893 resultados para Audiovisual Media Services Directive
Come dimostrano i sempre più numerosi casi di cronaca riportati dai notiziari, la preoccupazione per la gestione delle immagini di morte si configura come un nodo centrale che coinvolge spettatori, produttori di contenuti e broadcaster, dato che la sua emersione nel panorama mediale in cui siamo immersi è sempre più evidente. Se la letteratura socio-antropologica è generalmente concorde nel ritenere che, rispetto al passato, oggi la morte si manifesti con meno evidenza nella vita comune delle persone, che tendono a rimuovere i segni della contiguità vivendo il lutto in forma privata, essa è però percepita in modo pervasivo perché disseminata nei (e dai) media. L'elaborato, concentrandosi in maniera specifica sulle produzioni audiovisive, e quindi sulla possibilità intrinseca al cinema – e alle sue forme derivate – di registrare un evento in diretta, tenta di mappare alcune dinamiche di produzione e fruizione considerando una particolare manifestazione della morte: quella che viene comunemente indicata come “morte in diretta”. Dopo una prima ricognizione dedicata alla tensione continua tra la spinta a considerare la morte come l'ultimo tabù e le manifestazioni che essa assume all'interno della “necrocultura”, appare chiaro che il paradigma pornografico risulta ormai inefficace a delineare compiutamente le emersioni della morte nei media, soggetta a opacità e interdizioni variabili, e necessita dunque di prospettive analitiche più articolate. Il fulcro dell'analisi è dunque la produzione e il consumo di precisi filoni quali snuff, cannibal e mondo movie e quelle declinazioni del gore che hanno ibridato reale e fittizio: il tentativo è tracciare un percorso che, a partire dal cinema muto, giunga al panorama contemporaneo e alle pratiche di remix rese possibili dai media digitali, toccando episodi controversi come i Video Nasties, le dinamiche di moral panic scatenate dagli snuff film e quelle di contagio derivanti dalla manipolazione e diffusione delle immagini di morte.
This article first discusses a recent Lithuanian BitTorrent case, Linkomanija, with its shortcomings and perspectives. It then compares the outcomes of the Lithuanian case with recent court practice in Scandinavian countries (the Swedish Pirate Bay and Finnish Finreactor cases). Finally, it poses some questions as to whether BitTorrent sites should be qualified as hosting services under Article 14 of the EU E-commerce Directive (2000/31/EC) and whether the application of the limited liability standard, as developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union, would be reasonable for BitTorrent file-sharing services in general.
We use electronic communication networks for more than simply traditional telecommunications: we access the news, buy goods online, file our taxes, contribute to public debate, and more. As a result, a wider array of privacy interests is implicated for users of electronic communications networks and services. . This development calls into question the scope of electronic communications privacy rules. This paper analyses the scope of these rules, taking into account the rationale and the historic background of the European electronic communications privacy framework. We develop a framework for analysing the scope of electronic communications privacy rules using three approaches: (i) a service-centric approach, (ii) a data-centric approach, and (iii) a value-centric approach. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. The current e-Privacy Directive contains a complex blend of the three approaches, which does not seem to be based on a thorough analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. The upcoming review of the directive announced by the European Commission provides an opportunity to improve the scoping of the rules.
The global World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) initiative has developed standardised tools and methods to compile and evaluate knowledge available about SLM. This knowledge is now combined and enriched with audiovisual information in order to give a voice to land users, reach a broad range of stakeholders, and assist in scaling up SLM to reverse trends of degradation, desertification, and drought. Five video products, adapted to the needs of different target groups, are created and embedded in already existing platforms for knowledge sharing of SLM such as the WOCAT database and Google Earth application. A pilot project was carried out in Kenya and Tajikistan to verify ideas and tools while at the same time assessing the usefulness of the suggested products on the ground. Video has the potential to bridge the gap between different actor groups and enable communication and sharing on different levels and scales: locally, regionally, and globally. Furthermore, it is an innovative tool to link local and scientific knowledge, raise awareness, and support advocacy for SLM.
This is a concise encyclopedia entry that discusses the applicable law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) with regard to telecommunications, audiovisual, postal and courier services, which are framed in terms of existing WTO classification under the common heading of 'Communication Services'. The chapter analyzes the pertinent rules of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the present state of commitments, the problems faced in light of the recent technological advances that affect, albeit differently, all these sectors. It includes insights from the case-law and a brief overall appraisal of the prospects for change.
El año 2009 significó para Argentina un momento de discusiones que provocaron interpelaciones al sistema democrático. Después 26 años de recuperada la democracia, el Estado modificó la dictatorial legislación que regula los servicios de comunicación audiovisuales. Esto implica una ampliación de la democratización del sistema de medios, tanto en las voces presentes, como en los autorizados para su uso y explotación. Esta nueva legislación permite que más y diversos sujetos puedan hacer uso de su derecho a comunicar y obliga a los oligopolios de la comunicación a ceder parte de sus licencias, de ahí las presiones económicas para frenar la nueva norma.
En base al modelo teórico metodológico de la intencionalidad editorial, que sostiene que el periodismo es objetivo (en tanto remite a fuentes), y parcial (toma de posición), analizamos la cobertura realizada por los diarios Los Andes y UNO sobre la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual. La hipótesis fue que los diarios locales construyeron, a través de piezas periodísticas, un sentido común que respondió a sus intereses corporativos en detrimento del derecho humano a la comunicación. El análisis consistió en un observatorio de medios que combinó metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, desde el 27 de agosto al 11 de octubre de 2009.
A background paper for the Commonwealth Secretariat by Anirudh Shingal and Mohammad Razzaque: Existing work examining the trade effect of commonwealth membership does not account for sample selection, unobserved heterogeneity and multilateral resistance in estimation, leading to biased estimates. Our analyses improve on all these fronts. Unlike earlier work, we also consider services trade and assemble a much larger sample of trading partners (242 x 242, over 1995-2010). Commonwealth membership is found to increase goods exports by 18.5-33.2% and services exports by 42.8% in our results, ceteris paribus and on average. Our analyses on the determinants of intra-commonwealth trade suggest the positive role of common language (only for goods trade) and colonial relationships as well as the negative impact of geography, thereby confirming that commonwealth member states are not natural trading partners for each other. Finally, being one of Australia, Canada or the UK is associated with 98.2% greater merchandise trade than the commonwealth average; however, a similar effect is not observed for services trade.
More than a third of the World Trade Organization (WTO)-notified services trade agreements (STAs) in effect over January 2008 - August 2015 have involved at least one (South or Southeast) Asian trading partner. Drawing on Baier and Bergstrand's (2004) determinants of preferential trade agreements and using the World Bank's database on the restrictiveness of domestic services regimes (Borchert et.al. 2012), we examine the potential for negotiated regulatory convergence in Asian services markets. Our results suggest that countries within Asia with high levels of pre-existing bilateral merchandise trade and wide differences in services regulatory frameworks are more likely candidates for STA formation. Such results lend support to the hypothesis that the heightened "servicification" of production generates a demand for the lowered service input costs resulting from negotiated market opening.
Think piece by Pierre Sauvé for the E15 Initiative on Strengthening the Global Trade System In his latest essay for the ICTSD-World Economic Forum E15 initiative on Strengthening the Global Trade and Investment System for Sustainable Development, WTI Director of External Programmes and Academic Partnerships and faculty member Pierre Sauvé explores the case for fusing the law of goods with that of services in a world of global value chains. The paper does so by directing attention to the questions of whether the current architectures of multilateral and preferential trade governance are compatible with a world of trade in tasks; whether the existing rules offer globally active firms a coherent structure for doing business in a predictable environment; whether it is feasible to redesign the structure and content of existing trade rules to align them to the reality of production fragmentation; and what steps can be envisaged to better align policy and realities in the marketplace if the prospects for restructuring appear unfavourable. The paper argues that fusing trade disciplines for goods and services is neither needed nor feasible and may actually deflect attention from a number of worthwhile policy initiatives where more realistic (if never easily secured) prospects of generic rule-making may well exist.
This paper explores the hitherto futile quest for developing disciplines on the trade- and investment-distorting effects of services subsidies. It sheds light on the multiplicity of factors that have weighed on the conduct of negotiations on subsidy disciplines in a services trade context at both the global and preferential levels, and advances a few thoughts on what the future may hold for the adoption of such disciplines. The analysis suggests that it is rather unlikely that WTO Members will any time soon reach a consensus on the matter of subsidy disciplines for services beyond those that currently (and timidly) obtain in the GATS and in many preferential trade agreements. The main reason behind such a conclusion stems from a marked rise in the value of preserving policy space in a trading environment characterized by considerably greater global market contestability than two decades ago.
Presentation given by Pierre Sauvé at the international conference on the political economy of liberalising trade in services at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem
This paper describes the CyberAula 2.0 project which presents an integrated solution for videoconferencing and lecture recording as a mechanism to support subjects which need to be promoted or discontinued within the framework of the European convergence process. Our solution is made up of a web portal, a videoconferencing tool and an economical and easily transportable hardware kit. Recording sessions can be exported to SCORM and LOM compliant files which can be imported by an LMS. The validation process is currently being carried out in five scenarios at our university that use Moodle as a way to deliver content to students.
