973 resultados para Coral reefs and islands -- Remote sensing
Il versante sinistro delle Gole di Scascoli (BO) è caratterizzato da una marcata tendenza evolutiva per crollo e ribaltamento. Negli ultimi 25 anni si sono verificati eventi parossistici con volumi di roccia coinvolti rispettivamente di 7000 m3, 20000 m3 e 35000 m3. Il sito è di grande rilevanza a causa del forte fattore di rischio rappresentato per la strada di fondovalle ad esso adiacente. Il lavoro di tesi è stato finalizzato allo studio dei fenomeni di versante di una parete rocciosa inaccessibile nota in letteratura come “ex-Mammellone 1” mediante tecniche di telerilevamento quali TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning) e CRP (Close Range Photogrammetry) al fine affiancare il rilievo geomeccanico soggettivo dell’area svolto nel 2003 da ENSER Srl in seguito ai fenomeni di crollo del 2002. Lo sviluppo di tecnologie e metodi innovativi per l’analisi territoriale basata sull’impiego di UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, meglio noti come Droni), associata alle tecniche di fotogrammetria digitale costituisce un elemento di notevole ausilio nelle pratiche di rilevamento in campo di sicurezza e tempi di esecuzione. Il lavoro ha previsto una prima fase di rilevamento areo-fotogrammetrico mediante strumentazione professionale e amatoriale, a cui è seguita l’elaborazione dei rispettivi modelli. I diversi output sono stati confrontati dal punto di vista geomorfologico, geometrico, geomeccanico e di modellazione numerica di caduta massi. Dal lavoro è stato possibile indagare l’evoluzione morfologica del sito in esame negli ultimi 10 anni, confrontare diversi metodi di rilevamento e analisi dati, sperimentare la robustezza e ripetibilità geometrica del metodo fotogrammetrico per il rilievo di fronti rocciosi e mettere a punto un metodo semiautomatico di individuazione e analisi delle giaciture delle discontinuità.
Abstract: Heavily used and highly valuable, the Florida Reef is one of the world's most threatened ecosystems. Stakeholders from a densely urbanized coastal region in proximity to the reef system recognize its degradation, but their comprehension of climate change and commitment to pay for sustainable management and research funding have been opaque. With an emphasis on recreational anglers, residential stakeholders were surveyed online about their marine activities, perceptions of resources and threats, and willingness to pay (WTP) for dedicated coral reef research funding in Florida. The majority of stakeholders are wealthy, well educated, and politically independent. Supermajorities favored the two scenarios of taxation for a Florida Coral Reef Research Fund, and the scenario with matching federal funds earned higher support. In regression analyses, several factors emerged as significant contributors to stakeholders’ preferences, and the four recurring factors in extended models were prioritizing the environment over the economy, donating to environmental causes, concern about coral reefs, and concern about climate change, with the latter indicating a recent shift of opinion. Status in terms of income and education were found insignificant, and surprisingly income was negatively correlated with WTP. Perceptions through lenses of environmental and emotional attachments appear to overwhelm conventional status-based factors. Applied statewide, the first scenario's extrapolated WTP (based on a sales tax rate of 2.9%) would generate $675 million annually, and the extrapolated WTP under the second scenario, with matching federal funds (based on a sales tax rate of 3.0%) would generate $1.4 billion. Keywords: willingness to pay, coral reef research, taxation, climate change, stakeholder, perceptions, Florida Reef, recreational fishing, anglers
The macrofauna assemblages of a XVIIth century shipwreck off southern Portugal were studied and compared with those of nearby natural reefs and sandy bottoms, by underwater visual census. A total of 11 173 specimens of 224 different fauna taxa and 12 phyla were recorded. Natural reefs had the highest density of specimens (35 122 / 1000 m2) followed by the shipwreck (21 392 / 1000 m2) and the sandy bottoms (3771 / 1000 m2). Three biodiversity indices were estimated (Margalef, Shannon- Wiener and Pielou), with the natural reefs showing the highest values. However, the shipwreck presented values relatively similar to those of the natural reefs for the Shannon-Wiener and Pielou indices. The three habitats were clearly distinguishable by multivariate statistical analysis, with the average dissimilarity between sand and shipwreck, and between sand and natural reefs being much higher than that between the shipwreck and the natural reefs. The shipwreck had higher abundances of some commercially important species, such as the pouting Trisopterus luscus, European conger Conger conger, and common spider crab Maja squinado, as well as some vulnerable and threatened species such as the pink seafan Eunicella verrucosa. The results presented emphasize the importance of this habitat on the southern Portuguese coast.
