843 resultados para Conservation of resources theory
Research poster about indexing theory
This thesis will explore the whether queer theory has had any real influence on the law on marriage and civil partnership in Scotland. It will do so by examining the work of Michael Foucault and Judith Butler, reviewing both The History of Sexuality Volume One, and Gender Trouble to establish what queer theory has to say on gender and sexuality. Both works expose the artificiality of gender and sexuality, and in doing so, show that marriage and civil partnership are institutions created to support these artificial structures. Marriage and civil partnership are not isolated from the continuing influence of queer discourse on both gender and sexuality; however, as I will show, the influence has been contained largely to opening up privilege, both legally and socially, to those who wish to conform to structures that remain heteronormative and prescriptive.
The collection and conservation of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil happened in so dispersed institutions, an assessment of the storage conditions and the genetic diversity is needed, making it possible to identify new priorities for the genus. This work constitutes diagnosis of geographical distribution, storage conditions in situ and ex situ and on genetic diversity of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil. Research was done in herbariums, databases, literature and in situ (expeditions to rural areas and (markets) to map the areas of occurrence of the species. During these expeditions, questionnaires were applied to obtain information about the property and genus Cucurbita. Questionnaires were sent to 173 Brazilian institutions regarding the preservation conditions ex situ. A genetic variability of the Cucurbita genus was found in traditional Brazilian agriculture. Collections must be prioritized in the northern and southern regions (all states); the southeastern region, all states, except Minas Gerais; central-west, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso; the northeastern region, the states of Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí and Sergipe. Currently 5.545 entries are being conserved in the Germplasm banks, however, C. pepo, C. ficifolia, C. argyrosperma and wild species are poorly represented. The characterization level of conserved entries is low in the ex situcollections. Participative research projects must be financed as a way to stimulate the farmers to continue planting their local varieties. A coleta e conservação do gênero Cucurbita no Brasil aconteceu de forma dispersa pelas instituições, sendo necessário um diagnóstico sobre as condições de conservação e sobre a diversidade genética, tornando possível identificar novas prioridades para o gênero. Este trabalho realizou diagnóstico sobre distribuição geográfica, condições de conservação in situ e ex situ e sobre diversidade genética do gênro Cucurbita no Brasil. Para mapear as áreas de ocorrência das espécies, foram realizados levantamentos de informações em herbários, banco de dados, literatura e levantamentos in situ (expedições para áreas rurais, feiras livres e CEASAs). Nessas expedições foram aplicados questionários, buscando informações sobre a propriedade e o gênero Cucurbita. Em relação as condições de conservação ex situ, foram enviados questionários para 173 instituições brasileiras. Foi constatado que existe variabilidade genética do gênero Cucurbita na agricultura tradicional brasileira. Devem ser priorizadas coletas nas regiões Norte e Sul (todos os estados); região Sudeste, todos os estados, exceto Minas Gerais; região Centro-Oeste, no Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso; região Nordeste, os estados de Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí e Sergipe. Atualmente estão sendo conservados nos Bancos de Germoplasma 5.545 acessos, no entanto C. pepo, C ficifolia, C. argyrosperma e espécies silvestres estão pouco representadas. É baixa a taxa de caracterização dos acessos conservados nas coleções ex situ. Devem ser financiados projetos de pesquisa participativa como uma forma de estimular e dar condições aos agricultores de continuarem cultivado suas variedades locais.
