885 resultados para Dalton


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The molecular structure of trans-[PtCl(CHCH2)(PEt2Ph)2] has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, with a= 10.686(2), b= 13.832(4), c= 16.129(4)Å, and Z= 4. The structure has been solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least squares to R 0.044 for 1 420 diffractometric intensity data. The crystals contain discrete molecules in which the platinum co-ordination is square planar. The Pt–Cl bond vector coincides with a crystallographic diad axis about which the atoms of the vinyl group are disordered. Selected bond lengths (Å) are Pt–Cl 2.398(4), Pt–P 2.295(3), and Pt–C 2.03(2). The Pt–CC angle is 127(2)°. From a survey of the available structural data it is concluded that there is little, if any, back donation from platinum to carbon in platinum–alkenyl linkages.


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Alkenyl (CHCH2 or CFCF2) or alkynyl (CCPh) derivatives of trimethyltin are shown to be superior to lithium or magnesium reagents for the synthesis of corresponding mono-organoplatinum(II) species by metathesis (L = SnMe3R +cis-[PtCl2L2]→trans-[PtRClL2]+ SnMe3Cl tertiary phosphine). The reactivity order for SnMe3R is R = CCPh > CFCF2 > CHCH2. This order is also found for oxidative addition of SnMe3R to Pt0 to give cis-[PtRL2(SnMe3)]. When the latter complex (R = CHCH2) reacts with X2 or MeX further oxidative addition occurs exclusively at the platinum centre. Aromatic isonitriles (R′NC)co-ordinate to the platinum and give insertion products trans-[Pt{C(CHCH2)= NR′}ClL2] on heating or carbene complexes with NBunH2. The alkynyl trans-[Pt(CCPh)ClL2] also forms 1 :1 adducts with R′NC and carbene complexes therefrom, but no insertion products. Spectroscopic data for the new complexes are presented.


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Two novel, monomeric heteroleptic tin(II) derivatives, [Sn{2-[(Me3Si)2C]C5H4N}R] [R = C6H2Pri3-2,4,6 1 or CH(PPh2)2 2], have been prepared, characterised by multinuclear NMR spectroscopies and their molecular structures determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Both compounds were prepared from the corresponding heteroleptic tin(II) chloro-analogue, [Sn{2-[(Me3Si)2C]C5H4N}Cl], and thus demonstrate the utility of this compound as a precursor to further examples of heteroleptic tin(II) derivatives: such compounds are often unstable with respect to ligand redistribution. In each case, the central tin(II) is three-co-ordinate. Crystals of trimeric [{Sn(C6H2Pri3-2,4,6)2}3] 3 were found to undergo a solid state phase transition, which may be ascribed to ordering of the ligand isopropyl groups. At 220 K the unit cell is orthorhombic, space group Pna21, compared with monoclinic, space group P21/c, for the same crystals at 298 K, in which there is an effective tripling of the now b (originally c) axis. This result illustrates the extreme crowding generated by this bulky aryl ligand.


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The compounds trans-[PtBr{C(C10H15)CH2}(PEt3)2](1)(C10H15= adamant-1-yl), trans-[MBr{C(C10H7)CMe2}(PEt3)2][M = Pd (2) or Pt (3); C10H7= naphth-1-yl], and trans-[MBr{C(Ph)CMe2}(PEt3)2][M = Pd (4) or Pt (5)] have been prepared from Grignard [for (2) and (3)] or lithium reagents [for (1), (4), and (5)] and appropriate dichlorobis(phosphine)metal derivatives. Full single-crystal X-ray data are reported for (1) and (3), and reveal unusually long Pt–C(sp2) bonds. Insertion reactions into these M–C bonds occur with MeNC [for (1), (3), and (5)], and with CO [for (1) and (3)]; the latter, the first reported insertion into a Pt–C(sp2) bond, occurs under mild conditions as expected for the abnormally long M–C bonds.


