English summary: Human rights of persons with disabilities within the general framework of human rights (s.1015)
Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Tenth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2008.
Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Tenth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2008.
Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Tenth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2008.
Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Tenth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2008.
En este trabajo proponemos un seguro de fallecimiento en el que al asegurado se le anticipa parte de la cuantía del seguro en el caso que se convierta en dependiente o agrave su situación de dependencia. El importe del anticipo estará en función del grado de dependencia que haya alcanzado. El asegurado podrá utilizar este anticipo para financiar la adquisición, o adecuación, de una determinada infraestructura como consecuencia de la falta de autonomía. Calcularemos las primas así como las provisiones matemáticas y realizaremos la comparación con el seguro de fallecimiento tradicional; también plantearemos la problemática de la carencia.
The Family Support Subsidy (FSS) program provides a monthly payment to help families with the cost of raising a child with a developmental disability. Parents of children with disabilities were very active in getting state and federal policy makers to look at how they could divert some of the funds going to institutional care. Families with severely disabled children wanted to raise their children at home but were met with a lot of resistance and policy barriers when they tried to get home-based support.
This paper presents a research concerning the conversion of non-accessible web pages containing mathematical formulae into accessible versions through an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool. The objective of this research is twofold. First, to establish criteria for evaluating the potential accessibility of mathematical web sites, i.e. the feasibility of converting non-accessible (non-MathML) math sites into accessible ones (Math-ML). Second, to propose a data model and a mechanism to publish evaluation results, making them available to the educational community who may use them as a quality measurement for selecting learning material.Results show that the conversion using OCR tools is not viable for math web pages mainly due to two reasons: many of these pages are designed to be interactive, making difficult, if not almost impossible, a correct conversion; formula (either images or text) have been written without taking into account standards of math writing, as a consequence OCR tools do not properly recognize math symbols and expressions. In spite of these results, we think the proposed methodology to create and publish evaluation reports may be rather useful in other accessibility assessment scenarios.
Are figures accessible in mathematics academic journals? An analysis of current image accessibility in highly cited mathematics journals.
Are figures accessible in mathematics academic journals? An analysis of current image accessibility in highly cited mathematics journals.
In the past two decades, international recommendations have made inclusive education a priority issue. Many countries have adopted school policies inciting players to question their representations about the duties and purposes of schooling and their role therein. In Switzerland, a new national and cantonal framework defines the integration of students with disabilities or special educational needs in the regular classroom as a priority. However, progress in this area is modest and many researchers are left wondering how teachers could be better prepared to meet the special needs of some students. Initial training is thus seen as essential in bringing pre-service teachers to develop open attitudes toward students with disabilities or special educational needs. While many studies have examined the role of training in building professional attitudes, very few deal with teacher representations of inclusive education, let alone those of future teachers. Our research focuses on two samples of pre-service teachers in the beginning, middle or end of their initial training. 261 pre-service teachers for primary education and 212 pre-service teachers for secondaiy education are involved in the study. The research aims to highlight the role of their representative thinking in building their attitudes towards inclusive education. Our results show that objectification remains essentialist and focuses on the prototypes of the most publicized disabilities. They also showed the weakness of the training system as perceived by future teachers. Even though they have maintained or strengthened positive attitudes towards integration, most leave their training with a reinforced sense of apprehension when faced with the disabilities or special educational needs that they expect to encounter in their future work. Although pre-service teachers consider their training insufficient, it nevertheless positively influences their attitudes toward integration. In particular, greater internship practice, however modest it may be, has a significant effect on attitudes of future teachers by increasing their perception of competence and confidence. -- Ces deux dernières décennies, les recommandations internationales ont fait de l'inclusion scolaire une thématique prioritaire. De nombreux pays ont adopté des politiques scolaires obligeant les acteurs scolaires à interroger leurs représentations des missions de l'école et leur rôle au sein de celle-ci. En Suisse, un nouveau cadre national et cantonal a défini comme prioritaire l'intégration dans l'école ordinaire des élèves en situation de handicap ou ayant des besoins éducatifs particuliers. Or, les avancées en la matière restent modestes et de nombreux chercheurs se questionnent sur la manière dont les enseignant-e-s pourraient être mieux préparés à répondre aux besoins éducatifs particuliers de certains élèves. La formation initiale est ainsi perçue comme essentielle pour amener les futurs enseignant-e-s pour développer des attitudes ouvertes envers les élèves en situation de handicap ou ayant des besoins éducatifs particuliers. Si beaucoup d'études portent sur le rôle de la formation dans la construction d'attitudes professionnelles, très peu traitent des représentations des enseignant-e-s à l'égard de l'intégration scolaire et encore moins de celles des futurs enseignant-e-s. Notre recherche porte sur deux populations de futurs enseignant-e-s en début, au milieu ou en fin de formation. Elles sont composées respectivement de 261 étudiant-e-s se destinant à l'enseignement primaire et de 212 étudiant-e-s se destinant à l'enseignement secondaire. La recherche vise à mettre en évidence l'intervention de leur pensée représentative dans leurs prises de position envers l'intégration scolaire. Nos résultats montrent que l'objectivation reste essentialiste et se focalise sur les prototypes de situations de handicap les plus médiatisés. Nos résultats font également fait apparaître la faiblesse du dispositif de formation tel que perçu les futurs enseignant-e-s. Quand bien même ont-ils conservé ou renforcé des attitudes favorables à l'intégration, ils quittent pour la plupart leur formation avec une appréhension renforcée à l'égard des situations de handicap ou de besoins éducatifs particuliers qu'ils s'attendent à rencontrer dans leur future pratique. Bien que la formation soit jugée insuffisante par les étudiant-e-s, elle oriente néanmoins favorablement leurs prises de position envers l'intégration des élèves concernés. En particulier, une plus grande pratique de stage, si modeste soit-elle, a un effet important sur ces prises de position par l'augmentation du sentiment de compétence et la perception d'assurance des futurs enseignant-e-s.