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse areas in the world and considered a hotspot. Several actions are needed for its preservation, among them the implementation of the Biodiversity Corridors. The Atlantic Forest has three biodiversity corridors and the Rio de Janeiro State, which harbors huge species diversity, is in the Serra do Mar Corridor. We developed socioeconomic, political and environmental indicators to present conservation strategies supported by a wide database. These indicators complemented the previous surveys of priority areas which emphasized biotic elements, and their integration allowed the elaboration of strategies for the conservation and management, regionally directed, to support actions to be implemented by the Government. The analysis was done considering three subjects: Anthropic Pressure, Physical and Biotic State, and Present Ability of Response. Data analysis followed a synthesis-aggregation schedule and the resulting database was taken to a workshop, where specialists proposed strategies and actions for the conservation. These strategies were discussed considering vegetation remnant distribution, biological relevance, environmental vulnerability, kind of anthropic pressure in the region and potential for success of the actions proposed, based on the ability of response. Rio de Janeiro State is very diverse in biotic, physical, political, socioeconomic and cultural aspects which demand specific actions for each region. So, depending on the present situation of the natural and anthropic environments and on the present and future sources of degradation, regionally directed actions are applicable. This specificity in conservation actions will enable that the State remnants will be more successfully protected.
The collection and conservation of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil happened in so dispersed institutions, an assessment of the storage conditions and the genetic diversity is needed, making it possible to identify new priorities for the genus. This work constitutes diagnosis of geographical distribution, storage conditions in situ and ex situ and on genetic diversity of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil. Research was done in herbariums, databases, literature and in situ (expeditions to rural areas and (markets) to map the areas of occurrence of the species. During these expeditions, questionnaires were applied to obtain information about the property and genus Cucurbita. Questionnaires were sent to 173 Brazilian institutions regarding the preservation conditions ex situ. A genetic variability of the Cucurbita genus was found in traditional Brazilian agriculture. Collections must be prioritized in the northern and southern regions (all states); the southeastern region, all states, except Minas Gerais; central-west, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso; the northeastern region, the states of Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí and Sergipe. Currently 5.545 entries are being conserved in the Germplasm banks, however, C. pepo, C. ficifolia, C. argyrosperma and wild species are poorly represented. The characterization level of conserved entries is low in the ex situcollections. Participative research projects must be financed as a way to stimulate the farmers to continue planting their local varieties. A coleta e conservação do gênero Cucurbita no Brasil aconteceu de forma dispersa pelas instituições, sendo necessário um diagnóstico sobre as condições de conservação e sobre a diversidade genética, tornando possível identificar novas prioridades para o gênero. Este trabalho realizou diagnóstico sobre distribuição geográfica, condições de conservação in situ e ex situ e sobre diversidade genética do gênro Cucurbita no Brasil. Para mapear as áreas de ocorrência das espécies, foram realizados levantamentos de informações em herbários, banco de dados, literatura e levantamentos in situ (expedições para áreas rurais, feiras livres e CEASAs). Nessas expedições foram aplicados questionários, buscando informações sobre a propriedade e o gênero Cucurbita. Em relação as condições de conservação ex situ, foram enviados questionários para 173 instituições brasileiras. Foi constatado que existe variabilidade genética do gênero Cucurbita na agricultura tradicional brasileira. Devem ser priorizadas coletas nas regiões Norte e Sul (todos os estados); região Sudeste, todos os estados, exceto Minas Gerais; região Centro-Oeste, no Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso; região Nordeste, os estados de Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí e Sergipe. Atualmente estão sendo conservados nos Bancos de Germoplasma 5.545 acessos, no entanto C. pepo, C ficifolia, C. argyrosperma e espécies silvestres estão pouco representadas. É baixa a taxa de caracterização dos acessos conservados nas coleções ex situ. Devem ser financiados projetos de pesquisa participativa como uma forma de estimular e dar condições aos agricultores de continuarem cultivado suas variedades locais.
