498 resultados para Clovis Bevilaqua
Este artículo analiza uno de los personajes secundarios más relevantes de las Res Gestae (RG) de Amiano Marcelino, el magister peditum Barbación. El historiador presenta a Barbación como un ser infame: colaborador en la muerte de Galo, cobarde, arrogante y desleal con Juliano durante la campaña militar del 357, delator de falsedades ante Constancio, merecedor de una muerte indigna. Sin embargo, un estudio de conjunto de los pasajes de Res Gestae, tomando como apoyo metodológico las técnicas de argumentación aplicadas al retrato y el concepto de ‘argumentación implícita’ de Sabbah 1978 y los métodos de caracterización de personajes de Pauw 1977, corrige esta visión comúnmente aceptada y demuestra la parcialidad del historiador. Así mismo se pone de manifiesto que el personaje, como otros actantes secundarios en las RG, es una réplica del carácter de Constancio II.
The purpose of this research is to apprehend the perception that the ruling elite, especially the Presidents of the province of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, had about the potiguar city, that is, the urban localities existing in the province along the 19th century. By interweaving political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial aspects, the study of this perception involves two distinct moments, which are also linked: a moment of apprehension of the city, that is, how the elite seizes, describes and criticizes the city; and, a second moment, which occurs simultaneously or after the first moment, of intervention in the city, in which the elite exposes its vision and projects for the city and for the territory. Rather than describing the potiguar city in itself, the research is an attempt to reveal how it was perceived along this process from a particular standpoint or discourse, official and elitist, which did not correspond necessarily or completely to what it was in reality. We tried to understand, always through the lens of the discourse, how the ruling elite perceived the potiguar city based on what their members thought about other urban realities, particularly of the advanced countries; how, within an integrated vision, this city was characterized in political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial terms and how it consolidated itself along the period established for the research. Qualitative and historical in nature, this study was also methodologically developed based upon bibliographical and documental research. Given the fact that this research works with descriptions, comparisons and interpretations, it was necessary to make use of tools such as the discourse analysis in order to apprehend, as much as possible, what lay behind the words of the elite. The primary sources used were essentially the official documents produced by the Presidents of the province, as well as other documents written by top government officials and other members of the administration staff, all of them composing the so-called ruling elite of Rio Grande do Norte. Secondary sources were books and other publications, theses and dissertations, among others. The research made possible the identification of a certain perception of the potiguar city in the 19th century, which is certainly limited because it is grounded on a specific discourse - that of the political and administrative elite, but which, in spite of such a limitation, is still useful to understand the city and its evolution along the period established, among other noteworthy remarks
Os últimos quinhentos anos de história são a maior evidência de existência de conexões lusobrasileiras no âmbito das organizações e da gestão, mais obviamente no Brasil e em Portugal. Assim como conexões costumam ser definidas em sociologia (e.g., Cook & Emerson, 1978), as conexões luso-brasileiras são tão frágeis quanto poderosas. Elas compõem um tecido histórico-geográfico importante; porém, não são necessariamente visíveis, positivas, ou facilmente codificáveis e decifráveis. Muitas dessas conexões são conhecidas, muitas outras estão por serem descobertas. Algumas nos aproximam, portugueses e brasileiros, outras afastam-nos.
In this work humic substances (HS) extracted from non-flooded (Araca) and flooded (Iara) soils were characterized through the calculation of stability and activation energies associated with the dehydration and thermal decomposition of HS using TGA and DTA, electronic paramagnetic resonance and C/H, C/N and C/O atomic ratios. For HS extracted from flooded soils, there was evidence for the influence of humidity on the organic matter humification process. Observations of thermal behaviour, with elemental analysis, indicated the presence of fossilized organic carbon within clay particles, which only decomposed above 800 C. This characteristic could explain the different thermal stability and pyrolysis activation energies for Iara HS compared to Araca HS.
