940 resultados para Construction waste management
How do processes of power shape the urban environment in small Indian cities? On a day-to-day basis, who actually controls access to and the use of environmental resources? How is this done? Answering these questions contributes to our ability to develop a nuanced understanding the urban condition. In order to investigate these questions an actor-oriented approach is developed, drawing on the anthropological literatures on everyday governance and the everyday state. This conceptual framework informs an urban political ecology approach oriented towards everyday practices and the micro-politics of the (re)production of urban socio-natures. This thesis employs a mixed methods approach to qualitative research. Three cases are presented to explore: para (neighbourhood) clubs as governance actors, the governance of the urban pondscape, and the urban political ecology of solid waste management. These case studies serve to highlight how power shapes the (re)production of urban socio-natures through the everyday environmental governance practices of a complex network of governance actors. This work further demonstrates how multiple intersectionalities, including class, caste and access to political and social authority, shape these practices and their outcomes. Finally, the manner in which balances of power, place making and the formation of subject positions may both result from and shape everyday environmental governance practices and their outcomes is explored. This empirical investigation makes a number of contributions to the literature. It has explores the hereto-understudied topics of environmental governance in small cities in India, the urban political ecologies of non-piped water and of solid waste, and the role of clubs as governance actors. It further contributes to conversations within the literature on how to deepen and broaden Urban Political Ecology by engaging with everyday practices, and cases of ordinary, not-openly contested socio-natures. -- Comment les processus de pouvoir influencent-ils l'environnement urbain dans les petites villes indiennes ? Au quotidien, qui contrôle l'accès et l'utilisation des ressources environnementales ? Comment ce contrôle s'exerce-t-il ? Répondre à ces questions contribue au développement d'une compréhension nuancée de la condition urbaine. Afin d'explorer ces questions une approche actor-oriented de la gouvernance quotidienne est développée, faisant appel aux littératures anthropologiques de la gouvernance quotidienne et de l'everyday state. Ce cadre conceptuel établit ainsi une approche d'Urban Political Ecology orientée vers les pratiques quotidiennes et la micro- politique de la (re) production des socio-natures urbaines. Cette thèse emploie des méthodes qualitatives mixtes. Trois cas sont présentés afin d'étudier : les clubs para (quartier) comme acteurs de la gouvernance; la gouvernance de la pondscape urbaine; et l'urban political ecology de la gestion des déchets solides. Ces études de cas permettent de mettre en lumière la façon dont le pouvoir influence la (re)production des socio-natures urbaines par le biais des pratiques quotidiennes de gouvernance environnementale d'un réseau complexe d'acteurs. Ce travail démontre également comment plusieurs intersectionnalités, y compris la classe, la caste et l'accès au pouvoir politique et social, façonnent ces pratiques de gouvernance et leurs produits. Finalement, cette recherche explore la manière dont les équilibres de pouvoir, la fabrication de lieux et la formation de la position du sujet peuvent à la fois résulter de et contribuer à façonner les pratiques quotidiennes de gouvernance environnementale et leurs produits. Cette investigation empirique fait ainsi plusieurs contributions à la littérature. Elle explore les questions jusque-là sous-étudiées de la gouvernance environnementale dans les petites villes en Inde, de l'urban political ecology de l'eau non courante et des déchets solides, ainsi que du rôle des clubs comme acteurs de la gouvernance. Celle-ci contribue également à des débats sur la façon d'approfondir et d'élargir l'urban political ecology en travaillant sur les pratiques quotidiennes, et sur des cas de socio-natures ordinaires, pas ouvertement contestées.
Työn tavoitteena on määritellä Etelä-Karjalan Jätehuolto Oy:n toiminta-alueella asumisessa syntyvän jätehuollon palvelutaso muuttunutta jätelainsäädäntöä sekä yhtiön hoidettavaksi siirrettäviä palvelutehtäviä vastaavaksi. Tavoitteena on myös valmistella kunnalliset jätehuoltomääräykset, joilla muutokset pannaan täytäntöön jätehuollon kuljetuksen, keräyksen ja käsittelyn sekä hyötykäyttöön toimittamisen osalta. Tavoitteena on laatia esitys palveluun perustuvasta taksamallista koko toiminta-alueelle. Työn alkuosassa tutustutaan jätelainsäädännön kehittymiseen EU:ssa ja Suomessa sekä valmistelussa oleviin muutoksiin, joilla on vaikutusta jätehuollon suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen kannalta. Tutkitaan miten jätehuoltopalvelut omistajakunnissa on toteutettu ja mitä muutoksia jätelain 10 § ja 13 §:n muutos edellyttää nykyiseen järjestelmään. Työn tuloksena valmistuu maakuntaan asumisen jätehuollon vähimmäispalvelutasoesitys sekä ehdotukset sen kehittämisestä ja kustannusten keräämisestä aiheuttamisperiaatteen mukaisesti alueen yhtenäisillä jätetaksoilla. Jätehuoltomääräysehdotukseen sisällytetään jätehuoltoa koskevat tekniset ja laadulliset vaatimukset sekä keinot, joilla kunnan vastuulla olevia jätteitä saadaan ohjattua hyötykäyttöön.
