492 resultados para Clostridium tetani


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A anchoita foi capturada e acondicionada a bordo sob-resfriamento a 0°C com gelo em escamas. Após o recebimento, o pescado foi processado na forma salgado-maturado. Após a maturação foram processadas e embaladas em sacos de polietileno e armazenadas sob-refrigeração a 5°C durante 84 dias. As amostras foram divididas grupos: (1) sob pressão atmosfera normal, (2) vácuo, (3) atmosfera modificada com 50% CO2 + 20% O2 + 30% N2 e (4) 60% CO2 + 10% O2 + 30% N2, em embalagens de polietileno e aluminizadas, termo-seladas e armazenadas sob-refrigeração a 5°C. Os valores de textura tiveram uma redução de 2277,8 N (Kg.m/s2 ) para 821,90 N (Kg.m/s2 ) para o tratamento controle. A qualidade inicial do pescado atendeu aos padrões legais vigentes, apresentando ausência Salmonella sp e enumerações aceitáveis aos padrões de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva, Clostridium sulfito redutores, coliforme totais e a 45ºC. Com relação ao pH, houve diferenças significativas durante o tempo de processamento (p<0,05), o valor passou de 6,3 (início) para 6,4 (final). Com relação aos resultados correspondentes aos parâmetros L*, a* e b* (cor), em todos os tratamentos e ao longo do tempo de processamento (ambas as embalagens), ocorreram diferenças significativas (p<0,05). Os valores de L* variaram de 34,80 para 18,00 (controle) 23,00 (vácuo), 20,21 (T3) e 22,00 (T4) embalagens de polietileno. Nas embalagens de alumínio os valores de L* variaram de 34,00 para 25,00 (controle), 29,00(vácuo), 22,10 (T3) e 26,00 (T4).


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O consumo de pescado no Brasil cresceu 40% nos últimos 7 anos passando de 6,46 para 9,03 kg/habitante/ano, valor que se aproxima do recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A razão está relacionada com a subutilização de determinadas espécies e a falta de diversificação da indústria processadora para a produção de alimentos com maior valor agregado. Considerando o esgotamento de determinadas espécies com a utilização da sobrepesca, é possível o emprego da anchoita na forma de conservas através da utilização de meios de cobertura como molho de tomate e óleo comestível. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar conservas de anchoita (Engraulis anchoita) com a utilização de 2 meios de cobertura: molho de tomate e óleo de girassol, submetidas a tempos de salmouragem diferenciados, 2 e 5 min e com o emprego ou não de pré-cozimento. De acordo com os padrões estabelecidos, as amostras de pescado fresco utilizadas para a execução dos enlatados apresentaram resultados físico químicos adequados comprovando o frescor do pescado envolvido no processo, ou sejam: 16,29 mg/100 g amostra para N-BVT, 7,90 mg/100 g amostra para N-TMA e pH 6,5. As conservas em molho de tomate submetidas a operação de salmouragem durante 2 min, com e sem pré-cozimento apresentaram, respectivamente, 16,57 e 16,24% proteínas, 3,94 e 4,66% lipídios, 73,0 e 73,28% umidade, 3,22 e 3,67% cinzas, 0,17 e 0,19% de cloretos (NaCl). As conservas com molho de tomate, utilizando anchoita eviscerada salmourada por 5 min, com e sem pré-cozimento, apresentaram respectivamente, 15,94 e 15,31% proteínas, 3,15 e 4,90 lipídios%, 73,70 e 73,98% umidade, 3,80 e 4,10% cinzas, 0,21 e 0,24% cloretos (NaCl). Para as conservas de anchoita em óleo de girassol, utilizando tempo de salmouragem de 2 min, com e sem pré-cozimento, apresentaram 16,97 e 16,76% proteínas, 7,68 e 5,70% lipídios, 65,87 e 68,74% umidade, 3,16 e 3,28% cinzas, 0,10 e 0,12% cloretos (NaCl), respectivamente. As conservas utilizando o pescado previamente submetido a salmouragem por 5 min e posteriormente enlatado com a adição de óleo de girassol, com e sem pré-cozimento apresentaram respectivamente, 15,97 e 15,89% proteínas, 7,91 e 5,19% lipídios, 66,26 e 68,23% umidade, 3,78 e 3,87% cinzas, 0,13 e 0,21% NaCl. As análises microbiológicas das conservas submetidas aos diferentes tratamentos mostraram ausência de Salmonella spp, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e Clostridium sulfito-redutor, resultados estes, de acordo com o estabelecido pela legislação higiênico-sanitária brasileira. Nos testes de esterilidade comercial não foram constatadas alterações visíveis nos enlatados submetidos a incubação por 5 dias a 36 ± 1°C (determinação de micro-organismos aeróbios viáveis) e a 7-10 dias a 55 ± 1°C (termófilos). Considerando as quantidades de pescado enlatado (80, 90 e 100g), o rendimento para todas as amostras apresentaram, no mínimo, 50% de pescado em relação ao peso líquido. A avaliação sensorial realizada por teste de ordenação para a avaliação da preferência não apresentou diferenças significativas entre as amostras.