Solar radiation takes in today's world, an increasing importance. Different devices are used to carry out spectral and integrated measurements of solar radiation. Thus the sensors can be divided into the fallow types: Calorimetric, Thermomechanical, Thermoelectric and Photoelectric. The first three categories are based on components converting the radiation to temperature (or heat) and then into electrical quantity. On the other hand, the photoelectric sensors are based on semiconductor or optoelectronic elements that when irradiated change their impedance or generate a measurable electric signal. The response function of the sensor element depends not only on the intensity of the radiation but also on its wavelengths. The radiation sensors most widely used fit in the first categories, but thanks to the reduction in manufacturing costs and to the increased integration of electronic systems, the use of the photoelectric-type sensors became more interesting. In this work we present a study of the behavior of different optoelectronic sensor elements. It is intended to verify the static response of the elements to the incident radiation. We study the optoelectronic elements using mathematical models that best fit their response as a function of wavelength. As an input to the model, the solar radiation values are generated with a radiative transfer model. We present a modeling of the spectral response sensors of other types in order to compare the behavior of optoelectronic elements with other sensors currently in use.
The demand for more pixels is beginning to be met as manufacturers increase the native resolution of projector chips. Tiling several projectors still offers a solution to augment the pixel capacity of a display. However, problems of color and illumination uniformity across projectors need to be addressed as well as the computer software required to drive such devices. We present the results obtained on a desktop-size tiled projector array of three D-ILA projectors sharing a common illumination source. A short throw lens (0.8:1) on each projector yields a 21-in. diagonal for each image tile; the composite image on a 3×1 array is 3840×1024 pixels with a resolution of about 80 dpi. The system preserves desktop resolution, is compact, and can fit in a normal room or laboratory. The projectors are mounted on precision six-axis positioners, which allow pixel level alignment. A fiber optic beamsplitting system and a single set of red, green, and blue dichroic filters are the key to color and illumination uniformity. The D-ILA chips inside each projector can be adjusted separately to set or change characteristics such as contrast, brightness, or gamma curves. The projectors were then matched carefully: photometric variations were corrected, leading to a seamless image. Photometric measurements were performed to characterize the display and are reported here. This system is driven by a small PC cluster fitted with graphics cards and running Linux. It can be scaled to accommodate an array of 2×3 or 3×3 projectors, thus increasing the number of pixels of the final image. Finally, we present current uses of the display in fields such as astrophysics and archaeology (remote sensing).
Compared to synthetic aperture radars (SARs), the angular resolution of microwave radiometers is quite poor. Traditionally, it has been limited by the physical size of the antenna. However, the angular resolution can be improved by means of aperture synthesis interferometric techniques. A narrow beam is synthesized during the image formation processing of the cross-correlations measured at zero-lag between pairs of signals collected by an array of antennas. The angular resolution is then determined by the maximum antenna spacing normalized to the wavelength (baseline). The next step in improving the angular resolution is the Doppler-Radiometer, somehow related to the super-synthesis radiometers and the Radiometer-SAR. This paper presents the concept of a three-antenna Doppler-Radiometer for 2D imaging. The performance of this instrument is evaluated in terms of angular/spatial resolution and radiometric sensitivity, and an L-band illustrative example is presented.
Measurements of the top‐of‐the‐atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) for July 2003 from Meteosat‐7 are used to assess the performance of the numerical weather prediction version of the Met Office Unified Model. A significant difference is found over desert regions of northern Africa where the model emits too much OLR by up to 35 Wm−2 in the monthly mean. By cloud‐screening the data we find an error of up to 50 Wm−2 associated with cloud‐free areas, which suggests an error in the model surface temperature, surface emissivity, or atmospheric transmission. By building up a physical model of the radiative properties of mineral dust based on in situ, and surface‐based and satellite remote sensing observations we show that the most plausible explanation for the discrepancy in OLR is due to the neglect of mineral dust in the model. The calculations suggest that mineral dust can exert a longwave radiative forcing by as much as 50 Wm−2 in the monthly mean for 1200 UTC in cloud‐free regions, which accounts for the discrepancy between the model and the Meteosat‐7 observations. This suggests that inclusion of the radiative effects of mineral dust will lead to a significant improvement in the radiation balance of numerical weather prediction models with subsequent improvements in performance.
