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Poly(ß,L-malic acid) (PMLA) was made to interact with the cationic anticancer drug Doxorubicin (DOX) in aqueous solution to form ionic complexes with different compositions and an efficiency near to 100%. The PMLA/DOX complexes were characterized by spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. According to their composition, the PMLA/DOX complexes spontaneously self-assembled into spherical micro or nanoparticles with negative surface charge. Hydrolytic degradation of PMLA/DOX complexes took place by cleavage of the main chain ester bond and simultaneous release of the drug. In vitro drug release studies revealed that DOX delivery from the complexes was favored by acidic pH and high ionic strength


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia pintaliimatärkkelysten reologista käyttäytymistä korkeissa kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa. Tarve työn suorittamiselle syntyi kun tutkittiin pintaliimausta filminsiirtopuristimella tavallista korkeammissa kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa, sileän sauvan ollessa applikointilaitteena. Koska applikointi sileällä sauvalla tapahtuu hydrodynaamisten periaatteiden mukaisesti, sen käyttö edellyttää pintaliimojen reologisten ominaisuuksien tarkkaa tuntemusta ja hallintaa.Kiinnostuksen kohteena olevat ominaisuudet olivat tärkkelysten kuiva-ainepitoisuuden (8 – 30 %) vaikutus viskositeettiin eri lämpötiloissa (20, 30, 40 ja 50 ºC), leikkausnopeus alueella 1 s-1 - 700 000 s-1. Myös tärkkelysten myötörajat määritettiin tutkimuksessa. Viskositeetti eri leikkausnopeusalueilla mitattiin seuraavilla laitteilla: Bohlin VOR (matalat leikkausnopeudet ja myötöraja) ja Hercules HiShear (keskitason leikkausnopeudet) reometrit sekä Eklund kapillaariviskometri (korkeat leikkausno-peudet). Analysoidut tärkkelykset olivat kaksi anionista matalaviskoottista peruna (tärkkelys A) ja ohra (tärkkelys C) tärkkelystä, sekä yksi kationinen korkeaviskoottinen peruna tärkkelys (tärkkelys B). Tutkittujen tärkkelysten Brookfield viskositeetit (100 rpm) olivat (10 % liuos, 60 °C:ssa) tärkkelys A ja C: 25 ± 5 mPas ja tärkkelys B: 100 ± 20 mPas.Tärkkelysliuosten kuiva-ainepitoisuuden noustessa muuttui virtauskäyttäytyminen Newtoniaalisesta leikkausohenevaksi. Leikkausoheneva käyttäytyminen oli voimakkainta tärkkelys B:n kohdalla. Viskositeetti – lämpötila riippuvuus korkeissa leikkausnopeuksissa (esim. 500 000 s-1) oli vähäisempää, mitä oli oletettavissa Brookfield viskositeettiarvojen perusteella. Kaikki tarkkelykset osoittautuivat tiksotrooppisiksi, myös tiksotrooppisuus lisääntyi kuiva-ainepitoisuuden kasvaessa. Tärkkelysten myötörajat osoittautuivat odottamattoman alhaisiksi, kuitenkin varsinkin tärkkelys B:n myötörajat olivat selvästi riippuvaisia lämpötilasta ja kuiva-ainepitoisuudesta. Tutkittujen tärkkelysten virtauskäyttäytyminen oli kirjallisuudessa esitetyn kaltaista. Tärkkelysmolekyylien ketjun pituus oli tärkein tärkkelyksen reologisia ominaisuuksia määrittävä tekijä; mitä matalampi on tärkkelyksen molekyylimassa, sitä matalammat ovat viskositeetti ja myötöraja. Pintaliimauksessa tärkkelysmolekyylien ketjunpituudella on suuri vaikutus ajettavuuteen ja lopputuotteen ominaisuuksiin. Haasteellista pintaliimatärkkelyksen valinnassa on sellaisen yhdistelmän löytäminen, jossa sopivan reologisen käyttäytymisen omaava tärkkelys ja pintaliimatulle paperille tai kartongille asetetut vaatimukset kohtaavat.


