 20 networks that consisted exclusively of either bats (11) or birds (9). As expected, the structure of the mixed network was both modular (M = 0.45) and nested (NODF = 0.31); one module contained only birds and two only bats. In 20 datasets with only one disperser group, bat-fruit networks (NODF = 0.53 +/- A 0.09, C = 0.30 +/- A 0.11) were more nested and had a higher connectance than bird-fruit networks (NODF = 0.42 +/- A 0.07, C = 0.22 +/- A 0.09). Unexpectedly, robustness to extinction of animal species was higher in bird-fruit networks (R = 0.60 +/- A 0.13) than in bat-fruit networks (R = 0.54 +/- A 0.09), and differences were explained mainly by species richness. These findings suggest that a modular structure also occurs in seed dispersal networks, similar to pollination networks. The higher nestedness and connectance observed in bat-fruit networks compared with bird-fruit networks may be explained by the monophyletic evolution of frugivory in Neotropical bats, among which the diets of specialists seem to have evolved from the pool of fruits consumed by generalists.


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Tropical forests have been subject to intense hunting of medium and large frugivores that are important in dispersing large-seeded species. It has been hypothesized that in areas with extinction or low abundance of medium and large-bodied animals the density of small rodents may increase. Therefore, this increment in the density of small rodents may compensate for the absence or low abundance of medium and large frugivores on seed removal and seed dispersal. Here, we fill up this gap in the literature by determining if seed removal, seed dispersal, and seed predation by small rodents (spiny rats, Trinomys inheringi and squirrels, Sciurus ingrami) are maintained in defaunated areas. We accessed seed removal, seed dispersal, seed predation, and seedling recruitment of an endemic Atlantic rainforest palm, Astrocaryum aculeatissimum, in a gradient of abundance of agoutis. We found that seed removal, scatter hoarding, and seed predation increase with the abundance of agoutis. In contrast, the proportion of dispersed but non-cached seeds decreased with the abundance of agoutis. We did not find any effect of the abundance of agoutis on seed dispersal distance, but we did find a positive trend on the density of seedlings. We concluded that small rodents do not compensate the low abundance of agoutis on seed removal, scatter hoarding, and seed predation of this palm tree. Moreover, areas in which agoutis are already extinct did not present any seed removal or scatter hoarding, not even by small rodents. This study emphasizes both the importance of agoutis in dispersing seeds of A. aculeatissimum and the collapse in seed dispersal of this palm in areas where agoutis are already extinct.


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Mutualistic interactions involving pollination and ant-plant mutualistic networks typically feature tightly linked species grouped in modules. However, such modularity is infrequent in seed dispersal networks, presumably because research on those networks predominantly includes a single taxonomic animal group (e.g. birds). Herein, for the first time, we examine the pattern of interaction in a network that includes multiple taxonomic groups of seed dispersers, and the mechanisms underlying modularity. We found that the network was nested and modular, with five distinguishable modules. Our examination of the mechanisms underlying such modularity showed that plant and animal trait values were associated with specific modules but phylogenetic effect was limited. Thus, the pattern of interaction in this network is only partially explained by shared evolutionary history. We conclude that the observed modularity emerged by a combination of phylogenetic history and trait convergence of phylogenetically unrelated species, shaped by interactions with particular types of dispersal agents.


