955 resultados para CASE-II-DIFFUSION
The change towards a sustainable economic system represents a big challenge for the present as well as next generations. Such a process requires important long-term changes in technologies, lifestyle, infrastructures and institutions. In this scenario the innovation process is a crucial element for fostering sustainability as well as an egalitarian development in developing countries. For those reasons the concept of Eco-Innovation System is introduced and further considerations are provided for the case of less-developed countries. The paper illustrates that sustainable development is possible by exploiting local potential and traditional knowledge in order to achieve at the same time economic growth, social equality and environmental sustainability. In order to prove such an assumption a specific case study is described: The renewable energy sector in Bolivia. The case study summarizes many important dimensions of the innovation process in developing countries such as technological transfer, diffusion and adaptation, social dimension and development issues.
In some countries photovoltaic (PV) technology has already achieved a stage of development at which it can compete with conventional electricity sources. Germany provides a good illustration of this where PV market has reached a mature stage. As a manifest of this, the German government has recently reduced subsidies for households and industry by decreasing the feed in tariff for PV. This development raises fundamental questions: could the PV industry survive? Will consumers be motivated to continue to adopt PV when feed-in tariff diminish? The point of departure for the relevant literature on diffusion of PV has been on the effect of subsidies but little attention has paid to consumer motives when the policy support is scaled down. This paper introduces an in-depth analysis on understanding the consumer motives for adopting photovoltaic applications. Anchored in an extensive exploratory case study on PV consumers and PV system providers, this study aims to provide an encompassing explanation of diffusion of PV by revealing the link between consumer motives and the impact of policy.
The aim of this paper is to explain the chloride concentration profiles obtained experimentally from control samples of an offshore platform after 25 years of service life. The platform is located 12 km off the coast of the Brazilian province Rio Grande do Norte, in the north-east of Brazil. The samples were extracted at different orientations and heights above mean sea level. A simple model based on Fick’s second law is considered and compared with a finite element model which takes into account transport of chloride ions by diffusion and convection. Results show that convective flows significantly affect the studied chloride penetrations. The convection velocity is obtained by fitting the finite element solution to the experimental data and seems to be directly proportional to the height above mean sea level and also seems to depend on the orientation of the face of the platform. This work shows that considering solely diffusion as transport mechanism does not allow a good prediction of the chloride profiles. Accounting for capillary suction due to moisture gradients permits a better interpretation of the material’s behaviour.
The European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a multipurpose species that has been widely cultivated around the Mediterranean basin since ancient times. New varieties were brought to the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Empire, which coexist since then with native populations that survived the last glaciation. The relevance of chestnut cultivation has being steadily growing since the Middle Ages, until the rural decline of the past century put a stop to this trend. Forest fires and diseases were also major factors. Chestnut cultivation is gaining momentum again due to its economic (wood, fruits) and ecologic relevance, and represents currently an important asset in many rural areas of Europe. In this Thesis we apply different molecular tools to help improve current management strategies. For this study we have chosen El Bierzo (Castile and Leon, NW Spain), which has a centenary tradition of chestnut cultivation and management, and also presents several unique features from a genetic perspective (next paragraph). Moreover, its nuts are widely appreciated in Spain and abroad for their organoleptic properties. We have focused our experimental work on two major problems faced by breeders and the industry: the lack of a fine-grained genetic characterization and the need for new strategies to control blight disease. To characterize with sufficient detail the genetic diversity and structure of El Bierzo