974 resultados para CH17-317
Raw soybeans were subjected to three different processing methods viz Parboiling, Toasting and Extrusion with an Intra Pro Extruder. The processed soybean meals were thereafter incorporated at equal levels into the diets of genetically improved mudfish Heterobranchus longifilis juveniles. The fish were fed the experimental diets in triplicate at 5% of their body weight for eight weeks. The growth performance and food utilization indices, namely Mean Weight Gain (MWG), Food Conversion Ratio (FCR), Specific Growth Rate (SGR%) and Protein Efficient Ratio (PER), were monitored bi-weekly. The results show that fish fed the control fishmeal diets were highest in growth performance, which was significantly different (P>0.05) from others. Among the fish fed the test diets, those fed toasted soybean had higher MWG, SGR, FCR and PER than juveniles fed the parboiled soybean diet. The juveniles fed the extruded soybean diet recorded the least growth performance. The implication of these results in diet formulation is discussed
An assessment is given of the post-harvest losses in the Lake Kainji fisheries of Nigeria. The study focussed on quantifiable information on post-harvest technology and post-harvest losses from fisherfolk, fish processors and fish traders operating within the Kainji Lake basin. The information was obtained from questionnaires sent to a total of 665 respondents, comprising 317 fishermen, 115 fish processors, 125 fish buyers, and 111 fish sellers in 45 fishing villages and collection centres within the lake basin. Considering the total catch from gillnets, longlines, traps and cast nets estimated at 14,000 in 1995 about 1,000 t of fish was either discarded or lost value due to spoilage during handling by fisherfolk. Assuming an average prices of 80 Naira/kg of fish, the loss to the economy amounted to 80 million Naira annually. Appropriate recommendations are made to significantly reduce post-harvest losses in the Kainji Lake fishery. (PDF contains 91 pages)
The anisotropy of 1.3 - 2.3 MeV protons in interplanetary space has been measured using the Caltech Electron/Isotope Spectrometer aboard IMP-7 for 317 6-hour periods from 72/273 to 74/2. Periods dominated by prompt solar particle events are not included. The convective and diffusive anisotropies are determined from the observed anisotropy using concurrent solar wind speed measurements and observed energy spectra. The diffusive flow of particles is found to be typically toward the sun, indicating a positive radial gradient in the particle density. This anisotropy is inconsistent with previously proposed sources of low-energy proton increases seen at 1 AU which involve continual solar acceleration.
The typical properties of this new component of low-energy cosmic rays have been determine d for this period which is near solar minimum. The particles have a median intensity of 0.06 protons/ cm^(2)-sec-sr-MeV and a mean spectral index of -3.15.The amplitude of the diffusive anisotropy is approximately proportional to the solar wind speed. The rate at which particles are diffusing toward the sun is larger than the rate at which the solar wind is convecting the particles away from the sun. The 20 to 1 proton to alpha ratio typical of this new component has been reported by Mewaldt, et al. (1975b).
A propagation model with κ_(rr) assumed independent of radius and energy is used to show that the anisotropy could be due to increases similar to those found by McDonald, et al. (1975) at ~3 AU. The interplanetary Fermi-acceleration model proposed by Fisk (1976) to explain the increases seen near 3 AU is not consistent with the ~12 per cent diffusive anisotropy found.
The dependence of the diffusive anisotropy on various parameters is shown. A strong dependence of the direction of the diffusive anisotropy on the concurrently measured magnetic field direction is found, indicating a κ_⊥ less than κ_∥ to be typical for this large data set.
It is often difficult to define ‘water quality’ with any degree of precision. One approach is that suggested by Battarbee (1997) and is based on the extent to which individual lakes have changed compared with their natural ‘baseline’ status. Defining the base-line status of artificial lakes and reservoirs however, is, very difficult. In ecological terms, the definition of quality must include some consideration of their functional characteristics and the extent to which these characteristics are self-sustaining. The challenge of managing lakes in a sustainable way is particularly acute in semi-arid, Mediterranean countries. Here the quality of the water is strongly influenced by the unpredictability of the rainfall as well as year-to-year variations in the seasonal averages. Wise management requires profound knowledge of how these systems function. Thus a holistic approach must be adopted and the factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of the lakes quantified over a range of spatial and temporal scales. In this article, the authors describe some of the ways in which both long-term and short-term changes in the weather have influenced the seasonal and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton in El Gergal, a water supply reservoir situated in the south of Spain. The quality of the water stored in this reservoir is typically very good but surface blooms of algae commonly appear during warm, calm periods when the water level is low. El Gergal reservoir is managed by the Empresa Municipal de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento (EMASESA) and supplies water for domestic, commercial and industrial use to an area which includes the city of Seville and twelve of its surrounding towns (ca. 1.3 million inhabitants). El Gergal is the last of two reservoirs in a chain of four situated in the Rivera de Huelva basin, a tributary of the Guadalquivir river. It was commissioned by EMASESA in 1979 and since then the company has monitored its main limnological parameters on, at least, a monthly basis and used this information to improve the management of the reservoir. As a consequence of these intensive studies the physical, chemical and biological information acquired during this period makes the El Gergal database one of the most complete in Spain. In this article the authors focus on three ‘weather-related’ effects that have had a significant impact on the composition and distribution of phytoplankton in El Gergal: (i) the changes associated with severe droughts; (ii) the spatial variations produced by short-term changes in the weather; (iii) the impact of water transfers on the seasonal dynamics of the dinoflagellate Ceratium.
