1000 resultados para Branding de lugar


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Enfocando a assinatura como um tipo de procedimento discursivo relacionado aos lugares de enunciação, este trabalho procura discutir a problemática correlata da construção do sentido na pintura.


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Aqui a pesquisadora Yoshie Ussami Ferrari Leite busca averiguar o real papel das obrigatórias 800 horas de prática pedagógica no curso de formação inicial dos professores, e ainda discutir como essa carga horária poderia contribuir para melhorar a formação deles. Fruto da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação de 1996 e de posteriores leis complementares, a obrigatoriedade das atividades práticas pedagógicas foi uma das questões que mais impactaram os cursos de formação de professores. Isso porque, a partir da obrigatoriedade, as instituições de ensino superior tiveram de passar a elaborar os correspondentes projetos pedagógicos e foram forçadas ainda a reestruturar os currículos para conseguirem atender às determinações legais, tarefa algo complexa, segundo Leite. A obra analisa ainda o papel do professor na atual escola pública e os problemas do processo de formação desses docentes. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, baseou-se essencialmente em estudos bibliográficos, análises da legislação educacional, documentos de instituições escolares e entrevistas. É um livro de grande utilidade para quem pretende compreender os rumos que a educação pública brasileira vem tomando.


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This study, of theoretical nature, aims to analyse some propositions of Historic and Cultural psychology about human psyche, especially regarding the constitution of affective processes in relation to child development. Therefore, brings together some principles of Spinozist philosophy that underlie the Vigotskian thought about affections and postulates that, for this school of psychology, on the basis of human development are the social experience and subject-object relation, constitutive of cognitive and affective processes. The analyses developed over the text indicate that social mediators - signs and instruments - subsidize the formation of activity and consciousness in a process that legitimizes the historic and social origin of affective functions. The paper aims to highlight the role of education as a privileged place of access to knowledge capable of transforming ways of thinking, feeling and acting of children through the processes of teaching and learning.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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The question that we develop in this study can be proposed as follows: can knowledge be transmitted in a representational way through an explanation in such a way that the one who is learning does not have an experience itself of what he is learning? Grounded on Hume, Deleuze, Rancière and Gallo, we aim to show that only the experience with the object can promote effective learning, for violating the thought to search by itself for its meaning and for its own understanding, and not for the mere repetition of contents that have been shared and taken as important, as we have seen in schools.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study focuses on the importance of the professional nurse in the exercise of extended care under the Mental Health of assistance provided by ESF. Aims to identify the difficulties experienced by nursing staff for assistance to people affected by mental illness. Inserts on the assumptions of qualitative research, and data collection used the semi-structured interviews and analyzed the material obtained through the thematic analysis. From the interviews the subjects were apprehended training/capacity building, intersectoral and little bias. These professionals have demonstrated that lack of skills to deal with the subjectivity of care, there is a failure in coordination among sectors of the area and that prejudice is still present in professional practice


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The work consisted in analyzing how public relations can contribute to the development and application of the concept of employer branding. It also aims to bring contributions to the understanding of how the areas of communication, marketing and human resources, curriculum studied in Public Relations, can assist the professional performance. Based on data collected in the management of the partnership between AIESEC of Brazil and Votorantim, based on the information acquired through observation and participation in AIESEC, it was possible to reflect on how and why the PR professional is able to work in the development of positioning a company as good employer brand


