994 resultados para Croce, Marcela


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Nos métodos tradicionais de elaboração de presunto cru usa-se o pernil suíno inteiro, diferentemente da metodologia proposta neste trabalho, que combinou desossa, adição de transglutaminase, massageamento e moldagem das peças previamente à secagem e maturação, objetivando reduzir o tempo de processamento do produto. Avaliaram-se os efeitos de dois teores de NaCl adicionados (T1 - 3,5% e T2 - 5%), sobre características físico-químicas e microbiológicas dos presuntos crus ao longo do processo, além da avaliação sensorial dos produtos finais. Os presuntos crus obtidos atenderam aos padrões físico-químicos e microbiológicos determinados na legislação brasileira e não foram encontradas diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto aos parâmetros avaliados no decorrer do processo e no produto final, com exceção da perda de peso, que foi maior em T1 (39,74 ± 4,02%) do que em T2 (37,22 ± 2,96%). Os presuntos crus desenvolvidos apresentaram formato e espessura apropriados para o fatiamento, excelente aparência, aroma característico e um sabor considerado muito próximo ao dos presuntos crus tradicionais comumente encontrados no mercado brasileiro, obtendo em torno de 80% de aceitação pelos consumidores.


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The aim of this work was to analyze the fatty acid and proximate composition of five brands of breaded chicken steak (A, B, C, D, and E) by accurate chromatographic quantification and to compare the experimental results with food label nutrition facts. The protein values of all brands were in agreement with the Brazilian regulation values, except for that of sample E, which presented the highest lipid content. Thirteen fatty acids were identified in the studied brands and the major ones were oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid. The polyunsaturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid ratios were within the values considered appropriate for human health; however, the high n-6/n-3 ratios found can result in an unbalanced intake of these fat acids. Only samples D and E can be considered trans free according to the regulations. The comparison of the analyses' results and the food label nutrition facts showed little variation in protein values. Nevertheless, most brands underestimated their lipid and energy levels. Brand B and C labels declared "free of trans", but the obteined results showed levels excedding those especified by regulation to be considered trans free values.


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Polygalacturonase production by the thermophilic Bacillus sp. SMIA-2 cultivated in liquid cultures containing 0.5% (w/v) apple pectin and supplemented with 0.3% (w/v) corn steep liquor, reached its maximum after 36 hours with levels of 39 U.mL-1. The increase in apple pectin and corn steep liquor concentrations in the medium from 0.5 and 0.3%, respectively, to 0.65%, markedly affected the production of polygalacturonase, whose activity increased four times, reaching a maximum of 150.3 U.mL-1. Studies on polygalacturonase characterization revealed that the optimum temperature of this enzyme was between 60-70 °C. Thermostability profile indicated that the enzyme retained about 82 and 63% of its activity at 60 and 70 °C, respectively, after 2 hours of incubation. The optimum pH of the enzyme was found to be 10.0. After incubation of crude enzyme solution at room temperature for 2 hours at pH 8.0, a decrease of about 29% on its original activity was observed. At pH 10.0, the decrease was 25%.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate spices and industrial ingredients for the development of functional foods with high phenolic contents and antioxidant capacity. Basil, bay, chives, onion, oregano, parsley, rosemary, turmeric and powdered industrial ingredients (β-carotene, green tea extract, lutein, lycopene and olive extract) had their in vitro antioxidant capacity evaluated by means of the Folin-Ciocalteu reducing capacity and DPPH scavenging ability. Flavonoids identification and quantification were performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that spices presented a large variation in flavonoids content and in vitro antioxidant capacity, according to kind, brand and batches. Oregano had the highest antioxidant capacity and parsley had the highest flavonoid content. The industrial ingredient with the highest antioxidant capacity was green tea extract, which presented a high content of epigalocatechin gallate. Olive extract also showed a high antioxidant activity and it was a good source of chlorogenic acid. This study suggests that oregano, parsley, olive and green tea extract have an excellent potential for the development of functional foods rich in flavonoids as antioxidant, as long as the variability between batches/brands is controlled.


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In Brazil, street markets and vegetable distributors discard vegetable leaves and stems, including those of carrot (Dacus carota L.). Seeking to reduce the waste of vegetable parts, this study characterized chemically the leaves of organically grown carrot in three stages of development to determine the best time for their removal and consumption as food. The leaves were dehydrated in an oven at 70 °C for 43 hours and analyzed for chemical composition, antioxidant activity, chlorophyll content, fatty acid composition, and also calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) contents. The analyses indicated 100 days of development as the ideal stage for the removal and consumption of carrot leaves with good antioxidant activity requiring only 63.78 ± 0.5 mg.L-1 methanol leaf extract to inhibit 50% of the concentration of the free radical DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1picrilidrazil), and total protein and alpha-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3/LNA) contents of 18.23% ± 2.8 and 876.55 ± 20.62 mg.100 g-1 of dry matter, respectively.


