934 resultados para BLOWN PACK
Snow height was measured by the Snow Depth Buoy 2014S24, an autonomous platform, installed close to Neumayer III Base, Antarctic during Antarctic Fast Ice Network 2014 (AFIN 2014). The resulting time series describes the evolution of snow depth as a function of place and time between 2014-03-07 and 2014-05-16 in sample intervals of 1 hour. The Snow Depth Buoy consists of four independent sonar measurements representing the area (approx. 10 m**2) around the buoy. The buoy was installed on the ice shelf. In addition to snow depth, geographic position (GPS), barometric pressure, air temperature, and ice surface temperature were measured. Negative values of snow depth occur if surface ablation continues into the sea ice. Thus, these measurements describe the position of the sea ice surface relative to the original snow-ice interface. Differences between single sensors indicate small-scale variability of the snow pack around the buoy. The data set has been processed, including the removal of obvious inconsistencies (missing values). Records without any snow depth may still be used for sea ice drift analyses. Note: This data set contains only relative changes in snow depth, because no initial readings of absolute snow depth are available.
El Análisis de Consumo de Recursos o Análisis de Coste trata de aproximar el coste de ejecutar un programa como una función dependiente de sus datos de entrada. A pesar de que existen trabajos previos a esta tesis doctoral que desarrollan potentes marcos para el análisis de coste de programas orientados a objetos, algunos aspectos avanzados, como la eficiencia, la precisión y la fiabilidad de los resultados, todavía deben ser estudiados en profundidad. Esta tesis aborda estos aspectos desde cuatro perspectivas diferentes: (1) Las estructuras de datos compartidas en la memoria del programa son una pesadilla para el análisis estático de programas. Trabajos recientes proponen una serie de condiciones de localidad para poder mantener de forma consistente información sobre los atributos de los objetos almacenados en memoria compartida, reemplazando éstos por variables locales no almacenadas en la memoria compartida. En esta tesis presentamos dos extensiones a estos trabajos: la primera es considerar, no sólo los accesos a los atributos, sino también los accesos a los elementos almacenados en arrays; la segunda se centra en los casos en los que las condiciones de localidad no se cumplen de forma incondicional, para lo cual, proponemos una técnica para encontrar las precondiciones necesarias para garantizar la consistencia de la información acerca de los datos almacenados en memoria. (2) El objetivo del análisis incremental es, dado un programa, los resultados de su análisis y una serie de cambios sobre el programa, obtener los nuevos resultados del análisis de la forma más eficiente posible, evitando reanalizar aquellos fragmentos de código que no se hayan visto afectados por los cambios. Los analizadores actuales todavía leen y analizan el programa completo de forma no incremental. Esta tesis presenta un análisis de coste incremental, que, dado un cambio en el programa, reconstruye la información sobre el coste del programa de todos los métodos afectados por el cambio de forma incremental. Para esto, proponemos (i) un algoritmo multi-dominio y de punto fijo que puede ser utilizado en todos los análisis globales necesarios para inferir el coste, y (ii) una novedosa forma de almacenar las expresiones de coste que nos permite reconstruir de forma incremental únicamente las funciones de coste de aquellos componentes afectados por el cambio. (3) Las garantías de coste obtenidas de forma automática por herramientas de análisis estático no son consideradas totalmente fiables salvo que la implementación de la herramienta o los resultados obtenidos sean verificados formalmente. Llevar a cabo el análisis de estas herramientas es una tarea titánica, ya que se trata de herramientas de gran tamaño y complejidad. En esta tesis nos centramos en el desarrollo de un marco formal para la verificación de las garantías de coste obtenidas por los analizadores en lugar de analizar las herramientas. Hemos implementado esta idea mediante la herramienta COSTA, un analizador de coste para programas Java y KeY, una herramienta de verificación de programas Java. De esta forma, COSTA genera las garantías de coste, mientras que KeY prueba la validez formal de los resultados obtenidos, generando de esta forma garantías de coste verificadas. (4) Hoy en día la concurrencia y los programas distribuidos son clave en el desarrollo de software. Los objetos concurrentes son un modelo de concurrencia asentado para el desarrollo de sistemas concurrentes. En este modelo, los objetos son las unidades de concurrencia y se comunican entre ellos mediante llamadas asíncronas a sus métodos. La distribución de las tareas sugiere que el análisis de coste debe inferir el coste de los diferentes componentes distribuidos por separado. En esta tesis proponemos un análisis de coste sensible a objetos que, utilizando los resultados obtenidos mediante un análisis de apunta-a, mantiene el coste de los diferentes componentes de forma independiente. Abstract Resource Analysis (a.k.a. Cost Analysis) tries to approximate the cost of executing programs as functions on their input data sizes and without actually having to execute the programs. While a powerful resource analysis framework on object-oriented programs existed before this thesis, advanced aspects to improve the efficiency, the accuracy and the reliability of the results of the analysis still need to be further investigated. This thesis tackles this need from the following four different perspectives. (1) Shared mutable data structures are the bane of formal reasoning and static