We report the results of a multi-instrument, multi-technique, coordinated study of the solar eruptive event of 13 May 2005. We discuss the resultant Earth-directed (halo) coronal mass ejection (CME), and the effects on the terrestrial space environment and upper Earth atmosphere. The interplanetary CME (ICME) impacted the Earth’s magnetosphere and caused the most-intense geomagnetic storm of 2005 with a Disturbed Storm Time (Dst) index reaching −263 nT at its peak. The terrestrial environment responded to the storm on a global scale. We have combined observations and measurements from coronal and interplanetary remote-sensing instruments, interplanetary and near-Earth in-situ measurements, remote-sensing observations and in-situ measurements of the terrestrial magnetosphere and ionosphere, along with coronal and heliospheric modelling. These analyses are used to trace the origin, development, propagation, terrestrial impact, and subsequent consequences of this event to obtain the most comprehensive view of a geo-effective solar eruption to date. This particular event is also part of a NASA-sponsored Living With a Star (LWS) study and an on-going US NSF-sponsored Solar, Heliospheric, and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) community investigation.
Data assimilation algorithms are a crucial part of operational systems in numerical weather prediction, hydrology and climate science, but are also important for dynamical reconstruction in medical applications and quality control for manufacturing processes. Usually, a variety of diverse measurement data are employed to determine the state of the atmosphere or to a wider system including land and oceans. Modern data assimilation systems use more and more remote sensing data, in particular radiances measured by satellites, radar data and integrated water vapor measurements via GPS/GNSS signals. The inversion of some of these measurements are ill-posed in the classical sense, i.e. the inverse of the operator H which maps the state onto the data is unbounded. In this case, the use of such data can lead to significant instabilities of data assimilation algorithms. The goal of this work is to provide a rigorous mathematical analysis of the instability of well-known data assimilation methods. Here, we will restrict our attention to particular linear systems, in which the instability can be explicitly analyzed. We investigate the three-dimensional variational assimilation and four-dimensional variational assimilation. A theory for the instability is developed using the classical theory of ill-posed problems in a Banach space framework. Further, we demonstrate by numerical examples that instabilities can and will occur, including an example from dynamic magnetic tomography.
The Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE), located at Forschungszentrum Jülich in the most western part of Germany, is a recently established platform for cloud research. The main objective of JOYCE is to provide observations, which improve our understanding of the cloudy boundary layer in a midlatitude environment. Continuous and temporally highly resolved measurements that are specifically suited to characterize the diurnal cycle of water vapor, stability, and turbulence in the lower troposphere are performed with a special focus on atmosphere–surface interaction. In addition, instruments are set up to measure the micro- and macrophysical properties of clouds in detail and how they interact with different boundary layer processes and the large-scale synoptic situation. For this, JOYCE is equipped with an array of state-of-the-art active and passive remote sensing and in situ instruments, which are briefly described in this scientific overview. As an example, a 24-h time series of the evolution of a typical cumulus cloud-topped boundary layer is analyzed with respect to stability, turbulence, and cloud properties. Additionally, we present longer-term statistics, which can be used to elucidate the diurnal cycle of water vapor, drizzle formation through autoconversion, and warm versus cold rain precipitation formation. Both case studies and long-term observations are important for improving the representation of clouds in climate and numerical weather prediction models.
This letter presents pseudolikelihood equations for the estimation of the Potts Markov random field model parameter on higher order neighborhood systems. The derived equation for second-order systems is a significantly reduced version of a recent result found in the literature (from 67 to 22 terms). Also, with the proposed method, a completely original equation for Potts model parameter estimation in third-order systems was obtained. These equations allow the modeling of less restrictive contextual systems for a large number of applications in a computationally feasible way. Experiments with both simulated and real remote sensing images provided good results.