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Malaria is still a major health problem in developing countries. It is caused by the protist parasite Plasmodium, in which proteases are activated during the cell cycle. Ca(2+) is a ubiquitous signalling ion that appears to regulate protease activity through changes in its intracellular concentration. Proteases are crucial to Plasmodium development, but the role of Ca(2+) in their activity is not fully understood. Here we investigated the role of Ca(2+) in protease modulation among rodent Plasmodium spp. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptides, we verified protease activity elicited by Ca(2+) from the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) after stimulation with thapsigargin (a sarco/endoplasmatic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) inhibitor) and from acidic compartments by stimulation with nigericin (a K(+)/H(+) exchanger) or monensin (a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger). Intracellular (BAPTA/AM) and extracellular (EGTA) Ca(2+) chelators were used to investigate the role played by Ca(2+) in protease activation. In Plasmodium berghei both EGTA and BAPTA blocked protease activation, whilst in Plasmodium yoelii these compounds caused protease activation. The effects of protease inhibitors on thapsigargin-induced proteolysis also differed between the species. Pepstatin A and phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF) increased thapsigargin-induced proteolysis in P. berghei but decreased it in P. yoelii. Conversely. E64 reduced proteolysis in P. berghei but stimulated it in P. yoelii. The data point out key differences in proteolytic responses to Ca(2+) between species of Plasmodium. (C) 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In many mammals social organization promotes genetic structuring, which can be influenced by the dispersal pattern of the species. We analyzed the population genetic structure and dispersal of white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecan) from the Pantanal, Brazil. We genotyped 100 individuals at 7 microsatellite loci from 2 adjacent locations with no obvious geographic barrier between them. We found a significant but low F(ST) value, and the Bayesian analysis indicated a unique cluster. No significant differences were observed between mean assignment indices of resident males and females from both locations, and the probability of being born at the location sampled of > 30% of the individuals analyzed was lower than average. Mean relatedness between resident female, male, and opposite-sex pairs was not statistically different in both locations. These results suggest a low degree of genetic differentiation between the locations analyzed, and dispersal by both sexes (contrary to the predicted male-biased dispersal of most mammalian species).


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Phacellophora camtschatica has long been assigned to the semaeostome scyphozoan family Ulmaridae. Early stages (scyphistomae, strobilae, ephyrae, postephyrae, and young medusae) of the species were compared with those of several other semaeostomes currently assigned to Ulmaridae, Pelagiidae, and Cyaneidae. Juveniles of P. camtschatica did not strictly conform with characters of those of any of these families, and appeared intermediate between Cyaneidae and Ulmaridae. A new family, Phacellophoridae, is proposed to accommodate P. camtschatica.


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This is a reply to Ortega-Baes` et al. (2010) survey of 25 Argentinean species of cacti evaluated for vivipary. We argue that the sample size and geographic area of the species investigated is insufficient to totally exclude the putative commonness of this condition in the Cactaceae. We indicate possible reasons why they did not find viviparous fruits in their survey. Failure to detect vivipary in cacti of NW Argentina may be correlated with limited taxonomic sampling and geographic region in addition to intrinsic and extrinsic plant factors, including different stages of fruit and seed development and genetic, ecological, and edaphic aspects, which, individually or in concert, control precocious germination. We uphold that viviparity is putatively frequent in this family and list 16 new cases for a total of 53 viviparous cacti, which make up ca. 4% incidence of viviparism in the Cactaceae, a substantially higher percentage than most angiosperm families exhibiting this condition. The Cactaceae ranks fourth in frequency of viviparity after the aquatic families of mangroves and seagrasses. We suggest the re-evaluation of cactus vivipary, primarily as a reproductive adaptation to changing environments and physiological stress with a secondary role as a reproductive strategy with limited offspring dispersal/survival and fitness advantages. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Metabolic Syndrome is a group of conditions related to obesity and physical inactivity. Little is known about the role of physical inactivity, in early stages of development, in the susceptibility to insulin resistant phenotype induced by high fat diet. Akt plays a key role in protein synthesis and glucose transport in skeletal muscle and has been regulated by muscle activity. The objective of present study was to determine the effect of early physical inactivity on muscle growth and susceptibility to acquire a diabetic phenotype and to assess its relationship with Akt expression. Forty Wistar male rats were distributed in two groups (standard group, Std) and movement restriction (RM). Between days 23 and 70 after birth, RM group was kept in small cages that did not allow them to perform relevant motor activity. From day 71 to 102 after birth, 10 rats of each group were fed with hyperlipidic diet (groups Std-DAG and RM-DAG). No differences were observed in total body weight although DAG increased epididymal fat pad weight. RM decreased significantly the soleus weight. Insulin-mediated glucose uptake was lower in RM-DAG group. Akt protein levels were lower in RM groups. Real time RT-PCR analysis showed that movement restriction decreased mRNA levels of AKT1 in soleus muscle, regardless of supplied diet. These findings suggest that early physical inactivity limits muscle`s growth and contributes to instauration of insulin resistant phenotype, which can be partly explained by dysregulation of Akt expression.