In this dissertation, we focus on developing new green bio-based gel systems and evaluating both the cleaning efficiency and the release of residues on the treated surface, different micro or no destructive techniques, such as optical microscopy, TGA, FTIR spectroscopy, HS-SPME and micro-Spatially Offset Raman spectroscopy (micro-SORS) were tested, proposing advanced analytical protocols. In the first part, a ternary PHB-DMC/BD gel system composed by biodiesel, dimethyl carbonate and poly-3 hydroxybutyrate was developed for cleaning of wax-based coatings applied on indoor bronze. The evaluation of the cleaning efficacy of the gel was carried out on a standard bronze sample which covered a layer of beeswax by restores of Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, and a real case precious indoor bronze sculpture Pulpito della Passione attributed to Donatello. Results obtained by FTIR analysis showed an efficient removal of the wax coating. In the second part, two new kinds of combined gels based on electrospun tissues (PVA and nylon) and PHB-GVL gel were developed for removal of dammar varnish from painting. The electrospun tissue combined gels exhibited good mechanical property, and showed good efficient in cleaning over normal gel. In the third part, green deep eutectic solvent which consists urea and choline chloride was proposed to produce the rigid gel with agar for the removal of proteinaceous coating from oil painting. Rabbit glue and whole egg decorated oil painting mock-ups were selected for evaluating its cleaning efficiency, results obtained by ATR analysis showed the DES-agar gel has good cleaning performance. Furthermore, we proposed micro-SORS as a valuable alternative non-destructive method to explore the DES diffusion on painting mock-up. As a result, the micro-SORS was successful applied for monitoring the liquid diffusion behavior in painting sub-layer, providing a great and useful instrument for noninvasive residues detection in the conservation field.
Ex-situ conservation and the in-situ conservation of natural habitats are the tools to conserve biodiversity. Habitats and ecosystems have been becoming altered by human activities and a growing number of species requires form of management to ensure their survival. Conservation queries become more complex and urgent. Developing scientifically based and innovative approaches to ex-situ conservation is necessary. Recent studies underline importance of gut microbiome in animal health with implications for animal conservation and management. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that environmental factors can impact gut microbiome composition. Within this scenario, the present work focused on species belonging to different taxa, reptiles and mammals: Aldabrachelys gigantea, the giant tortoise of the Seychelles islands and Indri indri, the greatest leaving lemur of Madagascar. The Seychelles giant tortoise is vulnerable species with declining population, whereas the indri is a critically endangered species that could reach the extinction within 25 years. Both need research to help them to survive. Tortoises live for very long time and to observe how they can afford the environmental changes is very difficult. Indris, instead, are able to survive only in a small area of the Madagascar forest, with a very strong link between the species’ survival and the environment. The obtained results underline importance of environmental factors, both in-situ and ex-situ, for species conservation. Microbiome could help the organisms to respond on a short timescale and cope with, environmental changes. However, species with long generation time might not be able to adapt to fast changes but bacteria with a short generation time can adapt on a shorter timescale allowing the host to cope with fluctuating environment. Gut microbiome plays an important role in an animal’s health and has the potential to improve the management of individuals under human care for conservation purposes.
Sawfishes (Chondrichthyes, Pristidae) are considered one of the most endangered families among elasmobranchs. Extensive efforts are required worldwide to gather solid information on historical and recent changes in the composition/range of species. In this study, we have implemented an integrative approach to characterize the species diversity and the abundance of historical rostra of sawfishes from museums and private collections of the Mediterranean area. The identification at the species level of 172 dried rostra was carried out through the integration of both traditional and geometric morphometric techniques with molecular tools, allowing the assessment of a robust methodical approach to discriminate species. In addition, we analysed 35 rostral teeth to clarify the past distribution of sawfish species considering the isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon. The morphometric, molecular, and geographical characterization of samples was accompanied by the preliminary evaluation of growth structures and the inspection of the strontium isotope composition in two teeth to unravel movement patterns of individuals across different salinities of water. Results were integrated with currently available data from public repositories and showed that the historical specimens belonged to four nominal species: Pristis zijsron (81), Anoxypristis cuspidata (39), P. pristis (30), and P. pectinata (22). An identification error of 5.41% emerged in the morphological distinction of rostra between juvenile individuals of P. pectinata and P. zijsron. The new approach of carbon and oxygen isotopes, implemented for the first time in these taxa, permitted the identification of the high-probability habitat preferences of these benthopelagic elasmobranchs in about 50% of the analysed specimens. Using this multidisciplinary approach, we successfully assigned the numerous museum rostra with lacking data to a given species and identified their candidate geographical origin, retrieving novel information and data for understanding the species distribution and ecology of past, sometimes locally/regionally extinct sawfish faunas.
