556 resultados para CHARCOAL
Treatment of pea (Pisum sativum L.) hypocotyl segments with indole-3-butyric acid, which promotes segment elongation, increased the solubilization of both xyloglucan and cello-oligosaccharides in the apoplast of auxin-treated pea stems. The cello-oligosaccharides were isolated from the apoplastic solution with a charcoal/Celite column and were identified as cellobiose, cellotriose, and cellotetraose after subsequent thin-layer chromatography and paper electrophoresis. Cello-oligosaccharides in the apoplastic fraction were monitored using cellobiose dehydrogenase. Both xyloglucan and cello-oligosaccharides appeared to be formed concurrently within 30 min after treatment with the auxin, and the cello-oligosaccharides increased with stem elongation even after 2 h. The total activity of cellulase did not increase for up to 4 h.
A 7000-year-long sequence of environmental change during the Holocene has been reconstructed for a central Pacific island (Mangaia, Cook Islands). The research design used geomorphological and palynological methods to reconstruct vegetation history, fire regime, and erosion and depositional rates, whereas archaeological methods were used to determine prehistoric Polynesian land use and resource exploitation. Certain mid-Holocene environmental changes are putatively linked with natural phenomena such as eustatic sea-level rise and periodic El Niño-Southern Oscillation events. However, the most significant changes were initiated between 2500 and 1800 years and were directly or indirectly associated with colonization by seafaring Polynesian peoples. These human-induced effects included major forest clearance, increased erosion of volcanic hillsides and alluvial deposition in valley bottoms, significant increases in charcoal influx, extinctions of endemic terrestrial species, and the introduction of exotic species.
A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) representa um importante reservatório de carbono (C) nos ecossistemas terrestres. O conteúdo de C estocado no solo pode ser liberado para a atmosfera na forma de CO2, com a decomposição da MOS, ou pode ser aumentado com a entrada de resíduos e retenção da MOS. Nesse sentido, é importante entender os mecanismos de estabilidade e retenção da MOS para predizer como os solos respondem a mudanças, quer sejam elas induzidas por alterações climáticas ou por práticas de manejo. Dentro dos Latossolos, classe que ocupa cerca de 32 % do território brasileiro, há aqueles que possuem horizonte A húmico hiper espesso e, portanto, com maior estoque de C. Aspectos sobre a origem, formação e preservação do horizonte A húmico destes solos em suas ocorrências em diferentes biomas ainda não foram completamente elucidados e estão estritamente ligados à fonte, dinâmica e mecanismos de preservação e distribuição da MOS no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho é entender a gênese da MO dos Latossolos húmicos que ocorrem no Bioma Cerrado, por meio da caracterização molecular pela técnica da pirólise acoplada à cromatografia gasosa e espectroscopia de massas (pirólise - CG/EM). Para isso, foram coletadas amostras dos horizontes A em dois perfis de Latossolos com horizonte A húmico (LH1, LH2) e um perfil de Latossolo com horizonte A moderado (solo de referência; LNH) situados em superfície de aplanamento adjacente à Serra do Espinhaço, no município de Grão Mogol - MG, sob clima tropical semi-úmido e vegetação de cerrado sensu strictu. Por meio da descrição morfológica dos solos em diferentes níveis de observação (campo, lupa e microscópio) procurou-se entender melhor os mecanismos de espessamento do horizonte A e a distribuição de partículas de carvão ao longo do perfil. As amostras dos horizontes foram submetidas ao fracionamento físico e extração da MOS, gerando as seguintes frações: fração leve livre (FLL); fração leve oclusa (FLO), fração extraível com NaOH (EXT) e resíduo (RES). A morfologia dos perfis evidencia a intensa e longa atividade biológica (fauna e raízes) a que esses solos foram e estão submetidos. Isso explica a abundância de microagregados e a consequente macropososidade elevada, assim como a ampla distribuição de fragmentos de carvão em todo o horizonte A, e parte do B, com dimensões milimétricas a submilimétricas, sugerindo a fragmentação destes ao longo do tempo. Foi evidenciado o maior conteúdo de carvões nos dois LHs em comparação ao LNH. A distribuição da MOS nas frações estudadas foi a mesma para os três perfis estudados: RES>EXT>FLL>FLO, que mostra a importância da fração RES para estes solos. Produtos da carbonização (Black carbon; BC: hidrocarbonetos poliaromáticos) foram mais abundantes na fração RES e FLO, no entanto, a maior diferença qualitativa entre a MOS de LHs e LNH diz respeito à abundância de BC na fração RES, que é maior em LHs do que LNH; confirmando a maior quantidade de carvões em LHs verificada na morfologia. Um índice de degradação do BC foi estabelecido com base em análise fatorial com os todas as frações estudadas e produtos poliaromáticos. Este índice, aplicado às frações EXT e RES, mostrou que a degradação do BC aumenta com a profundidade/idade, e não houve diferenças significativas entre os perfis estudados. Portanto, LHs provavelmente tem maior entrada de carvões, o que deve estar ligado a um histórico de maior incidência de incêndios ou maior abundância local de espécies arbóreas.