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The presence, development and production of mycotoxins by Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides were studied in corn ears under field conditions after artificial contamination of corn silks. The planted area was divided into five treatments: T1, inoculated with A.flavus solution containing 1 x 10(8) spores, ears covered; T2, inoculated with F. verticillioides solution containing 1 X 10(8) spores, ears covered; T3, inoculated with E verticillioides plus A. flavus solution containing 1 x 10(8) spores of each, ears covered; T4, sprayed with sterile phosphate-buffered saline, ears covered; TS, non-sprayed silks, uncovered ears. Soil and air samples were also collected and analysed for the occurrence of fungi. Water activity, relative air humidity, rainfall and temperature were determined to assess the correlation between abiotic factors and the presence of fungi in the samples. Contamination with the inoculated fungus predominated in T1 and T2. In the other treatments, F. verticillioides was the most frequently isolated contaminant irrespective of treatment. Considering the production of mycotoxins, a positive relation between the production of fumonisins B-1 and B-2 and the frequency of F. verticillioides was statistically verified in all treatments. (C) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Herein, we show that intraerythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum have an active pathway for biosynthesis of menaquinone. Kinetic assays confirmed that plasmodial menaquinone acts at least in the electron transport. Similarly to Escherichia coli, we observed increased levels of menaquinone in parasites kept under anaerobic conditions. Additionally, the mycobacterial inhibitor of menaquinone synthesis Ro 48-8071 also suppressed menaquinone biosynthesis and growth of parasites, although off-targets may play a role in this growth-inhibitory effect. Due to its absence in humans, the menaquinone biosynthesis can be considered an important drug target for malaria. (c) 2010 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas` disease, alternates between different morphogenetic stages that face distinct physiological conditions in their invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, likely in the availability of glucose. While the glucose transport is well characterized in epimastigotes of T cruzi, nothing is known about how the mammalian stages acquire this molecule. Herein glucose transport activity and expression were analyzed in the three developmental stages present in the vertebrate cycle of T cruzi. The infective trypomastigotes showed the highest transport activity (V(max) = 5.34 +/- 0.54 nmol/min per mg of protein: K(m) = 0.38 +/- 0.01 mM) when compared to intracellular epimastigotes (V(max) = 2.18 +/- 0.20 nmol/min per mg of protein; K(m) = 0.39 +/- 0.01 mM). Under the conditions employed no transport activity could be detected in amastigotes. The gene of the glucose transporter is expressed at the mRNA level in trypomastigotes and in intracellular epimastigotes but not in amastigotes, as revealed by real-time PCR. In both trypomastigotes and intracellular epimastigotes protein expression could be detected by Western blot with an antibody raised against the glucose transporter correlating well with the transport activity measured experimentally. Interestingly, anti-glucose transporter antibodies showed a strong reactivity with glycosome and reservosome organelles. A comparison between proline and glucose transport among the intracellular differentiation forms is presented. The data suggest that the regulation of glucose transporter reflects different energy and carbon requirements along the intracellular life cycle of T cruzi. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The various stages of the interaction between the detergent Triton X-100 (TTX-100) and membranes of whole red blood cells (RBC) were investigated in a broad range of detergent concentrations. The interaction was monitored by RBC hemolysis-assessed by release of intracellular hemoglobin (Hb) and inorganic phosphate- and by analysis of EPR spectra of a fatty acid spin probe intercalated in whole RBC suspensions, as well as pellets and supernatants obtained upon centrifugation of detergent-treated cells. Hemolysis finished at ca. 0.9 mM TTX-100. Spectral analysis and calculation of order parameters (S) indicated that a complex sequence of events takes place, and allowed the characterization of various structures formed in the different