962 resultados para Co-occurrence Relation
Several studies conducted in urban areas have pointed out that road dust resuspension contributes significantly to PM concentration levels. Street washing is one of the methods proposed to reduce resuspended road dust contributions to ambient PM concentrations. As resuspended particles are mainly found in the coarse mode, published studies investigating the effects of street washing have focused on PM10 size fraction. As the PM2.5 mass fraction of particles originating from mechanical abrasion processes may still be significant we conducted a study in order to evaluate the effects of street washing on the mitigation of resuspension of fine particles. The PM2.5 mass concentration data were examined and integrated with the occurrence of street washing activities. In addition, the effect of the meteorological variability, traffic flow and street washing activities, on ambient PM2.5 levels was valuated by means of a multivariate regression model. The results revealed that traffic low is the most important factor that controls PM2.5 hourly concentrations while street washing activities did not influence fine particle mass levels.
Embolism and refilling of vessels was monitored directly by cryomicroscopy of field-grown corn (Zea mays L.) roots. To test the reliability of an earlier study showing embolism refilling in roots at negative leaf water potentials, embolisms were counted, and root water potentials (Ψroot) and osmotic potentials of exuded xylem sap from the same roots were measured by isopiestic psychrometry. All vessels were full at dawn (Ψroot −0.1 MPa). Embolisms were first seen in late metaxylem vessels at 8 am. Embolized late metaxylem vessels peaked at 50% at 10 am (Ψroot −0.1 MPa), fell to 44% by 12 pm (Ψroot −0.23 MPa), then dropped steadily to zero by early evening (Ψroot −0.28 MPa). Transpiration was highest (8.5 μg cm−2 s−1) between 12 and 2 pm when the percentage of vessels embolized was falling. Embolized vessels were refilled by liquid moving through their lateral walls. Xylem sap was very low in solutes. The mechanism of vessel refilling, when Ψroot is negative, requires further investigation. Daily embolism and refilling in roots of well-watered plants is a normal occurrence and may be a component of an important hydraulic signaling mechanism between roots and shoots.
A leishmaniose visceral é uma zoonose de grande importância para a saúde pública, com ampla distribuição geográfica e epidemiologia complexa. Apesar de diversas estratégias de controle, a doença continua se expandindo, tendo o cão como principal reservatório. Levando em consideração que análises espaciais são úteis para compreender melhor a dinâmica da doença, avaliar fatores de risco e complementar os programas de prevenção e controle, o presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a distribuição da leishmaniose visceral canina e relacionar sua dinâmica com características ou feições espaciais no município de Panorama (SP). A partir de dados secundários coletados em um inquérito sorológico entre agosto de 2012 e janeiro de 2013, 986 cães foram classificados como positivos e negativos de acordo com o protocolo oficial do Ministério da Saúde. Posteriormente uma análise espacial foi conduzida, compreendendo desde a visualização dos dados até a elaboração de um mapa de risco relativo, passando por análises de cluster global (função K) e local (varredura espacial). Para avaliar uma possível relação entre o cluster detectado com a vegetação na área de estudo, calculou-se o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI). A prevalência da doença encontrada na população de cães estudada foi de 20,3% (200/986). A visualização espacial demonstrou que tanto animais positivos quanto negativos estavam distribuídos por toda a área de estudo. O mapa de intensidade dos animais positivos apontou duas localidades de possíveis clusters, quando comparado ao mapa de intensidade dos animais negativos. As análises de cluster confirmaram a presença de um aglomerado e um cluster foi detectado na região central do município, com um risco relativo de 2,63 (p=0,01). A variação espacial do risco relativo na área de estudo foi mapeada e também identificou a mesma região como área significativa de alto risco (p<0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças no padrão de vegetação comparando as áreas interna e externa ao cluster. Sendo assim, novos estudos devem ser realizados com o intuito de compreender outros fatores de risco que possam ter levado à ocorrência do cluster descrito. A prevalência, a localização do cluster espacial e o mapa de risco relativo fornecem subsídios para direcionamento de esforços do Setor de Vigilância Epidemiológica de Panorama para áreas de alto risco, o que pode poupar recursos e aperfeiçoar o controle da leishmaniose visceral no município.