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A significant gap, in not only peramelid nutritional physiology but marsupial nutrition as a whole, is the lack of information relating to microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract. This research is a preliminary investigation that will provide a baseline for comparisons among peramelids. The high degree of 16S rRNA gene clones identified in this research that are closely related to culturable bacteria suggests that additional research will enable a more complete description of the gastrointestinal bacteria of I. macrourus. Most identifiable clones belonged to Clostridium and Ruminococcus. This research has confirmed that the hindgut of I. macrourus, the caecum, proximal colon and distal colon, are the main sites for microbial activity.


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Orthopaedic infections can be polymicrobial existing as a microbiome. Infections often incorporate staphylococcal species, including Staphylococcus aureus. Such infections can lead to life threatening illness and implant failure. Furthermore, biofilm formation on the implant surface can occur, increasing pathogenicity, exacerbating antibiotic resistance and altering antimicrobial mechanism of action. Bacteria change dramatically during the transition to a biofilm growth state: phenotypically; transcriptionally; and metabolically, highlighting the need for research into molecular mechanisms involved in biofilm formation. Metabolomics can provide a tool to analyse metabolic changes which are directly related to the expressed phenotype. Here, we aimed to provide greater understanding of orthopaedic infection caused by S. aureus and biofilm formation on the implant surface. Through metagenome analysis by employing: implant material extraction; DNA extraction; microbial enrichment; and whole genome sequencing, we present a microbiome study of the infected prosthesis to resolve the causative species of orthopaedic hip infection. Results highlight the presence of S. aureus as a primary cause of orthopaedic infection along with Enterococcus faecium and the presence of secondary pathogen Clostridium difficile. Although results were hindered by the presence of host contaminating DNA even after microbial enrichment, conclusions could be made over the potential increased pathogenicity caused by the presence of a secondary pathogen and highlight method and sample preparation considerations when undertaking such a study. Following this finding, studies were focused on an orthopaedic clinical isolate of S. aureus and a metabolome extraction method for staphylococcal biofilms was developed using cell lysis through bead beating and solvent metabolome extraction. The method was found to be reproducible when coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and bioinformatics, allowing for the detection of significant changes in metabolism between planktonic and biofilm cultures to be identified and drug mechanism of actions (MOA) to be studied. Metabolomics results highlight significant changes in a number of metabolic pathways including arginine biosynthesis and purine metabolism between the two cell populations, evidence of S. aureus responding to their changing environment, including oxygen availability and a decrease in pH. Focused investigations on purine metabolism looking for biofilm modulation effects were carried out. Modulation of the S. aureus biofilm phenotype was observed through the addition of exogenous metabolites. Inosine increased biofilm biomass while formycin B, an inosine analogue, showed a dispersal effect and a potential synergistic effect in biofilm dispersal when coupled with gentamycin. Changes in metabolism between planktonic cells and biofilms highlight the requirement for antimicrobial testing to be carried out against planktonic cells and biofilms. Untargeted metabolomics was used to study the MOA of triclosan in S. aureus. The triclosan target and MOA in bacteria has already been characterised, however, questions remain over its effects in bacteria. Although the use of triclosan has come under increasing speculation, its full effects are still largely unknown. Results show that triclosan can induce a cascade of detrimental events in the cell metabolism including significant changes in amino acid metabolism, affecting planktonic cells and biofilms. Results and conclusions provide greater understanding of orthopaedic infections and specifically focus on the S. aureus biofilm, confirming S. aureus as a primary cause of orthopaedic infection and using metabolomic analysis to look at the changing state of metabolism between the different growth states. Metabolomics is a valuable tool for biofilm and drug MOA studies, helping understand orthopaedic infection and implant failure, providing crucial insight into the biochemistry of bacteria for the potential for inferences to be gained, such as the MOA of antimicrobials and the identification of novel metabolic drug targets.


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In most countries along with various food products, fish sausage is supplied in different formulas. Unfortunately, in our country because of different reasons, production and supply of fish sausage in industrial level has not yet been successful and some efforts taken, has also been doomed to failure or not welcomed. Fat fish is a rich source of poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and co-3. In this research, efforts have been made to produce and enrich sausage with fish oil and maintenance of fatty acids has also been experimented using gas chromatography along with heating process. The stages of producing ground fish and fish sausage are as the following: Transferring and preparing fish, washing the cleared fish, filleting, separating fillet steak, washing and drying them, Refining meat, Producing and homogenizing mixture from basic ingredients in a cutter, filling, knotting and heat processing. The fish sausage produced by this method tried and welcomed by the subjects. In the product in which fish meat was used, the subjects was not recognized fish flavor and taste and when in addition to fish meat, fish oil was used during enrichment, the flavor and taste of fish was considered as highly acceptable. TVN measurement of the produced fish sausage was kept in the refrigerator in two month was at a maximum of 16.5, the amount of peroxide was at a maximum 1.5% after the period of two months. During this period the Colony count was at maximum of 19.5 x 104, the high maximum of the number of coliforms was 10/gr, and for mold and yeast 83/gr , but Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens were not found. The protein of the resulting product was 15-18%, lipid at about 11-15% and moisture 60-65%. Comparing fatty acids, including unsaturated fatty acids in ground and oil fish used in producing fish sausage with those of fish sausage showed that the heat used in processing had the least effect on fatty acids of the meat and oil used here and the resulting fish sausage is considered as food for good health.


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Systemic hereditary amyloidoses are autosomal dominant diseases associated with mutations in genes encoding ten different proteins. The clinical phenotype has implications on therapeutic approach, but it is commonly variable and largely dependent on the type of mutation. Except for rare cases involving gelsolin or transthyretin, patients are heterozygous for the amyloidogenic variants. Here we describe the first patient identified worldwide as homozygous for a nephropathic amyloidosis, involving the fibrinogen variant associated with the fibrinogen alpha-chain E526V (p.Glu545Val) mutation. In 1989, a 44-year-old woman presented with hypertension, hepatosplenomegaly, nephrotic syndrome, and renal failure. She started hemodialysis in 1990 and 6 years later underwent isolated kidney transplantation from a deceased donor. Graft function and clinical status were unremarkable for 16 years, despite progressively increased left ventricular mass on echocardiography. In 2012, 4 months before death, she deteriorated rapidly with severe heart failure, precipitated by Clostridium difficile colitis and urosepsis. Affected family members developed nephropathy, on average, nearly three decades later, which may be explained by the gene dosage effects on the phenotype of E526V (p.Glu545Val) fibrinogen A alpha-chain amyloidosis.


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Introduction: In the last few years a significant number of papers have related the use of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) to potential serious adverse effects that have resulted in social unrest. Objective: The goal of this paper was to provide a literature review for the development of an institutional position statement by Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (SEPD) regarding the safety of long-term PPI use. Material and methods: A comprehensive review of the literature was performed to draw conclusions based on a critical assessment of the following: a) current PPI indications; b) vitamin B12 deficiency and neurological disorders; c) magnesium deficiency; d) bone fractures; e) enteric infection and pneumonia; f) interactions with thienopyridine derivatives; e) complications in cirrhotic patients. Results: Current PPI indications have remained unchanged for years now, and are well established. A general screening of vitamin B12 levels is not recommended for all patients on a PPI; however, it does seem necessary that magnesium levels be measured at therapy onset, and then monitored in subjects on other drugs that may induce hypomagnesemia. A higher risk for bone fractures is present, even though causality cannot be concluded for this association. The association between PPIs and infection with Clostridium difficile is mild to moderate, and the risk for pneumonia is low. In patients with cardiovascular risk receiving thienopyridines derivatives it is prudent to adequately consider gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risks, given the absence of definitive evidence regardin potential drug-drug interactions; if gastrointestinal risk is found to be moderate or high, effective prevention should be in place with a PPI. PPIs should be cautiously indicated in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Conclusions: PPIs are safe drugs whose benefits outweigh their potential side effects both short-term and long-term, provided their indication, dosage, and duration are appropriate.