orchards, we analyzed DNA from 169 trees grafted for nut production covering the entire region. We also analyzed 62 nuts from all traditional varieties. El Bierzo constitutes an outstanding scenario to study chestnut genetics and the influence of human management because: (i) it is located at one extreme of the distribution area; (ii) it is a major glacial refuge for the native species; (iii) it has a long tradition of human management (since Roman times, at least); and (iv) its geographical setting ensures an unusual degree of genetic isolation. Thirteen microsatellite markers provided enough informativeness and discrimination power to genotype at the individual level. Together with an unexpected level of genetic variability, we found evidence of genetic structure, with three major gene pools giving rise to the current population. High levels of genetic differentiation between groups supported this organization. Interestingly, genetic structure does not match with spatial boundaries, suggesting that the exchange of material and cultivation practices have strongly influenced natural gene flow. The microsatellite markers selected for this study were also used to classify a set of 62 samples belonging to all traditional varieties. We identified several cases of synonymies and homonymies, evidencing the need to substitute traditional classification systems with new tools for genetic profiling. Management and conservation strategies should also benefit from these tools. The avenue of high-throughput sequencing technologies, combined with the development of bioinformatics tools, have paved the way to study transcriptomes without the need for a reference genome. We took advantage of RNA sequencing and de novo assembly tools to determine the transcriptional landscape of chestnut in response to blight disease. In addition, we have selected a set of candidate genes with high potential for developing resistant varieties via genetic engineering. Our results evidenced a deep transcriptional reprogramming upon fungal infection. The plant hormones ET and JA appear to orchestrate the defensive response. Interestingly, our results also suggest a role for auxins in modulating such response. Many transcription factors were identified in this work that interact with promoters of genes involved in disease resistance. Among these genes, we have conducted a functional characterization of a two major thaumatin-like proteins (TLP) that belongs to the PR5 family. Two genes encoding chestnut cotyledon TLPs have been previously characterized, termed CsTL1 and CsTL2. We substantiate here their protective role against blight disease for the first time, including in silico, in vitro and in vivo evidence. The synergy between TLPs and other antifungal proteins, particularly endo-p-1,3-glucanases, bolsters their interest for future control strategies based on biotechnological approaches.
In some countries photovoltaic (PV) technology is at a stage of development at which it can compete with conventional electricity sources. A case in point is Germany where PV market has reached a mature stage. As a manifest of this, the German government has recently reduced the feed-in-tariff, which had been the strongest driver of PV diffusion. This development raises a fundamental question: Why would potential adopters be motivated to adopt PV when feed-in tariff diminishes? The point of departure for the literature on diffusion of PV has been on the effect of subsidies but little attention has paid to adopter motives when the policy support is scaled down. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the adopter motives for photovoltaic applications. Anchored in an extensive exploratory case study we provide an encompassing explanation of roles of policy, adopters and system suppliers on diffusion of PV.
The aim of this paper is to explain the chloride concentration profiles obtained experimentally from control samples of an offshore platform after 25 years of service life. The platform is located 12 km off the coast of the Brazilian province Rio Grande do Norte, in the north-east of Brazil. The samples were extracted at different orientations and heights above mean sea level. A simple model based on Fick’s second law is considered and compared with a finite element model which takes into account transport of chloride ions by diffusion and convection. Results show that convective flows significantly affect the studied chloride penetrations. The convection velocity is obtained by fitting the finite element solution to the experimental data and seems to be directly proportional to the height above mean sea level and also seems to depend on the orientation of the face of the platform. This work shows that considering solely diffusion as transport mechanism does not allow a good prediction of the chloride profiles. Accounting for capillary suction due to moisture gradients permits a better interpretation of the material’s behaviour