Antecedentes: la obesidad es un problema de salud pública en España. Los medios de comunicación son una herramienta útil para la salud pública. Objetivo: explorar el tratamiento periodístico de la obesidad en la prensa escrita española durante 2000-2005, frecuencia de aparición, fuentes de información y enfoques, en relación con el contexto social. Materiales y métodos: análisis de contenido cuantitativo de 690 noticias publicadas en El País, El Mundo y ABC. Cálculo de frecuencias y odds ratio (OR) con intervalos de confianza (IC) del 95% y significación estadística. Resultados: incrementaron las noticias de 2000 (n=25) a 2005 (n=185). Se centraron en denuncias (36,4%) y magnitud del problema (15,7%), en detrimento de aquellas sobre iniciativas-estrategias políticas (3,8%). Destacan los hombres como fuentes informativas principales (75,5%) y las mujeres como primeras firmantes de las noticias (56,1%). Los hombres del ámbito médico-sanitario (OR=1,98;IC95%,1,11-3,57) y las mujeres del ámbito político (OR=2,54;IC95%1,46-4,42) tienen mayor probabilidad de ser la fuente informativa principal. Conclusiones: la cobertura periodística de la obesidad durante 2000-2005 aumentó, coincidiendo con el desarrollo de respuestas políticas en torno al tema. Principalmente, se denuncia el problema. Destaca la escasa cobertura periodística de iniciativas-estrategias políticas, sugiriendo incipiente interacción entre la agenda política y mediática.
From an examination of the instruments of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and related policy measures regarding border surveillance and migration management, two interrelated issues stand out as particularly sensitive: Access to asylum and responsibility for refugee protection. The prevailing view, supported by UNHCR and others, is that responsibility for the care of asylum seekers and the determination of their claims falls on the state within whose jurisdiction the claim is made. However, the possibility to shift that responsibility to another state through inter-state cooperation or unilateral mechanisms undertaken territorially as well as abroad has been a matter of great interest to EU Member States and institutions. Initiatives adopted so far challenge the prevailing view and have the potential to undermine compliance with international refugee and human rights law. This note reviews EU action in the field by reference to the relevant legal standards and best practices developed by UNHCR, focusing on the specific problems of climate refugees and access to international protection, evaluating the inconsistencies between the internal and external dimension of asylum policy. Some recommendations for the European Parliament are formulated at the end, including on action in relation to readmission agreements, Frontex engagement rules in maritime operations, Regional Protection Programmes, and resettlement.
Termites are the most important soil ecosystem engineers of semi-arid and arid habitats. They enhance decomposition processes as well as the subsequent mineralisation of nutrients by bacteria and fungi. Through their construction of galleries, nests and mounds, they promote soil turnover and influence the distribution of nutrients and also alter texture and hydrological properties of soils, thereby affecting the heterogeneity of their ecosystem. The main aim of the present thesis was to define the impact of termites on ecosys-tem functioning in a semi-arid ecosystem. In a baseline study, I assessed the diversity of termite taxa in relation to the amount of precipitation, the vegetation patterns and the land use systems at several sites in Namibia. Subsequently, I focussed on a species that is highly abundant in many African savannas, the fungus growing and mound building species Macro-termes michaelseni (Sjöstedt, 1914). I asked how this species influences the spatial hetero-geneity of soil and vegetation patterns. From repeated samplings at 13 sites in Namibia, I obtained 17 termite taxa of 15 genera. While the type of land use seems to have a minor effect on the termite fauna, the mean annual precipitation explained 96% and the Simpson index of vascular plant diversity 81% of the variation in taxa diversity. The number of termite taxa increased with both of these explanation variables. In contrast to former studies on Macrotermes mounds in several regions of Africa that I reviewed, soil analyses from M. michaelseni mounds in the central Namibian savanna revealed that they contain much higher nitrogen contents when compared to their parent material. Further analyses revealed that nitrate forms a major component of the nitrogen content in termite mounds. As nitrate solves easily in water, evaporation processes are most probably responsible for the transport of solved nitrates to the mound surface and their accumulation there. The analysed mounds in central Namibia contained higher sand propor-tions compared to the mounds of the former studies. Through the higher percentage of coarse and middle sized pores, water moves more easily in sandy soils compared to more clayey soils. In consequence, evaporation-driven nitrate accumulation can occur in the studied mounds at high rates. ff...
Vol.1 includes the annual reports of the Attorney-General to the Governor of Puerto Rico and to the Attorney-General of the United States.
Edition of 89 copies.
'Published under the direction of the Tract Committee'.
Five hundred answers to bee questions pertaining to their behavior and relation to honey production.
Mode of access: Internet.
The Magistrate's vocabulary of law terms and law phrases: p. 41-61.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title: The science of the English language.