964 resultados para Conventional Appendectomy


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OBJECTIVES: Do structural characteristics of general practitioners (GPs) who practice complementary medicine (CAM) differ from those GPs who do not? Assessed characteristics included experience and professional integration of general practitioners (GPs), workload, medical activities, and personal and technical resources of practices. The investigated CAM disciplines were anthroposophic medicine, homoeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, neural therapy and herbal medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We designed a cross-sectional study with convenience and stratified samples of GPs providing conventional (COM) and/or complementary primary care in Switzerland. The samples were taken from the database of the Swiss medical association (FMH) and from CAM societies. Data were collected using a postal questionnaire. RESULTS: Of the 650 practitioners who were included in the study, 191 were COM, 167 noncertified CAM and 292 certified CAM physicians. The proportion of females was higher in the population of CAM physicians. Gender-adjusted age did not differ between CAM and COM physicians. Nearly twice as many CAM physicians work part-time. Differences were also seen for the majority of structural characteristics such as qualification of physicians, type of practice, type of staff, and presence of technical equipment. CONCLUSION: The study results show that structural characteristics of primary health care do differ between CAM and COM practitioners. We assumed that the activities of GPs are defined essentially by analyzed structures. The results are to be considered for evaluations in primary health care, particularly when quality of health care is assessed.


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BACKGROUND: This project is part of an evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) aimed at providing a scientific basis for the Swiss Government to include 5 CAM methods in basic health coverage: anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy, neural therapy, phytotherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). OBJECTIVES: The objective was to explore the philosophy of care (convictions and values, priorities in medical activity, motivation for CAM, criteria for the practice of CAM, limits of the used methods) of conventional and CAM general practitioners (GPs) and to determine differences between both groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional survey of a representative sample of 623 GPs who provide complementary or conventional primary care. A mailed questionnaire with open-ended questions focusing on the philosophy of care was used for data collection. An appropriate methodology using a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was developed. RESULTS: Significant differences between both groups include philosophy of care (holistic versus positivistic approaches), motivation for CAM (intrinsic versus extrinsic) and priorities in medical activity. Both groups seem to be aware of limitations of the therapeutic methods used. The study reveals that conventional physicians are also using complementary medicine. DISCUSSION: Our study provides a wealth of data documenting several aspects of physicians' philosophy of care as well as differences and similarities between conventional and complementary care. Implications of the study with regard to quality of care as well as ethical and health policy issues should be investigated further.


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BACKGROUND: The study is part of a nationwide evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in primary care in Switzerland. OBJECTIVES: Patient health status with respect to demographic attributes such as gender, age, and health care utilisation pattern was studied and compared with conventional primary care. METHODS: The study was performed as a cross-sectional survey including 11932 adult patients seeking complementary or conventional primary care. Patients were asked to document their self-perceived health status by completing a questionnaire in the waiting room. Physicians were performing conventional medicine and/or various forms of complementary primary care such as homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine, neural therapy, herbal medicine, or traditional Chinese medicine. Additional information on patient demographics and yearly consultation rates for participating physicians was obtained from the data pool of all Swiss health insurers. These data were used to confirm the survey results. RESULTS: We observed considerable and significant differences in demographic attributes of patients seeking complementary and conventional care. Patients seeking complementary care documented longer lasting and more severe main health problems than patients in conventional care. The number of previous physician visits differed between patient groups, which indicates higher consumption of medical resources by CAM patients. CONCLUSIONS: The study supports the hypothesis of differences in socio-demographic and behavioural attributes of patients seeking conventional medicine or CAM in primary care. The study provides empirical evidence that CAM users are requiring more physician-based medical services in primary care than users of conventional medicine.


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In a surfactant-depletion model of lung injury, tidal recruitment of atelectasis and changes in shunt fraction lead to large Pao2 oscillations. We investigated the effect of these oscillations on conventional arterial blood gas (ABG) results using different sampling techniques in ventilated rabbits. In each rabbit, 5 different ventilator settings were studied, 2 before saline lavage injury and 3 after lavage injury. Ventilator settings were altered according to 5 different goals for the amplitude and mean value of brachiocephalic Pao2 oscillations, as guided by a fast responding intraarterial probe. ABG collection was timed to obtain the sample at the peak or trough of the Pao2 oscillations, or over several respiratory cycles. Before lung injury, oscillations were small and sample timing did not influence Pao2. After saline lavage, when Po2 fluctuations measured by the indwelling arterial Po2 probe confirmed tidal recruitment, Pao2 by ABG was significantly higher at peak (295 +/- 130 mm Hg) compared with trough (74 +/- 15 mm Hg) or mean (125 +/- 75 mm Hg). In early, mild lung injury after saline lavage, Pao2 can vary markedly during the respiratory cycle. When atelectasis is recruited with each breath, interpretation of changes in shunt fraction, based on conventional ABG analysis, should account for potentially large respiratory variations in arterial Po2.


