962 resultados para Computer game -- Programming
Increased professionalism in rugby has elicited rapid changes in the fitness profile of elite players. Recent research, focusing on the physiological and anthropometrical characteristics of rugby players, and the demands of competition are reviewed. The paucity of research on contemporary elite rugby players is highlighted, along with the need for standardised testing protocols. Recent data reinforce the pronounced differences in the anthropometric and physical characteristics of the forwards and backs. Forwards are typically heavier, taller, and have a greater proportion of body fat than backs. These characteristics are changing, with forwards developing greater total mass and higher muscularity. The forwards demonstrate superior absolute aerobic and anaerobic power, and Muscular strength. Results favour the backs when body mass is taken into account. The scaling of results to body mass can be problematic and future investigations should present results using power function ratios. Recommended tests for elite players include body mass and skinfolds, vertical jump, speed, and the multi-stage shuttle run. Repeat sprint testing is a possible avenue for more specific evaluation of players. During competition, high-intensity efforts are often followed by periods of incomplete recovery. The total work over the duration of a game is lower in the backs compared with the forwards; forwards spend greater time in physical contact with the opposition while the backs spend more time in free running, allowing them to cover greater distances. The intense efforts undertaken by rugby players place considerable stress on anaerobic energy sources, while the aerobic system provides energy during repeated efforts and for recovery. Training should focus on repeated brief high-intensity efforts with short rest intervals to condition players to the demands of the game. Training for the forwards should emphasise the higher work rates of the game, while extended rest periods can be provided to the backs. Players should not only be prepared for the demands of competition, but also the stress of travel and extreme environmental conditions. The greater professionalism of rugby union has increased scientific research in the sport; however, there is scope for significant refinement of investigations on the physiological demands of the game, and sports-specific testing procedures.
For dynamic simulations to be credible, verification of the computer code must be an integral part of the modelling process. This two-part paper describes a novel approach to verification through program testing and debugging. In Part 1, a methodology is presented for detecting and isolating coding errors using back-to-back testing. Residuals are generated by comparing the output of two independent implementations, in response to identical inputs. The key feature of the methodology is that a specially modified observer is created using one of the implementations, so as to impose an error-dependent structure on these residuals. Each error can be associated with a fixed and known subspace, permitting errors to be isolated to specific equations in the code. It is shown that the geometric properties extend to multiple errors in either one of the two implementations. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
O estudo assume como problema de investigação analisar as contribuições da Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada (CAA) aos processos comunicativos de alunos sem fala articulada no contexto da escola, destacando nesses processos o papel potencializador dos interlocutores. Fundamenta-se na abordagem de linguagem e na noção de enunciado discutidas por Bakhtin e nas contribuições de Vigotski sobre a relação entre desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, postulando que a aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem ocorrem no curso das aprendizagens, ao longo da vida. As análises e reflexões empreendidas evidenciam uma discussão acerca da linguagem que se desloca da dimensão orgânica para a dimensão da constituição do sujeito como humano. Sob essa visão, outros conceitos, como os de língua, fala, interação verbal, dialogia, enunciação, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento são problematizados e também considerados como elementos fundantes e presentes nas relações comunicativas entre os sujeitos sem fala articulada e seus interlocutores. Na primeira etapa, o estudo busca conhecer as formas organizativo-pedagógicas de cinco Secretarias Municipais de Educação da Região Metropolitana de Vitória e da Secretaria de Estado da Educação no que diz respeito à identificação dos alunos com Paralisia Cerebral, sem fala articulada, ao acompanhamento técnico-pedagógico e à formação de professores que atuam na Educação Especial. Na segunda etapa, objetiva conhecer a processualidade da organização do trabalho pedagógico instituída nos contextos escolares e investiga os processos comunicativos em/com dois alunos com severos comprometimentos motores e de fala em duas escolas de Ensino Fundamental, localizadas no município de Serra e de Vitória. Nesta etapa, opta pela pesquisa- ação colaborativo-crítica por contribuir, teórica e metodologicamente, para