analysis. Analyses which keep track of heap-allocated data are referred to as heap-sensitive. Recent work proposes locality conditions for soundly tracking field accesses by means of ghost non-heap allocated variables. In this thesis we present two extensions to this approach: the first extension is to consider arrays accesses (in addition to object fields), while the second extension focuses on handling cases for which the locality conditions cannot be proven unconditionally by finding aliasing preconditions under which tracking such heap locations is feasible. (2) The aim of incremental analysis is, given a program, its analysis results and a series of changes to the program, to obtain the new analysis results as efficiently as possible and, ideally, without having to (re-)analyze fragments of code that are not affected by the changes. During software development, programs are permanently modified but most analyzers still read and analyze the entire program at once in a non-incremental way. This thesis presents an incremental resource usage analysis which, after a change in the program is made, is able to reconstruct the upper-bounds of all affected methods in an incremental way. To this purpose, we propose (i) a multi-domain incremental fixed-point algorithm which can be used by all global analyses required to infer the cost, and (ii) a novel form of cost summaries that allows us to incrementally reconstruct only those components of cost functions affected by the change. (3) Resource guarantees that are automatically inferred by static analysis tools are generally not considered completely trustworthy, unless the tool implementation or the results are formally verified. Performing full-blown verification of such tools is a daunting task, since they are large and complex. In this thesis we focus on the development of a formal framework for the verification of the resource guarantees obtained by the analyzers, instead of verifying the tools. We have implemented this idea using COSTA, a state-of-the-art cost analyzer for Java programs and KeY, a state-of-the-art verification tool for Java source code. COSTA is able to derive upper-bounds of Java programs while KeY proves the validity of these bounds and provides a certificate. The main contribution of our work is to show that the proposed tools cooperation can be used for automatically producing verified resource guarantees. (4) Distribution and concurrency are today mainstream. Concurrent objects form a well established model for distributed concurrent systems. In this model, objects are the concurrency units that communicate via asynchronous method calls. Distribution suggests that analysis must infer the cost of the diverse distributed components separately. In this thesis we propose a novel object-sensitive cost analysis which, by using the results gathered by a points-to analysis, can keep the cost of the diverse distributed components separate.
This research addressed the development of a consolidated model designed especially to cover the security and usability attributes of a software product. As a starting point, we built a new usability model on the basis of well-known quality standards and models. We then used an existing security model to analyse the relationship between these two approaches. This analysis consisted of a systematic mapping study of the relationship between security and usability as global quality factors. We identified five relationship types: inverse, direct, relative, one-way inverse, and no relationship. Most authors agree that there is an inverse relationship between security and usability. However, this is not a unanimous finding, and this study unveils a number of open questions, like application domain dependency and the need to explore lower-level relationships between attribute subcharacteristics. In order to clarify the questions raised during the research, we conducted a second systematic mapping to further analyse the finer-grained structure of these factors, such as authentication as a subset of security and user efficiency as a subset of usability. The most relevant finding is that efficiency does not depend on the security level during the authentication process. There are other subfactors that require analysis. Accordingly, this research is the first part of a larger project to develop a full-blown consolidated model for security and usability.
Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are power packed with features to facilitate designers. Availability of features like huge block memory (BRAM), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) cores, embedded CPU makes the design strategy of FPGAs quite different from ASICs. FPGA are also widely used in security-critical application where protection against known attacks is of prime importance. We focus ourselves on physical attacks which target physical implementations. To design countermeasures against such attacks, the strategy for FPGA designers should also be different from that in ASIC. The available features should be exploited to design compact and strong countermeasures. In this paper, we propose methods to exploit the BRAMs in FPGAs for designing compact countermeasures. BRAM can be used to optimize intrinsic countermeasures like masking and dual-rail logic, which otherwise have significant overhead (at least 2X). The optimizations are applied on a real AES-128 co-processor and tested for area overhead and resistance on Xilinx Virtex-5 chips. The presented masking countermeasure has an overhead of only 16% when applied on AES. Moreover Dual-rail Precharge Logic (DPL) countermeasure has been optimized to pack the whole sequential part in the BRAM, hence enhancing the security. Proper robustness evaluations are conducted to analyze the optimization for area and security.