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Medo e ansiedade são emoções que se originam nas reações de defesa de caráter adaptativo que animais exibem perante ameaças que podem comprometer sua integridade física ou sua própria sobrevivência. Tais situações resultam em um repertório de comportamentos defensivos espécie-específicos, alterações autonômicas e inibição da dor. A dor é descrita por uma variedade de sensações e experiências emocionais associadas e constituída de dois principais componentes: o perceptivo-discriminativo, que permite ao indivíduo reconhecer o estímulo como doloroso e localizá-lo numa região do corpo, e o aversivo-cognitivo-motivacional, que compreende uma série de respostas defensivas, objetivando a autopreservação imediata. O modelo de condicionamento por lugar, para medir efeitos não discriminativos da estimulação nociceptiva, vem sendo utilizado em abordagens recentes para o estudo do componente emocional relacionado à dor. Existem paradigmas baseados na aprendizagem associativa entre o estado afetivo e de dicas ambientais que precedem a aplicação de um estímulo, o qual pode ter propriedade aversiva ou prazerosa, dependendo da resposta que se quer estudar. O presente estudo investigou a ação do fármaco triazolobenzodiazepínico, Alprazolam, sobre o fenômeno da ACL em camundongos, que foram separados em grupos experimentais. No primeiro dia, parte dos animais sofreu estimulação nociceptiva, através da injeção de formalina a 2,5% na pata traseira direita, e foi confinado nos ambientes diferenciados de uma Plataforma Elevada fechada (um lado com grade no assoalho e outro sem grade). No segundo dia, parte dos animais 7 (de acordo com o grupo de estudo) recebeu tratamento farmacológico (Alprazolam ou salina) 30 minutos antes de ser reexposto à plataforma, registrando-se o tempo gasto nos dois ambientes da plataforma elevada fechada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Com a busca do corpo perfeito sempre em alta e com diversas matérias em jornais, telejornais e revistas sobre a saúde humana, houve um grande destaque para as academias, para ambos objetivos. De academias voltadas para o público infantil, com ênfase na recreação até as especializadas no público idoso, passando pelas que objetivam estéticas e as que oferecem treinamentos para reabilitação física, este mercado vem crescendo anualmente por todo o território nacional. A retenção de um aluno na academia tornou-se um desafio a mais para os proprietários e funcionários da empresa. Existem inúmeras opções de academias de lutas e musculação por aí. Então o que fazer para que o aluno escolha a sua e não a concorrente? O presente estudo possui como objetivos, através de uma revisão de literatura da área de formação profissional em educação física e administração em recursos humanos para o mercado de trabalho do profissional especializado, responder esta questão, mostrar a relação de profissionais de educação física com a área administrativa de uma empresa e apresentar métodos de organização e planejamento das atividades dentro de academias


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This paper related the concepts of Branding and Storytelling with the purpose to demonstrate how stories can help the mark set up a solid relationship with their public. As we speak of a relation that involves communication processes, the ideas conveyed in this paper seek demonstrate to the professionals in this area, in especial way, the public relations, that the Storytelling could be a very important tool to the process of management of the mark. Before it get into this point, some characteristic and changes of the society and of the cosumers, to evidence news challenges that up-to-dates organizations have to face. After present this context, it moves in the direction of the understanding of the concepts of mark and branding, related those with the activities of the public relations. The marks are introduced in this paper as icons that have a virtual memory able to transmit emotional burden and meanings for the consumers. To finilize this, it introduces the concept of Storytelling and you’re applicability in the organizations, especially in branding process. Your contribution is very important as we see in the stories that are able to get the attention of many


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In this text, the results of our research on the geographic location and establishing relationships with the School Council. We consider some legal aspects added to the evidence gathered in our experience to check how much the School Council is constituted as a non-state public place. The possibility of setting up this feature to see a meaning whose strength lies precisely in a healthy tension between the state and established community. Here is the legislation of the School Council of Suzano (SP) and some aspects of our experience from the practice of teaching at a school in Rio das Pedras (SP). We see the nature of the legal meaning assigned to this place from the study of law, considering the municipal, regional and federal levels. In the sphere of Geography use the concepts of Space, Place and City, as issues that are dear to that science. We used the concept of Topofilia to see if this particular place is the development of an individual's sense of belonging, and how it unfolds in the dynamic implications of the operation of this instrument of popular participation in the formulation of public policy education. We discussed the elements observed in these experiments to think about the composition of living environments in urban daily life


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This paper aims to present the contribution of Public Relations in the process of branding, using digital communication as a tool for interaction with the public, and through strategic management, building and maintaining strong and lasting relationships with consumers, resulting in building bonds of sympathy, identification, and networks engaged and loyal consumers to brands. Therefore, were performed bibliographical research covering topics such as information society, network society, the dynamics of social networks, digital media, brands, branding, marketing 3.0, Public Relations and Public Relations 2.0. Were also undertaken observations on communication actions that used digital social media, focusing on interactivity, collaboration and relationship, to better understand how organizations are realizing the importance of interaction and relationship management with the public and how they are performing this communication. At the end, some of these actions are presented as examples of the theories studied, and as a demonstration of the benefits brought to these organizations and their brands


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC