992 resultados para Claudi, Ulrike: Grammaticalization


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Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a complication which occurs after deep vein thrombosis in spite of optimal anticoagulation. The term ’post-thrombotic syndrome’ summarizes all clinical symptoms and skin lesions developing in the aftermath of deep vein thrombosis. In order to prevent PTS various therapeutic options exist, the choice is depending on the time lapse since the event of thrombosis. At the acute phase of pelvic vein thrombosis catheter-directed lysis has proved to be an efficient therapy. Starting from the acute phase up to the chronic phase compression therapy should be administered. In the chronic phase clinically relevant improvement of PTS can be achieved by recanalisation of the venous outflow tract in the pelvic axis by endovascular stenting. Surgery or endovenous thermal ablation of the insufficient superficial venous system are further and supplementary sensible treatment options.


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We update the TrES-4 system parameters using high-precision HARPS-N radial-velocity measurements and new photometric light curves. A combined spectroscopic and photometric analysis allows us to determine a spectroscopic orbit with a semi-amplitude K = 51 +/- 3 ms(-1). The derived mass of TrES-4b is found to be M-p = 0.49 +/- 0.04 M-Jup, significantly lower than previously reported. Combined with the large radius (R-p = 1.84(-0.09)(+0.08) R-Jup) inferred from our analysis, TrES-4b becomes the transiting hot Jupiter with the second-lowest density known. We discuss several scenarios to explain the puzzling discrepancy in the mass of TrES-4b in the context of the exotic class of highly inflated transiting giant planets.


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19 Briefe zwischen Lisa Witherell (geb. Richter) und Max Horkheimer, 1963-1971; 2 Briefe zwischen Werner Wittayer (stud. phil.) und Max Horkheimer, 1964; 4 Drucksachen vom Landtagspräsidenten Otto Witte an Max Horkheimer, 1952-1954; 2 Briefe an Otto Witte von Max Horkheimer, 1952-1953; 1 Todesanzeige, 1963; 4 Briefe zwischen der Studentin Ulrike Wittenberg und Max Horkheimer, 1972-1973; 4 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Karl A. Wittfogel und Max Horkheimer, 1972; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Oberstudiendirektor Dr. Kurt Debus und Max Horkheimer, 1967; 3 Briefe zwischen David Wodlinger und Max Horkheimer, 1960; 2 Briefe zwischen Dr. Herman Wohlstein und Max Horkheimer, 1965; 16 Briefe an Johanna Woitschach von Max Horkheimer, 1970-1973 (die Briefe an Max Horkheimer wurden zurückverlangt); 1 Brief von Ernst Wolf an Max Horkheimer, San Francisco, 1954; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Diplom-Psychologen Heinz E. Wolf und Max Horkheimer, 1958; 13 Briefe zwischen dem Oberstudiendirektor Oskar Wolfenstädter und Max Horkheimer, 1968-1969; 4 Briefe zwischen der Ordensschwester Katherine Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1970-1971; 25 Briefe zwischen Margo H. Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1962-1973; 11 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Max Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1960; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Manfred Wolfson und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 6 Briefe von der Physiotherapeutin Helga Wolk an Max Horkheimer, 1970-1971; 13 Briefe zwischen Hedwig G. de Wollenberger und Max Horkheimer, 1966-1970; 1 Brief an den Professor Günther Wollheim von Max Horkheimer, 1965; 4 Briefe zwischen Johanna Wopperer-Ege und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 5 Briefe zwischen Anton Wopperer und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1970; 3 Briefe an die World Future Society von Max Horkheimer, 1969-1973; 2 Briefe zwischen dem World Jewish Congress und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 2 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Theodor Würtenberger und Max Horkheimer, 1964; 3 Briefe zwischen der Würtembergischen Landesbibliothek und Max Horkheimer, 1969; 16 Briefe zwischen Rösle Wüstholz und Max Horkheimer, 1951-1959; 2 Briefe zwischen Christoph Wulf und Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief an Jssy Wygoda von Max Horkheimer, 1964; 2 Briefe zwischen Dr. Hans von Wyl und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 2 Briefe zwischen Jacques Wyler und Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief von Gisela Wysocki an Max Horkheimer, o.J. (1973?);