El sector del transporte por carretera es uno de los principales contribuyentes de consumo de combustible y emisiones de España. Por lo tanto, la evaluación de los impactos ambientales del tráfico rodado es esencial para los programas de mitigación del cambio climático y la eficiencia energética. Sin embargo, uno de los retos en la planificación del transporte y el diseño de políticas consiste en la aplicación de metodologías de evaluación de emisiones consistentes, el diseño de estrategias y la evaluación de su eficacia. Las metodologías existentes de evaluación de las emisiones del transporte por carretera, utilizan diferentes niveles de análisis y períodos. Sin embargo, estos análisis son puntuales y no existe una continuidad en el análisis de diferentes estrategias o políticas. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona conocimientos y herramientas para el análisis de las políticas destinadas a reducir las emisiones de tráfico, tomando España como caso de estudio. La investigación se estructura en dos partes: i) el desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías para el análisis de factores y políticas que contribuyen en la evolución de las emisiones GEI del transporte por carretera en España; desde una perspectiva nacional; y ii) el desarrollo y aplicación de un marco metodológico para estimar las emisiones del tráfico interurbano y de evaluar estrategias centradas en la operación del tráfico y en la infraestructura. En resumen, esta tesis demuestra la idoneidad de utilizar diferentes herramientas para analizar las emisiones de tráfico desde diferentes puntos de vista. Desde el diseño de políticas de mitigación y eficiencia energética a nivel nacional, a estrategias centradas en la operación del tráfico interurbano y la infraestructura. Road transport is one of the major contributors to fuel consumption and emissions in Spain. Consequently, assessing the environmental impacts of road traffic is essential for climate change mitigation and energy efficiency programs. However, one of the key challenges of policy makers and transport planners consists of implementing consistent assessment emissions methodologies, applying mitigation strategies, and knowing their effectiveness. Current state-of-the-art emissions assessment methodologies estimate emissions from different levels and periods, using different approaches. Nevertheless, these studies are timely and they usually take different methodologies for analysing different strategies or policies, regardless of the assessment as a whole. This doctoral thesis provides knowledge and methodologies for analysing policies designed to reduce road traffic emissions, using the case study of Spain. The research procedure consists of two main scopes: i) the development and application of methodologies for analysing key factors and policies driving the GHG emissions of road transport in Spain; from a national perspective; and ii) the development and application of a road traffic emissions model for assessing operational and infrastructure strategies of the interurban road network at segment level. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the appropriateness to use different tools to analyse road traffic emissions at different levels: from appropriate nationwide mitigation and energy efficiency policies, to strategies focused on the operation of interurban traffic and infrastructure.
This project, funded by the Programa Iberoaméricano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED), analyses the energy service requirements in sustainable tourism and will spread knowledge about renewable energies among the ecotourism stakeholders of Latin America. The target groups are local communities in protected areas, because they are the less up to date groups and, frequently, they are living in the most fragile ecosystems, but also the most fertile in biodiversity; their living standard is very low and the ecotourism can be a successful economic resource. The regions considered are ecosystems in Latin America, which have some protection degree, and are managed by local communities. The selected countries to implement renewable energy infrastructures in ecolodges are: Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Also low cost telecommunications infrastructures will be installed to improve the diffusion among potential clients of the ecolodges, in order to permit direct reservation of the services.