sustentar os fazeres individuais e coletivos nos lócus de investigação. Os resultados revelam que, institucionalmente, ainda não se conhece quem são e quantos são os alunos com Paralisia Cerebral sem fala articulada no contexto de suas reais necessidades. Esse desconhecimento é atribuído pelas gestoras das Secretarias Municipais de Educação investigadas ao considerarem que, via de regra, são tomadas apenas as informações do Educacenso-INEP. As identificações pontuais, quando ocorrem, são decorrentes de estratégias internas adotadas, sendo uma delas o assessoramento pedagógico das equipes às escolas. No que tange ao ensino, à aprendizagem e à avaliação, o estudo constata que são atravessados por concepções equivocadas sobre os sujeitos com Paralisia Cerebral sustentadas, sobretudo, pela baixa expectativa e pelo pouco “esforço” quanto à sua escolarização. Constata também que o uso dos recursos de CAA potencializa os processos comunicativos dos alunos investigados e, movimentados pela linguagem, possibilita-lhes enunciar e fixar posições, opiniões e decisões, assegurando-lhes mais autonomia e fluidez do processo comunicacional. As formas de mediação dos interlocutores assim como as dinâmicas dialógicas por eles utilizadas com os alunos se constituem como elementos importantes nos processos de comunicação e interação. A espera do outro, o apoio e o incentivo à reformulação daquilo que se quer expressar, as modificações e alterações no jogo dialógico são exemplos dessa mediação. Quanto às ações de reorganização do trabalho pedagógico, o estudo registra maior articulação e colaboração entre professores da classe, professora da Educação Especial e estagiária no planejamento das aulas, dos conteúdos, com a inserção no notebook para um dos alunos; o uso das pranchas de comunicação, por ambos os alunos e seus interlocutores, como ação inovadora nos contextos escolares; a realização de atividades pelos alunos, com gradativa autonomia, a partir da disponibilização de recursos de TA/CAA (pasta de conteúdos temáticos, figuras imantadas, quadro metálico, ponteira, plano inclinado, notebook); a proposição de ações intencionais de alfabetização, a partir da reorganização de espaços-tempos no cotidiano da escola. Conclui que as discussões teóricas e práticas das questões relacionadas com a linguagem, com os processos cognitivos e com o uso de recursos de TA/CAA alavancam mudanças na concepção dos profissionais das escolas pesquisadas que, ainda, sob uma visão reducionista quanto às formas de comunicação e de interação verbal, “impõem” limites à escolarização dos alunos com deficiência.
The success of the digital game industry is spawning several undergraduate degrees aiming at the training of digital game developers. Building adequate new courses curricula is not a trivial task and demands a profound analysis of the scientific areas to introduce as well as the dependencies throughout the entire degree. Another important aspect of every academic educational plan are the satellite projects that promote entrepreneurship and provide practical professional experiences to students. This paper presents the main guidelines adopted in the creation of the first digital game development undergraduate degree created in Portugal.
Experimental scratch resistance testing provides two numbers: the penetration depth Rp and the healing depth Rh. In molecular dynamics computer simulations, we create a material consisting of N statistical chain segments by polymerization; a reinforcing phase can be included. Then we simulate the movement of an indenter and response of the segments during X time steps. Each segment at each time step has three Cartesian coordinates of position and three of momentum. We describe methods of visualization of results based on a record of 6NX coordinates. We obtain a continuous dependence on time t of positions of each of the segments on the path of the indenter. Scratch resistance at a given location can be connected to spatial structures of individual polymeric chains.
This paper presents experimental results of the communication performance evaluation of a prototype ZigBee-based patient monitoring system commissioned in an in-patient floor of a Portuguese hospital (HPG – Hospital Privado de Guimar~aes). Besides, it revisits relevant problems that affect the performance of nonbeacon-enabled ZigBee networks. Initially, the presence of hidden-nodes and the impact of sensor node mobility are discussed. It was observed, for instance, that the message delivery ratio in a star network consisting of six wireless electrocardiogram sensor devices may decrease from 100% when no hidden-nodes are present to 83.96% when half of the sensor devices are unable to detect the transmissions made by the other half. An additional aspect which affects the communication reliability is a deadlock condition that can occur if routers are unable to process incoming packets during the backoff part of the CSMA-CA mechanism. A simple approach to increase the message delivery ratio in this case is proposed and its effectiveness is verified. The discussion and results presented in this paper aim to contribute to the design of efficient networks,and are valid to other scenarios and environments rather than hospitals.