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Less invasive methods of performing total hip arthroplasty have been considered controversial after increased complication rates and component malpositioning were reported. A new method of performing total hip arthroplasty through an incision in the superior capsule, posterior to the abductors and anterior to the posterior capsule, was developed with the aim of producing a technique that maintained the joint stability of the transgluteal exposure and the rapid abductor recovery of the posterior exposure. We assessed the recovery and complications of this technique performed with surgical navigation. The study group was compared with similar subjects who had conventional total hip arthroplasty, without surgical navigation, using the transgluteal exposure. There were 185 consecutive total hip arthroplasties in the study group and 189 nonconsecutive historical total hip arthroplasties in the control group. The two groups were controlled for complexity and had no differences in body mass index, gender, diagnosis, operative side, bilateral operations, and previous surgeries. Patients were evaluated for clinical recovery and perioperative complications at 9 and 24 weeks. The study group recovered faster at both followup examinations. The study group had fewer perioperative and postoperative complications compared with the control group. Accuracy of component positioning was not compromised compared to the control group. Less invasive surgery with the philosophy of maximally preserving the abductors, posterior capsule, and short rotators may result in a safer operation with faster recovery than traditional techniques.


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BACKGROUND: In a prospective, nonrandomized study the outcome in terms of rehabilitation and complications of total hip arthroplasty (THA) through a superior capsulotomy exposure (study group) was compared to THA performed through a direct lateral exposure (control group). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study group (106 THA) and the control group (107 THA) were controlled for complexity and had no significant differences in age, sex, diagnosis, or body mass index. RESULTS: The study group had improved recovery at 6 weeks after surgery which was statistically significant (p<0.001). In addition, the study group had a lower incidence of perioperative complications. CONCLUSION: The current study demonstrates the potential that less-invasive surgical techniques with the philosophy of maximally preserving the abductors, posterior capsule, and short rotators may result in a safer operation with an accelerated recovery.


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The aim of this prospective trial was to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of bright lumen magnetic resonance colonography (MRC) in comparison with conventional colonoscopy (CC). A total of 120 consecutive patients with clinical indications for CC were prospectively examined using MRC (1.5 Tesla) which was then followed by CC. Prior to MRC, the cleansed colon was filled with a gadolinium-water solution. A 3D GRE sequence was performed with the patient in the prone and supine position, each acquired during one breathhold period. After division of the colon into five segments, interactive data analysis was carried out using three-dimensional post-processing, including a virtual intraluminal view. The results of CC served as a reference standard. In all patients MRC was performed successfully and no complications occurred. Image quality was diagnostic in 92% (574/620 colonic segments). On a per-patient basis, the results of MRC were as follows: sensitivity 84% (95% CI 71.7-92.3%), specificity 97% (95% CI 89.0-99.6%). Five flat adenomas and 6/16 small polyps (< or =5 mm) were not identified by MRC. MRC offers high sensitivity and excellent specificity rates in patients with clinical indications for CC. Improved MRC techniques are needed to detect small polyps and flat adenomas.


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Three different fissure preparation procedures were tested and compared to the non-invasive approach using a conventional unfilled sealant and a flowable composite. Eighty permanent molars were selected and divided into 4 groups of 20 teeth each. All the teeth were split into 2 halves, and the exposed fissures were photographed under a microscope (35x) before and after being prepared using the following methods: (I) Er:YAG laser (KEY Laser, KaVo) 600 mJ pulse energy, 6 Hz; (II) diamond bur; (III) Er: YAG laser (KEY Laser, KaVo) 200 mJ pulse energy, 4 Hz; (IV) Control group: Powder jet cleaner (Prophyflex, KaVo, Germany). The pre-and postimages were superimposed in order to evaluate the amount of hard tissue removed. Ten teeth in each group were then acid etched and sealed with an unfilled sealant (Delton opaque, Dentsply), while the remaining 10 teeth were acid etched, primed and bonded (Prime ; Bond NT, Dentsply) and sealed with a flowable composite (X-flow, DeTrey, Dentsply). Material penetration and microleakage were evaluated after thermocycling (5000 cycles) and staining with methylene blue 5%. ANOVA and Mann-Whitney tests were applied for statistical analysis. The laser 600 mJ and bur eliminated the greatest amount of hard tissue. The control teeth presented the least microleakage when sealed with Delton or X-flow. A correlation between material penetration and microleakage could not be statistically confirmed. Mechanical preparation prior to fissure sealing did not enhance the final performance of the sealant.