This doctoral thesis focuses on the modeling of multimedia systems to create personalized recommendation services based on the analysis of users’ audiovisual consumption. Research is focused on the characterization of both users’ audiovisual consumption and content, specifically images and video. This double characterization converges into a hybrid recommendation algorithm, adapted to different application scenarios covering different specificities and constraints. Hybrid recommendation systems use both content and user information as input data, applying the knowledge from the analysis of these data as the initial step to feed the algorithms in order to generate personalized recommendations. Regarding the user information, this doctoral thesis focuses on the analysis of audiovisual consumption to infer implicitly acquired preferences. The inference process is based on a new probabilistic model proposed in the text. This model takes into account qualitative and quantitative consumption factors on the one hand, and external factors such as zapping factor or company factor on the other. As for content information, this research focuses on the modeling of descriptors and aesthetic characteristics, which influence the user and are thus useful for the recommendation system. Similarly, the automatic extraction of these descriptors from the audiovisual piece without excessive computational cost has been considered a priority, in order to ensure applicability to different real scenarios. Finally, a new content-based recommendation algorithm has been created from the previously acquired information, i.e. user preferences and content descriptors. This algorithm has been hybridized with a collaborative filtering algorithm obtained from the current state of the art, so as to compare the efficiency of this hybrid recommender with the individual techniques of recommendation (different hybridization techniques of the state of the art have been studied for suitability). The content-based recommendation focuses on the influence of the aesthetic characteristics on the users. The heterogeneity of the possible users of these kinds of systems calls for the use of different criteria and attributes to create effective recommendations. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is adaptable to different perceptions producing a dynamic representation of preferences to obtain personalized recommendations for each user of the system. The hypotheses of this doctoral thesis have been validated by conducting a set of tests with real users, or by querying a database containing user preferences - available to the scientific community. This thesis is structured based on the different research and validation methodologies of the techniques involved. In the three central chapters the state of the art is studied and the developed algorithms and models are validated via self-designed tests. It should be noted that some of these tests are incremental and confirm the validation of previously discussed techniques. Resumen Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el modelado de sistemas multimedia para la creación de servicios personalizados de recomendación a partir del análisis de la actividad de consumo audiovisual de los usuarios. La investigación se focaliza en la caracterización tanto del consumo audiovisual del usuario como de la naturaleza de los contenidos, concretamente imágenes y vídeos. Esta doble caracterización de usuarios y contenidos confluye en un algoritmo de recomendación híbrido que se adapta a distintos escenarios de aplicación, cada uno de ellos con distintas peculiaridades y restricciones. Todo sistema de recomendación híbrido toma como datos de partida tanto información del usuario como del contenido, y utiliza este conocimiento como entrada para algoritmos que permiten generar recomendaciones personalizadas. Por la parte de la información del usuario, la tesis se centra en el análisis del consumo audiovisual para inferir preferencias que, por lo tanto, se adquieren de manera implícita. Para ello, se ha propuesto un nuevo modelo probabilístico que tiene en cuenta factores de consumo tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, así como otros factores de contorno, como el factor de zapping o el factor de compañía, que condicionan la incertidumbre de la inferencia. En cuanto a la información del contenido, la investigación se ha centrado en la definición de descriptores de carácter estético y morfológico que resultan influyentes en el usuario y que, por lo tanto, son útiles para la recomendación. Del mismo modo, se ha considerado una prioridad que estos descriptores se puedan extraer automáticamente de un contenido sin exigir grandes requisitos computacionales y, de tal forma que se garantice la posibilidad de aplicación a escenarios reales de diverso tipo. Por último, explotando la información de preferencias del usuario y de descripción de los contenidos ya obtenida, se ha creado un nuevo algoritmo de recomendación basado en contenido. Este algoritmo se cruza con un algoritmo de filtrado colaborativo de referencia en el estado del arte, de tal manera que se compara la eficiencia de este recomendador híbrido (donde se ha investigado la idoneidad de las diferentes técnicas de hibridación del estado del arte) con cada una de las técnicas individuales de recomendación. El algoritmo de recomendación basado en contenido que se ha creado se centra en las posibilidades de la influencia de factores estéticos en los usuarios, teniendo en cuenta que la heterogeneidad del conjunto de usuarios provoca que los criterios y atributos que condicionan las preferencias de cada individuo sean diferentes. Por lo tanto, el algoritmo se adapta a las diferentes percepciones y articula una metodología dinámica de representación de las preferencias que permite obtener recomendaciones personalizadas, únicas para cada usuario del sistema. Todas las hipótesis de la tesis han sido debidamente validadas mediante la realización de pruebas con usuarios reales o con bases de datos de preferencias de usuarios que están a disposición de la comunidad científica. La diferente metodología de investigación y validación de cada una de las técnicas abordadas condiciona la estructura de la tesis, de tal manera que los tres capítulos centrales se estructuran sobre su propio estudio del estado del arte y los algoritmos y modelos desarrollados se validan mediante pruebas autónomas, sin impedir que, en algún caso, las pruebas sean incrementales y ratifiquen la validación de técnicas expuestas anteriormente.