900 resultados para Developing competencies at the Geography
We reflect on the politics of establishing catchment management agencies in South Africa with a specific focus on the Breede-Overberg Catchment Management Agency (BOCMA), which was recently replaced by the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency (BGCMA). We do so by applying the framework of adaptive comanagement and its institutional prescriptions: collaboration, experimentation, and a bioregional approach. We start by introducing the history of this catchment management agency (CMA) and then describe the establishment of CMAs in South Africa in general and that of BOCMA in particular. We follow the framework for rule types and types of river basin organizations set out by the editors of this special feature with reference to adaptive comanagement where applicable. We then discuss the politics and strategies involved in the introduction of the CMA concept to the National Water Act and the latest developments around these institutions in South Africa. This is followed by reflections on what can be surmised about BOCMA’s democratic functioning and performance to date. We conclude by reflecting on the future of operations of the new BGCMA and CMAs in South Africa in general. While our research shows that BOCMA’s establishment process has featured several elements of adaptive comanagement and its institutional prescriptions, it remains to be seen to what extent it is possible to continue implementing this concept when further developing and operationalizing the BGCMA and the country’s other CMAs.
Global environmental changes (GEC) such as climate change (CC) and climate variability have serious impacts in the tropics, particularly in Africa. These are compounded by changes in land use/land cover, which in turn are driven mainly by economic and population growth, and urbanization. These factors create a feedback loop, which affects ecosystems and particularly ecosystem services, for example plant-insect interactions, and by consequence agricultural productivity. We studied effects of GEC at a local level, using a traditional coffee production area in greater Nairobi, Kenya. We chose coffee, the most valuable agricultural commodity worldwide, as it generates income for 100 million people, mainly in the developing world. Using the coffee berry borer, the most serious biotic threat to global coffee production, we show how environmental changes and different production systems (shaded and sun-grown coffee) can affect the crop. We combined detailed entomological assessments with historic climate records (from 1929-2011), and spatial and demographic data, to assess GEC's impact on coffee at a local scale. Additionally, we tested the utility of an adaptation strategy that is simple and easy to implement. Our results show that while interactions between CC and migration/urbanization, with its resultant landscape modifications, create a feedback loop whereby agroecosystems such as coffee are adversely affected, bio-diverse shaded coffee proved far more resilient and productive than coffee grown in monoculture, and was significantly less harmed by its insect pest. Thus, a relatively simple strategy such as shading coffee can tremendously improve resilience of agro-ecosystems, providing small-scale farmers in Africa with an easily implemented tool to safeguard their livelihoods in a changing climate.
Despite vast literatures on interest representation in the United States (US) and the European Union (EU), few studies have tried to compare lobbying across the two cases. Those who do are interested primarily in the existence of different lobbying styles and distinguish between an aggressive pressure group approach in the US and a more consensus oriented informational lobbying in the EU. However, the origins of these differences have received little attention and references most often point to different political “cultures” and lobbying traditions. This paper takes issue with this cultural explanation and links the observed lobbying styles with differences in the design of the political institutions that private actors have to interact with. It argues that divided policy authority in the US allows for interest group bargaining while shared policy competencies in the EU constrain not only policy-makers but also lobbyists to adopt a more consensus-oriented approach. The effect of political institutions on the form of lobbying, in turn, can have important implications for the comparison of different policy areas across countries, because the policy stances of private actors cannot always be assumed to be exogenous to the policy process in which they are active.