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Tämän työn lähtökohtana oli selvittää erään hienopaperikoneen merkittävimmät märkäosan kemian tasapainoon vaikuttavat tekijät. Työkaluina käytettiin WIC Compact -laitteistoa ja prosessin on-line -mittauksia. Näiden tuottaman informaation pohjalta tutkittiin tekijöiden vaikutusta paperikoneen ajettavuuteen tavoitteena löytää mahdolliset syy-seuraus -ilmiöt ja ennakoida näiden vaikutukset ennen paperikoneella tapahtuvia varsinaisia muutoksia. Kokeellisessa osassa mitattiin sameutta, varustilaa, alkaliteettia, pH:ta, lämpötilaa ja johtokykyä. Mittaukset tehtiin paperikoneen mänty- ja koivusellusta sekä hylkymassasta ja viiravedestä. Kokeellisen osan mittaustulosten perusteella havaittiin koivusellun uuteainepitoisuuden ja sameuden välillä olevan yhteyttä paperikoneen pihkaongelmiin. Katkotilanteet ajoittuivat usein prosessin pH- ja lämpötilavaihteluiden muutoskohtiin, missä pH ja lämpötila laskivat. Sen sijaan muutokset johtokyvyssä eivät olleet yhteydessä katkoihin. Optisen kirkasteen annostelumäärä vaikutti prosessin varaustilaan ja tapauksissa, missä varaustila selvästi kasvoi, kun optisen kirkasteen annostelua oltiin vähennetty, ilmeni ajettavuushäiriöitä. Muutokset PCC:n pH:ssa ja annostelussa näyttivät aiheuttavan perälaatikon pH-vaihteluita.


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Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) can trigger the production of type I interferon (IFN) in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) by binding to endosomal Toll-like receptor-9 (TLR9; refs , , , , ). It is also known that the formation of DNA-antimicrobial peptide complexes can lead to autoimmune diseases via amplification of pDC activation. Here, by combining X-ray scattering, computer simulations, microscopy and measurements of pDC IFN production, we demonstrate that a broad range of antimicrobial peptides and other cationic molecules cause similar effects, and elucidate the criteria for amplification. TLR9 activation depends on both the inter-DNA spacing and the multiplicity of parallel DNA ligands in the self-assembled liquid-crystalline complex. Complexes with a grill-like arrangement of DNA at the optimum spacing can interlock with multiple TLR9 like a zipper, leading to multivalent electrostatic interactions that drastically amplify binding and thereby the immune response. Our results suggest that TLR9 activation and thus TLR9-mediated immune responses can be modulated deterministically.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää rainan irrotukseen puristinosan keskitelalta vaikuttavat tärkeimmät tekijät. Työn avulla pyrittiin ymmärtämään tuotantokoneella esiintyvien prosessimuuttujien vaikutusta rainan irrotustapahtumaan ja puristin- ja kuivatusosan väliseen vetoerotarpeeseen. Samalla tutkittiin märkävetojen vaikutusta paperin laatuun ja fluting-käyttäytymiseen HSWO-painossa. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin märän rainan irrotuksen perusteoriaa sekä rainan ja telapinnan väliseen adheesioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kirjallisuusviitteiden avulla koottiin yhteen tärkeimmät rainan irrotukseen ja keskitelan ajettavuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät. Kirjallisuuden antamien viitteiden perusteella valittiin seurattavat prosessimuuttujat kokeelliseen osaan. Työn kokeellinen osa suoritettiin tuotantokoneella prosessiseurantana. Irrotusta tutkittiin rainan irrotuskohdan muutosten ja puristin- ja kuivatusosan välisen vetoeron avulla. Seurannan perusteella pyrittiin löytämään normaalissa ajotilanteessa rainan irrotusetäisyyteen suurimmat vaihteluita aiheuttavat tekijät. Lisäksi suoritettiin muutamia koeajoja, joiden uskottiin vaikuttavan irrotukseen. Valikoiduista koepisteistä analysoitiin myös vaikutus paperin laatusuureisiin. Työn perusteella selvitettiin suurin osa kyseisellä koneella irrotukseen vaikuttavista muuttujista. Tutkituista viira- ja puristinosan mekaanisista muuttujista eniten irrotukseen vaikuttivat koneen nopeus ja suihkuviirasuhde. Myös viiraosan vedenpoistoelementeillä ja puristinosan höyrylaatikolla havaittiin olevan vaikutusta irrotukseen. Prosessiin lisätyistä raaka-aineista irrotukseen vaikuttivat eniten CTMP:n osuus tuoremassasta, kationinen retentioaine sekä massatärkkelys. Massojen jauhatuksella sekä pohjapaperin täyteainepitoisuudella oli myös selvä vaste irrotukseen. Prosessin kemiallista tilaa kuvaavista suureista irrotukseen vaikutti selvimmin massasysteemin varaustila. Puristin- ja kuivatusosan välisen vetoeron korvaaminen viira- ja puristinosan välisellä vetoerolla helpotti irrotusta keskitelalta, mutta ei tuonut etuja paperin laatuominaisuuksiin eikä vähentänyt fluting-käyttäytymistä.


