951 resultados para Coast of Granada
The blue marlin, Makaira nigricans (Istiophoridae), is a large, top predator with a worldwide distribution whose feeding ecology is still unknown in the northeast Atlantic. The stomach contents of 24 Atlantic blue marlin, caught by the Big Game fishing fleet (between 2007 and 2010) off the south coast of Portugal, were studied. All marlin fed exclusively on pelagic fish, with a total of 180 prey items recorded, belonging to 6 identified species. The most important family in the blue marlin diet was Scombridae, representing 70% of the total prey items. Among the Scombridae, the chub mackerel, Scomber colias, was the most important prey species (47.9% by weight, 51.1% by number, 58.3% by frequency of occurrence). The length of prey found in the stomachs ranged from 136 to 727 mm in length, and a significant positive correlation was found between prey and blue marlin size. Our results suggest that in this geographical area (NE Atlantic) marlin feed on a small spectrum of species, with a preference for foraging on seamounts.
The stomach contents of Diplodus vulgaris and Spondyliosoma cantharus were: analysed using three simple methods (numeric, gravimetric and frequency of occurrence) and a composite index (I.R.I - Index of Relative Importance). To compare the species, the Schoener index was used. The diet of D. vulgaris consisted mainly of ophiuroids, polychaetes, amphipods and echinoids, while polychaetes, amphipods and hydrozoans dominated in the case of S. cantharus. There were some size-related differences in S. cantharus feeding. Diet overlap was relatively slight, with significant differences in feeding between the two species, notably in terms of greater consumption of echinoderms by D. vulgaris and hydrozoans by S. cantharus. As is the case for the majority of sea breams, D. vulgaris and S. cantharus are characterised by a diverse diet in terms of prey reflecting available prey items in their environment.
The maturity of the undulate ray, Raja undulata, one of the most important by-catch elasmobranch species captured in south Portugal, was studied for the first time. Females ranged in total length (TL) from 19.4 to 88.2 cm and males from 23.0 to 83.2 cm. The gonadosomatic index for females was higher during the winter, meaning that this species reproduces during this season. Females matured at significantly larger sizes and older ages than males, with 50% of the females mature at 76.2 cm TL at an age of 8.98 years while 50% maturity for males was achieved at 73.6 cm TL and 7.66 years. Females were mature at 86.3% of the maximum observed size and 69.1% of the maximum observed age while males matured at 88.5% of the maximum observed size and 63.8% of the maximum observed age, making this a very late maturing species, with important consequences in terms of fisheries management and conservation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The reproductive biology of 1045 female (9.5-67 cm (total length(TL)) and 1007 male (9.4-64.3 cm TL) blackmouth catsharks, Galeus melastomus, was investigated. The sharks were caught off southern Portugal by bottom crustacean trawlers at depths from 209 to 754 m. The sex ratio was 1:1, and this species is sexually dimorphic with males approaching maturity at smaller size than females. Sexual segregation appears to be given for the stork within the study area. Sexual maturity was reached at a total length above 49 cm in males and above 56 cm in females. Mating and egg-deposition take place all year round, with two reproductive peaks of activity, in winter and summer. Egg capsules are, on average, 54 mm long and 21 mm wide, with a maximum of 63 x 25 mm encountered. Morphometric measurements of claspers, testes, ovaries, and oviducal glands were suitable for determining sexual maturity of blackmouth catshark.
The study of Spondyliosoma cantharus (L.) reproduction was carried out within the framework of a project on the Fisheries resources of the south-west coast of Portugal, and was based on the analysis of the spawning season, gonad maturation, size-at-maturity, fecundity, and hermaphroditism. Spawning took place from February to April, peaking in March. Analysis of the sex ratio by size class and season showed that females were more abundant throughout the year (M/F=0.57) and in the smaller size classes. Overall size at first maturity (L-50) was 20.10 cm total length (TL), with a significant difference between males (22.41 cm, TL) and females (19.98 cm, TL). Absolute fecundity (Fa) ranged from 37,506 to 112,074 oocytes, with a mean of 61,396. A power type relationship best described the relationships between absolute fecundity and TL (Fa = 436.27TL(1.575)), and somatic weight (Fa = 2979.7SW(0.585)). The number of oocytes/g of female somatic weight ranged from 217 to 549, with a mean of 346. The reproductive strategy of this species is characterised by protogynic hermaphroditism, as indicated by the presence of individuals in transition and of testes with vestiges of preceding ovaries associated with the significant differences in the size frequency distributions of the sexes.