Batteries and ultracapacitors for hybrid and electric vehicles must satisfy very demanding working conditions that are not usual in other applications. In this sense, specific tests must be performed in order to draw accurate conclusions about their behaviour. To do so, new advanced test benches are needed. These platforms must allow the study of a wide variety of energy storage systems under conditions similar to the real ones. In this paper, a flexible, low-cost and highly customizable system is presented. This system allows batteries and ultracapacitors to be tested in many and varied ways, effectively emulating the working conditions that they face in an electric vehicle. The platform was specifically designed to study energy storage systems for electric and hybrid vehicles, meaning that it is suitable to test different systems in many different working conditions, including real driving cycles. This flexibility is achieved keeping the cost of the platform low, which makes the proposed test bench a feasible alternative for the industry. As an example of the functionality of the platform, a test consisting of a 17-minute ARTEMIS urban cycle with a NiMH battery pack is presented.
La tendencia actual de las redes de telecomunicaciones conduce a pensar en un futuro basado en el concepto emergente de las Smart Cities¸ que tienen como objetivo el desarrollo urbano basado en un modelo de sostenibilidad que responda a las necesidades crecientes de las ciudades. Dentro de las Smart Cities podemos incluir el concepto de Smart Grid, el cual está referido a sistemas de administración y producción de energía eficientes, que permitan un sistema energético sostenible, y que den cabida a las fuentes de energía renovables. Sistemas de este tipo se muestran a los usuarios como un conjunto de servicios con los que interactuar sin ser tan sólo un mero cliente, sino un agente más del entorno energético. Por otro lado, los sistemas de software distribuidos son cada vez más comunes en una infraestructura de telecomunicaciones cada vez más extensa y con más capacidades. Dentro de este ámbito tecnológico, las arquitecturas orientadas a servicios han crecido exponencialmente sobre todo en el sector empresarial. Con sistemas basados en estas arquitecturas, se pueden ofrecer a empresas y usuarios sistemas software basados en el concepto de servicio. Con la progresión del hardware actual, la miniaturización de los equipos es cada vez mayor, sin renunciar por ello a la potencia que podemos encontrar en sistemas de mayor tamaño. Un ejemplo es el dispositivo Raspberry Pi, que contiene un ordenador plenamente funcional contenido en el tamaño de una cajetilla de tabaco, y con un coste muy reducido. En este proyecto se pretenden aunar los tres conceptos expuestos. De esta forma, se busca utilizar el dispositivo Raspberry Pi como elemento de despliegue integrado en una arquitectura de Smart Grid orientada a servicios. En los trabajos realizados se ha utilizado la propuesta definida por el proyecto de I+D europeo e-GOTHAM, con cuya infraestructura se ha tenido ocasión de realizar diferentes pruebas de las descritas en esta memoria. Aunque esta arquitectura está orientada a la creación de una Smart Grid, lo experimentado en este PFG podría encajar en otro tipo de aplicaciones. Dentro del estudio sobre las soluciones software actuales, se ha trabajado en la evaluación de la posibilidad de instalar un Enterprise Service Bus en el Raspberry Pi y en la optimización de la citada instalación. Una vez conseguida una instalación operativa, se ha desarrollado un controlador de un dispositivo físico (sensor/actuador), denominado Dispositivo Lógico, a modo de prueba de la viabilidad del uso del Raspberry Pi para actuar como elemento en el que instalar aplicaciones en entornos de Smart Grid o Smart Home. El éxito logrado con esta experimentación refuerza la idea de considerar al Raspberry Pi, como un importante elemento a tener en cuenta para el despliegue de servicios de Smart Cities o incluso en otros ámbitos tecnológicos. ABSTRACT. The current trend of telecommunication networks lead to think in a future based on the emerging concept of Smart Cities, whose objective is to ensure the urban development based on a sustainable model to respond the new necessities of the cities. Within the Smart cites we can include the concept of Smart Grid, which is based on management systems and efficient energy production, allowing a sustainable energy producing system, and that includes renewable energy sources. Systems of this type are shown to users as a set of services that allow users to interact with the system not only as a single customer, but also as other energy environment agent. Furthermore, distributed software systems are increasingly common in a telecommunications infrastructure more extensive and with more capabilities. Within this area of technology, service-oriented architectures have grown exponentially especially in the business sector. With systems based on these architectures, can be offered to businesses and users software systems based on the concept of service. With the progression of the actual hardware, the miniaturization of computers is increasing, without sacrificing the power of larger systems. An example is the Raspberry Pi, which contains a fully functional computer contained in the size of a pack of cigarettes, and with a very low cost. This PFG (Proyecto Fin de Grado) tries to combine the three concepts presented. Thus, it is intended to use the Raspberry Pi device as a deployment element integrated into a service oriented Smart Grid architecture. In this PFG, the one proposed in the European R&D e-GOTHAM project has been observed. In addition several tests described herein have been carried out using the infrastructure of that project. Although this architecture is oriented to the creation of a Smart Grid, the experiences reported in this document could fit into other applications. Within the study on current software solutions, it have been working on assessing the possibility of installing an Enterprise Service Bus in the Raspberry Pi and optimizing that facility. Having achieved an operating installation, it has been developed a driver for a physical device (sensor / actuator), called logical device, for testing the feasibility of using the Raspberry Pi to act as an element in which to install applications in Smart Grid and Smart Home Environments. The success of this experiment reinforces the idea of considering the Raspberry Pi as an important element to take into account in the deployment of Smart Cities services or even in other technological fields.