In modern society, blood donor motivation and recruitment is a fundamental part of health care delivery. Well defined and documented programmes exist throughout the world but new ideas are always welcome. The situation in the Sudan is different and much remains to be done by way of comparison with elsewhere. This thesis outlines the objectives of a study, how it was supported, sponsored and achieved. It describes briefly the geography of the Sudan, the source of Sudanese economy, climate, culture and historical backgrounds. The problems of existing services in the Sudan are reviewed and a brief account of the demographic characteristics of the Sudanese population is given. Two surveys done in West of Scotland and in the Sudan are described in detail. This work discloses and compares the positive motives that enhances giving of blood and the negative motives that hinders its donation. The comparison is between an Eastern Society with a voluntary motivation not fully activated because of lack of understanding and awareness of the need to give blood voluntarily for strangers and Western Society with a well established voluntary system of donation. An addition to this research was the investigation into the immunity to tetanus and hepatitis in the Sudanese population. An estimate of the percentage of individuals with detectable levels of hepatitis A and B antibodies and tetanus antibodies is included since there is a need to establish a plasmapheresis programme as part of a good Blood Transfusion Service for the procurement of specific immunoglobulin's. This work has revealed major differences between the West of Scotland and the Sudan and suggestions are made for their resolution. The main conclusion and comparison are summarised in Chapter 7. It is hoped that many of the suggestions in this thesis can be introduced in the Sudan at an early date.
The coastal districts, as an intersection of two perfectly different ecosystems of dry land and sea, is one of the most complicated and the richest natural system on earth. Considering these areas are constantly exposed to aggregation of water pollutants and also consequence resulting from construction and development activities, they are very vulnerable. Therefore, "sensitive Coastal areas" has become a common word in the related subjects to marine environment recently. The said title relates to the areas of the coastal lines which are vulnerable to the natural condition or human actions because of ecological, social, economic, educational and research importance, also they need particular supports. The southern coasts of Caspian Sea, In Iran prominent samples are of these sensitive areas which their environment are exposed to demolition and destruction intensely, due to increasing and uncontrolled development. The first stage of protecting and managing the coastal areas is identifying sensitive Coastal areas and broadening the Coasts. In this survey, we attempted to examine a definite area in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea. In Iran, by profiting from the world experiences and concluded researches in Iran especially the concluded studies by marine environment office and the Environment protection organization on the subject of determination criteria of the sensitive ecological districts. For this purpose (In Gilan Province) Boujagh national park district which is located in the mouth of sefidroud river and also is possessed of the special ecological and environmental features and distinctions. In this survey, first they said district is divided proportionally on the basis of using a grid system in order to identify the sensitive ecological districts and broaden the coast, and then the desired indices have been determined and scored by numeral valuation method in each unit and then analysis has been done by using of the geography information system (GIS) and final has estimated economic valuation of sensitive ecological areas that is presented in this essay.
A presente investigação empírica, desenvolvida na área da formação contínua, procura compreender como se processa a formação continua em contexto de trabalho dos enfermeiros de uma organização hospitalar, centrando-se na percepção e representações dos enfermeiros de cuidados gerais sobre a qualidade, autopercepção do impacte e importância da formação no desenvolvimento de competências e motivação para a participação na formação contínua, como forma de promover o desenvolvimento de competências. Considerando-se que a problemática do paradigma da formação, subsiste na falta de articulação entre os processos comunicacionais, motivadores, procedimentais e dos recursos à disposição dos usuários e gestores da formação, a nível micro dos serviços da organização e macro da tutela o que contribui para a inexistência de resultados quantificáveis, em termos de eficácia e eficiência da formação no desenvolvimento de competências dos colaboradores e crescimento da organização. Apesar da formação contínua, nas organizações, objectivar o desenvolvimento de competências, implicar a construção de um quadro de referência a partir de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, de forma a incluir a complexidade dos fenómenos, a investigação dos factores determinantes que concorrem para a performance dos enfermeiros, parece ser uma abordagem imprescindível para compreender e analisar a problemática na sua dimensão. O estudo empírico consistiu numa investigação exploratória/descritiva, partindo de uma amostragem não probabilística, optando-se por uma metodologia quantitativa, através da aplicação de questionários a 208 enfermeiros da prestação de cuidados, de uma organização hospitalar pública EPE, da Administração Regional de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. Esta