El boccia és un esport internacional molt similar a la petanca. Hi participen personesamb cadira de rodes, amb greus afectacions per paràlisis cerebral i altres discapacitatsfísiques severes. A partir de la categoria BC3 (discapacitats en ambdós extremitats) labola es tira a través d’una rampa o canaleta ajustable en altura, inclinació i direcció. Ésun joc de precisió i estratègia.El joc consisteix en tirar una bola diana de color blanc, i acostar-s’hi el més possible. Eljugador o equip que s’hi acosta més suma punts, quan han passat un cert nombre derondes l’equip amb més punts és el guanyador.Degut a que els participants no poden moure ni els braços ni les cames, han de donarindicacions a un auxiliar perquè els hi reguli la rampa.Empreses i participants del col•lectiu del boccia ens ha demanat alguna solució perpoder prescindir de l’auxiliar a la hora d’ajustar la rampa. L’auxiliar haurà de seguircol•locant la bola de boccia i deixar-la anar des de la part superior de la rampa. Peròaixí el participant podrà regular ell mateix la posició de la rampa, millorant així la sevaexperiència en el joc.Es dissenyarà un mecanisme perquè un discapacitat pugui jugar a la boccia. Ha depermetre un control total del posicionament de la rampa, per part del discapacitat:Moviment de translació vertical, rotació en l’eix z per poder canviar la inclinació i unmoviment de rotació en l’eix y per poder ajustar la direcció. La intenció és automatitzarla rampa amb un mecanisme d’actuadors elèctrics, perquè el jugador, mitjançant un panell de control equipat amb joysticks pugui ajustar la rampa segons les sevesnecessitats
El projecte que es presenta en aquesta memòria té com a objectiu el disseny d'una aplicació agenda amb tècniques orientades a l'usuari (Disseny Centrat en l'Usuari). Seguint aquestes metodologies es pretén dissenyar una agenda que aconsegueixi un grau de satisfacció alt per part dels usuaris, una part dels quals té unes habilitats cognitives especials, i un gestor d'agendes que agilitzi la coordinació als professionals de suport que treballen diàriament amb ells. L'objectiu final de les dues aplicacions és el mateix: millorar el benestar dels usuaris.
La difusión de la información se ha convertido en uno de los elementos críticos en los planes estratégicos de las instituciones universitarias. Inquietadas por su posición en los rankings internacionales que evalúan este tipo de instituciones, las universidades comienzan a preocuparse también por sus estrategias de difusión de información y sus webs institucionales. En este trabajo se abordan las funciones principales de las webs universitarias; el proceso de análisis, diseño e implementación en la creación de este tipo de sitios webs; los elementos mínimos que deben incluirse en una guía de estilo de web universitaria; y algunos de los principales estándares y referencias nacionales e internacionales de ese tipo de guías.
Las personas con pluridiscapacidad presentan retraso mental severo o profundo además de otros déficits orgánicos, físicos o mentales. Las vidas de las familias de niños con pluridiscapacidad transcurren en un proceso de duelo continuo para adaptarse a las constantes pérdidas del menor y tienen que prestarles cuidados para hacer frente a los síntomas que les producen las distintas discapacidades que padecen. Estudio etnográfico con el objetivo de conocer las características del cuidado que prestan los progenitores a sus hijos con pluridiscapacidad. Técnicas: observación participante y entrevistas. Participantes: progenitores de hijos e hijas entre 3 y 18 años con pluridiscapacidad de Barcelona (España), reclutados a través de las escuelas de educación especial. Los resultados muestran que los padres han aprendido los cuidados que prestan a través de su propia experiencia. Expresan la influencia positiva que les produce el cuidado de sus hijos y su deseo de seguir cuidándoles. Manifiestan su malestar por no disponer de un modelo de atención integral y reclaman un profesional que actúe como su referente.