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BACKGROUND: Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) is a promising noninvasive method of detecting coronary artery disease (CAD). However, most data have been obtained in selected series of patients. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the accuracy of 64-slice MSCT (64 MSCT) in daily practice, without any patient selection. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using 64-slice MSCT coronary angiography (CTA), 69 consecutive patients, 39 (57%) of whom had previously undergone stent implantation, were evaluated. The mean heart rate during scan was 72 beats/min, scan time 13.6 s and the amount of contrast media 72 mL. The mean time span between invasive coronary angiography (ICAG) and CTA was 6 days. Significant stenosis was defined as a diameter reduction of > 50%. Of 966 segments, 884 (92%) were assessable. Compared with ICAG, the sensitivity of CTA to diagnose significant stenosis was 90%, specificity 94%, positive predictive value (PPV) 89% and negative predictive value (NPV) 95%. With regard to 58 stented lesions, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were 93%, 96%, 87% and 98%, respectively. On the patient-based analysis, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of CTA to detect CAD were 98%, 86%, 98% and 86%, respectively. Eighty-two (8%) segments were not assessable because of irregular rhythm, calcification or tachycardia. CONCLUSION: Sixty-four-MSCT has a high accuracy for the detection of significant CAD in an unselected patient population and therefore can be considered as a valuable noninvasive technique.


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OBJECTIVES: Herbal medicine (phytotherapy) is widely used, but the evidence for its effectiveness is a matter of ongoing debate. We compared the quality and results of trials of Western phytotherapy and conventional medicine. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: A random sample of placebo-controlled trials of Western phytotherapy was identified in a comprehensive literature search (19 electronic databases). Conventional medicine trials matched for condition and type of outcome were selected from the Cochrane Central Controlled Trials Register (issue 1, 2003). Data were extracted in duplicate. Trials described as double-blind, with adequate generation of allocation sequence and adequate concealment of allocation were assumed to be of higher methodological quality. RESULTS: Eighty-nine herbal medicine and 89 matched conventional medicine trials were analyzed. Studies of Western herbalism were smaller, less likely to be published in English, and less likely to be indexed in MEDLINE than their counterparts from conventional medicine. Nineteen (21%) herbal and four (5%) conventional medicine trials were of higher quality. In both groups, smaller trials showed more beneficial treatment effects than larger trials. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings challenge the widely held belief that the quality of the evidence on the effectiveness of herbal medicine is generally inferior to the evidence available for conventional medicine.


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BACKGROUND: Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is increasingly used in the West, but the evidence on its effectiveness is a matter of debate. We compared the characteristics, study quality and results of clinical trials of CHM and conventional medicine. METHODS: Comparative study of placebo-controlled trials of CHM and conventional medicine. Eleven bibliographic databases and searches by hand of 48 Chinese-language journals. Conventional medicine trials matched for condition and type of outcome were randomly selected from the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (issue 1, 2003). Trials described as double-blind, with adequate generation of allocation sequence and adequate concealment of allocation, were assumed to be of high quality. Data were analysed using funnel plots and multivariable meta-regression models. RESULTS: 136 CHM trials (119 published in Chinese, 17 published in English) and 136 matched conventional medicine trials (125 published in English) were analysed. The quality of Chinese-language CHM trials tended to be lower than that of English-language CHM trials and conventional medicine trials. Three (2%) CHM trials and 10 (7%) conventional medicine trials were of high quality. In all groups, smaller trials showed more beneficial treatment effects than larger trials. CHM trials published in Chinese showed considerably larger effects than CHM trials published in English (adjusted ratio of ORs 0.29, 95% confidence intervals 0.17-0.52). CONCLUSIONS: Biases are present both in placebo-controlled trials of CHM and conventional medicine, but may be most pronounced in CHM trials published in Chinese-language journals. Only few CHM trials of adequate methodology exist and the effectiveness of CHM therefore remains poorly documented.


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Besnoitia besnoiti, an apicomplexan protozoan parasite, is the causative agent of bovine besnoitiosis. This infection may dramatically affect body condition, and, in males, lead to irreversible infertility. While identification of clinical cases and their histopathological confirmation is relatively simple to carry out, finding subclinical forms of infection is more difficult, thus a more sensitive test for the identification of the etiological agent may be an appropriate diagnostic tool. We have developed the ITS1 rDNA-sequence-based conventional and real-time PCR which are highly sensitive and specific for the detection of B. besnoiti infection in cattle. A recombinant internal positive control was introduced to assess possible sample-related inhibitory effects during the amplification reaction and, in order to prevent false-positive results, a pre-PCR treatment of potentially contaminating dU-containing PCR product with uracil-DNA-glycosylase (UDG) was followed.