investigação permitiu verificar que no geral, os enfermeiros têm uma percepção positiva sobre a qualidade da formação contínua desenvolvida no serviço onde desempenham funções. Maioritariamente consideram importante a formação contínua como factor de desenvolvimento de competências, sentem-se motivados e participam activamente na formação. No entanto, não se conseguiu efectuar qualquer tipo de inferências ou correlações entre as variáveis de estudo constatando-se que os enfermeiros responderam frequentemente e Sempre, na grande maioria das questões, havendo heterogenia nas respostas a questões semelhantes. O estudo demonstrou que apesar da percepção positiva dos enfermeiros sobre a formação contínua desenvolvida no serviço, não se consegue ter a verdadeira percepção de como é conduzida a formação em serviço qual o seu impacte na melhoria do desempenho dos enfermeiros e se a organização evidencia uma cultura de formação voltada para uma estratégia de melhoria continua das qualificações dos enfermeiros. À luz dos resultados, foi desenvolvido um projecto de intervenção sócio-organizacional na área da gestão da formação, numa perspectiva de estratégia de desenvolvimento organizacional, melhoria das competências individuais e proposto um portfólio de descrição de funções do enfermeiro responsável pela formação. ABSTRACT: This study, based on the issues of continuous professional training in the hospital setting, as a factor to develop nurses competencies, intends to understand how the training program in the hospital milieu is conducted, focusing on perceptions and concepts of quality, impact, importance and motivation to participate in ongoing professional training, according to general care registered nurses point of view. The study main goal is to identify how is developed professional training in a medical institution from Sub-Região de Saúde de Lisboa and Vale do Tejo, and evaluate the impact of the training program. Considering that a problematic exists in the articulation between the communication processes, motivational drives, procedures and resources at the disposition of the participants and managers of the professional development program, at a micro level of services in the organization and at a macro level of the government policies and organizational strategies leaders; which contributed to the absence of quantifiable results and little evidence, in terms of efficiency of the professional development program to enhance the professional competencies of those participating in the study. The investigation of the factorial determinants related to nurse’s efficient performance enhanced by participating in continuous professional training, seems to be an imperative approach to understand and analyze the problematic in its own dimension. The empirical study consisted in an exploratory/descriptive investigation, departing from a random sample, by means of a quantitative methodology approach; through the use of questionnaires being administered to 208 nurses in general care, from a public medical organization. This study, allowed to verify that nurses have a positive perception of the professional development programs established in their workplace, and the competencies of those nurses in charge of delivering the program. The majority, considered the maintenance of a continuous professional development program, imperative to maintain good professional skills; they feel motivated and actively participate in professional development programs. However, it was not possible to make any correlations between the variables of the study, noticing that the nurses answered frequently and always, to the majority of the questions. The study demonstrated that even though nurses have a positive perception of professional development in terms of their workplace, it was inconclusive to ascertain the training quality programs delivered at medical facilities. ln conclusion, a plan of intervention centered on a socio-organizational model, was developed to create a uniform, procedural approach to developing high standards competencies for the registered nurses, by a professional training program, that include monitoring the process and assessing the results of the program. Management competencies according to a balanced scorecard it's another proposal of this study.
The "Learning together, growing with family" programme is targeted to at-risk parents and children from 6 to 11 years old, with a preventive focus on promoting positive parent-child relationships. In this study, we examined the quality of the programme implementation and its influence on the programme results in a sample of 425 parents and 138 facilitators drawn from the first trial. Mixed methods were used, consisting of: parental self-reports on parenting dimensions, professionals' records on parental attendance and appraisals on six topics of the implementation process, and focus group discussions in which facilitators reported on the initial steps of the implementation. Results showed a high quality of implementation with respect to the group facilitator and the programme organization factors, followed by the coordination with services and the support facilities offered to participants and, finally, by the factors of fidelity and prior organization steps. Results of the focus groups confirmed that the prior steps were challenging and offered the more effective strategies. Better quality in the implementation factors predicted better parenting styles and parental competencies after the programme, as well as a higher attendance rate. In sum, this study demonstrates the importance of good implementation in at-risk contexts and provides some clues as to the key elements that moderate programme effectiveness.
