1000 resultados para Desenvolupament regional
Sistema informàtic de gestió d'un restaurant desenvolupat amb .NET que consisteix en tres mòduls: administració, mòbil i web.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és aprofundir en les noves tecnologies que permeten desenvolupar aplicacions multiplataforma per a dispositius mòbils i fer un estudi comparatiu entre algunes d'elles. També es realitza un estudi comparatiu entre les aplicacions generades amb aquestes tecnologies multiplataforma i les generades amb codi natiu del propi sistema.
El present Treball de Fi de Carrera, mostra com es pot utilitzar quatre dels elements més importants de la plataforma.
In androdioecious metapopulations, where males co-occur with hermaphrodites, the absence of males from certain populations or regions may be explained by locally high selfing rates, high hermaphrodite outcross siring success (e.g. due to high pollen production by hermaphrodites), or to stochastic processes (e.g. the failure of males to invade populations or regions following colonization or range expansion by hermaphrodites). In the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco, the presence of males with hermaphrodites in the wind-pollinated androdioecious plant Mercurialis annua (Euphorbiaceae) varies both among populations within relatively small regions and among regions, with some regions lacking males from all populations. The species is known to have expanded its range into the Iberian Peninsula from a southern refugium. To account for variation in male presence in M. annua, we test the following hypotheses: (1) that males are absent in areas where plant densities are lower, because selfing rates should be correspondingly higher; (2) that males are absent in areas where hermaphrodites produce more pollen; and (3) that males are absent in areas where there is an elevated proportion of populations in which plant density and hermaphrodite pollen production disfavour their invasion. We found support for predictions two and three in Morocco (the putative Pleistocene refugium for M. annua) but no support for any hypothesis in Iberia (the expanded range). Our results are partially consistent with a hypothesis of sex-allocation equilibrium for populations in Morocco; in Iberia, the absence of males from large geographical regions is more consistent with a model of sex-ratio evolution in a metapopulation with recurrent population turnover. Our study points to the role of both frequency-dependent selection and contingencies imposed by colonization during range expansions and in metapopulations.
El projecte es basa en desenvolupar una solució per a la integració dins de la plataforma Moodle, d'un formulari que permeti sol·licitar, als usuaris registrats, exercicis dels indicadors estadístics més comuns, i escollir-ne el nivell de dificultat. La creació dels exercicis i la solució dels mateixos, es durà a terme en el moment de la seva sol·licitud, a través d'un procediment automatitzat que generarà dades aleatòries dins d'un rang determinat. El procediment automatitzat es realitzarà mitjançant la funció "Sweave" del programari estadístic R. Aquesta funció integra en un únic document els continguts de text del programari LaTeX amb els continguts estadístics provinents de R.
En aquest projecte es desenvoluparà ServEngine, un framework per al desenvolupament de serveis de portals, comunitats virtuals i sistemes de comerç electrònic basat en el patró MVC i, com s'elegirà més endavant després d'un procés d'anàlisi i comparació, utilitzant Struts com a base de desenvolupament.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació que realitzi de forma automatitzada lainserció de referències bibliogràfiques en un document OpenOffice. Aquestes referències formaran part d¿un document extern que serà validat per una DTD, per tant, de forma implícita s¿estudiarà el format XML per a l¿elaboració estructuradad¿informació i el format DTD per la seva validació.
Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: - Produce reliable data of a nationally representative cross-section of the Irish population in order to inform the Department of health and Children's policy and programme planning. - Maintain a survey protocol which will enable lifestyle factors to be re-measured so that trends can be identified and changes monitored to assist national and regional setting of priorities in health promotion activities. This report focuses on these two cross-sectional studies, SLaN (Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition) adults aged 18+ years and HBSC (health Behaviour in School-aged Children) school-going children aged 10-17 years. In keeping with the health and lifestyle surveillance system of many European countries a number of related factors were measured in both surveys. These include general health, smoking, use of alcohol and other substances, food and nutrition, exercise and accidents. This report presents the findings for the same topics at a regional level with some demographic analysis. It must be noted that the aim of the survey was to establish patterns in health and lifestyle at a national level. The significance therefore of findings at the regional level is to identify potential variations that may merit further investigation. This work was commissioned by the health Promotion Unit, Department of health and Children and carried out at the Centre for health Promotion Studies, national University of Ireland, Galway, and at the Department of Public health Medicine and Epidemiology, Woodview House, Belfield, national University of Ireland, Dublin.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
En aquest treball, s'introduiran dos de les metodologies de desenvolupament dirigides per models més significatives: Model Driven Architecture (MDA) i Domain Specific Modeling (DSM). Així mateix, es presentarà un estudi comparatiu d'algunes de les diferents eines existents actualment al mercat que els hi donen suport.
Desenvolupament d'un esquema criptogràfic per gestionar de forma segura els historials mèdics dels pacients através d'una xarxa de comunicacions. L'aplicació proporciona les propietatsbàsiques de seguretat que hem esmentat, a més de la propietat de no-repudique permet assegurar que una informació referent a una visita ha estat introduïda per un metge autoritzat i concret.
Anàlisi dels frameworks Google, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) i Guice. Desenvolupament d'una eina de gestió de tasques orientat a projectes informàtics (UOCTaskMan). Aquesta aplicació permetrà l'enregistrament de tasques, el seguiment dels diferents estats pels que passai explotació de les dades generades per l'enregistrament i el seguiment.
Eina basada en un entorn tan actual com Internet, per ajudar als alumnes de ESO en el seus estudis, més en concret en l'assignatura de Matemàtiques.
Els objectius d'aquest projecte són, la implementació de sistemes oberts que permetin la comunicació VEUIP i MI
Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale for the purpose of improving predictions of groundwater flow and solute transport. However, extending corresponding approaches to the regional scale still represents one of the major challenges in the domain of hydrogeophysics. To address this problem, we have developed a regional-scale data integration methodology based on a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation approach. Our objective is to generate high-resolution stochastic realizations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity field in the common case where there exist spatially exhaustive but poorly resolved measurements of a related geophysical parameter, as well as highly resolved but spatially sparse collocated measurements of this geophysical parameter and the hydraulic conductivity. To integrate this multi-scale, multi-parameter database, we first link the low- and high-resolution geophysical data via a stochastic downscaling procedure. This is followed by relating the downscaled geophysical data to the high-resolution hydraulic conductivity distribution. After outlining the general methodology of the approach, we demonstrate its application to a realistic synthetic example where we consider as data high-resolution measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities at a small number of borehole locations, as well as spatially exhaustive, low-resolution estimates of the electrical conductivity obtained from surface-based electrical resistivity tomography. The different stochastic realizations of the hydraulic conductivity field obtained using our procedure are validated by comparing their solute transport behaviour with that of the underlying ?true? hydraulic conductivity field. We find that, even in the presence of strong subsurface heterogeneity, our proposed procedure allows for the generation of faithful representations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and reliable predictions of solute transport over long, regional-scale distances.
This handbook has been developed within the context of the institutional structures recommended under the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 and within the overall framework of the National Social Inclusion Plan 2007-2016. It sets out the role of the Drugs Task Forces within the national and local framework required to address the existing and emerging problems associated with drug use for individuals, families and communities in the context of the long term development of the work of the Drugs Task Forces.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.