998 resultados para Barreiras no acesso a informação


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Besides storing, the culture and science institutions in charge of the of Brazilian writers’ personal archives play such an important role on the organization and representation of the country’s literary information. In general, the target public for these collections is composed by researchers from the field of Literature once the documents produced by the writers throughout his/her life and career constitute primary research source for the artistic, historical and literary investigation. However, it is still convenient to stand out those users with no academic instruction, whose interest in such collections is justified by their looking up to the individual. In this sense, literary memory places, such as the Brazilian Literature Archive Museum – AMLB (RJ) -, the Brazilian Literature Academy – ABL – (RJ) and the Brazilian Studies Institute – IEB – (SP) turn out to be responsible for offering access to the literary archives and literary information. Thus, it is necessary to consider that databases demonstrate themselves as utter disseminators of the preservation and diffusion of the literary memory, coming up with several possibilities for cultural and scientific action in Literature. This study focuses on showing the contributions of databases towards the literary archives, the challenges and perspectives observed according to the mentioned institutions’ reality, in whose missions the discourse of the literary memory preservation is inserted.


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The context political, social and economical determines the material conditions of the individual's cultural formation and it influences in the constitution of the critical conscience and social responsibility. The aim of this paper is to describe the didactic experiences from discussions in classroom with students in disciplines dedicated to information access in the Brazilian librarianship courses from São Paulo State University (Unesp), state of São Paulo, and Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), state of Alagoas, precisely: Information Dissemination, supplied in 2007 and 2010, and Information Dissemination and Sources, supplied in 2008 and 2009, besides Library and Cultural Action, accomplished of 2008 to 2009. It was noticed, starting from the experience in classroom, that the Librarianship students have low knowledge of the institutions librarians and their services; they told that not to know the main library services before they study them referred disciplines.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Media, as contemporary information and communication phenomena, are rarely studied in the field of Information Science field (IS). This article aims to present a reflection on the Media role as information environments that provoke changes in the ecosystem of message creation, information and socially shared knowledge. It points out that the contextualization of informational situations in the media environments facilitates access to information and to knowledge creation, strategically aimed to more efficient mediation possibilities - purpose to be reached by the society and by an entrepreneurial Information Science. IS counts on proper strategies and methodologies for the creation of transversal meta fields of new knowledge for the solution of problems caused by the intersections and social frictions among science, technologies and knowledge, which means an effective contribution of IS to the enhance utilization of media potential.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o comportamento oscilatório de cada membro inferior na tarefa de alcance frontal. Além disso, verificar a influência da informação visual nestas tarefas, em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. MÉTODO: Participaram deste estudo 8 pacientes com doença de Parkinson idiopática, de ambos os sexos, classificados entre os estágios 1 a 3 da escala de Hoehn e Yahr e 8 sujeitos controle. Para avaliar o comportamento oscilatório, foi aplicada a tarefa de alcance frontal que consistiu em elevar os braços a 90º, posicionar uma mão sobre a outra, estender os dedos e tentar alcançar à frente o mais longe possível sem retirar ou mover os pés da posição inicial. Os pés foram posicionados sobre duas plataformas de força, próximas uma da outra. Para aquisição dos dados de comportamento oscilatório foi utilizado o software AMTI Net Force, com freqüência de coleta de 100 Hz. Foram realizadas 3 tentativas para cada condição (com e sem informação visual), totalizando 6 tentativas com duração de 30 segundos cada. As avaliações clínica e postural foram realizadas no estado on do medicamento. Variáveis do COP analisadas: Trajetória, Velocidades Ântero-posterior e Médio-lateral e Limite de Estabilidade. RESULTADOS: Plataforma 1- MANOVA revelou apenas efeito de momento, Wilk’s Lambda= 0,04, F(8,6)=18,74, p≤0,01. Testes univariados apontaram diferença significativa para as variáveis Trajetória (F=31,62, p<0,001), Velocidade média médio-lateral (F=83,24, p<0,001) e para Limite de estabilidade (F=27,36, p<0,001). Plataforma 2- MANOVA revelou apenas efeito de momento, Wilk’s Lambda=0,026, F(8,6)=28,23, p<0,01. Análises univariadas apontaram diferenças no Momento para trajetória F(2,26)=104,07, p<0,01, velocidade média ântero-posterior...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fossil fuels are the main energy sources of the modern industrial age. Very sophisticated processes have been developed to extract these resources, due to increased demand on a global scale, as the extraction of oil. However, the complexity of these processes can cause accidents such as the release of oil to seas and oceans. In this context, this study proposes to carry out the implementation of a system of information to charts of environmental sensitivity to oil and prepare maps of vulnerability to oil for the city of Caraguatatuba-SP. The implementation of the database with geographical information of coastal environments was appropriate to be provided by the Internet, allowing wide access of data. The maps of vulnerability are important tool developed for the Individual Emergency Plans, because they were developed in operational scale, appropriate to actions to combat oil.


