982 resultados para Cambridge Junction (Mich.)


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The following, from the 12th OESO World Conference: Cancers of the Esophagus, includes commentaries on the clinical differences between carcinomas arising slightly above, slightly below, and within the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ); information provided by biopsies; information provided by resection specimens following neoadjuvant therapy; histologic differences existing between carcinomas arising slightly above, slightly below, and within the GEJ; differences provided by immunohistochemistry in these tumors; information given by endoscopic mucosal resection specimens; the role of esophageal pyloric gland adenomas as precursors of adenocarcinomas in the region of the cardia; the role of pancreatic metaplasia; Her2 immunoreactivity to make distinctions in the site of origin; and intestinal metaplasia limited to the cardia as a precursor of adenocarcinoma.


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BACKGROUND Recent data suggest primary resection as the preferable approach in patients with signet ring cell gastric cancer (SRC). The aim of our retrospective exploratory study was to evaluate the influence of SRC on prognosis and response in esophagogastric adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. METHODS A total of 723 locally advanced esophagogastric adenocarcinomas (cT3/4 N any) documented in a prospective database from two academic centers were classified according to the WHO definition for SRC (more than 50 % SRC) and analyzed for their association with response and prognosis after neoadjuvant treatment. RESULTS A total of 235 tumors (32.5 %) contained SRC. Median survival of SRC was 26.3 compared with 46.6 months (p < 0.001) for non-SRC. SRC were significantly associated with female gender, gastric localization, advanced ypT and R1/2 categories, and lower risk of surgical complications and anastomotic leakage (each p < 0.001). Clinical (21.1 vs. 33.7 %, p = 0.001) and histopathological response (less than 10 % residual tumor: 16.3 vs. 28.9 %, p < 0.001) were significantly less frequent in SRC. Clinical response (p = 0.003) and complete histopathological response (pCR) (3.4 %) (p = 0.003) were associated with improved prognosis in SRC. Clinical response, surgical complications, ypTN categories, but not SRC were independent prognostic factors in forward Cox regression analysis in R0 resected patients. Risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis was increased (p < 0.001), while local (p = 0.015) and distant metastases (p = 0.02) were less frequent than in non-SRC. CONCLUSIONS Prognosis of SRC is unfavorable. Although response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy is rare in SRC, it is associated with improved outcome. Thus, chemotherapy might not generally be abandoned in SRC. A stratification based on SRC should be included in clinical trials.


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Purpose To investigate the prognosis of adenocarcinomas of the upper third of the rectum and the rectosigmoid-junction without radiotherapy. Methods Patients from a multicenter randomized controlled trial from 1987–1993 on adjuvant chemotherapy for R0-resected colorectal cancers with stage I–III disease were retrospectively allocated: cancers of the lower two-thirds of the rectum (11 cm or less from anal-verge, Group A, n = 205), of the upper-third of the rectum and rectosigmoid-junction (>11–20 cm from anal-verge, Group B, n = 142), and of the colon (>20 cm from anal-verge, Group C, n = 378). The total mesorectal excision (TME) technique had not been introduced yet. The adjuvant chemotherapy turned out to be ineffective. None of the patients received neoadjuvant or adjuvant radiotherapy. Results The patients had a regular follow-up (median, 8.0 years). The 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) rate was 0.54 (95%CI, 0.47–0.60) in Group A, 0.68 (95%CI, 0.60–0.75) in Group B, and 0.69 (95%CI, 0.64–0.74) in Group C. The 5-year overall survival (OS) rate was 0.64 (95%CI, 0.57–0.71) in Group A, 0.79 (95%CI, 0.71–0.85) in Group B, and 0.77 (95%CI, 0.73–0.81) in Group C. Compared with Group C, patients in Group A had a significantly worse OS (hazard ratio [HR] for death 2.10) and a worse DFS (HR for relapse/death 1.93), while patients in Group B had a similar OS (HR 1.12) and DFS (HR 1.07). Conclusions Adenocarcinomas of the upper third of the rectum and the rectosigmoid-junction seem to have similar prognosis as colon cancers. Even for surgeons not familiar with the TME technique, preoperative radiotherapy may be avoided for most rectosigmoid cancers above 11 cm from anal-verge.


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Boberach: Ein jüdischer Einwohner Frankfurts, dem nach einem Aufenthalt von 21 Jahren zunächst das Frankfurter Bürgerrecht in Aussicht gestellt worden war, beschwert sich darüber, daß er wegen seines Auftretens in Volksversammlungen verhaftet und ausgewiesen wurde und verlangt ein Gerichtsverfahren oder Genugtuung, nachdem er sich um Schutz durch seine württembergische Heimatbehörde bemüht hat


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Biographische Selbstdarstellung Max von Gagerns nach seiner Wahl zum Volksvertreter der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Proklamation der Wahl Erzherzog Johanns zum deutschen Reichsverweser (Leitung der provisorischen Zentralgewalt) durch die Deutsche Nationalversammlung


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Protest gegen die Verabschiedung des Bürgerwehrgesetzes durch die Nationalversammlung (13. Oktober 1848), die die Bürgerwehr zu einer de-facto-Hilfstruppe der Polizei macht


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Programm des Abgeordneten-Kandidaten Koester aus Sillmenau bei Breslau: Bekenntnis zur oktroyierten Verfassung, Ablösung der grundherrlichen Lasten und Abgaben, Wahl der Pfarrer und Lehrer durch die Gemeinden, keine Trennung von Schule und Kirche, Erschwerung des Zuzugs und der Gründung von Familien für Landfremde, Regulierung der Oder, solide Haushaltspolitik


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Erzherzog Johanns Erklärung an die österreichische Bevölkerung, das ihm übertragene Amt des Reichsverwesers anzunehmen und mit der nach Wien entsandten Deputation der Nationalversammlung nach Frankfurt/Main zu gehen. Bekenntnis zur Einheit Deutschlands


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Gedicht eines unbekannten Verfassers, in dem 'der liebe Fritz' (König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen) dem Despotismus abschwört: "Erkannt hab' ich, daß nur des Volkes Liebe, Die wahre Stütze sei, für meinen Thron!". (Man vgl. damit das kurz zuvor erschienene Flugblatt: 'An meinen lieben Fritz am 7. Juni 1848: Eine Geisterstimme' (Sf 16/109, Nr. 7))