En la presente investigación se analiza la causa del hundimiento del cuarto compartimento del Tercer Depósito del Canal de Isabel II el 8 de abril de 1905, uno de los más graves de la historia de la construcción en España: fallecieron 30 personas y quedaron heridas otras 60. El Proyecto y Construcción de esta estructura era de D. José Eugenio Ribera, una de las grandes figuras de la ingeniería civil en nuestro país, cuya carrera pudo haber quedado truncada como consecuencia del siniestro. Dado el tiempo transcurrido desde la ocurrencia de este accidente, la investigación ha partido de la recopilación de la información relativa al Proyecto y a la propia construcción de la estructura, para revisar a continuación la información disponible sobre el hundimiento. De la construcción de la cubierta es interesante destacar la atrevida configuración estructural, cubriéndose una inmensa superficie de 74.000 m2 mediante una sucesión de bóvedas de hormigón armado de tan sólo 5 cm de espesor y un rebajamiento de 1/10 para salvar una luz de 6 m, que apoyaban en pórticos del mismo material, con pilares también muy esbeltos: 0,25 m de lado para 8 m de altura. Y todo ello en una época en la que la tecnología y conocimiento de las estructuras con este "nuevo" material se basaban en buena medida en el desarrollo de patentes. En cuanto a la información sobre el hundimiento, llama la atención en primer lugar la relevancia de los técnicos, peritos y letrados que intervinieron en el juicio y en el procedimiento administrativo posterior, poniéndose de manifiesto la trascendencia que el accidente tuvo en su momento y que, sin embargo, no ha trascendido hasta nuestros días. Ejemplo de ello es el papel de Echegaray -primera figura intelectual de la época- como perito en la defensa de Ribera, de D. Melquiades Álvarez -futuro presidente del Congreso- como abogado defensor, el General Marvá -uno de los máximos exponentes del papel de los ingenieros militares en la introducción del hormigón armado en nuestro país-, que presidiría la Comisión encargada del peritaje por parte del juzgado, o las opiniones de reconocidas personalidades internacionales del "nuevo" material como el Dr. von Emperger o Hennebique. Pero lo más relevante de dicha información es la falta de uniformidad sobre lo que pudo ocasionar el hundimiento: fallos en los materiales, durante la construcción, defectos en el diseño de la estructura, la realización de unas pruebas de carga cuando se concluyó ésta, etc. Pero la que durante el juicio y en los Informes posteriores se impuso como causa del fallo de la estructura fue su dilatación como consecuencia de las altas temperaturas que se produjeron aquella primavera. Y ello a pesar de que el hundimiento ocurrió a las 7 de la mañana... Con base en esta información se ha analizado el comportamiento estructural de la cubierta, permitiendo evaluar el papel que diversos factores pudieron tener en el inicio del hundimiento y en su extensión a toda la superficie construida, concluyéndose así cuáles fueron las causas del siniestro. De los resultados obtenidos se presta especial atención a las enseñanzas que se desprenden de la ocurrencia del hundimiento, enfatizándose en la relevancia de la historia -y en particular de los casos históricos de error- para la formación continua que debe existir en la Ingeniería. En el caso del hundimiento del Tercer Depósito algunas de estas "enseñanzas" son de plena actualidad, tales como la importancia de los detalles constructivos en la "robustez" de la estructuras, el diseño de estructuras "integrales" o la vigilancia del proceso constructivo. Por último, la investigación ha servido para recuperar, una vez más, la figura de D. José Eugenio Ribera, cuyo papel en la introducción del hormigón armado en España fue decisivo. En la obra del Tercer Depósito se arriesgó demasiado, y provocó un desastre que aceleró la transición hacia una nueva etapa en el hormigón estructural al abrigo de un mayor conocimiento científico y de las primeras normativas. También en esta etapa sería protagonista. This dissertation analyses the cause of the collapse of the 4th compartment of the 3th Reservoir of Canal de Isabel II in Madrid. It happened in 1905, on April 8th, being one of the most disastrous accidents occurred in the history of Spanish construction: 30 people died and 60 were injured. The design and construction supervision were carried out by D. José Eugenio Ribera, one of the main figures in Civil Engineering of our country, whose career could have been destroyed as a result of this accident. Since it occurred more than 100 years ago, the investigation started by compiling information about the structure`s design and construction, followed by reviewing the available information about the accident. With regard to the construction, it is interesting to point out its daring structural configuration. It covered a huge area of 74.000 m2 with a series of reinforced concrete vaults with a thickness of not more than 5 cm, a 6 m span and a rise of 1/10th. In turn, these vaults were supported by frames composed of very slender 0,25 m x 0,25 m columns with a height of 8 m. It is noteworthy that this took place in a time when the technology and knowledge about this "new" material was largely based on patents. In relation to the information about the collapse, its significance is shown by the important experts and lawyers that were involved in the trial and the subsequent administrative procedure. For example, Echegaray -the most important intellectual of that time- defended Ribera, Melquiades Álvarez –the future president of the Congress- was his lawyer, and General Marvá -who represented the important role of the military engineers in the introduction of reinforced concrete in our country-, led the Commission that was put in charge by the judge of the root cause analysis. In addition, the matter caught the interest of renowned foreigners like Dr. von Emperger or Hennebique and their opinions had a great influence. Nonetheless, this structural failure is unknown to most of today’s engineers. However, what is most surprising are the different causes that were claimed to lie at the root of the disaster: material defects, construction flaws, errors in the design, load tests performed after the structure was finished, etc. The final cause that was put forth during the trial and in the following reports was attributed to the dilatation of the roof due to the high temperatures that spring, albeit the collapse occurred at 7 AM... Based on this information the structural behaviour of the roof has been analysed, which allowed identifying the causes that could have provoked the initial failure and those that could have led to the global collapse. Lessons have been learned from these results, which points out the relevance of history -and in particular, of examples gone wrong- for the continuous education that should exist in engineering. In the case of the 3th Reservoir some of these lessons are still relevant during the present time, like the importance of detailing in "robustness", the design of "integral" structures or the due consideration of construction methods. Finally, the investigation has revived, once again, the figure of D. José Eugenio Ribera, whose role in the introduction of reinforced concrete in Spain was crucial. With the construction of the 3th Reservoir he took too much risk and caused a disaster that accelerated the transition to a new era in structural concrete based on greater scientific knowledge and the first codes. In this new period he would also play a major role.
Bacteria require nickel transporters for the synthesis of Ni-containing metalloenzymes in natural, low nickel habitats. In this work we carry out functional and topological characterization of Rhizobium leguminosarum HupE, a nickel permease required for the provision of this element for [NiFe] hydrogenase synthesis. Expression studies in the Escherichia coli nikABCDE mutant strain HYD723 revealed that HupE is a medium-affinity permease (apparent Km 227 ! 21 nM; Vmax 49 ! 21 pmol Ni2+ min"1 mg"1 bacterial dry weight) that functions as an energy-independent diffusion facilitator for the uptake of Ni(II) ions. This Ni2+ transport is not inhibited by similar cations such as Mn2+, Zn2+, or Co2+, but is blocked by Cu2+. Analysis of site-directed HupE mutants allowed the identification of several residues (H36, D42, H43, F69, E90, H130, and E133) that are essential for HupE-mediated Ni uptake in E. coli cells. By using translational fusions to reporter genes we demonstrated the presence of five transmembrane domains with a periplasmic N-terminal domain and a C-terminal domain buried in the lipid bilayer. The periplasmic N-terminal domain contributes to stability and functionality of the protein
In some countries, photovoltaic (PV) technology is at a stage of development at which it can compete with conventional electricity sources in terms of electricity generation costs, i.e., grid parity. A case in point is Germany, where the PV market has reached a mature stage, the policy support has scaled down and the diffusion rate of PV systems has declined. This development raises a fundamental question: what are the motives to adopt PV systems at grid parity? The point of departure for the relevant literature has been on the impact of policy support, adopters and, recently, local solar companies. However, less attention has been paid to the motivators for adoption at grid parity. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the diffusion of PV systems, explaining the impact of policy measures, adopters and system suppliers. Anchored in an extensive and exploratory case study in Germany, we provide a context-specific explanation to the motivations to adopt PV systems at grid parity.