Over the last decade, software architecture emerged as a critical issue in Software Engineering. This encompassed a shift from traditional programming towards software development based on the deployment and assembly of independent components. The specification of both the overall systems structure and the interaction patterns between their components became a major concern for the working developer. Although a number of formalisms to express behaviour and to supply the indispensable calculational power to reason about designs, are available, the task of deriving architectural designs on top of popular component platforms has remained largely informal. This paper introduces a systematic approach to derive, from CCS behavioural specifications the corresponding architectural skeletons in the Microsoft .Net framework, in the form of executable C and Cω code. The prototyping process is fully supported by a specific tool developed in Haskell
Program slicing is a well known family of techniques used to identify code fragments which depend on or are depended upon specific program entities. They are particularly useful in the areas of reverse engineering, program understanding, testing and software maintenance. Most slicing methods, usually oriented towards the imperative or object paradigms, are based on some sort of graph structure representing program dependencies. Slicing techniques amount, therefore, to (sophisticated) graph transversal algorithms. This paper proposes a completely different approach to the slicing problem for functional programs. Instead of extracting program information to build an underlying dependencies’ structure, we resort to standard program calculation strategies, based on the so-called Bird-Meertens formalism. The slicing criterion is specified either as a projection or a hiding function which, once composed with the original program, leads to the identification of the intended slice. Going through a number of examples, the paper suggests this approach may be an interesting, even if not completely general, alternative to slicing functional programs
Program slicing is a well known family of techniques intended to identify and isolate code fragments which depend on, or are depended upon, specific program entities. This is particularly useful in the areas of reverse engineering, program understanding, testing and software maintenance. Most slicing methods, and corresponding tools, target either the imperative or the object oriented paradigms, where program slices are computed with respect to a variable or a program statement. Taking a complementary point of view, this paper focuses on the slicing of higher-order functional programs under a lazy evaluation strategy. A prototype of a Haskell slicer, built as proof-of-concept for these ideas, is also introduced
More and more current software systems rely on non trivial coordination logic for combining autonomous services typically running on different platforms and often owned by different organizations. Often, however, coordination data is deeply entangled in the code and, therefore, difficult to isolate and analyse separately. COORDINSPECTOR is a software tool which combines slicing and program analysis techniques to isolate all coordination elements from the source code of an existing application. Such a reverse engineering process provides a clear view of the actually invoked services as well as of the orchestration patterns which bind them together. The tool analyses Common Intermediate Language (CIL) code, the native language of Microsoft .Net Framework. Therefore, the scope of application of COORDINSPECTOR is quite large: potentially any piece of code developed in any of the programming languages which compiles to the .Net Framework. The tool generates graphical representations of the coordination layer together and identifies the underlying business process orchestrations, rendering them as Orc specifications
Current software development often relies on non-trivial coordination logic for combining autonomous services, eventually running on different platforms. As a rule, however, such a coordination layer is strongly woven within the application at source code level. Therefore, its precise identification becomes a major methodological (and technical) problem and a challenge to any program understanding or refactoring process. The approach introduced in this paper resorts to slicing techniques to extract coordination data from source code. Such data are captured in a specific dependency graph structure from which a coordination model can be recovered either in the form of an Orc specification or as a collection of code fragments corresponding to the identification of typical coordination patterns in the system. Tool support is also discussed
Abstract: in Portugal, and in much of the legal systems of Europe, «legal persons» are likely to be criminally responsibilities also for cybercrimes. Like for example the following crimes: «false information»; «damage on other programs or computer data»; «computer-software sabotage»; «illegitimate access»; «unlawful interception» and «illegitimate reproduction of protected program». However, in Portugal, have many exceptions. Exceptions to the «question of criminal liability» of «legal persons». Some «legal persons» can not be blamed for cybercrime. The legislature did not leave! These «legal persons» are v.g. the following («public entities»): legal persons under public law, which include the public business entities; entities utilities, regardless of ownership; or other legal persons exercising public powers. In other words, and again as an example, a Portuguese public university or a private concessionaire of a public service in Portugal, can not commit (in Portugal) any one of cybercrime pointed. Fair? Unfair. All laws should provide that all legal persons can commit cybercrimes. PS: resumo do artigo em inglês.
With the number of elderly people increasing tremendously worldwide, comes the need for effective methods to maintain or improve older adults' cognitive performance. Using continuous neurofeedback, through the use of EEG techniques, people can learn how to train and alter their brain electrical activity. A software platform that puts together the proposed rehabilitation methodology has been developed: a digital game protocol that supports neurofeedback training of alpha and theta rhythms, by reading the EEG activity and presenting it back to the subject, interleaved with neurocognitive tasks such as n-Back and Corsi Block-Tapping. This tool will be used as a potential rehabilitative platform for age-related memory impairments.
Nowadays despite improvements in usability and intuitiveness users have to adapt to the proposed systems to satisfy their needs. For instance, they must learn how to achieve tasks, how to interact with the system, and fulfill system's specifications. This paper proposes an approach to improve this situation enabling graphical user interface redefinition through virtualization and computer vision with the aim of increasing the system's usability. To achieve this goal the approach is based on enriched task models, virtualization and picture-driven computing.