920 resultados para Bauxite profiles


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Vertical profiles of stratospheric water vapour measured by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) with the full resolution mode between September 2002 and March 2004 and retrieved with the IMK/IAA scientific retrieval processor were compared to a number of independent measurements in order to estimate the bias and to validate the existing precision estimates of the MIPAS data. The estimated precision for MIPAS is 5 to 10% in the stratosphere, depending on altitude, latitude, and season. The independent instruments were: the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE), the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS), the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer-II (ILAS-II), the Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM III) instrument, the Middle Atmospheric Water Vapour Radiometer (MIAWARA), the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding, balloon-borne version (MIPAS-B), the Airborne Microwave Stratospheric Observing System (AMSOS), the Fluorescent Stratospheric Hygrometer for Balloon (FLASH-B), the NOAA frostpoint hygrometer, and the Fast In Situ Hygrometer (FISH). For the in-situ measurements and the ground based, air- and balloon borne remote sensing instruments, the measurements are restricted to central and northern Europe. The comparisons to satellite-borne instruments are predominantly at mid- to high latitudes on both hemispheres. In the stratosphere there is no clear indication of a bias in MIPAS data, because the independent measurements in some cases are drier and in some cases are moister than the MIPAS measurements. Compared to the infrared measurements of MIPAS, measurements in the ultraviolet and visible have a tendency to be high, whereas microwave measurements have a tendency to be low. The results of χ2-based precision validation are somewhat controversial among the comparison estimates. However, for comparison instruments whose error budget also includes errors due to uncertainties in spectrally interfering species and where good coincidences were found, the χ2 values found are in the expected range or even below. This suggests that there is no evidence of systematically underestimated MIPAS random errors.


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Forty Hampshire and 40 Suffolk ewes were allotted to one of four groups (VitA, VitE, VitA&E, Control) in a 2 x 2 factorial treatment arrangement to evaluate the effect of supplemental vitamin E (0 or 300 IU) and vitamin A (0 or 250,000 IU) on reproductive performance. Laparoscopy and ultrasonography were used to measure ovulation rate, embryonic loss, and fetal loss. Serum profiles of a-tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A) also were monitored. There were no differences (P>.05) among treatment groups in any reproductive trait. Suffolk ewes exhibited a higher (P<.02) ovulation rate than Hampshire ewes, and yearling ewes incurred higher (P<.001) embryonic loss than other age groups, resulting in a lower (P<.001) litter size. Serum levels of a-tocopherol were higher (P<.05) for Hampshire than for Suffolk ewes and were lower (P<.001) in yearling ewes versus ewes two years of age and older. Serum levels of a-tocopherol declined (P<.01) throughout the study in VitA and Control ewes but remained unchanged in VitE and VitA&E ewes. Serum level of retinol remained unchanged in VitA ewes, whereas the level increased (P<.01) initially in VitE, VitA&E, and Control ewes before declining toward initial levels. Correlations were detected between ovulation rate and the change of pre-mating a-tocopherol serum level (r=-.29; P<.02), the change in pre-mating retinol serum level (r=-.50; P<.02) and the interval from vitamin A injection (r=-.60; P<.05). These data indicate significant influences of breed, age, and treatment on a-tocopherol and retinol serum levels in ewes and suggest that the timing of vitamin A administration may influence ovulation rate; however, vitamin supplementation, administered at random stages of the estrous cycle, was unable to alter flock reproductive performance.


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The chloride and sulfate concentration profiles in a 260 m thick clay-rich Mesozoic sediment sequence have been analyzed by various methods. Chloride data generally indicate a good consistency between different methods if anion exclusion is accounted for in leaching tests. For sulfate, however, there is an apparent inconsistency between leaching data and those obtained from the other methods, which points to the dissolution of a sulfur-bearing mineral. Traces of diagenetic gypsum seem to be a likely source, but other sulfur minerals cannot be ruled out.


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Englacial horizons deeper than 100 m are absent within 100 MHz ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surface profiles we recorded on Clark and Commonwealth Glaciers in the Antarctic Dry Valleys region. Both glaciers show continuous bottom horizons to 280 m, with bottom signal-to-noise ratios near 30 dB. Density horizons should fade below 50 m depth because impermeable ice occurred by 36 m. Folding within Commonwealth Glacier could preclude radar strata beneath about 80 m depth, but there is no significant folding within Clark Glacier. Strong sulfate concentrations and contrasts exist in our shallow ice core. However, it appears that high background concentration levels, and possible decreased concentration contrasts with depth placed their corresponding reflection coefficients at the limit of, or below, our system sensitivity by about 77 m depth. Further verification of this conclusion awaits processing of our deep-core chemistry profiles.


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We track dated firn horizons within 400 MHz short-pulse radar profiles to find the continuous extent over which they can be used as historical benchmarks to study past accumulation rates in West Antarctica. The 30-40 cm pulse resolution compares with the accumulation rates of most areas. We tracked a particular set that varied from 30 to 90 m in depth over a distance of 600 km. The main limitations to continuity are fading at depth, pinching associated with accumulation rate differences within hills and valleys, and artificial fading caused by stacking along dips. The latter two may be overcome through multi-kilometer distances by matching the relative amplitude and spacing of several close horizons, along with their pulse forms and phases. Modeling of reflections from thin layers suggests that the - 37 to - 50 dB range of reflectivity and the pulse waveforms we observed are caused by the numerous thin ice layers observed in core stratigraphy. Constructive interference between reflections from these close, high-density layers can explain the maintenance of reflective strength throughout the depth of the firn despite the effects of compaction. The continuity suggests that these layers formed throughout West Antarctica and possibly into East Antarctica as well.