A inserção de uma igreja evangélica em um assentamento rural do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-terra (MST), é objeto de nosso estudo de caso neste presente trabalho. A dissertação pesquisa e analisa a inserção dos evangélicos batistas no assentamento Antonio Conselheiro II na região do Pontal do Paranapanema, no estado de São Paulo, assim como a conseqüente implantação neste da Congregação Batista Monte Sião . Partindo de uma perspectiva teórica e empírica, o objetivo concentra-se em analisar a experiência de vida dos assentados batistas no interior do assentamento, buscando retratar as formas, tanto conceptuais como práticas, que estes vivenciam sua fé, costumes e crenças, sonhos e ideais, sempre procurando tecer relações que nos permitam melhor avaliar a forma como os mesmos compreendiam e comunicavam sua fé enquanto assentados do MST. Da apreciação crítica dos relatos obtidos nas entrevistas e dos dados do questionário, ambos aplicados aos agentes de nossa pesquisa, surge uma história que nos desvela faces de uma relação identitária que mescla ideologia e fé, ser evangélico batista e assentado no MST, bem como uma proposição internalizada de uma metodologia da não-violência nas manifestações do movimento Sem-terra.(AU)
A inserção de uma igreja evangélica em um assentamento rural do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-terra (MST), é objeto de nosso estudo de caso neste presente trabalho. A dissertação pesquisa e analisa a inserção dos evangélicos batistas no assentamento Antonio Conselheiro II na região do Pontal do Paranapanema, no estado de São Paulo, assim como a conseqüente implantação neste da Congregação Batista Monte Sião . Partindo de uma perspectiva teórica e empírica, o objetivo concentra-se em analisar a experiência de vida dos assentados batistas no interior do assentamento, buscando retratar as formas, tanto conceptuais como práticas, que estes vivenciam sua fé, costumes e crenças, sonhos e ideais, sempre procurando tecer relações que nos permitam melhor avaliar a forma como os mesmos compreendiam e comunicavam sua fé enquanto assentados do MST. Da apreciação crítica dos relatos obtidos nas entrevistas e dos dados do questionário, ambos aplicados aos agentes de nossa pesquisa, surge uma história que nos desvela faces de uma relação identitária que mescla ideologia e fé, ser evangélico batista e assentado no MST, bem como uma proposição internalizada de uma metodologia da não-violência nas manifestações do movimento Sem-terra.(AU)
Nrd1 is an essential yeast protein of unknown function that has an RNA recognition motif (RRM) in its carboxyl half and a putative RNA polymerase II-binding domain, the CTD-binding motif, at its amino terminus. Nrd1 mediates a severe reduction in pre-mRNA production from a reporter gene bearing an exogenous sequence element in its intron. The effect of the inserted element is highly sequence-specific and is accompanied by the appearance of 3′-truncated transcripts. We have proposed that Nrd1 binds to the exogenous sequence element in the nascent pre-mRNA during transcription, aided by the CTD-binding motif, and directs 3′-end formation a short distance downstream. Here we show that highly purified Nrd1 carboxyl half binds tightly to the RNA element in vitro with sequence specificity that correlates with the efficiency of cis-element-directed down-regulation in vivo. A large deletion in the CTD-binding motif blocks down-regulation but does not affect the essential function of Nrd1. Furthermore, a nonsense mutant allele that produces truncated Nrd1 protein lacking the RRM has a dominant-negative effect on down-regulation but not on cell growth. Viability of this and several other nonsense alleles of Nrd1 appears to require translational readthrough, which in one case is extremely efficient. Thus the CTD-binding motif of Nrd1 is important for pre-mRNA down-regulation but is not required for the essential function of Nrd1. In contrast, the RNA-binding activity of Nrd1 appears to be required both for down-regulation and for its essential function.
In the practice of “osmotic stress,” the effect of excluded cosolvents on a biochemical equilibrium is interpreted as the number of water molecules participating in the reaction. This action is attributed to lowering of solvent water activity by the cosolvent. This concept of osmotic stress in disperse solution is erroneous: (i) A cosolvent cannot be both excluded and inert, i.e., noninteracting, because exclusion requires a positive free energy change; (ii) a decrease in water activity alone by addition of solute cannot affect an equilibrium when the reacting surface is in contact with the solvent; and (iii) osmotic stress in disperse solution is a restricted case of preferential interactions; the reaction is driven by the free energy of cosolvent exclusion, and the derived number of water molecules is solely a measure of the mutual perturbations of the chemical potentials of the cosolvent and the protein.