988 resultados para California State Prison at San Quentin
We investigated diurnal nitrate (NO3-) concentration variability in the San Joaquin River using an in situ optical NO3- sensor and discrete sampling during a 5-day summer period characterized by high algal productivity. Dual NO3- isotopes (delta N-15(NO3) and delta O-18(NO3)) and dissolved oxygen isotopes (delta O-18(DO)) were measured over 2 days to assess NO3- sources and biogeochemical controls over diurnal time-scales. Concerted temporal patterns of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and delta O-18(DO) were consistent with photosynthesis, respiration and atmospheric O-2 exchange, providing evidence of diurnal biological processes independent of river discharge. Surface water NO3- concentrations varied by up to 22% over a single diurnal cycle and up to 31% over the 5-day study, but did not reveal concerted diurnal patterns at a frequency comparable to DO concentrations. The decoupling of delta N-15(NO3) and delta O-18(NO3) isotopes suggests that algal assimilation and denitrification are not major processes controlling diurnal NO3- variability in the San Joaquin River during the study. The lack of a clear explanation for NO3- variability likely reflects a combination of riverine biological processes and time-varying physical transport of NO3- from upstream agricultural drains to the mainstem San Joaquin River. The application of an in situ optical NO3- sensor along with discrete samples provides a view into the fine temporal structure of hydrochemical data and may allow for greater accuracy in pollution assessment.
This article explores how liberal politicians like Phil Burton of San Francisco joined with welfare rights lobbyists and bureaucrats to embrace late twntieth-century notions of sexual equality through a broader reconception of economic equality brought about by the expansion of the California welfare state in the early 1960s.
It is a commonly known fact that there are elderly who have no family or who do not receive any kind of help from their relatives, as the family does not normally have good financial conditions to help them. These elderly live in private or public shelters and generally, they do not have enough money to cover all the necessary costs, and are forced to survive from donations. Those shelters are based, primarily, on nutrition and health. Leisure and wellbeing are usually treated with little attention, but it could be obtained in a simple and effective way: green areas, which normally exist at the site, are often misused, so they can become rest areas through simple landscape projects. It is important to mention that a garden is not just a beautiful place, but it becomes important for the daily life of older people. The objective of this work was to study the need for contemplative leisure and labor in order to improve the life quality of the elderly that live at the San Francisco de Paula Asylum, in Jaboticabal City, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. In this study, a topographic and a photographic survey was conducted and an analysis of the local ground was done. The preferences of the employees and the visitors of the building were also recorded, as well as the critical points of the area. After this primary analysis, the landscape planning was done, with the help of the AutoCAD 2004 software, prioritizing the use of plants that are not dangerous and that are easy maintained. An orchid nursery was also created in order to provide weekly workshops of orchid cultivation.
In April and June 1968, the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program (POBSP) of the Smithsonian Institution conducted surveys on breeding marine birds and pinnipeds on various Mexican islands. Between 18 to 26 April and 21 to 29 June, pinniped populations were surveyed at Islas de Guadalupe, San Benito, Cedros, and Natividad off Baja California. Species observed were the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus, Guadalupe fur seal, Arctocephalus townsendi, harbor seal, Phoca vitulina, and northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris
At the first Vertebrate Pest Control Conference in 1964, I traced the history of plague control in California and outlined a revised approach, based on newer concepts of plague ecology. In our state of relative ignorance, this required a number of unproved assumptions about plague occurrence in California that verged on crystal ball gazing. These were principally that (1) plague persists in relatively resistant rodent species in certain favorable locations, (2) ground squirrels and chipmunks experience periodic epizootics, but are not permanent reservoirs, (3) plague "foci" of the past were merely sites of conspicuous epizootics, they did not necessarily correspond to permanent foci, and could result from epizootic migrations over considerable distances, and (4) a number of assumptions about areas of greatest epizootic potential can be made by analyzing the pattern of recurrent plague outbreaks in the past. Since then the validity of these assumptions has been tested by the largest outbreak of plague since the early 1940's. We believe that the results have proved the crystal ball largely correct, resulting in much more precise and efficient epizootic surveillance and deployment of control measures than in the past. The outbreak was for us an administrative emergency that exceeded the capacities of the State Health Department. We greatly appreciated the vital help and cooperation of other agencies and individuals. The U.S, Public Health Service accepted a heavy burden of laboratory testing through its San Francisco Field Station, and provided emergency field personnel. The contributions of State Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Weed and Vertebrate Pest Control; U.S. Parks, Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management; local health and agriculture department; and State Division of Parks personnel were essential in accomplishing control work, as well as epizootic surveillance.
The age of rocks found in drill cores, and consequently the depths to possible oil-bearing formations has in many localities been determined by micro-paleontologic studies during the past three decades. Of the different micro-fossils used in this work, foraminifera have been studied most, are the best described, and hence, by far the most helpful.
Implantación de la Red de Alta velocidad Ferroviaria en California. Tramo Fresno-Los Angeles-San Diego. Este artículo, tercera parte de la serie que describe la red de Alta Velocidad Ferroviaria de California (CHSRS), se ocupa de la línea Fresno-Los Angeles Airport-San Diego Airport, con el trazado propuesto en la Alternativa Missions Trail del Proyecto FARWEST, caracterizada por el paso directo de las montañas de Tehachapi, mediante dos grandes túneles de 27,5 Km (17 mile) y 25,6 Km (15,9 mile) de longitud. También por el emplazamiento de la estación terminal de Los Angeles, junto al Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Angeles y la sustitución de la circunvalación ferroviaria de la aglomeración urbana de Los Angeles, a través de Inland Empire, por el ramal Anaheim-Riverside, que da acceso a esa región, y que es cabecera de la futura Dessert Express a Las Vegas. The third of a series describing the California High Speed Railway (CHSRS), this article refers to the Fresno-Los Angeles Airport-San Diego Airport line, with the alignment as proposed in the Missions Trail Alternative of the FARWEST Project, characterized by the direct Tehachapi mountain pass through two large tunnels 27.5 Km (17 miles) and 25.6 Km (15.9 miles) long and also to the siting of the Los Angeles terminal station next to the Los Angeles International Airport and the replacement of the Los Angeles urban conglomeration railway by-pass through Inland Empire, by the Anaheim-Riverside branch providing access to that region and which is the head of the future Desert Express to Las Vegas.
Validating modern oceanographic theories using models produced through stereo computer vision principles has recently emerged. Space-time (4-D) models of the ocean surface may be generated by stacking a series of 3-D reconstructions independently generated for each time instant or, in a more robust manner, by simultaneously processing several snapshots coherently in a true ?4-D reconstruction.? However, the accuracy of these computer-vision-generated models is subject to the estimations of camera parameters, which may be corrupted under the influence of natural factors such as wind and vibrations. Therefore, removing the unpredictable errors of the camera parameters is necessary for an accurate reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that can jointly perform a 4-D reconstruction as well as correct the camera parameter errors introduced by external factors. The technique is founded upon variational optimization methods to benefit from their numerous advantages: continuity of the estimated surface in space and time, robustness, and accuracy. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested using synthetic data produced through computer graphics techniques, based on which the errors of the camera parameters arising from natural factors can be simulated.
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