Since the beginning of Internet, Internet Service Providers (ISP) have seen the need of giving to users? traffic different treatments defined by agree- ments between ISP and customers. This procedure, known as Quality of Service Management, has not much changed in the last years (DiffServ and Deep Pack-et Inspection have been the most chosen mechanisms). However, the incremen-tal growth of Internet users and services jointly with the application of recent Ma- chine Learning techniques, open up the possibility of going one step for-ward in the smart management of network traffic. In this paper, we first make a survey of current tools and techniques for QoS Management. Then we intro-duce clustering and classifying Machine Learning techniques for traffic charac-terization and the concept of Quality of Experience. Finally, with all these com-ponents, we present a brand new framework that will manage in a smart way Quality of Service in a telecom Big Data based scenario, both for mobile and fixed communications.
Context: This paper addresses one of the major end-user development (EUD) challenges, namely, how to pack today?s EUD support tools with composable elements. This would give end users better access to more components which they can use to build a solution tailored to their own needs. The success of later end-user software engineering (EUSE) activities largely depends on how many components each tool has and how adaptable components are to multiple problem domains. Objective: A system for automatically adapting heterogeneous components to a common development environment would offer a sizeable saving of time and resources within the EUD support tool construction process. This paper presents an automated adaptation system for transforming EUD components to a standard format. Method: This system is based on the use of description logic. Based on a generic UML2 data model, this description logic is able to check whether an end-user component can be transformed to this modeling language through subsumption or as an instance of the UML2 model. Besides it automatically finds a consistent, non-ambiguous and finite set of XSLT mappings to automatically prepare data in order to leverage the component as part of a tool that conforms to the target UML2 component model. Results: The proposed system has been successfully applied to components from four prominent EUD tools. These components were automatically converted to a standard format. In order to validate the proposed system, rich internet applications (RIA) used as an operational support system for operators at a large services company were developed using automatically adapted standard format components. These RIAs would be impossible to develop using each EUD tool separately. Conclusion: The positive results of applying our system for automatically adapting components from current tool catalogues are indicative of the system?s effectiveness. Use of this system could foster the growth of web EUD component catalogues, leveraging a vast ecosystem of user-centred SaaS to further current EUSE trends.
El Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) aquí descrito es el resultado de la necesidad de crear un sistema de gestión de seminarios que utilizarán los planes de postgrado de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Su objetivo es facilitar, tanto al alumnado como al personal de dicha institución, la creación de seminarios ofertados para el alumnado de los distintos planes de postgrado, además de permitir la inscripción de éstos de un modo cómodo e intuitivo. La aplicación de gestión de seminarios deberá permitir que los coordinadores de un plan de postgrado puedan crear seminarios de tal manera que puedan quedar publicados para el alumnado. Para ello, será necesario que sean recogidos todos los datos necesarios del seminario, así como el plan de postgrado organizador y los planes de postgrado para los que serán ofertados. La aplicación además deberá permitir la creación de seminarios sin ser publicados al alumno provisionalmente, la edición de los seminarios ya existentes así como la creación de un seminario nuevo importando los datos de otro ya realizado. Por otra parte, se deberá incorporar en las páginas web de planes de postgrado el listado de los seminarios ofertados para el curso actual, de tal manera que se permita a los alumnos inscribirse a éstos. Por último, el personal de administración del plan de postgrado organizador de un seminario deberá tener acceso a la lista de alumnos inscritos a los seminarios, para el caso de enviar información urgente o ver los alumnos inscritos. El módulo de gestión de seminarios deberá obtener los datos de los planes de postgrado actuales gracias a un módulo de gestión de postgrados, donde se deberá permitir crear, editar y dar de baja planes de postgrado, así como gestionar el personal del postgrado que podrá realizar acciones sobre los seminarios organizados por éste. Los módulos de gestión de seminarios y de gestión de postgrados estarán integrados en un módulo de administración.---ABSTRACT---The Final Project Degree (TFG) described here is the result of the need to create a management system that will use seminars postgraduate plans at the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. It aims to facilitate both the students and staff of the institution, creating seminars offered to the students of the various postgraduate plans, besides allowing the registration of these in a convenient and intuitive way. The management application will allow the coordinators of a postgraduate plan to create seminars so that they can be published for students. To do this, you will need to collect all the necessary details about the seminar, as well as the postgraduate plan owner and postgraduate plans for which it will be offered. The application must also enable the creation of seminars without being published provisionally to students, the editing of existing seminars and the creation of a new seminar importing data from another already done. Moreover, it should be incorporated into web pages of postgraduate plans seminars listing offered for the current course, so that students are allowed to enrol in these. Finally, the staff of the plan organizer should have access to the list of students enrolled at seminars, in the case of sending urgent information or to see students enrolled. The management module must obtain data from current postgraduate plans through a postgraduate management module, which should be allowed to create, edit and terminate postgraduate plans, and manage staff that can perform actions on seminars organized by it. Management modules of seminars and postgraduate programs will be integrated into a management pack.