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We have studied the effect of pressure on the structural and vibrational properties of lanthanum tritungstate La2(WO4)3. This compound crystallizes under ambient conditions in the modulated scheelite-type structure known as the α phase. We have performed x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements up to a pressure of 20 GPa, as well as ab initio calculations within the framework of the density functional theory. Up to 5 GPa, the three methods provide a similar picture of the evolution under pressure of α-La2(WO4)3. At 5 GPa, we begin to observe some structural changes, and above 6 GPa we find that the x-ray patterns cannot be indexed as a single phase. However, we find that a mixture of two phases with C2/c symmetry accounts for all diffraction peaks. Our ab initio study confirms the existence of several C2/c structures, which are very close in energy in this compression range. According to our measurements, a state with medium-range order appears at pressures above 9 and 11 GPa, from x-ray diffraction and Raman experiments, respectively. Based upon our theoretical calculations we propose several high-pressure candidates with high cationic coordinations at these pressures. The compound evolves into a partially amorphous phase at pressures above 20 GPa.


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Interleukin 17-producing helper T cells (TH17 cells) have a major role in protection against infections and in mediating autoimmune diseases, yet the mechanisms involved are incompletely understood. We found that interleukin 26 (IL-26), a human TH17 cell-derived cytokine, is a cationic amphipathic protein that kills extracellular bacteria via membrane-pore formation. Furthermore, TH17 cell-derived IL-26 formed complexes with bacterial DNA and self-DNA released by dying bacteria and host cells. The resulting IL-26-DNA complexes triggered the production of type I interferon by plasmacytoid dendritic cells via activation of Toll-like receptor 9, but independently of the IL-26 receptor. These findings provide insights into the potent antimicrobial and proinflammatory function of TH17 cells by showing that IL-26 is a natural human antimicrobial that promotes immune sensing of bacterial and host cell death.


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To-date, there has been no effective chiral capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) method reported for the simultaneous enantioseparation of the antidepressant drug, venlafaxine (VX) and its structurally-similar major metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine (O-DVX). This is mainly due to the difficulty of identifying MS compatible chiral selector, which could provide both high enantioselectivity and sensitive MS detection. In this work, poly-sodium N-undecenoyl-L,L-leucylalaninate (poly-L,L-SULA) was employed as a chiral selector after screening several dipeptide polymeric chiral surfactants. Baseline separation of both O-DVX and VX enantiomers was achieved in 15min after optimizing the buffer pH, poly-L,L-SULA concentration, nebulizer pressure and separation voltage. Calibration curves in spiked plasma (recoveries higher than 80%) were linear over the concentration range 150-5000ng/mL for both VX and O-DVX. The limit of detection (LOD) was found to be as low as 30ng/mL and 21ng/mL for O-DVX and VX, respectively. This method was successfully applied to measure the plasma concentrations of human volunteers receiving VX or O-DVX orally when co-administered without and with indinivar therapy. The results suggest that micellar electrokinetic chromatography electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (MEKC-ESI-MS/MS) is an effective low cost alternative technique for the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies of both O-DVX and VX enantiomers. The technique has potential to identify drug-drug interaction involving VX and O-DVX enantiomers while administering indinivar therapy.