stages of detergent-membrane interaction. Upon reaching the end of cell lysis, essentially no pellet was detected, the remaining EPR signal being found almost entirely in the supernatants. Calculated order parameters revealed that whole RBC suspensions, pellets, and supernatants possessed a similar degree of molecular packing, which decreased to a small extent up to 2.5 mM detergent. Between 3.2 and 10 mM TTX-100, a steep decrease in S was observed for both whole RBC suspensions and supernatants. Above 10 mM detergent, S decreased in a less pronounced manner and the EPR spectra approached that of pure TTX-100 micelles. The data were interpreted in terms of the following events: at the lower detergent concentrations, an increase in membrane permeability occurs: the end of hemolysis coincides with the lack of pellet upon centrifugation. Up to 2.5 mM TTX-100 the supernatants consist of a (very likely) heterogeneous population of membrane fragments with molecular packing similar to that of whole cells. As the detergent concentration increases, mixed micelles are formed containing lipid and/or protein, approaching the packing found in pure TTX-100 micelles. This analysis is in agreement with the models proposed by Lasch (Biochim. Biophys Acta 1241 (1995) 269-292) and by Le Maire and coworkers (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1508 (2000) 86-111). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Blastocladiella emersonii life cycle presents a number of drastic biochemical and morphological changes, mainly during two cell differentiation stages: germination and sporulation. To investigate the transcriptional changes taking place during the sporulation phase, which culminates with the production of the zoospores, motile cells responsible for the dispersal of the fungus, microarray experiments were performed. Among the 3,773 distinct genes investigated, a total of 1,207 were classified as differentially expressed, relative to time zero of sporulation, at at least one of the time points analyzed. These results indicate that accurate transcriptional control takes place during sporulation, as well as indicating the necessity for distinct molecular functions throughout this differentiation process. The main functional categories overrepresented among upregulated genes were those involving the microtubule, the cytoskeleton, signal transduction involving Ca(2+), and chromosome organization. On the other hand, protein biosynthesis, central carbon metabolism, and protein degradation were the most represented functional categories among downregulated genes. Gene expression changes were also analyzed in cells sporulating in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of glucose or tryptophan. Data obtained revealed overexpression of microtubule and cytoskeleton transcripts in the presence of glucose, probably causing the shape and motility problems observed in the zoospores produced under this condition. In contrast, the presence of tryptophan during sporulation led to upregulation of genes involved in oxidative stress, proteolysis, and protein folding. These results indicate that distinct physiological pathways are involved in the inhibition of sporulation due to these two classes of nutrient sources.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder (after Alzheimer's disease) and directly affects upto 5 million people worldwide. The stages (Hoehn and Yaar) of disease has been predicted by many methods which will be helpful for the doctors to give the dosage according to it. So these methods were brought up based on the data set which includes about seventy patients at nine clinics in Sweden. The purpose of the work is to analyze unsupervised technique with supervised neural network techniques in order to make sure the collected data sets are reliable to make decisions. The data which is available was preprocessed before calculating the features of it. One of the complex and efficient feature called wavelets has been calculated to present the data set to the network. The dimension of the final feature set has been reduced using principle component analysis. For unsupervised learning k-means gives the closer result around 76% while comparing with supervised techniques. Back propagation and J4 has been used as supervised model to classify the stages of Parkinson's disease where back propagation gives the variance percentage of 76-82%. The results of both these models have been analyzed. This proves that the data which are collected are reliable to predict the disease stages in Parkinson's disease.