Paper prepared by Marion Panizzon and Charlotte Sieber-Gasser for the International Conference on the Political Economy of Liberalising Trade in Services, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 14-15 June 2010 Recent literature has shed light on the economic potential of cross-border networks. These networks, consisting of expatriates and their acquaintances from abroad and at home, provide the basis for the creation of cross-border value added chains and therewith the means for turning brain drain into brain circulation. Both aspects are potentially valuable for economic growth in the developing world. Unilateral co-development policies operating through co-funding of expatriate business ventures, but also bilateral agreements liberalising circular migration for a limited set of per-sons testify to the increasing awareness of governments about the potential, which expatriate networks hold for economic growth in developing countries. Whereas such punctual efforts are valuable, viewed from a long term perspective, these top-down, government mandated Diaspora stimulation programs, will not replace, this paper argues, the market-driven liberalisation of infrastructure and other services in developing countries. Nor will they carry, in the case of circular labour migration, the political momentum to liberalise labour market admission for those non-nationals, who will eventually emerge as the future transnational entrepreneurs. It will take a combination of mode 4 and infrastructure services openings-cum regulation for countries at both sides of the spectrum to provide the basis and precondition for transnational business and entrepreneurial networks to emerge and translate into cross-border, value added production chains. Two key issues are of particular relevance in this context: (i) the services sector, especially in infrastructure, tends to suffer from inefficiencies, particularly in developing countries, and (ii) labour migration, a highly complex issue, still faces disproportionately rigid barriers despite well-documented global welfare gains. Both are hindrances for emerging markets to fully take advantage of the potential of these cross-border networks. Adapting the legal framework for enhancing the regulatory and institutional frameworks for services trade, especially in infrastructure services sectors (ISS) and labour migration could provide the incentives necessary for brain circulation and strengthen cross-border value added chains by lowering transaction costs. This paper analyses the shortfalls of the global legal framework – the shallow status quo of GATS commitments in ISS and mode 4 particular – in relation to stimulating brain circulation and the creation of cross-border value added chains in emerging markets. It highlights the necessity of adapting the legal framework, both on the global and the regional level, to stimulate broader and wider market access in the four key ISS sectors (telecommunications, transport, professional and financial services) in developing countries, as domestic supply capacity, global competitiveness and economic diversification in ISS sectors are necessary for mobilising expatriate re-turns, both physical and virtual. The paper argues that industrialised, labour receiving countries need to offer mode 4 market access to wider categories of persons, especially to students, graduate trainees and young professionals from abroad. Further-more, free trade in semi-finished products and mode 4 market access are crucial for the creation of cross-border value added chains across the developing world. Finally, the paper discusses on the basis of a case study on Jordan why the key features of trade agreements, which promote circular migration and the creation of cross-border value added chains, consist of trade liberalisation in services and liberal migration policies.
In Norway, environmental education (EE) has been part of schools’ curricula since the 1970s. The concept of education for sustainable development (ESD) was introduced after Agenda 21 was introduced at the UN conference on environment and development held in Rio in 1992. The article shows there has been little change in the geography curricula since the concept ESD was introduced, and no important differences are found between curricula for mandatory schooling (classes 1–10) and curricula for upper secondary schools. ESD is mentioned in the geography curricula but without explanation and implementation. Core goals in the general national core curricula may indicate a change to ESD, but they have not been followed in the development of geography curricula in Norway.