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Les bactéries du genre Pseudomonas ont la capacité étonnante de s'adapter à différents habitats et d'y survivre, ce qui leur a permis de conquérir un large éventail de niches écologiques et d'interagir avec différents organismes hôte. Les espèces du groupe Pseudomonas fluorescens peuvent être facilement isolées de la rhizosphère et sont communément connues comme des Pseudomonas bénéfiques pour les plantes. Elles sont capables d'induire la résistance systémique des plantes, d'induire leur croissance et de contrer des phytopathogènes du sol. Un sous-groupe de ces Pseudomonas a de plus développé la capacité d'infecter et de tuer certaines espèces d'insectes. Approfondir les connaissances sur l'interaction de ces bactéries avec les insectes pourraient conduire au développement de nouveaux biopesticides pour la protection des cultures. Le but de cette thèse est donc de mieux comprendre la base moléculaire, l'évolution et la régulation de la pathogénicité des Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques envers les insectes. Plus spécifiquement, ce travail a été orienté sur l'étude de la production de la toxine insecticide appelée Fit et sur l'indentification d'autres facteurs de virulence participant à la toxicité de la bactérie envers les insectes. Dans la première partie de ce travail, la régulation de la production de la toxine Fit a été évaluée par microscopie à épifluorescence en utilisant des souches rapportrices de Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 qui expriment la toxine insecticide fusionnée à une protéine fluorescente rouge, au site natif du gène de la toxine. Celle-ci a été détectée uniquement dans l'hémolymphe des insectes et pas sur les racines des plantes, ni dans les milieux de laboratoire standards, indiquant une production dépendante de l'hôte. L'activation de la production de la toxine est contrôlée par trois protéines régulatrices dont l'histidine kinase FitF, essentielle pour un contrôle précis de l'expression et possédant un domaine "senseur" similaire à celui de la kinase DctB qui régule l'absorption de carbone chez les Protéobactéries. Il est donc probable que, durant l'évolution de FitF, un réarrangement de ce domaine "senseur" largement répandu ait contribué à une production hôte-spécifique de la toxine. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent aussi que l'expression de la toxine Fit est plutôt réprimée en présence de composés dérivés des plantes qu'induite par la perception d'un signal d'insecte spécifique. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, des souches mutantes ciblant des facteurs de virulence importants identifiés dans des pathogènes connus ont été générées, dans le but d'identifier ceux avec une virulence envers les insectes atténuée. Les résultats ont suggéré que l'antigène O du lipopolysaccharide (LPS) et le système régulateur à deux composantes PhoP/PhoQ contribuent significativement à la virulence de P. protegens CHA0. La base génétique de la biosynthèse de l'antigène O dans les Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques et avec une activité insecticide a été élucidée et a révélé des différences considérables entre les lignées suite à des pertes de gènes ou des acquisitions de gènes par transfert horizontal durant l'évolution de certaines souches. Les chaînes latérales du LPS ont été montrées comme vitales pour une infection des insectes réussie par la souche CHA0, après ingestion ou injection. Les Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques, avec une activité insecticide sont naturellement résistants à la polymyxine B, un peptide antimicrobien modèle. La protection contre ce composé antimicrobien particulier dépend de la présence de l'antigène O et de la modification du lipide A, une partie du LPS, avec du 4-aminoarabinose. Comme les peptides antimicrobiens cationiques jouent un rôle important dans le système immunitaire des insectes, l'antigène O pourrait être important chez les Pseudomonas insecticides pour surmonter les mécanismes de défense de l'hôte. Le système PhoP/PhoQ, connu pour contrôler les modifications du lipide A chez plusieurs bactéries pathogènes, a été identifié chez Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 et P. protegens CHA0. Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas d'évidence que des modifications du lipide A contribuent à la pathogénicité de cette bactérie envers les insectes. Cependant, le senseur-kinase PhoQ est requis pour une virulence optimale de la souche CHA0, ce qui suggère qu'il régule aussi l'expression des facteurs de virulence de cette bactérie. Les découvertes de cette thèse démontrent que certains Pseudomonas associés aux plantes sont de véritables pathogènes d'insectes et donnent quelques indices sur l'évolution de ces microbes pour survivre dans l'insecte-hôte et éventuellement le tuer. Les résultats suggèrent également qu'une recherche plus approfondie est nécessaire pour comprendre comment ces bactéries sont capables de contourner ou surmonter la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte et de briser les barrières physiques pour envahir l'insecte lors d'une infection orale. Pour cela, les futures études ne devraient pas uniquement se concentrer sur le côté bactérien de l'interaction hôte-microbe, mais aussi étudier l'infection du point de vue de l'hôte. Les connaissances gagnées sur la pathogénicité envers les insectes des Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques donnent un espoir pour une future application en agriculture, pour protéger les plantes, non seulement contre les maladies, mais aussi contre les insectes ravageurs. -- Pseudomonas bacteria have the astonishing ability to survive within and adapt to different habitats, which has allowed them to conquer a wide range of ecological niches and to interact with different host organisms. Species of the Pseudomonas fluorescens group can readily be isolated from plant roots and are commonly known as plant-beneficial pseudomonads. They are capable of promoting plant growth, inducing systemic resistance in the plant host and antagonizing soil-borne phytopathogens. A defined subgroup of these pseudomonads evolved in addition the ability to infect and kill certain insect species. Profound knowledge about the interaction of these particular bacteria with insects could lead to the development of novel biopesticides for crop protection. This thesis thus aimed at a better understanding of the molecular basis, evolution and regulation of insect pathogenicity in plant-beneficial pseudomonads. More specifically, it was outlined to investigate the production of an insecticidal toxin termed Fit and to identify additional factors contributing to the entomopathogenicity of the bacteria. In the first part of this work, the regulation of Fit toxin production was probed by epifluorescence microscopy using reporter strains of Pseudomonas protegens CHAO that express a fusion between the insecticidal toxin and a red fluorescent protein in place of the native toxin gene. The bacterium was found to express its insecticidal toxin only in insect hemolymph but not on plant roots or in common laboratory media. The host-dependent activation of Fit toxin production is controlled by three local regulatory proteins. The histidine kinase of this regulatory system, FitF, is essential for the tight control of toxin expression and shares a sensing domain with DctB, a sensor kinase regulating carbon uptake in Proteobacteria. It is therefore likely that shuffling of a ubiquitous sensor domain during the evolution of FitF contributed to host- specific production of the Fit toxin. Findings of this study additionally suggest that host-specific expression of the Fit toxin is mainly achieved by repression in the presence of plant-derived compounds rather than by induction upon perceiving an insect-specific signal molecule. In the second part of this thesis, mutant strains were generated that lack factors previously shown to be important for virulence in prominent pathogens. A screening for attenuation in insect virulence suggested that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen and the PhoP-PhoQ two-component regulatory system significantly contribute to virulence of P. protegens CHAO. The genetic basis of O-antigen biosynthesis in plant-beneficial pseudomonads displaying insect pathogenicity was elucidated and revealed extensive differences between lineages due to reduction and horizontal acquisition of gene clusters during the evolution of several strains. Specific 0 side chains of LPS were found to be vital for strain CHAO to successfully infect insects by ingestion or upon injection. Insecticidal pseudomonads with plant-beneficial properties were observed to be naturally resistant to polymyxin B, a model antimicrobial peptide. Protection against this particular antimicrobial compound was dependent on the presence of O-antigen and modification of the lipid A portion of LPS with 4-aminoarabinose. Since cationic antimicrobial peptides play a major role in the immune system of insects, O-antigenic polysaccharides could be important for insecticidal pseudomonads to overcome host defense mechanisms. The PhoP-PhoQ system, which is well-known to control lipid A modifications in several pathogenic bacteria, was identified in Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 and P. protegens CHAO. No evidence was found so far that lipid A modifications contribute to insect pathogenicity in this bacterium. However, the sensor kinase PhoQ was required for full virulence of strain CHAO suggesting that it additionally regulates the expression of virulence factors in this bacterium. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that certain plant-associated pseudomonads are true insect pathogens and give some insights into how these microbes evolved to survive within and eventually kill the insect host. Results however also point out that more in-depth research is needed to know how exactly these fascinating bacteria manage to bypass or overcome host immune responses and to breach physical barriers to invade insects upon oral infection. To achieve this, future studies should not only focus on the bacterial side of the microbe-host interactions but also investigate the infection from a host-oriented view. The knowledge gained about the entomopathogenicity of plant-beneficial pseudomonads gives hope for their future application in agriculture to protect plants not only against plant diseases but also against insect pests.