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The isotopic and chemical signatures for ice-age and Holocene ice from Summit, Greenland and Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada, arc compared. The usual pattern of low delta(18)O, high Ca2+ and high Cl- is presented in the Summit records, but Penny Ice Cap has lower than present Cl- in its ice-age ice. A simple extension of the Hansson model (Hansson, 1994) is developed and used to simulate these signatures. The low ice-age Cl- from Penny Ice Cap is explained by having the ice-age ice originating many thousands of km inland near the centre of the Laurentide ice sheet and much further from the marine sources. Summit's flowlines all start close to the present site. The Penny Ice Cap early-Holocene delta(18)O's had to be corrected to offset the Laurentide meltwater distortion. The analysis suggests that presently the Summit and Penny Ice Cap marine impurity originates about,500 km away, and that presently Penny Ice Cap receives a significant amount of local continental impurity.


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TEMPERA (TEMPERature RAdiometer) is a new ground-based radiometer which measures in a frequency range from 51–57 GHz radiation emitted by the atmosphere. With this instrument it is possible to measure temperature profiles from ground to about 50 km. This is the first ground-based instrument with the capability to retrieve temperature profiles simultaneously for the troposphere and stratosphere. The measurement is done with a filterbank in combination with a digital fast Fourier transform spectrometer. A hot load and a noise diode are used as stable calibration sources. The optics consist of an off-axis parabolic mirror to collect the sky radiation. Due to the Zeeman effect on the emission lines used, the maximum height for the temperature retrieval is about 50 km. The effect is apparent in the measured spectra. The performance of TEMPERA is validated by comparison with nearby radiosonde and satellite data from the Microwave Limb Sounder on the Aura satellite. In this paper we present the design and measurement method of the instrument followed by a description of the retrieval method, together with a validation of TEMPERA data over its first year, 2012.


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Since November 1994, the GROund-based Millimeter-wave Ozone Spectrometer (GROMOS) measures stratospheric and lower mesospheric ozone in Bern, Switzerland (47.95° N, 7.44° E). GROMOS is part of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). In July 2009, a Fast-Fourier-Transform spectrometer (FFTS) has been added as backend to GROMOS. The new FFTS and the original filter bench (FB) measured parallel for over two years. In October 2011, the FB has been turned off and the FFTS is now used to continue the ozone time series. For a consolidated ozone time series in the frame of NDACC, the quality of the stratospheric ozone profiles obtained with the FFTS has to be assessed. The FFTS results from July 2009 to December 2011 are compared to ozone profiles retrieved by the FB. FFTS and FB of the GROMOS microwave radiometer agree within 5% above 20 hPa. A later harmonization of both time series will be realized by taking the FFTS as benchmark for the FB. Ozone profiles from the FFTS are also compared to coinciding lidar measurements from the Observatoire Haute Provence (OHP), France. For the time period studied a maximum mean difference (lidar – GROMOS FFTS) of +3.8% at 3.1 hPa and a minimum mean difference of +1.4% at 8 hPa is found. Further, intercomparisons with ozone profiles from other independent instruments are performed: satellite measurements include MIPAS onboard ENVISAT, SABER onboard TIMED, MLS onboard EOS Aura and ACE-FTS onboard SCISAT-1. Additionally, ozonesondes launched from Payerne, Switzerland, are used in the lower stratosphere. Mean relative differences of GROMOS FFTS and these independent instruments are less than 10% between 50 and 0.1 hPa.


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Senescence is a form of programmed cell death (PCD) which leads to the death of whole organs, e.g., leaves or flowers, and eventually to the death of entire plants. Like all forms of PCD, senescence is a highly regulated and energy consuming process. Senescence parameters, like protein content, chlorophyll content, expression of photosynthesis-associated genes or senescence-associated genes (SAGs), reveal that senescence occurs in old leaves derived from young plants (6 week old) as well as in young leaves derived from older plants (8 week old), indicating that it is governed by the actual age of the leaves. in order to analyse the differential gene expression profiles during leaf senescence, hybridizations of high-density genome arrays were performed with: i) individual leaves within the rosette of a 6-week-old plant and ii) leaves of the same position within the rosette but harvested from plants of different ages, ranging from 5 to 8 weeks. Cluster and genetree analyses, according to the expression pattern revealed that genes which are up-regulated with respect to the age of the entire plant, showed completely different expression profiles with respect to the age of the individual leaves within one rosette. This was observed even though the actual difference in leaf age was approximately the same. This indicates that gene expression appears to be governed by different parameters: i) the age of the individual leaf and ii) the age and developmental stage of the entire plant.


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The spatial distributions of non-reactive natural tracers (anions, stable water isotopes, noble gases) in pore water of clay-rich formations were studied at nine sites. Regular curved profiles were identified in most cases. Transport modeling considering diffusion, advection and available constraints on the paleo-hydrogeological evolution indicates generally that diffusion alone can explain the observations, whereas a marked advective component would distort the profiles and so is not consistent with the data.