Cultural heritage is constituted by complex and heterogenous materials, such as paintings but also ancient remains. However, all ancient materials are exposed to external environment and their interaction produces different changes due to chemical, physical and biological phenomena. The organic fraction, especially the proteinaceous one, has a crucial role in all these materials: in archaeology proteins reveal human habits, in artworks they disclose technics and help for a correct restoration. For these reasons the development of methods that allow the preservation of the sample as much as possible and a deeper knowledge of the deterioration processes is fundamental. The research activities presented in this PhD thesis have been focused on the development of new immunochemical and spectroscopic approaches in order to detect and identify organic substances in artistic and archaeological samples. Organic components could be present in different cultural heritage materials as constituent element (e.g., binders in paintings, collagen in bones) and their knowledge is fundamental for a complete understanding of past life, degradation processes and appropriate restauration approaches. The combination of immunological approach with a chemiluminescence detection and Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry allowed a sensitive and selective localization of collagen and elements in ancient bones and teeth. Near-infrared spectrometer and hyper spectral imaging have been applied in combination with chemometric data analysis as non-destructive methods for bones prescreening for the localization of collagen. Moreover, an investigation of amino acids in enamel has been proposed, in order to clarify teeth biomolecules survival overtime through the optimization and application of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography on modern and ancient enamel powder. New portable biosensors were developed for ovalbumin identification in paintings, thanks to the combination between biocompatible Gellan gel and electro-immunochemical sensors, to extract and identify painting binders with the contact only between gel and painting and between gel and electrodes.
A conversão de floresta primária para outros usos alternativos do solo vem ocorrendo aceleradamente na região amazônica. Esse processo tem ocorrido em grande parte por conta do desenvolvimento da atividade pecuarista, agricultura em larga escala e de subsistência, exploração madeireira comercial e mineração. Nesse contexto, a fim de promover a conservação dos recursos naturais, o Governo brasileiro adotou o sistema de unidades de conservação, terras indígenas e quilombolas. Além disso, foram criados instrumentos como o Cadastro Ambiental Rural – CAR objetivando mapear e monitorar as propriedades rurais quanto ao atendimento do disposto no Código Florestal brasileiro, considerando principalmente as áreas com restrição legal ao uso do solo. Assim, esta pesquisa procurou avaliar a capacidade das áreas de reserva legal em garantir a conservação dos recursos naturais em propriedades rurais, utilizando-se para tanto dados do CAR e produtos temáticos de uso e cobertura da terra oriundos de projetos institucionais federais. Para isto, foram avaliadas duas bacias amazônicas, considerando os princípios de ecologia de paisagem e com o uso de métricas de paisagem. Os resultados apontam duas áreas com características diferenciadas, sendo uma de maior capacidade de conservação de recursos e outra mais fragmentada, sendo também observadas propriedades rurais de diferentes características e importâncias na conservação de recursos dentro de cada bacia estudada.