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Adjuvants enhance immunogenicity of vaccines through either targeted antigen delivery or stimulation of immune receptors. Three cationic nanoparticle formulations were evaluated for their potential as carriers for a DNA vaccine, and muramyl dipeptide (MDP) as immunostimulatory agent, to induce and increase immunogenicity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen encoding plasmid DNA (pDNA). The formulations included (1) trimethyl chitosan (TMC) nanoparticles, (2) a squalene-in-water nanoemulsion, and (3) a mineral oil-in-water nanoemulsion. The adjuvant effect of the pDNA-nanocomplexes was evaluated by serum antibody analysis in immunized mice. All three carriers display a strong adjuvant effect, however, only TMC nanoparticles were capable to bias immune responses towards Th1. pDNA naturally contains immunostimulatory unmethylated CpG motifs that are recognized by Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR-9). In mechanistic in vitro studies, activation of TLR-9 and the ability to enhance immunogenicity by simultaneously targeting TLR-9 and NOD-like receptor 2 (NLR-2) was determined by proinflammatory cytokine release in RAW264.7 macrophages. pDNA in combination with MDP was shown to significantly increase proinflammatory cytokine release in a synergistic manner, dependent on NLR-2 activation. In summary, novel pDNA-Ag85A loaded nanoparticle formulations, which induce antigen specific immune responses in mice were developed, taking advantage of the synergistic combinations of TLR and NLR agonists to increase the adjuvanticity of the carriers used.