The study of the reproduction of Diplodus vulgaris (Geoff.) as part of a base-line study of the fishery resources of the southwest coast of Portugal, was based on the analysis of the spawning season, gonad maturation, size at maturity, fecundity and hermaphroditism. The spawning season is relatively long, from December to March, with peaks in January and February. No significant differences were found either in the sex ratio (M:F = 1.01) over the year or by size. The size at first maturity (L-50) for all sexes and undetermined individuals combined was 18.33 cm total length (TL), with no significant differences between males and females. The estimated L-50 is considerably greater than the minimum legal size in Portugal of 15.0 cm. Mean absolute fecundity (F-a) was 131 127 oocytes, ranging from 31 523 to 250 608. The relationship between absolute fecundity and total length (TL) (F-a = 25 398 TL-484 426) and somatic weight (SW) (F-a = 878.8SW-71 416) was of the linear type. The mean number of oocytes per gram of somatic weight was 526, ranging from 194 to 887. The reproductive strategy of this species is characterized by a rudimentary hermaphroditism with possible protandry, as evidenced by the existence of individuals in sexual transition.
The Japanese oyster drill or rock snail Pteropurpura (Ocinebrellus) inornata (Récluz, 1851), a marine mollusc, belonging to the family Muricidae, is reported from Portugal for the first time. This non-indigenous species, most likely introduced accidentally from French oyster rearing areas into mainland Portugal, has been regularly sampled in shellfish-culture and nearby environments in Sagres, Algarve, Southwest Portugal since 2005–2008. Detailed studies are urgently needed in order to assess whether or not it has become an invasive species due to a range expansion beyond its point of initial introduction. Outputs should provide information to decision-makers to predict and limit further spread which might result in biodiversity loss and negative economical consequences in locally species-rich areas.
Twenty-five specimens of the hermit crab Calcinus tubularis were observed during SCUBA dives for fauna and flora assessment in the shallow rocky reefs of the southern coast of Portugal between 2003 and 2008. Of the specimens observed, only one specimen used a tube gallery, while the others occupied unidentified gastropod shells with strong bio-cover. Calcinus tubularis is here recorded from the mainland Portuguese coast for the first time. This is the first record of the species in European coastal waters outside the Mediterranean Sea (excluding the Atlantic Islands) and extends the known geographical distribution of the species further north in the north-eastern Atlantic.
The marine gastropod Anachis aliceae (Pallary, 1900) is reported with certainty for the first time from the Algarve, south coast of Portugal from species-rich rocky priority biotope. Several live specimens of this species belonging to the Columbellidae family were collected and identified from by-catch samples, recovered from octopus traps set at depths between 50 and 70 m off Ponta da Piedade. Taxonomic validation of the newly recorded species is based on the comparison to other related species within the genus.
The European Nature Information System (EUNIS) has been implemented for the establishment of a marine European habitats inventory. Its hierarchical classification is defined and relies on environmental variables which primarily constrain biological communities (e.g. substrate types, sea energy level, depth and light penetration). The EUNIS habitat classification scheme relies on thresholds (e.g. fraction of light and energy) which are based on expert judgment or on the empirical analysis of the above environmental data. The present paper proposes to establish and validate an appropriate threshold for energy classes (high, moderate and low) and for subtidal biological zonation (infralittoral and circalittoral) suitable for EUNIS habitat classification of the Western Iberian coast. Kineticwave-induced energy and the fraction of photosynthetically available light exerted on the marine bottom were respectively assigned to the presence of kelp (Saccorhiza polyschides, Laminaria hyperborea and Laminaria ochroleuca) and seaweed species in general. Both data were statistically described, ordered fromthe largest to the smallest and percentile analyseswere independently performed. The threshold between infralittoral and circalittoral was based on the first quartile while the ‘moderate energy’ class was established between the 12.5 and 87.5 percentiles. To avoid data dependence on sampling locations and assess the confidence interval a bootstrap technique was applied. According to this analysis,more than 75% of seaweeds are present at locations where more than 3.65% of the surface light reaches the sea bottom. The range of energy levels estimated using S. polyschides data, indicate that on the IberianWest coast the ‘moderate energy’ areas are between 0.00303 and 0.04385 N/m2 of wave-induced energy. The lack of agreement between different studies in different regions of Europe suggests the need for more standardization in the future. However, the obtained thresholds in the present study will be very useful in the near future to implement and establish the Iberian EUNIS habitats inventory.