Tämän diplomityön lähtökohtana oli metallijätteen mittausmenetelmien kehittäminen Loviisan voimalaitoksella. Työn taustalla oli myös Säteilyturvakeskuksen antaman ohjeen YVL 8.2 ’Ydinjätteiden ja käytöstä poistettujen ydinlaitosten vapauttaminen valvonnasta’ uusinta. Työssä arvioitiin miten YVL 8.2 -ohjeen päivitys vaikuttaa Loviisan voimalaitoksen metallijätteen käsittelyyn vapautusmenettelyn osalta. Diplomityössä arvioitiin eri aktiivisuusmittausmenetelmien havaitsemia aktiivisuuksia metallijätteessä. Metallijätteen mittausmenetelmien arviointi aloitettiin kirjalliseen materiaaliin tutustumisella, jonka jälkeen mittausmenetelmiä verrattiin kokeellisesti. Verrattavia mittauksia olivat suora kontaminaatiomittaus, gammaspektrometrinen mittaus, kuiva-, märkä-, ja happopyyhintänäytteet sekä mittaus Condor E -monitorilla. Diplomityö sisältää myös arvioinnin ajoneuvojen säteilymittauslaitteiston käytöstä metallijätteen valvonnasta vapauttamisessa. Työssä arvioitiin myös mittausmenetelmän vaikutusta logistiikkaketjuun Loviisan voimalaitoksella ja kaiken metallijätteen loppusijoittamisen vaikutuksia. Nykyinen metallijätteen vapautusmenettely on raskas, eikä täysin uusitun ohjeen YVL 8.2 vaatimusten mukainen. Diplomityön tuloksena metallijätteen käsittelymenetelmäksi suositellaan metallijätteen vapauttamista valvonnasta seuraavin menettelyin. Pieni metallijäte tulisi huolellisen esimittauksen jälkeen pakata ja analysoida gammaspektrometrisesti. Suuret metallijätekappaleet tulisi analysoida pyyhintänäytteiden perusteella. Pyyhintänäytteiden analysointi kannattaisi suorittaa gammaspektrometrillä, koska sillä saavutetaan tarkin tulos ja se on täysin ohjeen YVL 8.2 vaatimusten mukainen. Loppusijoitusluolaan tulisi sijoittaa mahdollisimman pieni määrä vapauttamiskelpoista metallijätettä. Myös ajoneuvojen säteilymittauslaitteiston käyttöä varmentavana mittauksena tulisi tehostaa.
The Laboratory Waste Management Program of the Chemistry Department of UFPR started on 1997 and was developed to meet the requirements of co-processing in cement kiln and those of the respective regulation. The in-lab procedures for waste collection and treatment were devised taking into account their cost, simplicity and wide range of application to the various types of residues generated. The program works with a five step annual journey : 1) Waste collection and treatment, 2) Bulk Storage, 3) Licensing (for transportation and co-processing), 4) Transportation and 5) Co-processing.
This work shows some laboratory waste management developed in order to recover some elements or to prepare the waste for a correct final disposal. The 25 elements chosen cover basically all chemical behaviors found for the metals in the Periodic Table. The treatments adopted were based on the classical behavior in aqueous solution (wet chemistry) but an important condition for a full success was the previous knowledge of the qualitative composition of the wastes treated. Some general trends were found: the final liquid waste was always saline and normally presented a higher volume than the original waste; most original wastes were acid in nature; steps such as solid-liquid separation, washing, evaporating and calcining were currently performed. This work was also a very good experience in chemistry in solution for students and showed them the need of treating wastes for a better environment.
The aim of this work is to establish a program for the treatment of chemical residues and waste waters at the Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), for environmental preservation and training of staff. Five tons of stored residues and the ones currently generated in the laboratories have to be treated. Rational use of water is also part of the program. The traditional purification by distillation has been replaced by purification with ion exchange resins. Lower energy consumption and better water quality were achieved.
Beginning students in chemistry usually do not realize that wastes generated in their experimental classes constitute an environmental problem and that residues must be treated or disposed of in a suitable way. In this manuscript we describe the work that we have been doing in the inorganic chemistry course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul with the objective of creating a critical consciousness in the students about the chemical wastes they generate. With this policy, students are required to take into account the nature of the residues they generate, how they can treat or segregate them, and how they can keep them in a suitable way for final destination, instead of simply throwing them away.
