521 resultados para COCOA THEOBROMA-CACAO
Visible-near infrared reflectance spectra are proposed for the characterization of IRMM 481 peanuts variety in comparison to powder food materials: wheat flour, milk and cocoa. Multidimensional analysis of reflectance spectra of powder samples shows a specific NIR band centred at 1200 nm that identifies peanut compared to the rest of food ingredients, regardless compaction level and temperature. Spectral range of 400-1000 nm is not robust for identification of blanched peanut. The visible range has shown to be reliable for the identification of pre-treatment and processing of unknown commercial peanut samples. A spectral index is proposed based on the combination of three wavelengths around 1200 nm that is 100% robust against pre-treatment (raw or blanched) and roasting (various temperatures and treatment duration).
Four letters about goods and foodstuffs Tudor sold through the firm, including cocoa. Also includes reports on market trends.
Four letters regarding prices current, the impact of tensions between England and France on speculation, and market demands for items like cocoa, cochineal, and codfish.
Four letters regarding the "miserable" sales of Tudor’s cocoa and various financial transactions.
Recipes are organized by month; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Mock cantaloupe, Iced cocoa, Apple charlotte.
Appendix A: Report of Joseph Burtt and Dr. Horton, 1907.
Blank pages for "Memoranda" (135-136)
"Details of the markets ... statistics and record of prices." p. vii.
Also published in Linné's Amoenitates academicae, v. 7, ed. 1, 1769; ed. 2, 1789, p. 254-263. For other reprints and translations see J.M. Hulth, Bibliographia Linnaeana (1907) p. 132.
Cover title.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [106]) and index.
This research was undertaken to: develop a process for the direct solvent extraction of castor oil seeds. A literature survey confirmed the desirability of establishing such a process with emphasis on the decortication, size, reduction, detoxification-deallergenization, and solvent·extraction operations. A novel process was developed for the dehulling of castor seeds which consists of pressurizing the beans and then suddenly releasing the pressure to vaccum. The degree of dehulling varied according to the pressure applied and the size of the beans. Some of the batches were difficult-to-hull, and this phenomenon was investigated using the scanning electron microscope and by thickness and compressive strength measurements. The other variables studied to lesser degrees included residence time, moisture, content, and temperature.The method was successfully extended to cocoa beans, and (with modifications) to peanuts. The possibility of continuous operation was looked into, and a mechanism was suggested to explain the method works. The work on toxins and allergens included an extensive literature survey on the properties of these substances and the methods developed for their deactivation Part of the work involved setting up an assay method for measuring their concentration in the beans and cake, but technical difficulties prevented the completion of this aspect of the project. An appraisal of the existing deactivation methods was made in the course of searching for new ones. A new method of reducing the size of oilseeds was introduced in this research; it involved freezing the beans in cardice and milling them in a coffee grinder, the method was found to be a quick, efficient, and reliable. An application of the freezing technique was successful in dehulling soybeans and de-skinning peanut kernels. The literature on the solvent extraction, of oilseeds, especially castor, was reviewed: The survey covered processes, equipment, solvents, and mechanism of leaching. three solvents were experimentally investigated: cyclohexane, ethanol, and acetone. Extraction with liquid ammonia and liquid butane was not effective under the conditions studied. Based on the results of the research a process has been suggested for the direct solvent extraction of castor seeds, the various sections of the process have analysed, and the factors affecting the economics of the process were discussed.
Thermochemical characterisation of agricultural biomass wastes from West African region has been carried out and their potential use as feedstock in thermochemical conversion processes determined. Proximate, ultimate, structural compositions, calorific values, thermogravimetry (TGA) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) analyses were carried out on corn straw and cobs, rice straw and husks, cocoa pod, jatropha curcas and moringa olifiera seed cakes, parinari polyandra fruit shell and sugarcane bagasse. Moringa olifiera seed cakes and cocoa pods were found to contain the highest moisture contents. Rice straw was found to contain a high ash content of 45.76. wt.%. The level of nitrogen and sulphur in all the samples were very low. Rice husk was found to have the highest lignin contents while corn cob low lignin contents indicate a potential feedstock source for quality bio-oil production using thermochemical process. © 2013.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the participants of the EPIC-Norfolk cohort. We thank the nutritionist team and data management team of the EPIC-Norfolk cohort. The EPIC-Norfolk study was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK. Funders had no role in study design or interpretation of the findings.