993 resultados para BolshayaKuonamka_96-5a
Aus dem Bestand der Israelischen Nationalbibliothek, Signatur: Ms. Heb. 4°1092.
Max Horkheimer: Über Wissenschaft und Technologie in Israel. Begrüßungsrede für Mr. Ben Sira, gehalten am 8.1.1949; 1. Notizen zur Rede, 10 Blatt; 2. David Ben Gurion, "Science and Technology in Israel", Sonderdruck, 2 Blatt; Über die Antisemitismus-Forschungen des Instituts für Sozialforschung. Protokoll einer Sitzung der Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit, 16.Mai 1949. Typoskript (Kopie), 2 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Über Arbeit und Pläne des Instituts für Sozialforschung in Frankfurt. Vortrag, gehalten 1949 in Frankfurt (Clubabend). Manuskript, 3 Blatt; Zur Begründung eines Instituts für Sozialforschung, 1922; 1. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frankfurt: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift (Kopie) an die Universität Frankfurt, Kuratorium, Frankfurt, 22.8.1922; 2. Felix Weil und Kurt Albert Gerlach: "Denkschrift über die Begründung eines Instituts für Sozialforschung" (1922). Typoskript (Kopie), 5 Blatt; Carl Grünberg: Festrede, gehalten zur Einweihung des Instituts für Sozialforschung an der Universität Frankfurt am Main, am 22.6.1924. a) Kopie (Auszug) aus dem Abdruck der Rede in Frankfurter Universitätsreden 1924, 3 Blatt b) Sonderdruck Frankfurter Universitätsreden 1924, 16 Seiten; Darstellungen des Instituts für Sozialforschung (1925-51); 1. Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt: "Institut für Sozialforschung an der Universität Frankfurt am Main". Sonderdruck (Kopie), Frankfurt, 1925, 29 Seiten; 1a. Hermann Weil: "Bericht über das Heimatfest in Waibstadt am 3. und 4. September und die feierliche Übergabge meines Mausoleums in den Schutz der Stadt Waibstadt". Sonderdruck, 1927, 7 Seiten; 1b. Felix Weil, 1 Brief mit Unterschrift (Kopie) an den Minister für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung Berlin. Frankfurt, 1.11.1929, Typoskript, 31 Blatt; 1c. Columbia University: "Report of the President of Columbia University for 1934" (darin S.7: Erwähnung des Instituts für Sozialforschung und der Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung), Sonderdruck, New York, 1934, 80 Seiten; 2. "International Institute of Social Research: A short Description of Its History and Aims", New York 1935, Sonderdruck, 15 Seiten; 3. Briefbogen des Instituts für Sozialforschung mit den Namen des Research Staff und des Advisory Committee, 1 Blatt; 4. "International Institute of Social Research. A Report On Its History, Aims and Activities 1933-1938". Sonderdruck, New York 1939, 36 Seiten; 5. "Research Bureau For Post-War Economics and Its Cooperating Institutions. Annual Repost", Sonderdruck, New York, Mai 1939, 17 Seiten; 5a. Los Angeles University of Applied Education: "General Catalogue 1947-48" (mit Erwähnungen des Instituts für Sozialforschung bzw. von Mitarbeitern), Druck, 56 Seiten; 6. Einladung zur Eröffnung des Instituts für Sozialforschung am 14. November 1951. Sonderdruck, Frankfurt 1951, 2 Blatt; Über das Institut für Sozialforschung 1924-31. Tabellarische Zusammenstellung, 1931, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 5 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: "Die gegenwärtige Lage der Sozialphilosophie und die Aufgaben eines Instituts für Sozialforschung". Öffentliche Antrittsvorlesung bei Übernahme des Lehrstuhls für Sozialphilosophie und der Leitung des Instituts für Sozialforschung, 24.1.1931, Kopie (Auszug) aus dem Abdruck der Rede in Frankfurter Universitätsreden 1931, 4 Blatt; "History and Program of the Institute of Social Research". Veröffentlicht unter dem Titel "International Institute of Social Research. A Short Description of Its History and Aims", New York (1934 od. 1935), Typoskript, 6 Blatt.; "A Digest of the History, Program and Needs of the International Institute of Social Research". 1934, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 4 Blatt; Julian Gumperz: "Notes for a talk", Über Ziele und Methoden der Arbeit des Instituts für Sozialforschung, 1934. Typoskript mit handschriftlicher Korrektur, 10 Blatt; "Report of the President of Columbia University for the year ending June 30, 1934".Auszug daraus, 1934, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Über Geschichte und Tätigkeiten des Instituts für Sozialforschung. Verschiedene Berichte, ca. 1934-1937: 1. Über Geschichte, Tätigkeiten und Ziele des Instituts, nicht vor 1934, Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 2. Bericht an den Präsidenten der Columbia University, 14.3.1936, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 3. "Dr. Horkheimer's Paper Delivered on the Occasion of an Institute Luncheon Given to the Faculty of Social Sciences of Columbia University on January 12th, 1937". Typoskript, 13 Blatt; 4. Bericht an den Präsidenten der Columbia University. 18.3.1937, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 5. Über Programm, Mitglieder und Tätigkeiten des Instituts, 1937, a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt, b) Entwurf, Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 6. Publikationsliste 1937, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Über "Autorität und Familie" und die "Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung". 1937, Typoskript, französisch, mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Über das Institut für Sozialforschung 1938: 1. Typoskript, englische Fassung, mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 38 Blatt; 2. Typoskript, deutsche Fassung mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 37 Blatt (G.S. 12, S. 132-164); 3. Julian Gumperz: 1 Brief an Herbert Marcuse, New York, 30.8.1938; 4. Teilstück aus früherer Fassung (?), Typoskript, 1 Blatt, 5. Entwurf zu 2., a) Typoskript, 1 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen und Ergänzungen, 2 Blatt;