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Pouco se sabe a respeito da marcha de pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) em ambientes irregulares. Mais especificamente, não foram encontrados estudos que manipularam a informação visual na tarefa de ultrapassar obstáculo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o papel da visão no comportamento locomotor durante a ultrapassagem de obstáculos de diferentes alturas em indivíduos com DP idiopática, manipulando experimentalmente a disponibilidade das informações visuais. Participaram 14 idosos com DP, classificados entre os estágios 1 e 2,5 da escala de Hoehn & Yahr. Os participantes foram convidados a percorrer andando uma passarela de 8 metros, em condições sem obstáculo (SO) e com obstáculo baixo (OB) ou alto (OA). As tentativas foram apresentadas combinando condições de obstáculo (SO, OB e OA) e de visão (IVD e IVE), em 3 tentativas por condição, totalizando 18 tentativas; realizadas em 2 blocos. A manipulação de informação visual foi realizada através do uso de óculos de lentes de cristal líquido e a análise cinemática foi realizada tridimensionalmente. As variáveis dependentes selecionadas incluíram os parâmetros espaciais e temporais das fases de aproximação e ultrapassagem do obstáculo. Para o tratamento dos dados, foram empregadas duas MANOVAs. Os resultados revelaram que tanto a manipulação visual como a manipulação do terreno influenciaram no comportamento locomotor dos pacientes. Na fase de aproximação, a presença do obstáculo provocou modificações nos parâmetros locomotores, refletindo em menores valores médios de comprimento e velocidade da passada nas condições OB e OA do que na condição SO. Em relação à informação visual nesta mesma fase, a anulação do fluxo óptico provocou diminuição do comprimento e da velocidade da passada, da cadência e da porcentagem da fase de suporte simples e aumento da duração... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Oil spills cause serious damage to the cost life and environments. Those impacts affect ecologic and socio-economic resources (like fishing and tourism). Within this background, response actions have two main objectives: the contaminant removal, with the less additional impacts, and enhance environment restoration in order to make this process complete in the shortest time possible. The present work proposes to contribute for the emergency environmental management in cases of oil spills by systematization of relevant information for oil spill environmental sensitivity maps. The next stage was to insert all these data on a geographic database, which allows data access by web. Beside that, this work aimed to recommend suitable clean-up techniques for the ecosystems located on the study area, composed by the municipalities: Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruíbe, belonging to Baixada Santista and Iguape, Cananéia and Ilha Comprida, south cost of São Paulo state. This area is situated between two important Brazilian ports: Santos and Paranaguá, and that make it under considerable accident risks. The results were all data inserted on the geodatabase and available to user recover the information by web consulting. With that, this work wishes to contribute to individual emergencial planning of the region.