El objetivo de la presente Tesis está dirigido a analizar diversas opciones de diversificación que la pesca marítima profesional puede tener, poniendo el acento en el respeto al medio ambiente. En concreto la Pesca-turismo aparece como una de las alternativas más viables tanto por su respeto al medio ambiente como por su relativamente sencilla posibilidad de implantación en España. A fin de poder desarrollar la misma se proponen los cambios legislativos necesarios para su implantación en nuestro país procediéndose, para ello, al estudio de la situación actual de la actividad pesquera en nuestro país desde un punto de vista jurídico, con una especial consideración de la gestión y conservación de los recursos pesqueros. El estudio de su posible implantación en España, comienza analizando cuáles son las diferentes administraciones que influyen en dicha actividad y en qué medida lo hacen, tanto en el ámbito nacional como en el supranacional, con una especial referencia a la Unión Europea, así como la organización de las mismas. Acto seguido se procede al examen, tanto de la normativa sobre la materia, como de la jurisprudencia y la doctrina aplicables a la actividad de pesca marítima en España para, una vez llevado a cabo dicho estudio, comenzar con el examen de los requisitos exigidos, ya sean éstos de índole material o humana, a aquéllos que quieran llevarla a cabo. A continuación, se estudia el régimen de infracciones y sanciones, entrando, por último, en el terreno más propiamente de conservación de los recursos, donde se examinan las medidas que, a tal fin, se encuentran en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. Más adelante se analiza, siquiera sea brevemente, la pesca deportiva, que, aunque con una incidencia muy inferior, no deja de ser otra forma de actividad extractiva. La existencia de otras experiencias parecidas a la propuesta de pesca-turismo en el ámbito internacional es objeto de estudio a fin de determinar cuál es la situación en otros países donde se hayan implantado con anterioridad. Para ello se lleva a cabo un análisis de las distintas soluciones que a este mismo problema se han dado en otros países también con amplia tradición en este campo procediendo, a tal fin, a un estudio de la legislación sobre la pesca-turismo, fundamentalmente en Italia, pero también en Francia y Portugal. A la vista de cuanto antecede es posible concluir que al día de hoy no es factible la realización de las actividades de Pesca-turismo con los instrumentos jurídicos de los que se dispone en España, dado que existen puntos sustanciales en los mismos que o bien impiden o bien no permiten su desarrollo. Por tanto el planteamiento de tales actividades necesariamente conlleva una serie de modificaciones normativas. El siguiente paso y en relación con las modificaciones normativas a efectuar, se ofrece un texto alternativo al texto legal a modificar (Ley 3/2001 de Pesca Marítima del Estado) y al Real Decreto 1027/1989, mientras que se dejan efectuados los apuntes precisos de cual debería de ser el marco reglamentario que, en desarrollo de las modificaciones anteriores, posibilitasen el ejercicio de la Pesca-turismo en España. Por último se ha optado por efectuar un análisis de la opinión del sector, tendente a verificar si los datos obtenidos empíricamente quedaban asimismo reflejados en las actitudes de los destinatarios finales de tales normas, que no serían otros que los pescadores profesionales. A tal fin se ha procedido a recoger las opiniones de diversos colectivos del sector, a través tanto de las cofradías de pescadores como de las Federaciones, acerca de las actividades de pesca-turismo, buscando la representación de todas las zonas geográficas. Fruto de tal investigación se ha llegado a la conclusión de que el desarrollo de las actividades propuesta de pescaturismo cuenta con una opinión favorable dentro del sector que, con una mayoría aplastante se manifestó a favor de desarrollar la posibilidad de ejercicio de la mismas. SUMMARY The objective of this thesis is aimed to analyze various options of diversification that commercial maritime fishing can have, with an emphasis on respect for the environment. Specifically, fishing-tourism appears as one of the most viable alternatives because of its environmental friendliness as well by its relatively simple possibility of implementation in Spain In order to develop it, it is proposed the necessary changes legislative for implementation in our country proceeding to study of the current situation of fisheries in our country from a legal perspective, with special consideration of the management and conservation of fisheries resources. The study of their possible implementation in Spain, begins by analyzing which are the different administrations that influence in that activity and to what extent they do, both at the national field as well at the supranational field, with special reference to the European Union and organization of thereof. Then proceeds to an examination, both of the relevant legislation as well as of the jurisprudence and doctrine applicable to maritime fishing in Spain for, once conducted this study, to begin with the consideration of the requirements, be they human or material, to those who want to carry out. Then studies the regime of offences and penalties, entering, finally, in the field conservation of resources, where discusses measures which, to this end, are in our legal system Later analyzes, even briefly, sport fishing, which, although with a much lower incidence, it