The β-catenin/Lef/Tcf-mediated Wnt pathway is central to the developmental of all animals, stem cell renewal, and cancer progression. Prior studies in frogs and mice have indicated that the ligand Wnt-4 is essential for the mesenchyme to epithelial transition that generates tubules in the context of kidney organogenesis. More recently, Wnt-9b in mice, was likewise found to be required. Yet despite the importance of Wnt signals in renal development, the corresponding Frizzled receptor(s) and downstream signaling mechanim(s) are unclear. My work addresses these knowledge gaps using in vitro (Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells) and in vivo (Xenopus laevis and zebrafish pronephros) tubulogenic kidney model systems. Employing established reporter constructs of Wnt/β-catenin pathway activity, I have determined that MDCK cells are highly responsive to Wnt-4, -1, and -3A, but not to Wnt-5A and control conditions. I have confirmed that Wnt-4's canonical signaling activity in MDCK cells is mediated by downstream effectors of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway using β-Engrailed and dnTCF-4, constructs that suppress this pathway. I have further found that MDCK cells express the Frizzled-6 receptor, and that Wnt-4 forms a biochemical complex with Frizzled-6, yet does not appear to transduce Wnt-4's canonical signal. Additionally, I demonstrate that standard Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)-mediated (non-physiologic) induction of MDCK tubulogenesis in collagen matrices is not altered by activation or suppression of β-catenin signaling activity; however, β-catenin signaling maintains cell survival in this in vitro system. Using a Wnt/β-catenin signaling reporter in Xenopus laevis, I detect β-catenin signaling activity in the early pronephric epithelial kidney tubules. By inhibiting the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in both zebrafish and Xenopus , a significant loss of kidney tubulogenesis is observed with little or no effect on adjoining axis or somite development. This inhibition also leads to the appearance of severe edema that phenocopies embryos depleted for Wnt-4. Tubulogenic loss does not appear to be caused by increased cell death in the Xenopus pronephric field, but rather by lessened expression of tubule epithelium genes associated with cellular differentiation. Together, my results show that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is required for renal tubule development and that Wnt-4 is a strong candidate for activating this pathway. ^
This cross-sectional study is based on the qualitative and quantitative research design to review health policy decisions, their practice and implications during 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in the United States and globally. The “Future Pandemic Influenza Control (FPIC) related Strategic Management Plan” was developed based on the incorporation of the “National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza (2005)” for the United States from the U.S. Homeland Security Council and “The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector (2006)” from the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Committee for use by the public health agencies in the United States as well as globally. The “global influenza experts’ survey” was primarily designed and administered via email through the “Survey Monkey” system to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic experts as the study respondents. The effectiveness of this plan was confirmed and the approach of the study questionnaire was validated to be convenient and the excellent quality of the questions provided an efficient opportunity to the study respondents to evaluate the effectiveness of predefined strategies/interventions for future pandemic influenza control.