The University of Brasília (UnB) uses a diversity of chemical products, generating residues in a significant way in its multiple activities - teaching, research and community services. The UnB Comission on Chemical Residues Management was established in November 2002, aiming at three main objectives: 1) correct destination for the accumulated residues; 2) implantation of a chemical residues management system and 3) implantation of a UnB Unit for Treatment of Chemical Residues. To fulfil these commitments, a diagnosis of chemical residues produced by the University was performed, which is here presented with an evaluation of their future use, limitations and possibilities.
This work describes a process for metal recovery from spent NiMo and CoMo/Al2O3 commercial hydrorefining catalysts. The samples were treated by fusion with potassium hydrogen sulfate (5 h, 600 ºC) with a KHSO4/catalyst mass ratio of 10:1. After fusion the solid was solubilized in water (100 ºC), leaving silicon compounds as residue. Losses of nickel and cobalt may reach 16 wt% of the amount present in the sample, depending on the silicon content. Soluble metals were isolated by selective precipitation techniques (nickel, cobalt, aluminum) or by solvent extraction with methyl-isobutyl ketone (molybdenum) in a hydrochloric acid medium. All metals were recovered in very good yields except for nickel and cobalt in the presence of considerable amounts of silicon. Soluble wastes consist of potassium/sodium sulfates/chlorides. Solid wastes correspond to about 4 wt% of the catalyst and can be discarded in industrial dumps.
This work presents a study on the determination of the optimal experimental conditions for processing spent commercial zeolites in order to recover lanthanide elements and eventually other elements. The process is based on the fusion of the sample with potassium hydrogenosulfate (KHSO4). Three experimental parameters were studied: temperature, reaction time and catalyst/flux mass ratio. After fusion the solid was dissolved in water and the amount of insoluble matter was used to determine the efficiency of the process. The optimized experimental parameters depend on the composition of the sample processed. Under such conditions the insoluble residue corresponds to SiO2. Lanthanide elements and aluminum present in solution were isolated by conventional precipitation techniques; the yields were at least 75 wt%. The final generated wastes correspond to neutral colorless solutions containing alkali chlorides/sulfates and solids that can be disposed of in industrial dumps.
In this paper, we present procedures for the treatment and final disposal of residual solutions containing chromium, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical precipitation of the metal and the potential of the glass encapsulation technique, using broken laboratory glassware. The results demonstrated that pH-values convenient for chemical precipitation are between 10 - 11. With regard to Cr(OH)3 encapsulation, the leaching and solubilization tests allowed to classify the waste as non-dangerous and non-inert. Finally, it is pointed out that the adoption of waste management practices in universities should be encouraged, helping to train professionals skilled in good laboratory practices.
This work describes a hydrometallurgical route for processing spent commercial catalysts (CoMo and NiMo/Al2O3). Samples were preoxidized (500 ºC, 5 h) in order to eliminate coke and other volatile species present. The calcined solid was dissolved in concentrated H2SO4 and water (1:1 vol/vol) at 90 ºC; the insoluble matter was separated from the solution. Molybdenum was recovered by solvent extraction using tertiary amines at pH around 1.8. Cobalt (or nickel) was separated by addition of aqueous ammonium oxalate at the above pH. Phosphorus was removed by passing the liquid through a strong anion exchange column. Aluminum was recovered by neutralizing the solution with NaOH. The route presented in this work generates less final aqueous wastes because it is not necessary to use alkaline medium during the metal recovery steps.
This work presents hydrometallurgical routes for recovering valuable elements from spent button cells, based on leaching of internal components with sulfuric acid (Li/MnO2 and Zn-air) or nitric acid (Ag-Zn), at 90 ºC for 2h. Slow evaporation of the leachate crystallized MnSO4.H2O, whereas lithium was partially recovered as LiF. Mercury present in Zn-air and Ag-Zn samples was precipitated as HgS. Silver was recovered as AgCl before mercury precipitation. Zinc and iron were precipitated as hydroxides. The amount of iron varied according to the intensity of the corrosion of the external cell case. Final wastes are neutral and colorless sodium sulfate/nitrate solutions.
Since chemical residues management must be seriously considered at institutions of higher education and due to the relevance of this subject for students, this work proposes the involvement of the scientific community in the establishment of a program for management of chemical residues at universities, starting with a committee, to coordinate the process. The program should integrate the entire scientific community in an organized effort. The program involves legislative, educational and environmental management aspects, with environmental education as an important tool to integrate all the administrative areas of a chemistry department.
This work presents the students´ profile before and after working in the course "Laboratory Chemical Waste Treatment" in the last ten years. The structure of the course is also described. Although students have shown an increasing previous experience on waste management, many fundamental aspects are missing, especially knowledge on the directives focusing environmental aspects. Visits to industrial plants are also essential to better understand the impact of wastes in environment. Most students nowadays consider waste management as an essential part of their professional formation. A good waste management program must consider several topics of extreme relevance.