Oil spills in marine environments represent immediate environmental impacts of large magnitude. For that reason the Environmental Sensitivity to Oil Maps constitute a major instrument for planning actions of containment and cleanup. For both the Environmental Sensitivity Maps always need to be updated, to have an appropriate scale and to represent accurately the coastal areas. In this context, this thesis presents a methodology for collecting and processing remote sensing data for the purpose of updating the territorial basis of thematic maps of Environmental Sensitivity to Oil. To ensure greater applicability of the methodology, sensors with complementary characteristics, which provide their data at a low financial cost, were selected and tested. To test the methodology, an area located on the northern coast of the Northeast of Brazil was chosen. The results showed that the products of ASTER data and image hybrid sensor PALSAR + CCD and HRC + CCD, have a great potential to be used as a source of cartographic information on projects that seek to update the Environmental Sensitivity Maps of Oil
The estuaries are important investigation zones of the actual morphodynamic and of depositional facies of recent geological history. They are constituted in important receptor means of the coastal area sediments, where the evolutionary processes occur quickly. They are also attractive means for the development of anthropic activities, which in a disordered way interfere in the active processes in the sedimentary balance of the coastal areas. Among the human interventions, the alterations of the depositional environment of mangroves in areas of tropical estuary is deserving relevance, whose implications for the environment estuarine and the coastal adjacent, they are still far to be known. Due to the interest of the sedimentologic component in the comprehension of the processes linked to the evolution of the environments estuarine and coastal adjacent, this work, aimed at the understanding of the morphodynamic coastal phenomena that comprise the region of estuarine influence of the River Curimataú / RN. It was also evaluated in the morphodynamic context the implications due to alterations of the depositional environment of mangrove by anthropic activity. The Curimataú Estuary, located in the south portion of the oriental coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in the last decades has been objective of the overwhelming occupation of the shrimp farm in areas of mangroves, which were implanted with perspectives of development in a short to medium period. On the other hand, the estuary and its region of coastal influence lacks enough information to subsidize the planning and reorganization more effective of the surrounding activities. Thus, it was intended with this work to give a contribution target tothe maintainable use of the coastal resources of this region. A series of studies using data of orbital and acoustic remote sensing, as of sediments sampling, were executed in the gutter of the estuary. The obtained results starting from the interpretation of bathymetric maps, echo sounder graphics and of distribution of sediments made possible the location of the estuary based in morpho-sedimentar criteria. The estuarine tidal flat was dissected in environments of intertidal mangroves, supratidal mangroves and apicuns with base in the integration of data of sensor optic and of radar following by the field control. The adjacent coast that is influenced by the Curimataú estuary, was segmented according to their geomorphologic characteristics, where each segment had a point of observation of the beach morphodynamic, during the period from january/2001 to february/2002. Once every month, beaches profiles, collections of sediments in the beach zones, as measurement of hydrodynamic parameters were executed. The results of the observations of the tidal environment showed that the area of estuarine influence of the Curimataú begins to suffer negative sedimentary taxes, where in some beaches, the erosive processes are already observed. The granulometric characteristics of the beach sediments start to tend for the increase of thin sand in the erosive periods. The destruction of the depositional environments of mangroves of the Curimataú estuary, to the construction of shrimp farms, can be providing the diminution of the tidal prism of the estuary, enlarging the effects of the local increasing of the sea level, through the smaller supplying of sediments to the adjacent coast. Besides this, it was verified the possibility of the sanding of the tidal channel in the margins of the destroyed areas of mangroves, where very high taxes of sedimentation of thin materials were estimated in case of these areas were preserve
This research is based on the physical characterization of the environment to support definition of the best land use for the county of Colorado D'Oeste, in State of Rondônia, Brazil. Remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques were applied to support the preparation of a Geoenvironmental Zoning, which was used to define strategies of territorial and environmental management in that county. Digital and analogical remote sensing products, acquired by satellites, and additional cartographic and thematic maps allowed a morphostructural analysis to define low and high structural associated study site tectonic. Subsequently, this information was used to support analysis of the physiographic compartmentation of the study area. Based on this study information, it is possible to define geoenvironmental subzones and local hidrological regime, soils, mineral components, texture, color, and sedimentary materials. By integrating previous described information, a synthesis cartographic map generated. Accordingly, this Cartographic Sheet spatially defined the best land use over the study area, indicates zones for conservation, agricultural, and regeneration (areas that should be recovered). Finally, the results of this research can contribute and support governmental and non-governmental organization and local communities could improve land use and soil management, avoiding natural resource destruction and future land scarcity in the county of Colorado D'Oeste.