^ The quantitative analysis of the responses to the Likert-scale based questions in the survey about predefined strategies/interventions, addressing five strategic issues to control future pandemic influenza. The effectiveness of strategies defined as pertinent interventions in this plan was evaluated by targeting five strategic issues regarding pandemic influenza control. For the first strategic issue pertaining influenza prevention and pre pandemic planning; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for strategy (1a) 87.5%, strategy (1b) 91.7% and strategy (1c) 83.3%. The assessment of the priority level for strategies to address the strategic issue no. (1); (1b (High Priority) > 1a (Medium Priority) > 1c (Low Priority) based on the available resources of the developing and developed countries. For the second Strategic Issue encompassing the preparedness and communication regarding pandemic influenza control; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (2a) 95.6%, strategy (2b) 82.6%, strategy (2c) 91.3% and Strategy (2d) 87.0%. The assessment of the priority level for these strategies to address the strategic issue no. (2); (2a (highest priority) > 2c (high priority) >2d (medium priority) > 2b (low priority). For the third strategic issue encompassing the surveillance and detection of pandemic influenza; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (3a) 90.9% and strategy (3b) 77.3%. The assessment of the priority level for theses strategies to address the strategic Issue No. (3) (3a (high priority) > 3b (medium/low priority). For the fourth strategic issue pertaining the response and containment of pandemic influenza; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (4a) 63.6%, strategy (4b) 81.8%, strategy (4c) 86.3%, and strategy (4d) 86.4%. The assessment of the priority level for these strategies to address the strategic issue no. (4); (4d (highest priority) > 4c (high priority) > 4b (medium priority) > 4a (low priority). The fifth strategic issue about recovery from influenza and post pandemic planning; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (5a) 68.2%, strategy (5b) 36.3% and strategy (5c) 40.9%. The assessment of the priority level for strategies to address the strategic issue no. (5); (5a (high priority) > 5c (medium priority) > 5b (low priority).^ The qualitative analysis of responses to the open-ended questions in the study questionnaire was performed by means of thematic content analysis. The following recurrent or common “themes” were determined for the future implementation of various predefined strategies to address five strategic issues from the “FPIC related Strategic Management Plan” to control future influenza pandemics. (1) Pre Pandemic Influenza Prevention, (2) Seasonal Influenza Control, (3) Cost Effectiveness of Non Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI), (4) Raising Global Public Awareness, (5) Global Influenza Vaccination Campaigns, (6)Priority for High Risk Population, (7) Prompt Accessibility and Distribution of Influenza Vaccines and Antiviral Drugs, (8) The Vital Role of Private Sector, (9) School Based Influenza Containment, (10) Efficient Global Risk Communication, (11) Global Research Collaboration, (12) The Critical Role of Global Public Health Organizations, (13) Global Syndromic Surveillance and Surge Capacity and (14) Post Pandemic Recovery and Lessons Learned. The future implementation of these strategies with confirmed effectiveness to primarily “reduce the overall response time’ in the process of ‘early detection’, ‘strategies (interventions) formulation’ and their ‘implementation’ to eventually ensure the following health outcomes: (a) reduced influenza transmission, (b) prompt and effective influenza treatment and control, (c) reduced influenza related morbidity and mortality.^
Hydrocarbon seeps are ubiquitous at gas-prone Cenozoic deltas such as the Nile Deep Sea Fan (NDSF) where seepage into the bottom water has been observed at several mud volcanoes (MVs) including North Alex MV (NAMV). Here we investigated the sources of hydrocarbon gases and sedimentary organic matter together with biomarkers of microbial activity at four locations of NAMV to constrain how venting at the seafloor relates to the generation of hydrocarbon gases in deeper sediments. At the centre, high upward flux of hot (70 °C) hydrocarbon-rich fluids is indicated by an absence of biomarkers of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) and nearly constant methane (CH4) concentration depth-profile. The presence of lipids of incompatible thermal maturities points to mixing between early-mature petroleum and immature organic matter, indicating that shallow mud has been mobilized by the influx of deep-sourced hydrocarbon-rich fluids. Methane is enriched in the heavier isotopes, with values of d13C ~-46.6 per mil VPDB and dD ~-228 per mil VSMOW, and is associated with high amounts of heavier homologues (C2+) suggesting a co-genetic origin with the petroleum. On the contrary at the periphery, a lower but sustained CH4 flux is indicated by deeper sulphate-methane transition zones and the presence of 13C-depleted biomarkers of AOM, consistent with predominantly immature organic matter. Values of d13C-CH4 ~-60 per mil VPDB and decreased concentrations of 13C-enriched C2+ are typical of mixed microbial CH4 and biodegraded thermogenic gas from Plio-Pleistocene reservoirs of the region. The maturity of gas condensate migrated from pre-Miocene sources into Miocene reservoirs of the Western NDSF is higher than that of the gas vented at the centre of NAMV, supporting the hypothesis that it is rather released from the degradation of oil in Neogene reservoirs. Combined with the finding of hot pore water and petroleum at the centre, our results suggest that clay mineral dehydration of Neogene sediments, which takes place posterior to reservoir filling, may contribute to intense gas generation at high sedimentation rate deltas.