Trawling for crustaceans takes place on the south coast of Portugal at depths between 200 and 800 m. Large amounts of discards are released back to sea, reaching the bottom in the general area where trawling occurs. The objective of this work was to study the time taken for decomposition of the discards, to identify the most important scavenging species involved, and to evaluate the impact on the species targeted by the fishery. We conducted a series of 22 trials, using traps baited with samples of the discards. The time of immersion varied between 1 and 40 h. The amount of tissue removed from the discards was evaluated on a qualitative scale of 1–3, and quantitatively. The species caught in the traps were identified. Considerable consumption of the bait had occurred after 5 h of immersion. After 24 h of immersion only fish bones were left; past 40 h, consumption was complete. The conger eel (Conger conger) was the most common fish species present in the traps. Two species, the amphipod Scopelocheirus hopei and the isopod Natatolana (Cirolana) borealis, were identified as most important for the recycling of organic matter in the system. The stomach contents of a sample of species caught in trawls were analysed for the presence of small scavengers. Preliminary results show that S. hopei and N. (C.) borealis are part of the diet of some of the target species of this fishery, such as the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus and the rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris.
Axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne, caught by longlines in the Algarve (Southern Portugal), were sampled between August 1995 and August 1996. Age was studied by counting growth increments on otoliths and the estimated von Bertalanffy parameters were Linf = 28.82 cm, K = 0.29 year-1 and t0 = -1.47 year for males and Linf = 32.30 cm, K = 0.18 year-1 and t0 = -2.56 year for females. Evidence of the annual periodicity of the deposition of increments was found by marginal increment analyses. Macroscopic analysis of the gonads and the gonad somatic index showed that reproduction occurred over an extensive period of time, from May to November. Lengths at first maturity were 18.10 and 17.60 cm for males and females, respectively. This species was characterized as being a protandric hermaphrodite.
The study of groundwater dependent ecosystems opened the opportunity to involve specialists of different areas of knowledge in order to obtain answers for complex interrelations between groundwater and the associated ecosystems. The actual study, carried out in two coastal lagoons of the Portuguese SW coast, showed the high dependency of the marine life and vegetation of the lagoons and associated streams discharging in the lagoons on the fresh water supply of these two lagoons and the high contribution they receive from groundwater in the dry period, which corresponds to more than half of each hydrologic year. Every year, the lagoons are artificially opened to the ocean for a few days to a few weeks, which dramatically changes the inside salinity. The sensitivity of these ecological niches is demonstrated by the strong dependence that some species that are more sensitive to high salinity waters show in relation to the entrance of freshwater resultant from the discharge of the phreatic aquifer of Sines sedimentary Basin. The great biodiversity of these lagoons and its precarious balance is only possible to preserve if the aquifer continue to act as a regulatory factor of the lagoon’s salinity. The equilibrium can be changed in the event of overexploitation of the phreatic aquifer, which is not at risk in the near future. In a scenario of climate change the lagoons will benefit from a slow increase in groundwater contribution, due to the rise of sea level, which will be accompanied by a rise in groundwater levels in the aquifer near the sea.
The non-indigenous bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum is native to the western Pacific Ocean and it has been one of the most widely introduced species for aquaculture purposes in Europe. In Portugal its presence is known in several estuaries for more than two decades and its populations have increased greatly along the last years1. Currently it’s one of the dominant benthic species in some areas of the Tagus estuary (264,1±470,8 ind./30s tow). Studies on the impacts of invasive bivalves on meiofaunal communities are scarce and restricted to the harvesting effect. Meiofauna of the Tagus estuary is poorly known and possible impacts of the introduction of R. philippinarum were never assessed.
Changes in fish assemblage structure caused by human activities, such as fishing, can alter trophic relations in fish assemblages. In this context, Marine Protected Areas (MPA) are efficient tools for habitat recovery and ideal environments for evaluating changes on the trophic structure resulting from human activities. The present work targeted fish assemblages from two no-take MPAs from the northern half of South Alentejo and Costa Vicentina Marine Park, established in 2011. Previous works reported positive effects on local fish assemblages after no-take MPA designation, and it is therefore important to further study its impact on local fish assemblages, especially concerning trophic interactions. Local fish assemblages were sampled (summer 2011, winter 2012, summer 2013 and winter 2013) using trammel nets. Diets were characterized and digestive tract contents of the 10 most abundant fish species were compared between the no take MPAs (treatment) and adjacent areas (controls), and changes evaluated as a function of time since protection. Results revealed significant differences between the diets of fish from protected and non protected areas, with crabs being the preferential prey in both protected and control areas but being more ingested outside the no-take areas. However, these differences were evident since the beginning of the study. Fish assemblages from the northern area presented significantly larger niche breadth and significantly increasing with time. This way, the main effects of no-take MPA implementation were directly visible on the niche breadth but did not directly impact the diet composition of the sampled fish assemblages, contributing however to reinforce the already naturally existent differences. This work provides important information regarding the effect of changes in the fish assemblage caused by MPA designation on the trophic ecology of fish.