The purpose of this research is to apprehend the perception that the ruling elite, especially the Presidents of the province of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, had about the potiguar city, that is, the urban localities existing in the province along the 19th century. By interweaving political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial aspects, the study of this perception involves two distinct moments, which are also linked: a moment of apprehension of the city, that is, how the elite seizes, describes and criticizes the city; and, a second moment, which occurs simultaneously or after the first moment, of intervention in the city, in which the elite exposes its vision and projects for the city and for the territory. Rather than describing the potiguar city in itself, the research is an attempt to reveal how it was perceived along this process from a particular standpoint or discourse, official and elitist, which did not correspond necessarily or completely to what it was in reality. We tried to understand, always through the lens of the discourse, how the ruling elite perceived the potiguar city based on what their members thought about other urban realities, particularly of the advanced countries; how, within an integrated vision, this city was characterized in political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial terms and how it consolidated itself along the period established for the research. Qualitative and historical in nature, this study was also methodologically developed based upon bibliographical and documental research. Given the fact that this research works with descriptions, comparisons and interpretations, it was necessary to make use of tools such as the discourse analysis in order to apprehend, as much as possible, what lay behind the words of the elite. The primary sources used were essentially the official documents produced by the Presidents of the province, as well as other documents written by top government officials and other members of the administration staff, all of them composing the so-called ruling elite of Rio Grande do Norte. Secondary sources were books and other publications, theses and dissertations, among others. The research made possible the identification of a certain perception of the potiguar city in the 19th century, which is certainly limited because it is grounded on a specific discourse - that of the political and administrative elite, but which, in spite of such a limitation, is still useful to understand the city and its evolution along the period established, among other noteworthy remarks
A resistência anti-helmíntica tem maior prevalência entre os nematóides de ovinos e caprinos. No Ceará, estudos demonstraram que esse problema está se disseminando, sendo detectado em aproximadamente 90% das propriedades de ovinos na região do baixo e médio Jaguaribe. H. contortus é o mais prevalente e de maior intensidade em populações parasitárias resistentes a anti-helmínticos em várias regiões do estado do Ceará e do mundo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as unidades produtoras de ovinos quanto ao aparecimento da resistência aos benzimidazóis, isolar uma cepa sensível e resistente aos benzimidazóis e fazer uma caracterização destas cepas. Para cada cepa foi determinado o poder infectante, patogenicidade, a fertilidade das fêmeas, a capacidade do desenvolvimento dos seus ovos até larvas de terceiro estágio sob diversas condições de meio, além da classificação da população quanto à morfologia do processo vulvar das fêmeas e avaliação global da aptidão das larvas de terceiro estágio em desenvolver uma nova infecção. Os fatores que apresentaram valor preditivo para o desenvolvimento da resistência foram tratamentos aplicados na época seca (P=0,03) e rotação de pastagem (P=0,17). Foram isoladas duas cepas, uma considerada sensível (DE50 = 0,20) e uma resistente (DE50 = 1,63). Durante a época seca (32°C), a cepa sensível desenvolveu-se melhor, enquanto na época chuvosa (23°C), a cepa resistente obteve melhor desempenho. Na primeira geração, a cepa resistente apresentou maior patogenicidade, demonstrada pela maior produção de ovos, hematofagismo e melhor estabelecimento das larvas de terceiro estágio. Na segunda geração, produzida com larvas desenvolvidas nas temperaturas que mimetizam as épocas seca e chuvosa, as larvas obtidas com 23°C demonstram uma maior patogenicidade. Acredita-se que nesta geração o genótipo não tenha influenciado as características de vida dos parasitos. A partir destes resultados conclui-se que existem influências do genótipo resistente ou sensível aos benzimidazóis e da temperatura sobre as características de vida do parasito H. contortus isolado no estado do Ceará.