A high-resolution history of paleoceanographic changes in the subpolar waters of the southern margin of the Subtropical Convergence Zone during the last 130 kyr, is present in foraminiferal assemblages of DSDP Site 594. The foraminifera indicate that sea-surface temperatures during the Last Interglacial Climax were warmer than today, and that between substage 5d through to the end of isotope stage 2, temperatures were mostly cooler than Holocene temperatures. The paleotemperatures suggest that (1) the Subtropical Convergence was located over the site during substage 5e, later moving further north, then moving southwards to near the site during the Holocene, and (2) the Polar Front was positioned over the Site during glacial stages 6, 4, 2 and possibly parts of stage 3. Several major events are indicated by the nannofloral assemblages during these large changes in sea-surface temperature and associated reorganization of ocean circulation. First, the time-progressive trends between E. huxleyi and medium to large Gephyrocupsa are unique to this site, with E. huxleyi dominating over medium Gephyrocupsa during stages 5c-a, middle part of stage 4 and after the middle point of stage 3. This unusual trend may (at least partly) be caused by the shift of the Polar Front across the site. Second, upwelling flora (E. huxleyi and small placoliths) increase in abundance during stages 1, 3 and 5, suggesting that upwelling or disturbance of water stratification took place during the interglacials. Thirdly, there are no significant differences between the distribution patterns of the various morphotypes of medium to large Gephyrocupsu, and the combined value of all medium Gephyrocupsu increases in abundance during glacials (stages 2 and 4 and the end of stage 6), similar to the abundance trends in benthic foraminifera. Finally, subordinate nannofossil taxa also show distinctive climatic trends during the last glacial cycle: (1) Syrucosphaera spp. are present in increased abundance during warmer extremes in climate (substages 5e, 5a, and stage 1); (2) Coccolithus pelagicus and Culcidiscus leptoporus dominate the subordinate nannofossil taxa, and their relative proportions seem to provide a useful paleoceanographic index, with C. pelagicus dominating when the Polar Front Zone is over the site (stages 6, 4 and 2), whilst C. leptoporus is relatively more abundant when the STC is positioned over the site (stages 1 and 5e). Increased abundance of C. pelagicus also can indicate intensified coastal upwelling.
Hydrocarbons, sterols and alkenones were analyzed in samples collected from a 10 month sediment trap time series deployed in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean. Fluxes and within-class distributions varied seasonally. During higher mass and organic carbon (OC) flux periods, which occurred in austral summer and fall, fresh marine inputs were predominant. Vertical fluxes were most intense in January, but limited to one week in duration. They were, however, low compared with other oceanic regions. In contrast, low mass and OC flux periods were characterized by a strong unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in the hydrocarbon fraction and a high proportion of stanols as a result of zooplanktonic grazing. Terrigenous inputs were not detectable. The alkenone compositions were consistent with previous data on suspended particles from Antarctic waters. However, UK'37 values diverged from the linear and exponential fits established by Sikes et al. (1997, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00017-3) in the low temperature range. The seasonal pattern of alkenone production implied that IPT (integrated production temperature) is likely to be strongly imprinted by austral summer and fall SST (sea surface temperature).