Pollen and macrofossils were analyzed at two sites above today's treeline (or tree limit) in the Swiss Central Alps (Gouillé Loéré, 2503 m a.s.l., and Lengi Egga, 2557 m a.s.l.) to test two contrasting hypotheses about the natural formation of timberline (the upper limit of closed forest) in the Alps. Our results revealed that Pinus cembra--Larix decidua forests near timberline were rather closed between 9000 and 2500 B.C. (9600-4000 14C yr BP), when timberline fluctuations occurred within a belt 100-150 m above today's tree limit. The treeline ecocline above timberline was characterized by the mixed occurrence of tree, shrub, dwarf-shrub, and herbaceous species, but it did not encompass more than 100-150 altitudinal meters. The uppermost limit reached by timberline and treeline during the Holocene was ca. 2420 and 2530 m, respectively, i.e., about 120 to 180 m higher than today. Between 3500 and 2500 B.C. (4700-4000 14C yr BP) timberline progressively sank by about 300 m, while treeline was lowered only ca. 100 m. This change led to an enlargement of the treeline-ecocline belt (by ca. 300 m) after 2500 B.C. (4000 14C yr BP). Above the treeline ecocline, natural meadows dominated by dwarf shrubs (e.g., Salix herbacea) and herbaceous species (e.g., Helianthemum, Taraxacum, Potentialla, Leontodon t., Cerastium alpinum t., Cirsium spinosissimum, Silene exscapa t., and Saxifraga stellaris) have been present since at least 11,000 cal yr ago. In these meadows tree and tall shrub species (>0.5 m) never played a major role. These results support the conventional hypothesis of a narrow ecocline with rather sharp upper timberline and treeline boundaries and imply that today's treeless alpine communities in the Alps are close to a natural stage. Pollen (percentages and influx), stomata, and charcoal data may be useful for determining whether or not a site was treeless. Nevertheless, a reliable and detailed record of past local vegetation near and above timberline is best achieved through the inclusion of macrofossil analysis.
We synthesize recent results from lake-sediment studies of Holocene fire-climate-vegetation interactions in Alaskan boreal ecosystems. At the millennial time scale, the most robust feature of these records is an increase in fire occurrence with the establishment of boreal forests dominated by Picea mariana: estimated mean fire-return intervals decreased from ≥300 yrs to as low as ∼80 yrs. This fire-vegetation relationship occurred at all sites in interior Alaska with charcoal-based fire reconstructions, regardless of the specific time of P. mariana arrival during the Holocene. The establishment of P. mariana forests was associated with a regional climatic trend toward cooler/wetter conditions. Because such climatic change should not directly enhance fire occurrence, the increase in fire frequency most likely reflects the influence of highly flammable P. mariana forests, which are more conducive to fire ignition and spread than the preceding vegetation types (tundra, and woodlands/forests dominated by Populus or Picea glauca). Increased lightning associated with altered atmospheric circulation may have also played a role in certain areas where fire frequency increased around 4000 calibrated years before present (BP) without an apparent increase in the abundance of P. mariana. When viewed together, the paleo-fire records reveal that fire histories differed among sites in the same modern fire regime and that the fire regime and plant community similar to those of today became established at different times. Thus the spatial array of regional fire regimes was non-static through the Holocene. However, the patterns and causes of the spatial variation remain largely unknown. Advancing our understanding of climate-fire-vegetation interactions in the Alaskan boreal biome will require a network of charcoal records across various ecoregions, quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions, and improved knowledge of how sedimentary charcoal records fire events.
New palaeoecological investigations (pollen, macrofossil, and charcoal analyses) provide important evidence on the fire history and the long-term fire ecology of different regions of Switzerland. The results from the Swiss plateau, the Northern and Central Alps and Southern Switzerland suggest that fire played a different role for the long-term vegetational development in the different regions. In the Northern Alps and Southern Switzerland anthropogenic fires led to the disappearance of entire forest communities. These fires especially affected the fire-sensitive species Abies alba. On the Swiss Plateau fire frequencies were markedly lower than in the Southern Alps. Nevertheless, fires probably led to a decline in the occurrence of fire-sensitive taxa such as Ulmus, Fraxinus excelsior or Tilia at lower altitudes (Fagus silvatica-Quercus belt). First evidences from the Central Alps suggest that forest fires were naturally more frequent in this continental region and that the vegetation might be better fire-adapted than the original (partly or completely vanished) plant communities of the Swiss Plateau, the Northern Alps and Southern Switzerland.