Seventy-one mature Brangus cows, 38 nonlactating (NL) and 33 in late stage of lactation (L) were fed for 192 days (Phase I) a low energy diet (L). During Phase II (65 days) 19 NL and 17 L cows were fed a high energy diet (H). The other nonlactating (19) and lactating (16) cows remained on the low energy diet. Energy restriction during Phase I did not affect (P> 0.05) cyclic ovarian activity although losses in body weight and condition were substantial. Rapid changes in body weight, condition, and percent empty body lipe (EBLP) during Phase II did not substantially influencefertility, although a five-fold difference in EBLP was observed (NL0H vs. L-L). Treatment groups did not differ (P> 0.05) in conception rate, days from the beginning of the breeding season to breeding and to conception, conception at first service, and number of services per conception. Values observed for these parameters for NL-H, L-H, NL-L, and L-L groups were respectively: 68,4%, `3,.2, 23.3, 36.8% and 1.68; 82,4% 12.7, 19.5, 58.8% and 1.29; 68.4%, 10.2, 17.4, 47.4%, and 1.41; 68.8%, 12.4, 19.5, 43.7%, and 1.50.
O processo de desenvolvimento da caprinocultura de carne no semiárido nordestino, embora lento, marcha para a produção de cabritos para abate aos 4-·8 meses de idade, incorporando características importantes características para o mercado como menores teores de colesterol e de calorias que as demais carnes; sabor característico, maciez e suculência, rigoroso controle higiênico sanitário na produção, processamento e comercialização e cortes especiais resfriados ou congelados, além de selos de origem e de qualidade.
A caprinocultura na reglao semi-árida do Nordeste se caracteriza pela extensividade e por baixos níveis de produtividade decorrentes, principalmente, da acentuada variação estacional na oferta de forragem da caatinga, a qual constitui sua base alimentar. Existe um consenso quanto a necessidade de suplementar os animais nos períodos críticos, tanto com energia como com proteína. As alternativas atualmente disponíveis, como a palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill), os restolhos de cultura, e o capim buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris) sao volumosos de reduzido valor energético e são mais utilizados dentro de um enfoque de sobrevivência dos animais. Os suplementos de maior valor nutritivo são de uso limitado e apresentam problemas de economicidade. As perspectivas de uso da ureia, da leucena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) e do guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp) na suplementaçao de caprinos no semi-árido, são discutidas com base no seu potencial como fontes de nutrientes e como alternativas adaptáveis às condições agro-ecológicas e sócio-econômicas da região.
O estudo objetivou avaliar uma mistura multipla composta de feno de folhas de leucena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.), raspa de mandioca e uma mistura mineral, como suplemento para novilhos azebuados, no periodo seco. A mistura foi comparada com duas outras alternativas de suplementacao: a mistura sal-ureia e a silagem de leucena. Os animais dos tres grupos pastejaram, conjuntamente, em capim buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris, L.). Ao final dos 84 dias do periodo experimental, o incremento em peso vivo nos animais submetidos a mistura multipla (22,1 kg/cab) nao diferiu (P>0,05) do observado nos animais suplementados com silagem de leucena (17,7 kg/cab), mas correspondeu (P<0,05) a quase cinco vezes o observado nos animais submetidos a mistura sal-ureia (4,6 kg/cab).
Floristic and phytosociological surveys were carried out for 12 months in the Embrapa-SPSB, Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. A transect was laid on starting at the river bank extending for 790 m away from the river and divided into 140 10 × 10 m contiguous plots. In each plot, all standing plants, alive or dead, with stem diameter at soil level ? 3 cm and total height ? 1 m were sampled. Along this transect, an elevation range of 9.40 m was registered and five topographical environments were identified: riverside (MR), dike (D), floodable depression (DI), boundary terrace (TL) - all of them belonging to the fluvial terrace with Fluvic Neosol and Haplic Cambisol both silty textured eutrophic soils - and the inlander tableland (TS), with medium sandy-textured Red-Yellow Argisols. Fourty-eight species/morphospecies, distributed into 39 genera and 21 families, were identified. Four phytogeoenvironments (MR, D + TL, DI + TL, and TS) were registered based on environmental variations and floristic similarities among plots using cluster analyses. The MR environment showed the largest total density, total basal area, maximum and medium heights and maximum diameter. Moreover, it had 8.1% of plants with heights above 8 m against 0.6% for D + TL, 0.2% for DI + TL, and 0% for TS. The species with the largest importance value were Inga vera subsp. affinis (DC.) T.D. Pennington in MR, Mimosa bimucronata Kunth in D + TL and DI + TL and M. tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. in TS.