v. 30 (1917)
v. 32 (1919)
v. 29 (1916)
v. 18 (1905)
v. 25 (1912)
v. 26 (1913)
v. 28 (1915)
The circumstances that were the driving forces behind Europe's economic growth beginning in the 19th century are diverse, and not easily prioritized. Until the 1970's, specifically, in Economy and Economic History, attention was focused on different institutional and technological variables, and various regularities were proposed. Nevertheless, new studies also underlined that the evolution of economic activity could not be understood considering only the new production possibilities offered by market economies. As a result, today it is also accepted that those processes can not be explained without considering two additional circumstances: the energy flows that sustained them, and the changes undergone in their transformation In this context, a question arises that takes on special importance. Which was the influence of the biological change in the economic growth?. A part of the flows of energy must be made into food, and this transformation can only happen with the participation.
chapters 3-4
Biological invasions have been object of ecological research for years. As one objective, natural scientists investigate the effects of invasive species on ecosystems and their functioning (Levine et al. 2003). However, impacts on ecosystems are also of relevance for society. Changes in ecosystems affect humans in so far as ecosystems provide goods and services, such as fresh water, food and fibbers or recreation, which might be altered due to invasive species. Therefore impacts of biological invasions should be an object of socio-economic interest, which is also demanded by the Convention on Biological Diversity
A comparative study of the BH strain of Schistosoma mansoni from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, infective to Biomphalaria glabrata from the same locality, and the SJ strain from São José dos Campos, São Paulo state, infective to B. tenagophila from the latter locality, showed the following differences: 1. Length of adult worms and size of eggs significantly larger in the BH strain. 2. Higher infection rates in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association, following exposure of each snail to 1 or 10 miracidia. 3.Longer prepatent period (from penetration of miracidium to first shedding of cercariae) in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association. 4. Infection of both Biomphalaria species when exposed to hybrid miracidia from crosses between the two strains, at lower levels than those resulting from exposure of each snail species to miracidia of the pure sympatric strain. (Both Biomphalaria populations are practically refractory to infection with the allopatric strain). These results are interpreted as pointing to a better host-parasite adjustment in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ association. The interfertility between the two strains, which produced viable hybrids infective to both Biomphalaria species, supports the conclusion that the observed differences are merely intraspecific, and that the two strains may be considered distinct biological races of Schistosoma mansoni.
Biological materials are increasingly used in abdominal surgery for ventral, pelvic and perineal reconstructions, especially in contaminated fields. Future applications are multi-fold and include prevention and one-step closure of infected areas. This includes prevention of abdominal, parastomal and pelvic hernia, but could also include prevention of separation of multiple anastomoses, suture- or staple-lines. Further indications could be a containment of infected and/or inflammatory areas and protection of vital implants such as vascular grafts. Reinforcement patches of high-risk anastomoses or unresectable perforation sites are possibilities at least. Current applications are based mostly on case series and better data is urgently needed. Clinical benefits need to be assessed in prospective studies to provide reliable proof of efficacy with a sufficient follow-up. Only superior results compared with standard treatment will justify the higher costs of these materials. To date, the use of biological materials is not standard and applications should be limited to case-by-case decision.
The potential and applicability of UHPSFC-MS/MS for anti-doping screening in urine samples were tested for the first time. For this purpose, a group of 110 doping agents with diverse physicochemical properties was analyzed using two separation techniques, namely UHPLC-MS/MS and UHPSFC-MS/MS in both ESI+ and ESI- modes. The two approaches were compared in terms of selectivity, sensitivity, linearity and matrix effects. As expected, very diverse retentions and selectivities were obtained in UHPLC and UHPSFC, proving a good complementarity of these analytical strategies. In both conditions, acceptable peak shapes and MS detection capabilities were obtained within 7min analysis time, enabling the application of these two methods for screening purposes. Method sensitivity was found comparable for 46% of tested compounds, while higher sensitivity was observed for 21% of tested compounds in UHPLC-MS/MS and for 32% in UHPSFC-MS/MS. The latter demonstrated a lower susceptibility to matrix effects, which were mostly observed as signal suppression. In the case of UHPLC-MS/MS, more serious matrix effects were observed, leading typically to signal enhancement and the matrix effect was also concentration dependent, i.e., more significant matrix effects occurred at the lowest concentrations.