In recent decades, full electric and hybrid electric vehicles have emerged as an alternative to conventional cars due to a range of factors, including environmental and economic aspects. These vehicles are the result of considerable efforts to seek ways of reducing the use of fossil fuel for vehicle propulsion. Sophisticated technologies such as hybrid and electric powertrains require careful study and optimization. Mathematical models play a key role at this point. Currently, many advanced mathematical analysis tools, as well as computer applications have been built for vehicle simulation purposes. Given the great interest of hybrid and electric powertrains, along with the increasing importance of reliable computer-based models, the author decided to integrate both aspects in the research purpose of this work. Furthermore, this is one of the first final degree projects held at the ETSII (Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers) that covers the study of hybrid and electric propulsion systems. The present project is based on MBS3D 2.0, a specialized software for the dynamic simulation of multibody systems developed at the UPM Institute of Automobile Research (INSIA). Automobiles are a clear example of complex multibody systems, which are present in nearly every field of engineering. The work presented here benefits from the availability of MBS3D software. This program has proven to be a very efficient tool, with a highly developed underlying mathematical formulation. On this basis, the focus of this project is the extension of MBS3D features in order to be able to perform dynamic simulations of hybrid and electric vehicle models. This requires the joint simulation of the mechanical model of the vehicle, together with the model of the hybrid or electric powertrain. These sub-models belong to completely different physical domains. In fact the powertrain consists of energy storage systems, electrical machines and power electronics, connected to purely mechanical components (wheels, suspension, transmission, clutch…). The challenge today is to create a global vehicle model that is valid for computer simulation. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to apply co-simulation methodologies to a comprehensive model of an electric vehicle, where sub-models from different areas of engineering are coupled. The created electric vehicle (EV) model consists of a separately excited DC electric motor, a Li-ion battery pack, a DC/DC chopper converter and a multibody vehicle model. Co-simulation techniques allow car designers to simulate complex vehicle architectures and behaviors, which are usually difficult to implement in a real environment due to safety and/or economic reasons. In addition, multi-domain computational models help to detect the effects of different driving patterns and parameters and improve the models in a fast and effective way. Automotive designers can greatly benefit from a multidisciplinary approach of new hybrid and electric vehicles. In this case, the global electric vehicle model includes an electrical subsystem and a mechanical subsystem. The electrical subsystem consists of three basic components: electric motor, battery pack and power converter. A modular representation is used for building the dynamic model of the vehicle drivetrain. This means that every component of the drivetrain (submodule) is modeled separately and has its own general dynamic model, with clearly defined inputs and outputs. Then, all the particular submodules are assembled according to the drivetrain configuration and, in this way, the power flow across the components is completely determined. Dynamic models of electrical components are often based on equivalent circuits, where Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws are applied to draw the algebraic and differential equations. Here, Randles circuit is used for dynamic modeling of the battery and the electric motor is modeled through the analysis of the equivalent circuit of a separately excited DC motor, where the power converter is included. The mechanical subsystem is defined by MBS3D equations. These equations consider the position, velocity and acceleration of all the bodies comprising the vehicle multibody system. MBS3D 2.0 is entirely written in MATLAB and the structure of the program has been thoroughly studied and understood by the author. MBS3D software is adapted according to the requirements of the applied co-simulation method. Some of the core functions are modified, such as integrator and graphics, and several auxiliary functions are added in order to compute the mathematical model of the electrical components. By coupling and co-simulating both subsystems, it is possible to evaluate the dynamic interaction among all the components of the drivetrain. ‘Tight-coupling’ method is used to cosimulate the sub-models. This approach integrates all subsystems simultaneously and the results of the integration are exchanged by function-call. This means that the integration is done jointly for the mechanical and the electrical subsystem, under a single integrator and then, the speed of integration is determined by the slower subsystem. Simulations are then used to show the performance of the developed EV model. However, this project focuses more on the validation of the computational and mathematical tool for electric and hybrid vehicle simulation. For this purpose, a detailed