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The objective of this study was to determine the best lettuce cultivar (American 'Graciosa', 'Vanda', 'Marcela' and 'Lavínia') harvesting method. Therefore, quality and shelf-life were evaluated using sensory analyses. Lettuce heads was harvested with the root on by the producer, so that they were cut in different ways in the laboratory. The samples were stored in a cold chamber at 10 °C and 80% ± 2% of relative humidity for nine days, and the sensorial analyses were performed according to Qualitative Descriptive Analysis method on days 1, 3, 6, and 9 of storage by twelve trained testers. The results were evaluated by variance analysis, principal component analysis, and the Tukey test with a reliability of 95%. The results indicate that there was a reduction in the quality of lettuce between the 1st and the 5th day of storage and that after the sixth day of storage the lettuce samples were considered unfit for consumption, except for the 'Lavínia' lettuce cultivar with root and cut treatment 2. On the ninth day of storage all samples were considered inappropriate for consumption.


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The objective of the research was to relate the physical and chemical characteristics of soymilk plain beverages to its sensory acceptance. Five commercial products and a new product formulated based on the less accepted sample were used. The overall acceptance was evaluated by 102 assessors using a 10-point hybrid hedonic scale. The hedonic scores ranged from 3.8 (sample E) to 7.0 (A). Most assessors (55%) preferred sample A, which was viscous (26.6 cp), dark (L* = 77.7), and slightly acidic (pH = 6.6). Sample C, which had lower solid content and higher acidity, was preferred by 29% of the assessors. These two beverages showed the greatest commercial potential of the products analyzed. The least-accepted sample (E), preferred by 8% of the assessors, had a lighter color (L* = 96.8), lower viscosity (13.5 cp), higher lipid content (2.2 g/100 g), and less protein (1.68 g/100 g) than the other products evaluated. A reformulation of the least preferred product (E) with the addition of maltodextrin and also vanilla and milk flavors increased its acceptance, yielding an average score of 7.2. Overall, it was observed that a soymilk plain beverage with higher viscosity, darker color, and higher protein content best meets consumer expectations.


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Probiotics are living microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts confer health benefits on the host through a beneficial influence on the intestinal microbiota related to competition and to antagonistic and immunological effects. Thus, the objective of this study was the development of effervescent products (tablets and powder) supplemented with the probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus and Saccharomyces boulardii, and the identification of the best formulation in terms of viability of these microorganisms. The physical properties of the tablets (compressive force applied, mean weight, hardness, and friability) were assessed, and the viability of the microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract and their stability during storage were also determined. The results show that the microorganisms remained stable and viable during the 60-day storage period in the effervescent powder. However, the results indicated that the effect of compression force affected the viability of the microorganisms during the production of the effervescent tablets.


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Brazilian native fruits are excellent sources of bioactive compounds of phenolic nature. Some of these compounds are able to inhibit carbohydrate- metabolizing enzymes (in vitro), α-amylase and α-glucosidase, delaying carbohydrate digestion. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of clarified araçá (Psidium guineenses Sw.) juice on postprandial glycemia in humans after consumption of 25 g of available carbohydrates (approximately 50 g of white bread) and characterize the phenolic compounds and in vitro antioxidant capacity of araçá juice and pulp. The results showed that the clarified juice had a positive effect on postprandial glycemia reducing the total amount of glucose absorbed, lengthening the time to reach maximum blood glucose concentration, reducing glucose incremental velocity, and decreasing glucose incremental percentage. Both frozen pulp and clarified juice had high amounts of phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity, and proanthocyanidins, among which oligomers (monomers to tetramers), pentamers, hexamers, heptamers, octamers, nonamers, decamers, and polymers were detected, and they are probably associated with in vivo effects.