The Stockholm Programme, allied to the Lisbon Treaty, heralds a new era of development of the EU provisions on cross-border law enforcement. The focus is shifting from the ongoing internal EU developments to the external relations of the EU. Many North African countries have had long legal relationships with the EU through the Euro-Mediterranean Partnerships. A number of these partnership agreements make express references, at the political level, to the development of cross-border law enforcement provision, as is the case of Morocco and Algeria with regard to drug trafficking and manufacture, or the lengthy references by Egypt to many of the crimes of interest to the EU’s own law enforcement legal framework. Algeria is currently focusing on modernising their own police forces, with both Algeria and Tunisia, reforming their criminal judicial frameworks. Another key player, Libya, currently has no legal agreements with the EU, and at least until the recent conflict, maintained an observer status in the Euro-Mediterranean process. At a practitioner level, the European Police College (CEPOL) is currently involved in the Euromed Police II programme. Clearly momentum is developing, both within the EU and from a number of Euro-Med North African countries to develop closer law enforcement co-operation. This may well develop further with the recent changes in governments of a number of North African countries. The EU approach in the Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (PJCCM) policy area is to develop a legal framework upon which EU cross-border law enforcement will be based. The current EU cross-border law enforcement framework is the product of many years of multi-level negotiations. Challenges will arise as new countries from different legal and policing traditions will attempt to engage with already highly detailed legal and practice frameworks. The shared European legal traditions will not necessarily be reflected in the North African countries. This chapter critically analyses, from an EU legal perspective the problems and issues that will be encountered as the EU’s North African partner countries attempt to articulate into the existing, and still developing EU cross-border law enforcement framework.
This project aims to clarify the importance of acquiring cross-disciplinary competencies in the Law and Criminology degrees, specifically entrepreneurial capability in order to further students' comprehensive training and complete preparation for the legal and professional sector, thereby fostering students' greater involvement in the development of such competencies.
This paper provides a complete description of the Commercial Education Professional Competency Profile that resulted from the curricular diagnosis of the Licenciatura en Educación Comercial , at the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. The methodological strategy used relies on the principles of research on education. Upon expert validation, written questionnaires were applied to first-year students, students of the licenciatura, practicing professionals and employers. The objective was to describe a particular education situation. Data was analyzed according to two categories: intentions/principles and scope/development. The findings resulted in the characteristics of the Commercial Education professionals, i.e. characteristics related to the discipline, characteristics related to the administrative management of teaching, specific and general characteristics of education and pedagogy, and characteristics associated to human development. Based on those criteria, on the curricular requirements of the information sources and on the curricular perspectives of the Academic Unit, ideas were put into practice to build the competency profile. The ideas proposed comprise the curricular fundamentals of the educational project on which the profile is set out, which include the subject of the study program, the global competency or training goal, the generic competencies as cross-cutting approaches, as well as the –pedagogical and disciplinary− specific competencies. The specific competencies of the discipline are focused on four competency areas: document production, organizational support, technological resources and information management.(1) Translator’s Note: One-year post-Bachelor study program in Commercial Education.
El artículo reflexiona sobre el aporte de la didáctica en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, enfatizando en su carácter teórico – práctica. Diferencia entre una didáctica general y una didáctica específica.La Didáctica Crítica propone al profesor en Geografía como un maestro en el saber y actuar, en el cumplimiento de sus deberes, responsabilidades y habilidades. La enseñanza de la Geografía precisadel apoyo de numerosos instrumentos de alta tecnología, que constituyen valiosos aportes didácticos, la incorporación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TICʼs) es una necesidad. La formación a nivel universitario debe ofrecer las destrezas y habilidades en la creación y composiciónde medios audiovisuales para la enseñanza de la Geografía. La Geografía contribuye eficazmente al desarrollo de capacidades, actitudes y competencias genéricas esenciales sobre las que ha de basarse la formación ciudadana y la educación de valores.Palabras claves: Geografía, didáctica de la Geografía, saber geográfico, metodología de enseñanza, método didáctico.AbstractThe article reflects on the contribution from didactics in the process of teaching-learning, emphasizing in its theoretical character – practice. It differentiates between general didactics and specific didactics. Critical didactics suggests that the Geography professor, as an expert, knows and acts according to his or her duties, responsibilities and abilities.The teaching of the Geography draws upon the support of high-tech tools, which constitute valuable didactic contributions, so that incorporation of the Technology Information and Communication (TICʼs) is a necessity to be the mode of communication. Formation at the university level ought to offer talents and abilities in the creation and composition of audio-visual media in the teaching of geography. Geography effectively contributes to development of capabilities, attitudes and competencies generic essential for citizen formation and the education of values.Key Words: Geography, didactics of Geography, geographical knowledge, teaching methodology, didactic method
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física