Oceanic zircon trace element and Hf-isotope geochemistry offers a means to assess the magmatic evolution of a dying spreading ridge and provides an independent evaluation of the reliability of oceanic zircon as an indicator of mantle melting conditions. The Macquarie Island ophiolite in the Southern Ocean provides a unique testing ground for this approach due to its formation within a mid-ocean ridge that gradually changed into a transform plate boundary. Detrital zircon recovered from the island records this change through a progressive enrichment in incompatible trace elements. Oligocene age (33-27 Ma) paleo-detrital zircon in ophiolitic sandstones and breccias interbedded with pillow basalt have trace element compositions akin to a MORB crustal source, whereas Late Miocene age (8.5 Ma) modern-detrital zircon collected from gabbroic colluvium on the island have highly enriched compositions unlike typical oceanic zircon. This compositional disparity between age populations is not complimented by analytically equivalent eHf data that primarily ranges from 14 to 13 for sandstone and modern-detrital populations. A wider compositional range for the sandstone population reflects a multiple pluton source provenance and is augmented by a single cobble clast with eHf equivalent to the maximum observed composition in the sandstone (~17). Similar sandstone and colluvium Hf-isotope signatures indicate inheritance from a similar mantle reservoir that was enriched from the depleted MORB mantle average. The continuity in Hf-isotope signature relative to trace element enrichment in Macquarie Island zircon populations, suggests the latter formed by reduced partial melting linked to spreading-segment shortening and transform lengthening along the dying spreading ridge.
The NA64-Mesozooplankton dataset contains biogeochemistry and mesozooplankton data collected in a series of 9 cruises in the Northern Adriatic completed from January 1965 to September 1965 monthly, and December 1965. Biogeochemistry sampling was undertaken using 5L Nansen bottles fired at 0m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 30m and/or bottom depths. The dataset includes 709 samples analysed for nitrate, phosphate, temperature, salinity and density. Mesozooplankton sampling was undertaken at the same locations as for biogeochemistry, using two different net (Hensen non-closing and Appstein closing net). The dataset includes 146 samples analysed for mesozooplankton composition (at higher taxonomic level), abundance and volume settlement. After sedimentation and volume measurement, the fish larva and fish eggs were extracted from samples (egss of Engraulis encrasicholus were determined). Chaetognaths were partly isolated. Identification at higher taxonomic level of zooplankters was completed. Taxonomic identification was done at Smithonian Mediterranean Centre in Salambo. After sedimentation and volume measurement, the fish larva and fish eggs were extracted from samples (egss of Engraulis encrasicholus were determined). Chaetognaths were partly isolated. Identification at higher taxonomic level of zooplankters was completed. Taxonomic identification was done at Smithonian Mediterranean Centre in Salambo.
We have performed U-Th isotope analyses on pure aragonite samples from the upper sections of Leg 166 cores to assign each aragonite-rich sediment package to the correct sea-level highstand. The uppermost sediment package from each of the four sites investigated (Sites 1003, 1005, 1006, and 1007) yielded a Holocene U-Th age. Sediment packages from deeper in the cores have suffered diagenesis. This diagenesis consists of significant U loss (up to 40%) in the site nearest the platform (Site 1005), slight U gain in sites further from the platform, and continuous loss of pure 234U caused by alpha recoil at all sites. The difference in diagenesis between the sites can be explained by the different fluid-flow histories they have experienced. Site 1005 is sufficiently close to the platform to have probably experienced a change in flow direction whenever the banks have flooded or become exposed. Other sites have probably experienced continuous flow into the sediment. Although diagenesis prevents assignment of accurate ages, it is sufficiently systematic that it can be corrected for and each aragonite-rich package assigned to a unique highstand interval. Site 1005 has sediment packages from highstands associated with marine isotope Stages 1, 5, 7, 9, and 11. Site 1006 is similar, except that the Stage 7 highstand is missing, at least in Hole 1006A. Site 1003 has sediment only from Stage 1 and 11 highstands within the U-Th age range. And Site 1007 has sediment only from the stage 1 highstand. This information will allow the construction of better age models for these sites. No high-aragonite sediments are seen for Stage 3 or Substages 5a and 5c. Unless rather unusual erosion has occurred, this indicates that the banks did not flood during these periods. If true, this would require the sea level for Substages 5a and 5c to have remained at least ~10 m lower than today.
In September 1999 two short-term moorings with cylindrical sediment traps were deployed to collect sinking particles in bottom waters off the Ob and Yenisei river mouths. Samples were studied for their bulk composition, pigments, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, fecal material, amino acids, hexosamines, fatty acids and sterols and compared to suspended matter and surface sediments in order to collect information about the nature and cycling of particulate matter in the water column. Results of all measured components in sinking particles point to an ongoing seasonality in the pelagic system from blooming diatoms in the first phase to a more retention system in the second half of trap deployment. Due to a phytoplankton bloom observed north of the Ob estuary, flux rates were generally higher in the trap deployed off the Ob than off the Yenisei. The Ob trap collected fresh surface-derived particulate matter. Particles from the Yenisei trap were more degraded and resembled deep water suspension. This material may partly have been derived from resuspended sediments.