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Changes of glaciers and snow cover in polar regions affect a wide range of physical and ecosystem processes on land and in the adjacent marine environment. In this study, we investigate the potential of 11-day repeat high-resolution satellite image time series from the TerraSAR-X mission to derive glaciological and hydrological parameters on King George Island, Antarctica during the period Oct/25/2010 to Apr/19/2011. The spatial pattern and temporal evolution of snow cover extent on ice-free areas can be monitored using multi-temporal coherence images. SAR coherence is used to map glacier extent of land terminating glaciers with an average accuracy of 25 m. Multi-temporal SAR color composites identify the position of the late summer snow line at about 220 m above sea level. Glacier surface velocities are obtained from intensity feature-tracking. Surface velocities near the calving front of Fourcade Glacier were up to 1.8 ± 0.01 m/d. Using an intercept theorem based on fundamental geometric principles together with differential GPS field measurements, the ice discharge of Fourcade Glacier was estimated to 20700 ± 5500 m**3/d (corresponding to ~19 ± 5 kt/d). The rapidly changing surface conditions on King George Island and the lack of high-resolution digital elevation models for the region remain restrictions for the applicability of SAR data and the precision of derived products.


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Sediments of Lake Donggi Cona on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were studied to infer changes in the lacustrine depositional environment, related to climatic and non-climatic changes during the last 19 kyr. The lake today fills a 30 X 8 km big and 95 m deep tectonic basin, associated with the Kunlun Fault. The study was conducted on a sediment-core transect through the lake basin, in order to gain a complete picture of spatiotemporal environmental change. The recovered sediments are partly finely laminated and are composed of calcareous muds with variable amounts of carbonate micrite, organic matter, detrital silt and clay. On the basis of sedimentological, geochemical, and mineralogical data up to five lithological units (LU) can be distinguished that document distinct stages in the development of the lake system. The onset of the lowermost LU with lacustrine muds above basal sands indicates that lake level was at least 39 m below the present level and started to rise after 19 ka, possibly in response to regional deglaciation. At this time, the lacustrine environment was characterized by detrital sediment influx and the deposition of siliciclastic sediment. In two sediment cores, upward grain-size coarsening documents a lake-level fall after 13 cal ka BP, possibly associated with the late-glacial Younger Dryas stadial. From 11.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP, grainsize fining in sediment cores from the profundal coring sites and the onset of lacustrine deposition at a litoral core site (2m water depth) in a recent marginal bay of Donggi Cona document lake-level rise during the early tomid-Holocene to at least modern level. In addition, high biological productivity and pronounced precipitation of carbonate micrites are consistent with warm and moist climate conditions related to an enhanced influence of summer monsoon. At 4.3 cal ka BP the lake system shifted from an aragonite- to a calcite-dominated system, indicating a change towards a fully open hydrological lake system. The younger clay-rich sediments are moreover non-laminated and lack any diagenetic sulphides, pointing to fully ventilated conditions, and the prevailing absence of lake stratification. This turning point in lake history could imply either a threshold response to insolation-forced climate cooling or a response to a non-climatic trigger, such as an erosional event or a tectonic pulse that induced a strong earthquake, which is difficult to decide from our data base.


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Thermal permafrost degradation and coastal erosion in the Arctic remobilize substantial amounts of organic carbon (OC) and nutrients which have accumulated in late Pleistocene and Holocene unconsolidated deposits. Permafrost vulnerability to thaw subsidence, collapsing coastlines and irreversible landscape change are largely due to the presence of large amounts of massive ground ice such as ice wedges. However, ground ice has not, until now, been considered to be a source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and other elements which are important for ecosystems and carbon cycling. Here we show, using biogeochemical data from a large number of different ice bodies throughout the Arctic, that ice wedges have the greatest potential for DOC storage, with a maximum of 28.6 mg/L (mean: 9.6 mg/L). Variation in DOC concentration is positively correlated with and explained by the concentrations and relative amounts of typically terrestrial cations such as Mg2+ and K+. DOC sequestration into ground ice was more effective during the late Pleistocene than during the Holocene, which can be explained by rapid sediment and OC accumulation, the prevalence of more easily degradable vegetation and immediate incorporation into permafrost. We assume that pristine snowmelt is able to leach considerable amounts of well-preserved and highly bioavailable DOC as well as other elements from surface sediments, which are rapidly frozen and stored in ground ice, especially in ice wedges, even before further degradation. We found that ice wedges in the Yedoma region represent a significant DOC (45.2 Tg) and DIC (33.6 Tg) pool in permafrost areas and a freshwater reservoir of 4200 km**3. This study underlines the need to discriminate between particulate OC and DOC to assess the availability and vulnerability of the permafrost carbon pool for ecosystems and climate feedback upon mobilization.


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