534 resultados para Asylum seeker


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Successively Issued by: Northern Michigan Asylum


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First Report Has Title: Reports of the Board of Insane Asylum Building Commissioners, and of the Trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum, with a Report of the Mi0dical Superintendent; Reports for 1894/96-1910/12 Have Title: Seventh M O R E


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Title Varies: 1854-? Michigan Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind (Varies Slightly); 1884/86, Michigan Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb; 1886/88-? Michigan School for the Deaf


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Successively Issued by: Insane Asylum, Provo; State Mental Hospital, Provo; State Hospital, Provo


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First report has title: First annual report of the trustees of the Indiana Asylum for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, to the legislature of the state of Indiana. For the year 1844.


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Issued by the Hospital under Its Earlier Names: 18 / -18 / , Temporary Asylum for the Chronic Insane at Wor0cester; 18 / -1907/08, Worcester Insane Asylum; 1908/09-1913/14, Worcester State Asylum


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Reports of the following institutions are also included, 1912/14-19 : Orthopedic Hospital, Lincoln. State Penitientiary, Lincoln. Industrial Home, Milford. Institute of the Blind, Nebraska City. School for the Deaf, Omaha, and Home for Dependent Children, Lincoln; include also reports of the State Reformatory for Women, York, and Reformatory for Men, Lincoln.


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Title from caption.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Recently, there has been much speculation about the impact of international media coverage of Australia's position on Indigenous people, migrants and asylum seekers on other nations' images of Australia. In this experiment we examined whether there was any basis for such concerns by considering the short-term impact of negative TV coverage of Australians on Canadian viewers. A questionnaire provided baseline data on Canadian students' perceptions of Australians and Australian race relations. Four months later, the students were assigned to one of three conditions that varied media contact with Australians. Students viewed one of two television programs (about right-wing political independent, Pauline Hanson, and her emotive criticisms of Aborigines and Asian immigrants or about an ethnically-mixed group of young Australians and their positive sense of cultural identity), or they viewed no program (no contact control). Results indicated that both positive and negative media coverage of Australians affected Canadians' views of Australia in the short-term. In particular, negative coverage (of Hanson) promoted less favourable views of Australians and Australian race relations over time and relative to the positive media and no media control conditions. The media's role in shaping international images is discussed.


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Recent philosophers, political scientists and cultural theorists have suggested that the concept of cosmopolitanism is useful to theorize an ideal relationship between different nations, and to confront the problems faced by asylum-seekers and refugees. Here, La Caze discusses Immanuel Kant's view of cosmopolitanism which occurs in the context of his teleological philosophy of history and his views on politics.


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We live in an age when the number of refugees worldwide is increasing. All of them have suffered physically or emotionally to a varying degree in their country of origin. The transit to a country of resettlement is fraught with further difficulties or the risk of death. This article explores the different approach taken to the management of this issue by Denmark and Iceland, in comparison to that of Australia. In particular, the different approaches to health care for children and their families are identified. The management of these issues by Denmark and Iceland would appear to be a model to follow. Outcomes of the different managements have not been assessed.


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O uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas tem sido objeto de preocupação e alvo de políticas públicas de enfrentamento, praticamente no mundo todo. O reconhecimento de que tal forma de uso acarreta relevantes consequências econômicas, sociais, acadêmicas, familiares e de saúde física e mental, tem levado as autoridades competentes a criar programas que visam a fazer frente à expansão desse fenômeno. No Brasil, após um período em que o tratamento oferecido aos usuários de substâncias era predominantemente asilar, vem ocorrendo mudanças significativas no modelo de atenção a essa população, notadamente com a implantação dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas, dentro da estrutura do Sistema Único de Saúde SUS. O presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar e analisar a percepção dos pro-fissionais de saúde mental que atuam no CAPS-ad, sobre a pertinência e a eficácia das abor-dagens e técnicas por eles utilizadas no atendimento aos usuários de substâncias psicoativas. Visa também a conhecer a formação acadêmica e complementar desses trabalhadores; a natu-reza das relações profissionais que se estabelecem entre os membros da equipe; os resultados obtidos com o trabalho e o grau de satisfação dos profissionais com esses resultados. Objetiva ainda a identificar a representação que eles fazem desses usuários e o grau de confiança na proposta CAPS-ad. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a técnica de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e o tratamento dos dados foi realizado com base na técnica de Análise de Conte-údo de Laurence Bardin. A investigação revelou que os profissionais não têm formação para lidar com dependência química, que a equipe não atua de forma interdisciplinar e que o trata-mento é realizado de forma aleatória e com baixa eficácia. A representação que fazem do usu-ário é a de um indivíduo doente e ou vitimado pelas condições familiares e sócio-econômicas. Constatou-se também que a maioria dos profissionais tem dúvidas quanto à adequação do CAPS-ad como proposta para cuidar dos usuários de álcool e outras drogas.