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Beetroot leaves (Beta vulgaris L.) are commonly cut off and discarded before using its bulb due to lack of knowledge of how to use them. Aiming at using these leaves, in the present study, in natura and dehydrated beetroot leaves were chemically characterized in terms of fatty acid composition, proximate composition, minerals, total phenolic compounds (TPC), and antioxidant activity by DPPH• in different stages (60, 80, and 100 days) of development. The beetroot leaves showed significant levels of protein and lipids in all developmental stages, and all proximate composition nutrients decreased during these maturation stages; the highest content was observed at 60 days. The Fe content decreased during the developmental stages (from 342.75 to 246.30 mg.kg-1), while the content of K increased (from 13,367.64 to 20,784.90 mg.kg-1). With regard to to fatty acid composition, linolenic acid was present in the greatest quantity, and it increase up to 2.58 mg.g-1 (in natura) and 40.11 mg.g-1 (dehydrated) at 100 days of development. The n-6/n-3 ratios were low in all stages. The TPC and antioxidant activity by DPPH• changed during the developmental stages. The TPC was highest in the 100-day dehydrated leaves (15.27±0.12 mg GAE.g-1 FW), and the 50% inhibition of DPPH• (IC50 89.52 µg.mL-1) were better in the 60-day in natura leaves. This study shows that all developmental stages produced satisfactory results, and therefore, these leaves can be reused as food. The antioxidant activity and the chemical constituents, mainly the ω-3fatty acid, increased during the stages of development.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Nefroma Mesoblástico Con-gênito é uma rara neoplasia renal pediátrica. Apresenta dois subtipos histológicos, clássico e celular, sendo o último de pior prognóstico e responsável por aproximadamente dois terços dos casos. Esse tumor ainda é um desafio diagnóstico aos patologistas devido à similaridade com outras neoplasias pediátricas renais mais frequentes. RELATO DO CASO: Criança do gênero feminino, 2 anos e 9 meses de idade, foi encaminhada a serviço médico com referência em oncologia apresentando massa renal à esquerda. Após nefrectomia, o estudo do espécime mostrou, macroscopicamente, extensa área tumoral granular, brancoacinzentada, ocupando aproximadamente todo o rim, invadindo seio renal, cápsula e gordura perirrenal, com áreas de hemorragia e necrose. Histologicamente, caracterizava-se pela presença de células fusiformes e mitoses, sem atipias celulares. O diagnóstico foi de Nefroma Mesoblástico Congênito subtipo celular e a paciente foi submetida a quimioterapia. Durante o primeiro ano de tratamento, houve recidiva do tumor, apresentando-se irressecável e sem resposta a nova quimioterapia. A paciente foi a óbito aos 4 anos de idade. DISCUSSÃO: O subtipo celular do nefroma mesoblástico tende a ser mais agressivo, apresentando uma taxa de sobrevivência de 85%, comparada com 100% para a variante clássica. Geralmente, a recorrência ocorre no primeiro ano de tratamento, principalmente quando o subtipo é o celular.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A doença cardiovascular é a principal causa de mortalidade de pacientes em hemodiálise. Quando consideradas todas as causas de morte, aproximadamente 30% são classificadas como parada cardíaca, morte de causa desconhecida ou arritmia cardíaca. O prolongamento do tempo de despolarização e repolarização ventriculares, medido pela aferição do intervalo QT no eletrocardiograma de repouso, tem emergido como preditor de arritmias ventriculares complexas, uma importante causa de morte súbita cardíaca. OBJETIVOS: Determinar as alterações eletrocardiográficas presentes em pacientes sob hemodiálise (HD), aferir o intervalo QT e sua relação com variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com idade acima de 18 anos em programa de hemodiálise foram abordados para participarem do estudo, e após anuência, foram submetidos ao exame de eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações. Dados clínicos foram revisados para avaliar a presença de comorbidades, além da aferição de medidas antropométricas e da pressão arterial. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para determinação da hemoglobina e níveis séricos de cálcio, fósforo e de potássio. RESULTADOS: Cento e setenta e nove pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. A maioria era do sexo masculino (64,8%) e da raça branca (54,7%); a idade média foi de 58,5 ± 14,7 anos. Aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes apresentaram ao menos um distúrbio de condução elétrica. Cerca de 50% apresentaram prolongamento do intervalo QTc e experimentaram aumento significativo na frequência de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE), alterações do ritmo cardíaco, bloqueios de ramo e mais baixos índices de massa corporal (IMC), quando comparados aos pacientes com intervalo QTc normal. CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em hemodiálise apresentam elevada frequência de achados eletrocardiográficos anormais, incluindo alta prevalência de pacientes com intervalo QTc prolongado. O presente estudo encontrou, ainda, associação significativa entre o intervalo QTc prolongado com a presença de Diabetes e de valores mais baixos para o IMC.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A detecção de estenose de artéria renal em pacientes hipertensos pode ser um sinal de aterosclerose arterial sistêmica. OBJETIVOS: Identificar e caracterizar do ponto de vista clínico e epidemiológico os pacientes hipertensos com estenose de artéria renal, avaliando fatores de risco cardiovascular e presença de doença aterosclerótica multiarterial sintomática. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados os pacientes hipertensos atendidos no ambulatório de Nefrologia da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) entre 2000-2010, com diagnóstico de estenose de artéria renal de etiologia aterosclerótica. Avaliaram-se dados epidemiológicos (gênero, idade, etnia), fatores de risco cardiovascular (Diabetes Mellitus, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia, tabagismo, síndrome metabólica), informações relativas à hipertensão (tempo de diagnóstico, histórico familiar, número de medicamentos utilizados), eventos cardiovasculares prévios (infarto agudo do miocárdio, acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico, doença arterial periférica). Estratificaram-se os níveis pressóricos, risco cardiovascular global e escore Framingham. RESULTADOS: Casuística de 30 pacientes, maioria feminina (73,3%), média de idade de 66 anos, 86,67% brancos. Tempo médio de HAS de 19,94 anos, 89,28% sem histórico familiar, 13,8% com diabetes, 65,51% tabagistas, 17,25% com hipertrigliceridemia, 62,06% com hipercolesterolemia e 66,7% com síndrome metabólica. Número médio de medicamentos em uso: 3,26. Estenose de artéria renal predominante à direita quando isoladamente (46,7%) e em terço proximal (56,7%). Creatinina elevada em 40% dos pacientes. Quanto ao estágio de hipertensão, maioria estágio 2 (47%) e 73,3% com risco cardiovascular global alto. Escore Framingham Médio de 13%. 66,7% apresentavam doença aterosclerótica em outro sítio, sendo coronariano o principal (53,3%). CONCLUSÃO: A correlação mais comum foi com o infarto agudo do miocárdio, o que implica na busca do comprometimento coronário quando do diagnóstico de estenose de artéria renal em pacientes hipertensos, para tentar evitar danos futuros ao paciente.