study and comparison of different integrators within the MATLAB environment is done. Consequently, the main efforts are directed towards the implementation of co-simulation techniques in MBS3D software. In this regard, it is not intended to create an extremely precise EV model in terms of real vehicle performance, although an acceptable level of accuracy is achieved. The gap between the EV model and the real system is filled, in a way, by introducing the gas and brake pedals input, which reflects the actual driver behavior. This input is included directly in the differential equations of the model, and determines the amount of current provided to the electric motor. For a separately excited DC motor, the rotor current is proportional to the traction torque delivered to the car wheels. Therefore, as it occurs in the case of real vehicle models, the propulsion torque in the mathematical model is controlled through acceleration and brake pedal commands. The designed transmission system also includes a reduction gear that adapts the torque coming for the motor drive and transfers it. The main contribution of this project is, therefore, the implementation of a new calculation path for the wheel torques, based on performance characteristics and outputs of the electric powertrain model. Originally, the wheel traction and braking torques were input to MBS3D through a vector directly computed by the user in a MATLAB script. Now, they are calculated as a function of the motor current which, in turn, depends on the current provided by the battery pack across the DC/DC chopper converter. The motor and battery currents and voltages are the solutions of the electrical ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) system coupled to the multibody system. Simultaneously, the outputs of MBS3D model are the position, velocity and acceleration of the vehicle at all times. The motor shaft speed is computed from the output vehicle speed considering the wheel radius, the gear reduction ratio and the transmission efficiency. This motor shaft speed, somehow available from MBS3D model, is then introduced in the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem. In this way, MBS3D and the electrical powertrain model are interconnected and both subsystems exchange values resulting as expected with tight-coupling approach.When programming mathematical models of complex systems, code optimization is a key step in the process. A way to improve the overall performance of the integration, making use of C/C++ as an alternative programming language, is described and implemented. Although this entails a higher computational burden, it leads to important advantages regarding cosimulation speed and stability. In order to do this, it is necessary to integrate MATLAB with another integrated development environment (IDE), where C/C++ code can be generated and executed. In this project, C/C++ files are programmed in Microsoft Visual Studio and the interface between both IDEs is created by building C/C++ MEX file functions. These programs contain functions or subroutines that can be dynamically linked and executed from MATLAB. This process achieves reductions in simulation time up to two orders of magnitude. The tests performed with different integrators, also reveal the stiff character of the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem, and allow the improvement of the cosimulation process. When varying the parameters of the integration and/or the initial conditions of the problem, the solutions of the system of equations show better dynamic response and stability, depending on the integrator used. Several integrators, with variable and non-variable step-size, and for stiff and non-stiff problems are applied to the coupled ODE system. Then, the results are analyzed, compared and discussed. From all the above, the project can be divided into four main parts: 1. Creation of the equation-based electric vehicle model; 2. Programming, simulation and adjustment of the electric vehicle model; 3. Application of co-simulation methodologies to MBS3D and the electric powertrain subsystem; and 4. Code optimization and study of different integrators. Additionally, in order to deeply understand the context of the project, the first chapters include an introduction to basic vehicle dynamics, current classification of hybrid and electric vehicles and an explanation of the involved technologies such as brake energy regeneration, electric and non-electric propulsion systems for EVs and HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) and their control strategies. Later, the problem of dynamic modeling of hybrid and electric vehicles is discussed. The integrated development environment and the simulation tool are also briefly described. The core chapters include an explanation of the major co-simulation methodologies and how they have been programmed and applied to the electric powertrain model together with the multibody system dynamic model. Finally, the last chapters summarize the main results and conclusions of the project and propose further research topics. In conclusion, co-simulation methodologies are applicable within the integrated development environments MATLAB and Visual Studio, and the simulation tool MBS3D 2.0, where equation-based models of multidisciplinary subsystems, consisting of mechanical and electrical components, are coupled and integrated in a very efficient way.