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Treatment of the labile cluster [Os3(CO)11(MeCN)] with PH3 affords the substituted product [Os3(CO)11(PH3)](1) in high yield. Subsequent reaction of (1) with Na2CO3 in MeOH, followed by acidification, gives the hydrido phosphido cluster [Os3(µ-H)(CO)10(µ-PH2)](2). When (2) is heated to 45–60 °C in the presence of [Os3(CO)11(MeCN)] a hexanuclear complex with the formulation [Os6(µ-H)2(CO)21(µ3-PH)](3) is obtained. If this reaction is repeated using [Os3(CO)10(MeCN)2] instead of [Os3(CO)11(MeCN)], an acetonitrile-containing product, [Os6(µ-H)2(CO)20(MeCN)(µ3-PH)](4), is obtained. An X-ray analysis of (4) shows that two Os3 triangular units are linked by a µ3-phosphinidene ligand, which symmetrically bridges an Os–Os edge of one triangle and is terminally co-ordinated to one Os atom of the second triangle. When (3) is treated with a weak base, such as [N(PPh3)2]Cl or [PPh3Me] Br, deprotonation to the corresponding cluster monoanion [Os6(µ-H)(CO)21(µ3-PH)]–(5) occurs. Treatment of (5) with a weak acid regenerates (3) in quantitative yield. Thermolysis of (3) leads to a closing up of the metal framework, affording the cluster [Os6(µ-H)(CO)18(µ6-P)], which readily deprotonates to give the anion [Os6(CO)18(µ6-P)]–(7) in the presence of [N(PPh3)2] Cl or [PPh3Me]Br. The same anion (7) may also be obtained by direct thermolysis of (5). An X-ray analysis of the [PPh3Me]+ salt of (7) confirms that the phosphorus occupies an interstitial site in a trigonal-prismatic hexaosmium framework, and co-ordinates to all six metal atoms with an average Os–P distance of 2.31 (1)Å. Proton and 31P n.m.r. data on all the new clusters are presented, and the position of the phosphorus resonance in the 31P n.m.r. spectrum is related to the changes in the environment of the phosphorus atom.


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The syntheses, spectroscopic characterisation and in one case (X = Br) the single-crystal structure of the novel PdI–PdI dimers [Pd2(µ-X)2(PBut3)2](X = Br or I) have been determined; preliminary results on their reactions with CO, H2, CNC6H3Me2 and C2H2 have also been obtained.


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Reactions of [Fe3(CO)12] with diaryltin species SnR2(R1= 2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl, R2= 2,6-diethylphenyl, R3= pentamethylphenyl) and with Sn[CH(PPh2)2]2 have been investigated. The tin reagents SnR2(R = R1 or R2) reacted under mild conditions to give in moderate yields the trinuclear species [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR12)]1 or [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR22)]2, as orange-red crystalline solids, which decompose in air on prolonged exposure. The compound [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR42)]3(R4= 2,4,6-triphenylphenyl) can be similarly obtained. Prolonged treatment of the carbonyl with the novel tin reagent SnR32, by contrast, afforded the known compound spiro-[(OC)8Fe2SnFe2(CO)8]4 for which data are briefly reported. Reactions with tin or lead reagents M[CH(PPh2)2]2(M = Sn or Pb) afforded [Fe2(CO)6(µ-CO)(µ-dppm)][dppm = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)methane] rapidly and almost quantitatively. Full crystal and molecular structural data are reported for [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR12)] and [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR22)]. Mössbauer data are also presented for compounds 1–3, and interpreted in terms of the structural data for these and other systems.


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The two air-stable manganese(II) salicylate complexes [Mn2(Hsal)4(H2O)4]1 and polymeric [{Mn2(sal)2(Hsal)(H2O)(H3O)(py)4·2py}n]2(H2sal = salicylic acid and py = pyridine) have been synthesised easily, and their crystal structures determined. Both contain unsymmetrically bridging salicylate ligands. In the presence of added pyridine 1 and 2 vigorously catalyse the disproportionation of H2O2.