is another form of extractive activity. The existence of other similar experiences to the proposal of fishing-tourism in the international arena is object of study in order to determine which is the situation in other countries where it has been implemented previously. For that it is carried out an analysis of the different solutions that to this same problem have been given in other countries with long tradition in this field, to proceed to study about legislation on fishing-tourism, fundamentally in Italy, but also in France and Portugal In view of the above it can be concluded that today is not feasible to implement the fishing-tourism activities with the legal instruments that are available in Spain, as there are substantial points which prevent them or not allows its development. Therefore the approach to such activities necessarily entails a series of normatives changes. The next step and in relation to normatives changes to do, it is offered an alternative text to the legal text to modify (Law 3/2001 of the State Marine Fisheries) and to the Royal Decree No. 1027 / 1989, while we leave made accurate notes about which ought be the reglamentary framework that, in developing of the above modifications, can be enable exercise of fishing-tourism in Spain. Finally, it is been opted to carry out an analysis of the opinion of the sector, aimed at verifying if data obtained empirically were also reflected in the attitudes of the final recipients of such standards, who would not be other than the professional fishermen. For this purpose it has been collected the opinions of various groups of the sector, through of fishermen's associations and federations, about of the activities of tourism-fishing, looking for the representation of all geographical areas. The result of such an investigation has concluded that the development of this proposed activities fishing-tourism has a positive opinion within the sector because an overwhelming majority was in favor of developing the possibility of exercise of the same.
Discusses the implications of the economic valuation of natural resources used for tourism and relates this valuation to the concept of total economic valuation. It demonstrates how applications of the concept of total economic valuation can be supportive of the conservation of natural resources used for tourism. Techniques for valuing tourism’s natural resources are then outlined and critically evaluated. Consideration is given to travel cost methods, contingent valuation methods, and hedonic pricing approaches before concentrating on current developments of valuation techniques, such as choice modelling. The general limitations of existing methods are considered and it is argued that more attention should be given to developing guidelines that will identify ‘optimally imperfect methods’. An overall assessment concludes this article.
In order to reduce the rate of human-induced biodiversity loss of wild species, it has become increasingly important to stem this loss on private and tribal lands and to find effective policies to do this. Some writers believe that granting landholders commercial property rights in wildlife might be effective in dealing with this matter and result in the sustainable use of wildlife. This paper explores this view using economic theory. In doing so, it takes into account the total economic valuation concept. While granting of commercial property rights is found to be effective for conserving some species, it is predicted to be a complete failure as a means of conserving other species. In addition, particular attention is given to the economics of the utilisation and conservation of non-captive fugitive (or mobile) wildlife. The economic theory involved is contrasted and compared with that for the exploitation of open-access resources.
Conservation of biodiversity is a complex issue. Apart from the creation of nature reserves, there is a plethora of other factors that are part of this complex web. One such factor is the public knowledge of species. Since public funding is imperative for the conservation of species and creation of reserves for them it is important to determine the public’s awareness of species and their knowledge about them. In the absence of such awareness and knowledge, it is possible that the public may misallocate their support. In other words, resources may be provided for species that do not need support urgently. We show how availability of balanced information about species helps the public to make rational decisions and to allocate support (e.g. monetary) to species that need it most. Other implications of a ‘wildlife knowledgeable’ public are also discussed.
A range of models describing metapopulations is surveyed and their implications for conservation biology are described. An overview of the use of both population genetic elements and demographic theory in metapopulation models is given. It would appear that most of the current models suffer from either the use of over-simplified demography or the avoidance of selectively important genetic factors. The scale for which predictions are made by the various models is often obscure. A conceptual framework for describing metapopulations by utilising the concept of fitness of local populations is provided and some examples are given. The expectation that any general theory, such as that of metapopulations, can make useful predictions for particular problems of conservation is examined and compared with the prevailing 'state of the art' recommendations.