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Systematic study of the interactions of ionic surfactants with protein trypsin in buffer solution pH 3.5, 7.0 and 9.0, ionic strength 10 mM at 298 K was done using the microcalorimetric technique. In this study, anionic surfactant solutions of the sodium n-alkyl sulfates series (C8, C10, C12 and C14) were used. The enthalpy of interaction (ΔintHº) shows that the interaction of the surfactants C8, C10, C12 and C14 with trypsin in the solution pH 3.5 is an endothermic process with the value of ΔintHº decreasing linearly with increasing carbon chain length, which is attributed to the unfolding of the polypeptide chain. In the solution pH 7.0, we observed the same trend except for C14. In the solution pH 9.0, from C10 the enthapy of interaction didn't change with the increasing of the carbon chain length due to unfolding of the polypeptide. We concluded that when trypsin is folded, the enthalpy of interaction shows a linear relationship with the surfactant's hydrophobicity, in agreement with Traube's rule.


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In this way it is very important to know the sulfate concentration in vinasse samples before to make the biodigestor design. A previous developed and indirect method (Anal. Chim. Acta. 1996, 329, 197), was used to determine sulfate in samples of vinasse, after previous treatments, done in order to eliminate organic matter with hydrogen peroxide 30% and concentrated nitric acid mixture (3:1), under heating. Interferent cationic ions were isolated by using ion exchange columns. The results obtained for some samples from Araraquara and Penápolis are here presented. The phosphate concentration was also determined.


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The structural characteristics of foams are responsible for a broad range of applications of this system. Foams produced by aqueous solutions of surfactant concentrates are used in fire-fighting due to their special properties as extinguishing agents. In the present paper we discuss the main aspects involved in fire-fighting, based on some properties of foams. Thermal and chemical stability, good wetting of surfaces, cooling effect by water drained from the bubbles, isolation of the air from the burning surface and suppression of flammable vapors are some of the factors involved in the extinguishment of fire by foams.


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Adsorption of cationic dyes on clays can be used as a model for the interactions between organic compounds and these minerals. Cationic dyes like methylene blue are used to study these interactions because of the spectroscopic changes observed when their molecules are adsorbed on clay surfaces. Depending on the structure and layer charge of the clay particles several processes may occur, like adsorption of dye monomers and aggregates on the external and internal surfaces of the clay tactoids, migration towards internal surfaces, protonation, etc. Under certain conditions the deaggregation-aggregation of the clay particles are accelerated trapping dye species during these processes. A general scheme is proposed for the processes occurring between clays and dyes in aqueous suspensions, which can be used to explain the behaviour of specific systems.


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In this work, it was studied the behavior of the nonionic surfactant aqueous solutions, containing or not a hydrotropic agent, by resonance magnetic nuclear (NMR). We have studied monofunctional diblock copolymers of poly(propylene oxide-ethylene oxide) (R-PPO-PEO-OH, where R length is linear C4) as nonionic surfactant and sodium p-toluenesulfonate (NaPTS) as hydrotropic agent. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the aqueous copolymer solution was obtained from ¹H-NMR. The preliminary study of the interaction between the copolymer, under the unimer and micelle forms, and the hydrotrope, in aqueous solutions, was evaluated by ¹H-NMR and 13C-NMR.