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Cleft lip and palate is the most common of the congenital conditions affecting the face and cranial bones and is associated with a raised risk of difficulties in infant-caregiver interaction; the reasons for such difficulties are not fully understood. Here, we report two experiments designed to explore how adults respond to infant faces with and without cleft lip, using behavioural measures of attractiveness appraisal (‘liking’) and willingness to work to view or remove the images (‘wanting’). We found that infants with cleft lip were rated as less attractive and were viewed for shorter durations than healthy infants, an effect that was particularly apparent where the cleft lip was severe. Women rated the infant faces as more attractive than men did, but there were no differences in men and women's viewing times of these faces. In a second experiment, we found that the presence of a cleft lip in domestic animals affected adults' ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ responses in a comparable way to that seen for human infants. Adults' responses were also remarkably similar for images of infants and animals with cleft lip, although no gender difference in attractiveness ratings or viewing times emerged for animals. We suggest that the presence of a cleft lip can substantially change the way in which adults respond to human and animal faces. Furthermore, women may respond in different ways to men when asked to appraise infant attractiveness, despite the fact that men and women ‘want’ to view images of infants for similar durations.


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Russell, J. [Ed. & designer]. Including texts by Kathy Acker, Dominique Auch, Dennis Cooper, Trinie Dalton, Sue De Beer, Felix Ensslin, Dan Fox, Matthew Greene, Pierre Guyotat, Rachel Howe, Kevin Killian, Christopher Knowles, Gean Moreno, J.P. Munro, Paulina Olowska, Damon Packard, Allison Smith, Banks Violette, Benjamin Weissman, & Thom Wolf. 832 pages.


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The dinuclear complex [{Ru(CN)4}2(μ-bppz)]4− shows a strongly solvent-dependent metal–metal electronic interaction which allows the mixed-valence state to be switched from class 2 to class 3 by changing solvent from water to CH2Cl2. In CH2Cl2 the separation between the successive Ru(II)/Ru(III) redox couples is 350 mVand the IVCT band (from the UV/Vis/NIR spectroelectrochemistry) is characteristic of a borderline class II/III or class III mixed valence state. In water, the redox separation is only 110 mVand the much broader IVCT transition is characteristic of a class II mixed-valence state. This is consistent with the observation that raising and lowering the energy of the d(π) orbitals in CH2Cl2 or water, respectively, will decrease or increase the energy gap to the LUMO of the bppz bridging ligand, which provides the delocalisation pathway via electron-transfer. IR spectroelectrochemistry could only be carried out successfully in CH2Cl2 and revealed class III mixed-valence behaviour on the fast IR timescale. In contrast to this, time-resolved IR spectroscopy showed that the MLCTexcited state, which is formulated as RuIII(bppz˙−)RuII and can therefore be considered as a mixed-valence Ru(II)/Ru(III) complex with an intermediate bridging radical anion ligand, is localised on the IR timescale with spectroscopically distinct Ru(II) and Ru(III) termini. This is because the necessary electron-transfer via the bppz ligand is more difficult because of the additional electron on bppz˙− which raises the orbital through which electron exchange occurs in energy. DFT calculations reproduce the electronic spectra of the complex in all three Ru(II)/Ru(II), Ru(II)/Ru(III) and Ru(III)/Ru(III) calculations in both water and CH2Cl2 well as long as an explicit allowance is made for the presence of water molecules hydrogen-bonded to the cyanides in the model used. They also reproduce the excited-state IR spectra of both [Ru(CN)4(μ-bppz)]2– and [{Ru(CN)4}2(μ-bppz)]4− very well in both solvents. The reorganization of the water solvent shell indicates a possible dynamical reason for the longer life time of the triplet state in water compared to CH2Cl2.