Entre 1966 y 1967 un pequeño grupo de jóvenes arquitectos recién titulados en la Facultad de Arquitectura de Florencia escenifican en dos actos programados en las ciudades de Pistoia y Módenala exposición Superarchitettura, con la que sin saberlo inauguran un corto pero intenso periodo de experimentación arquitectónica que convulsionaría Italia durante los 10 años posteriores, dinamitados por multitud de propuestas que darán lugar a la última arquitectura con aspiraciones socio-políticas responsable de un vibrante legado teórico que proclamaba la vuelta a las raíces olvidadas de la profesión y que se mostraba más preocupada por reflexionar sobre sus fundamentos que por perpetuar la práctica de un oficio ahora puesto en crisis. Ambos eventos suponen también el nacimiento simultáneo de Superstudio y Archizoom, dos de los colectivos más influyentes de la arquitectura experimental italiana de estos años, convertidos en protagonistas de un agitado periodo de transición en el que una generación estaba dando paso a la siguiente a través de la sustitución de los principios doctrinarios recibidos de la modernidad por una jugosa incertidumbre desmitificadora ligada a una nueva realidad económica, política y social que marcaría los inicios de la posmodernidad. La experiencia italiana surge aprovechando la efervescencia de un fenómeno que posteriormente algunos críticos etiquetaron como Arquitectura Radical con la intención de unificar el trabajo de un heterogéneo y atomizado grupo de arquitectos fundamentalmente europeos – individualmente comprometidos con el replanteamiento total de la definición y objetivos de la disciplina, al tiempo que participaban en una particular cruzada existencial mediante la que pretendían, si no cambiar el mundo, al menos romper la dinámica estéril de la arquitectura profesional y tecnológica heredada. La presente tesis fomenta la recuperación interesada de este breve momento radical como un ambicioso proyecto de modernización inacabado, pero no solo para analizar las causas de su precipitado final, sino sobre todo para mostrar las razones de su gran éxito internacional, convirtiendo para ello el trabajo de Superstudio, ejemplo paradigmático de la actitud crítica compartida por el resto de operadores contemporáneos, en el catalizador adecuado a partir del cual interpretar y extrapolar su legado con el fin de narrar el cambio trascendental que este episodio supuso para la práctica arquitectónica, alejándola del diseño de edificios y centrándola en la adopción y aplicación de multitud de actividades no tectónicas en un intento por separarse de lo que era percibido como una disciplina corrupta. A lo largo de su corta carrera en común, los seis miembros de Superstudio sustituyeron la construcción convencional por la explotación intensiva de medios alternativos desde el diseño de mobiliario e iluminación y algunos experimentos en torno a la “arquitectura eléctrica”, hasta la expansión mediática de su trabajo a través de revistas, películas, exposiciones y conferencias contribuyendo así a una provocativa destrucción y posterior expansión de los límites dentro de los que hasta ese momento se había mantenido cómodamente instalada la arquitectura. Esta investigación descubre la trascendencia de considerar aquello que ocupó gran parte de la actividad de Superstudio y de sus colegas radicales (muebles, revistas, instalaciones, películas, labor teórica y docente, etc.) como nuevas formas de arquitectura con las que construir un nuevo lenguaje crítico, en un intento por contribuir a renovar y reforzar la relevancia y responsabilidad social de una profesión llamada a expandirse más allá de lo construido para nutrirse e interactuar con todos los ámbitos de nuestro entorno diario. ABSTRACT Between 1966 and 1967 a small group of newly qualified young architects from the Faculty of Architecture of Florence staged in two events planned in the cities of Pistoia and Modena the Superarchitettura exhibition, with which unwittingly inaugurated a short but intense period of architectural experimentation that convulse Italy during the following 10 years, blown up by a multitude of proposals that will result in the latest architecture with socio political aspirations responsible for a vibrant theoretical legacy proclaiming a return to forgotten roots of the profession and that was more concerned with reflect on its fundamentals than perpetuate the practice of a profession now put into crisis. Both events also involve the simultaneous birth of Superstudio and Archizoom, two of the most influential groups of Italian experimental architecture of these years, turned into protagonists of an hectic period of transition in which a generation was giving way to the next through replacing the received doctrinal principles of modernity by a juicy demystifying uncertainty linked to a new reality economic, political and social that would mark the beginning of postmodernism. The Italian experience arises taking advantage of the commotion of a phenomenon that later some critics labeled as Radical Architecture with the intention of unifying the work of a diverse and fragmented group of architects mainly European individually committed to the total rethinking of the definition and objectives of the discipline, while participating in a particular existential crusade with which they sought to, if not change the world, at least break out of the sterile dynamic of professional and technological architecture inherited. This doctoral thesis promotes an interested recovery of in this short radical time as an ambitious modernization project unfinished, but not only to analyze the causes of its precipitous end, but above all to show the reasons for it’s international success, turning the work of Superstudio, a paradigmatic example of the critical attitude shared by the rest of contemporary operators, into the suitable catalyst from which to interpret and extrapolate it’s legacy in order to recount the significant change that this episode marked for architectural practice, moving it away from building and focusing it on the adoption and implementation of many nonLtectonic activities in an attempt to separate from what was perceived as a corrupt discipline. Throughout their short career in common, the six members of Superstudio replaced conventional construction by intensive exploitation of alternative means L from furniture and lighting design and some experiments around the "electric architecture", to the media expansion of their work through magazines, films, exhibitions and lectures thus contributing to a provocative destruction and subsequent expansion of the limits within which architecture had remained ensconced until then. This dissertation finds out the importance of considering what occupied much of the activity of Superstudio and their radical colleagues (furniture, magazines, installations, films, theoretical and educational work, etc.) as new forms of architecture that build a new critical language, in an attempt to help renew and reinforce the relevance and social responsibility of a profession call to expand beyond the built to nourish and interact with all areas of our everyday environment.