The Mediterranean region is characterised by a variable climate with most of the rain falling during the winter and frequent summer droughts. Such warm, dry periods are ideal for the growth of large algal blooms that often consist of potentially toxic Cyanobacteria. This makes the management of water for human use particularly challenging in such a climate and it is important to understand how such blooms can be avoided or at least be reduced in size. PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) is a model that simulates the dynamics of different species of phytoplankton populations in lakes and reservoirs. Its distinct advantage over similar models is its ability to simulate the relative composition of the algal flora, allowing both quantitative and qualitative conclusions to be drawn e.g. whether Cyanobacteria could be a potential problem. PROTECH has been applied primarily to lakes and reservoirs in northern Europe. Recently, however, the model has been applied to water bodies in lower latitudes, including Australia to a water supply reservoir in the south of Spain, El Gergal. El Gergal is the last in a chain of reservoirs that supply water to the city of Seville. It was brought into service in April 1979 and has a maximum storage volume of 35 000 000 m3. This article summarises the application of PROTECH in order to simulate the following problems: • the effect of a large influx of Ceratium biomass into El Gergal from another reservoir • the effect of using alternative water sources instead of the Guadalquivir River (used occasionally to raise water levels in El Gergal) • the effect of installing tertiary sewage treatment on the Cala River • the effect of simulated drought conditions on phytoplankton in the reservoir.
基于能量守恒和三波耦合波方程, 建立了超短脉冲在参变过程中二次谐波产生时的I类和II类相位匹配条件、基波与谐波之间的群速延迟时间、以及群速失配对晶体长度限制的理论基础。以负单轴非线性光学晶体CsLiB6O10为例, 分析和数值计算了超短脉冲宽度为100 fs时, 谐波的群速匹配长度随基波波长变化的规律。研究结果表明在I类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为642 nm时, 群速延迟最小, 相应的群速匹配晶体长度最长为19.1 mm;在II类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为767 nm, 群速延迟最小, 群速匹配长度最
Avaliou-se a influência de dois sistemas de acabamento e polimento na resistência à flexão de uma cerâmica feldspática EX-3 (Noritake). Para isto, confeccionou-se blocos cerâmicos com medidas em conformidade com a ISO 6872/1995. Em seguida obteve-se o glaze natural. A padronização da rugosidade superficial foi conferida com auxílio de um rugosímetro, e os blocos foram então divididos em cinco grupos. O Grupo I (controle) foi testado com glaze. Para os testes realizados nos demais grupos, os blocos receberam um tratamento de asperização por meio de uma ponta diamantada 4137 (KG Sorensen). Em seguida foram polidos com diferentes protocolos. No grupo II, o sistema de polimento dura white (Shofu). No grupo III, o sistema de polimento dura white (shofu) associado a uma pasta diamantada aplicada com disco de feltro. No grupo IV o sistema de polimento Exa Cerapol (Edenta) e no grupo V, este mesmo sistema mais pasta diamantada aplicada com disco de feltro. Após os procedimentos de acabamento e polimento, foi avaliada a rugosidade conseguida (Ra), para se avaliar a eficácia dos métodos testados. A análise estatística por ANOVA (p ≤ 0,05) mostrou não haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (G2=3,820,58; G3=3,550,61; G4=4,050,40; G5=3,950.47) . Feito isto, os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos a um ensaio mecânico de resistência à flexão em três pontos, e também neste caso, os resultados depois de tratados estatisticamente não demonstraram diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos glazeados e os grupos que receberam tratamento (G1=132,126,9 MPa; G2=123,317,4 MPa; G3=114,519,3 MPa; G4=104,211,9 MPa e G5=104,719,1 MPa) . Após a realização destas avaliações, tornou-se possível concluir que o uso dos sistemas de acabamento e polimento testados neste trabalho permite obter superfícies com rugosidade similar a obtida com o glaze natural e não interferem na resistência à flexão da cerâmica utilizada.
The near-infrared nonvolatile holographic recording has been realized in a doubly doped LiNbO3:Fe:Rh crystal by the traditional two-center holographic recording scheme, for the first time. The recording performance of this crystal has been investigated by recording with 633 nm red light, 752 nm red light and 799 nm near-infrared light and sensitizing with 405 nm purple light. The experimental results show that, co-doped with Fe and Rh, the near-infrared absorption and the photovoltaic coefficient of shallow trap Fe are enhanced in this LiNbO3:Fe:Rh crystal, compared with other doubly doped LiNbO3 crystals Such as LiNbO3:Fe:Mn. It is also found that the sensitizing light intensity affects the near-infrared recording sensitivity in a different way than two-center holographic recording with shorter wavelength, and the origin of experimental results is analyzed. (C) 2007 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.