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma neuropatologia que decorre em déficits na integração sensório-motora, destacando-se os problemas proprioceptivos e no sistema visual. Estudos mostram que pessoas com DP são mais dependentes da informação visual para executar a locomoção. Entretanto, pouco é conhecido quando a informação visual exproprioceptiva é anulada durante o andar livre e a ultrapassagem de obstáculo. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar o papel da informação visual exproprioceptiva durante o andar livre e a ultrapassagem de obstáculo em idosos com DP e idosos sadios. Participaram 12 idosos com DP, classificados em 1 e 2 na escala de Hoehn & Yahr, e 12 idosos sadios (pair matched). Os participantes foram convidados a andar, em velocidade preferida, sobre uma passarela de 8 metros sem e com obstáculo (SO e OB, respectivamente). As tentativas foram apresentadas combinando duas condições de informação visual: com e sem informação exproprioceptiva. Foram realizadas 3 tentativas por condição, totalizando 12 tentativas; realizadas em 2 blocos. A informação exproprioceptiva foi manipulada pelo uso de óculos que bloquearam a visão dos membros inferiores. Os dados cinemáticos foram coletados por um sistema optoeletrônico de análise do movimento (OPTOTRAK Certus – 3D Motion Measurement System, NDI). Para análise estatística foram empregadas ANOVAs. Os resultados revelaram efeito principal de grupo e condição para o andar livre e efeito de condição para a fase de ultrapassagem. No andar livre, a hipometria influenciou o comportamento locomotor de idosos com DP comparados a idosos sadios. Ainda, na ausência de informação exproprioceptiva os participantes modificaram seu comportamento locomotor aumentando a cadência, o comprimento e a velocidade da passada e diminuíram a duração da passada e da porcentagem de duplo suporte... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The various changes occurring in society in the late twentieth century created a context of true technological revolution based on information. These changes resulted in three points: a new way to communicate with the emergence of new media and communication platforms; a new role assigned to organizations increasingly blamed for social problems, and a greater access to information by society, which forms more critical and demanding. The convergence of these three consequences observed strengthening of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and the importance of internal communication in their construction. This literature review and empirical research, based on a case study with the Junior Enterprise of Public Relations at Unesp Bauru, studied the role of Public Relations in the process of communication management as a facilitator of internal processes towards mobilization for Social Responsibility. It intent to see which are the main barriers to the inclusion of the concept too. The study shows the relevant current context itself, in which the concern with the changing social scenario should be seen as opportunities for growth. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility should be inserted into the organizational DNA to its consolidation, characterizing itself as a cultural and dependent matter of internal restructuring. The role of public relations in this context covers the management of communication and harmony of the interests of all public organization


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This monograph aims to analyze the ability of the radical media to lead journalistic productions performed by O Globo during debates of the event Rio +20. The concentration of the major means of communication in the minor part of the population consolidates what can be called by hegemonic media. These media are primarily responsible for controlling the content viewed by a large portion of the population. Aiming a true plurality of information the alternative media day-by-day is looking for a bigger space within the communication market. Thus, the hegemonic media use capable tools to interfere in editorial policies consolidated by corporative media. One of those possible tools is the Culture Jamming, an activist action that interferes in a variety of marketing branches of communication. Therefore, having in its basis theorists such as John Downing and Perseu Abramo this study analyzed the journalistic content produced by the newspaper O Globo between the days 13 to 22 of June, in which the Rio +20 activities were held


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The search for more reliable security systems and information management of these systems is leading to a growing progress in new technologies investments that allow the implementation of equipment with a high level of reliability, but also have an agile and practical operation. This led people to turn increasingly looking for home automation systems, enterprise and industry for the automation and integration of their systems. The identification by radio frequency is very widespread today for ensuring both agility in handling records data, the reliability of their identification systems, which are increasingly advanced and less susceptible to fraud. Attached to this technology, the use of the database is always very important for the storage of information collected, the area where the MySQL platform is widely used. Using the open source Arduino platform for programming and manipulation of RFID module and LabVIEW software for the union of all these technologies and to develop a user-friendly interface, you can create a highly reliable access control and agility places a high turnover of people. This project aims to prove the advantages of using all these technologies working together, thus improving a flawed system effectively safety, cheaper and quicker


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The information society is increasingly incorporating the immense volume of content available on the net. Access by electronic devices and the resulting ease of mobility and portability feed discussions on actual capacity of appropriation of this knowledge that circulates through cyberspace. Address and discuss the possibilities of educating across the network, therefore, gains more and more importance. On models of educational quality well developed – as is the case in Finland, for example-, Brazilian education is, year after year, failing in international marathons to achieve below average indexes required. Creates a field of analysis, in which this article arises, in the quest to understand more deeply the opportunity of use of Information and communication technologies (ICT) for a quality education, plunging by cultural issues that fall in the construction of objective conditions offered to students. This is an effort in understanding the historical factors that limit efforts to offering a quality education in Brazil.