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La diarrea crónica de origen infeccioso en pacientes inmunocompetentes es un cuadro poco frecuente en países desarrollados, aunque ciertos patógenos, generalmente parásitos (Giardia lamblia, Isospora belli, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Strongyloides, Ameba, Trichuris y Schistosoma) y algunas bacterias (Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Campylobacter, Clostridium difficile, Salmonella o Mycobacterium tuberculosis) pueden ser causantes de diarrea persistente. Se presenta un caso de un paciente que presentó Salmonella typhimunium en el coprocultivo y se recuperó tras tratamiento con levofloxacino durante 7 días.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar da Terra e do Ambiente, Ramo: Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Especialidade em Biotecnologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Enterotoxemia in sheep and in goats is caused by the effects of the epsilon toxin of C/ostridium perfringens type D, being considered the main infectious cause of mortality in those animal species. The main prophylactic measures include adequate nutritional management and vaccination of ali animais using vaccines of high immunogenic power. Six commercial vaccines containing in its formulation the epsilon toxoid of C. perfringens type D were sorogically evaluated. Eighty four female goat kids, whose mothers had no previous vaccination history against clostridioses were used. They were divided into six groups of 14 animais each. The animais of the control group didn't receive any vaccine dose and the animais from the groups 1 to 5 received two vaccine doses, The first vaccine dose was applied at 45 days of life (day zero) and the second dose at 75 days (30 days after the first dose). Blood samples were collected from the goat kids at the days zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 after the beginning of the experiment, in order to evaluate the immunologic response. The Indirect ELlSA technique was used for the quantification of the antibodies against epsilon toxin in the samples of blood serum of the animais. In day zero, no animal presented titre considered protector. The largest number of animais considered protected was found at day 60, in response to the two initial doses of the vaccine (days O and 30, first and second doses, respectively). Only tive animaIs which received the vaccine 1 and one animal which received the vaccine 3 stayed wilh titres of antibodies considered up to 150 days after the first vaccine dose. Based on the results, it was concluded lhat the evaluated vaccines showed small amount of epsilon toxoid in the commercial formulations, a crucial fact for lhe low efficiency of. the vaccines. For commercial reasons, the vaccines against the clostridioses present versatile formulations, with several toxoid types, used for various animal species, which certainly contributed to reduce their effectiveness in preventing the iIInesses caused by the clostridia or their toxins.


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Background: Alterations in intestinal microbiota have been correlated with a growing number of diseases. Investigating the faecal microbiota is widely used as a non-invasive and ethically simple proxy for intestinal biopsies. There is an urgent need for collection and transport media that would allow faecal sampling at distance from the processing laboratory, obviating the need for same-day DNA extraction recommended by previous studies of freezing and processing methods for stool. We compared the faecal bacterial DNA quality and apparent phylogenetic composition derived using a commercial kit for stool storage and transport (DNA Genotek OMNIgene GUT) with that of freshly extracted samples, 22 from infants and 20 from older adults. Results: Use of the storage vials increased the quality of extracted bacterial DNA by reduction of DNA shearing. When infant and elderly datasets were examined separately, no differences in microbiota composition were observed due to storage. When the two datasets were combined, there was a difference according to a Wilcoxon test in the relative proportions of Faecalibacterium, Sporobacter, Clostridium XVIII, and Clostridium XlVa after 1 week's storage compared to immediately extracted samples. After 2 weeks' storage, Bacteroides abundance was also significantly different, showing an apparent increase from week 1 to week 2. The microbiota composition of infant samples was more affected than that of elderly samples by storage, with significantly higher Spearman distances between paired freshly extracted and stored samples (p


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Recentemente il consumo di carne ha attirato l'attenzione per motivi salutistici, ambientali ed etici; pertanto è sempre più urgente considerare formulazioni di prodotti a base di carne più salutari e sostenibili inclusi in una dieta sana e nutriente. In questa tesi sono stati valutati gli effetti in vitro sul microbiota intestinale umano di salami riformulati sostituendo i nitriti con acido ascorbico e antiossidanti vegetali. A questo scopo è stato utilizzato il modello intestinale in vitro MICODE, nella versione che include la digestione gastro-duodenale seguita dalla fermentazione colonica. Gli effetti sul microbiota intestinale sono stati valutati attraverso tecniche di analisi quantitativa Real Time qPCR in base agli shift di alcune popolazioni microbiche, sia quelle benefiche (come Lactobacillales, Bifidobacteriaceae, Clostridium gruppo IV), sia quelle opportuniste (come Enterobacteriaceae, Clostridium gruppo I) e infine il rapporto Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (importante indice di eubiosi del microbiota intestinale dell’ospite). Inoltre, sono state analizzate, tramite SPME-GC-MS, le molecole volatili prodotte in seguito alla fermentazione colonica, sia positive, come gli SCFA, sia negative, come fenolo e cresolo. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che le formulazioni innovative promuovono una generale eubiosi del microbiota intestinale e una riduzione di popolazioni microbiche negative, in confronto ai controlli. Inoltre, l’analisi del volatiloma evidenzia una maggiore produzione di molecole benefiche e una maggiore riduzione delle molecole negative per l’ospite. Sebbene le formulazioni innovative non abbiano dato benefici nettamente superiori a quelli dei controlli, i risultati ottenuti sono promettenti, in quanto gli antiossidanti utilizzati in sostituzione hanno dato risultati comparabili a quelli ottenuti con il formulato tradizionale.