In electric vehicles, passengers sit very close to an electric system of significant power. The high currents achieved in these vehicles mean that the passengers could be exposed to significant magnetic fields. One of the electric devices present in the power train are the batteries. In this paper, a methodology to evaluate the magnetic field created by these batteries is presented. First, the magnetic field generated by a single battery is analyzed using finite elements simulations. Results are compared to laboratory measurements, taken from a real battery, in order to validate the model. After this, the magnetic field created by a complete battery pack is estimated and results are discussed.
Subunits a and c of Fo are thought to cooperatively catalyze proton translocation during ATP synthesis by the Escherichia coli F1Fo ATP synthase. Optimizing mutations in subunit a at residues A217, I221, and L224 improves the partial function of the cA24D/cD61G double mutant and, on this basis, these three residues were proposed to lie on one face of a transmembrane helix of subunit a, which then interacted with the transmembrane helix of subunit c anchoring the essential aspartyl group. To test this model, in the present work Cys residues were introduced into the second transmembrane helix of subunit c and the predicted fourth transmembrane helix of subunit a. After treating the membrane vesicles of these mutants with Cu(1,10-phenanthroline)2SO4 at 0°, 10°, or 20°C, strong a–c dimer formation was observed at all three temperatures in membranes of 7 of the 65 double mutants constructed, i.e., in the aS207C/cI55C, aN214C/cA62C, aN214C/cM65C, aI221C/cG69C, aI223C/cL72C, aL224C/cY73C, and aI225C/cY73C double mutant proteins. The pattern of cross-linking aligns the helices in a parallel fashion over a span of 19 residues with the aN214C residue lying close to the cA62C and cM65C residues in the middle of the membrane. Lesser a–c dimer formation was observed in nine other double mutants after treatment at 20°C in a pattern generally supporting that indicated by the seven landmark residues cited above. Cross-link formation was not observed between helix-1 of subunit c and helix-4 of subunit a in 19 additional combinations of doubly Cys-substituted proteins. These results provide direct chemical evidence that helix-2 of subunit c and helix-4 of subunit a pack close enough to each other in the membrane to interact during function. The proximity of helices supports the possibility of an interaction between Arg210 in helix-4 of subunit a and Asp61 in helix-2 of subunit c during proton translocation, as has been suggested previously.
To discover genes involved in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-mediated carcinogenesis, we used renal cell carcinoma cell lines stably transfected with wild-type VHL-expressing transgenes. Large-scale RNA differential display technology applied to these cell lines identified several differentially expressed genes, including an alpha carbonic anhydrase gene, termed CA12. The deduced protein sequence was classified as a one-pass transmembrane CA possessing an apparently intact catalytic domain in the extracellular CA module. Reintroduced wild-type VHL strongly inhibited the overexpression of the CA12 gene in the parental renal cell carcinoma cell lines. Similar results were obtained with CA9, encoding another transmembrane CA with an intact catalytic domain. Although both domains of the VHL protein contribute to regulation of CA12 expression, the elongin binding domain alone could effectively regulate CA9 expression. We mapped CA12 and CA9 loci to chromosome bands 15q22 and 17q21.2 respectively, regions prone to amplification in some human cancers. Additional experiments are needed to define the role of CA IX and CA XII enzymes in the regulation of pH in the extracellular microenvironment and its potential impact on cancer cell growth.
Recently, cryoelectron microscopy of isolated macromolecular complexes has advanced to resolutions below 10 Å, enabling direct visualization of α-helical secondary structure. To help correlate such density maps with the amino acid sequences of the component proteins, we advocate peptide-based difference mapping, i.e., insertion of peptides, ≈10 residues long, at targeted points in the sequence and visualization of these peptides as bulk labels in cryoelectron microscopy-derived difference maps. As proof of principle, we have appended an extraneous octapeptide at the N terminus of hepatitis B virus capsid protein and determined its location on the capsid surface by difference imaging at 11 Å resolution. Hepatitis B virus capsids are icosahedral particles, ≈300 Å in diameter, made up of T-shaped dimers (subunit Mr, 16–21 kDa, depending on construct). The stems of the Ts protrude outward as spikes, whereas the crosspieces pack to form the contiguous shell. The two N termini per dimer reside on either side of the spike-stem, at the level at which it enters the shell. This location is consistent with formation of the known intramolecular disulfide bond between the cysteines at positions 61 and −7 (in the residual propeptide) in the “e-antigen” form of the capsid protein and has implications for why this clinically important antigen remains unassembled in vivo.