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Introduction: The treatment offered to chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients before starting hemodialysis (HD) impacts prognosis. Objective: We seek differences among incident HD patients according to the distance between home and the dialysis center. Methods: We included 179 CKD patients undergoing HD. Patients were stratified in two groups: "living near the dialysis center" (patients whose hometown was in cities up to 100 km from the dialysis center) or as "living far from the dialysis center" (patients whose hometown was more than 100 km from the dialysis center). Socioeconomic status, laboratory results, awareness of CKD before starting HD, consultation with nephrologist before the first HD session, and type of vascular access when starting HD were compared between the two groups. Comparisons of continuous and categorical variables were performed using Student's t-test and the Chi-square test, respectively. Results: Ninety (50.3%) patients were classified as "living near the dialysis center" and 89 (49.7%) as "living far from the dialysis center". Patients living near the dialysis center were more likely to know about their condition of CKD than those living far from the dialysis center, respectively 46.6% versus 28.0% (p = 0.015). Although without statistical significance, patients living near the dialysis center had more frequent previous consultation with nephrologists (55.5% versus 42.6%; p = 0.116) and first HD by fistula (30.0% versus 19.1%; p = 0.128) than those living far from the dialysis center. Conclusion: There are potential advantages of CKD awareness, referral to nephrologists and starting HD through fistula among patients living near the dialysis center.


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ResumoAtualmente, cateteres venosos permanentes (CVCp) estão se tornando cada vez mais uma alternativa de acesso vascular de longa permanência para pacientes nos quais o acesso arteriovenoso não pode ser confeccionado, sendo a oclusão trombótica complicação mecânica comum. Essa complicação pode ocasionar mudanças frequentes dos locais de cateter, eliminando os sítios vasculares. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão narrativa do manejo da oclusão trombótica de CVCp na população em HD. O tratamento da trombose de CVC consiste em infusão de solução salina ou na administração de trombolíticos como plasminogênio tecidual ativado, reteplase ou uroquinase. Há poucos estudos sobre o uso de alteplase em CVCp obstruídos na população em diálise, e todos eles relatam sucesso entre 80 a 95% dos casos com uso de trombolítico na dose de 1 mg/ml. Por tratar-se de medicamento de custo elevado, estudos sugerem que a criopreservação e o fracionamento da alteplase tornam o uso financeiramente viável.