996 resultados para Artificial feeding


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P. monodon juveniles prefer natural food than artificial feed in their initial stage of rearing. However, the percentage preference towards artificial feed increases as the days of culture/average body weight increases. Consumption of artificial feed was high during evening meal (1700h) and low during night meal (2200h). The index of intestine fullness was high (8.4±0.7) during initial stage of rearing, compared to that of final stage of rearing (4.9±0.4), probably due to low nutritional value of intake material and low water depth at initial stage. At all stage of rearing omnivorous feeding habit was established and no evidence of diet periodicity in feeding activity was observed.


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A feeding strategy model is proposed using stomach content and resource availability data as a modification to Costello (1990) and Amundsen et al. (1996). Incorporation of feeding electivity index (E) instead of the prey-specific abundance signifies the importance of resource availability in prey selection as well as the predator's ability to specialize, generalize or avoid particular prey items at the individual and population level.


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Intra-and interspecific virtual niche measures and feeding strategies of Barbodes gonionotus and Oreochromis spp. were studied from a rice field in Bangladesh. Appropriateness and ease of interpretation of different indices were evaluated. Small sizes of both species had a relatively wider dietary breadth and used many of the resource categories available to them than the large size groups, though none were generalist feeder. The dietary overlap of large B. gonionotus on the small was greater than the reverse, but biologically insignificant. While the dietary overlap of large Oreochromis spp. on the small was significantly greater. Interspecific dietary width was relatively broader for B. gonionotus than Oreochromis spp. and overlap of B. gonionotus on Oreochromis spp. was significantly greater than the reverse. Evidence of significant intraspecific dietary overlap between the two sizes of tilapia reflects strong competition and cautions for mixed-size stocking in rice-fish system. Besides, there seem fewer opportunities for habitat segregation between B. gonionotus and Oreochromis spp., due to the significant interspecific dietary overlap of the former on the latter in rice-fish system. Tilapia specialized on periphytic detrital aggregate while silver barb tended to consume aquatic macrophytes and molluscs. Small sizes of B. gonionotus should be preferred for rice-fish integration over the Oreochromis spp. due to their broader niche width and pronounced ontogenetic dietary shifts with the aging of the stock.


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Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp, Catla catla fingerlings of 10.8+0.56g was investigated in a flow-through water recirculating system. The metabolic energy loss in resting metabolism and feeding metabolism were determined by the indirect method of oxygen consumption followed by multiplication by suitable oxycalorific coefficient. This was done in four metabolic chambers of a respirometer system. Ten fish fingerlings of mean total weight of 109.5, 110.4 and 112.8g/chambers respectively each in two experimental runs of three treatments a, b and c were used. The mean resting metabolic rate during unfed condition showed no significant variation in different treatments. The fish in three treatments a, b and c fed on diets containing 28, 33 and 38% crude protein had significantly different (p<0.05) post-fed SDA magnitude of 497.7, 638.7 and 735.5 mgO2/chamber/day having an equivalent energy loss of 12.68, 14.68 and 15.86 KJ respectively. The SDA co-efficient in three treatments a, b and c were 14.95, 19.00 and 22.36% respectively whereas, respiratory energy - 'R' as % of mean total ingested energy in three treatments were 26.93, 31.17 and 34.74% respectively showing a significant increase (p<0.05) with increase of protein. Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp (Catla catla Lin.) fed on different protein diets.


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A five years investigation on fish biodiversity in connection with artificial stocking was conducted in three south-western floodplains of Bangladesh from 1992 to 1996. The ten top most available and ten rarest fish species were identified. Puntius sp., Channa punctatus, Mystus sp., Anabus testudinius, Ambasis sp., Colisha sp. and Macrobrachium sp. etc. were the most common available species. On the other hand, Mystus aor, Notopterus chitala, Clupisoma garua, Aplocheilus panchax, Ctenophmyngodon idella etc. were the rarest species. However, the most abundant and the rarest fish species behaved differently in different floodplains in different years. Shannon diversity index was used to assess the extent of diversity in different years. The study revealed that the artificial stocking programme, to some extent, influenced the biodiversity in floodplains.


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An experiment was conducted for rearing of Meni, Nandus nandus in laboratory condition for seven months with the objective to select appropriate feed for the species and to develop a rearing technique of the species up to the stage of sexual maturation. Different trials were conducted using artificial feed (35.5% protein), dead fresh kachki (Carica soborna), dead fresh prawn (Macrobrachium lamarrei) and live prawn (Macrobrachium lamarrei). The provision of bottom sediment did not significantly influence the growth of fish. Between dead fresh kachki and dead fresh prawn, the fish preferred dead fresh prawn. The fish was found to be reluctant to take dead fresh kachki and prawn as food unless they became very hungry. The fish was found actively feeding on live prawn. The FCR of the prawn as food for N. nandus was found to be 2.5. From the study, it was observed that in laboratory rearing N. nandus preferred live prawn as food than artificial feed, dead fresh kachki and dead fresh prawn. The fish fed on live prawn became sexually matured (eggs or white milt extruded by gentle pressure on the abdomen of the fish) in the laboratory at the end of the experiment.


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The gut content of Nemipterus japonicus revealed that this fish is a carnivorous bottom feeder, feeding mainly on crustaceans, fishes, salps and polychaetes, with marginal variations in females. The intensity of feeding increased with the advancement of maturity till stage 5 except in stage 3 where the intensity of feeding indicated a decrease.


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Studies on nutrient utilisation and growth of rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings (3.13-4.09 g) raised on seven feeding schedules under laboratory conditions (26.3-33.5°C) showed that two days regular feeding on Diet B (high protein, 38.90%) resulted in maximum growth and protein retention efficiency. While regular feeding on low protein diet (Diet A) resulted in poor nutrient utilisation and growth of fish, high protein diet (Diet B) did not show any significant difference in growth from the mixed 2A-3B schedules but exhibited comparatively low protein retention efficiency. The other feeding schedules were 1A-2B, 1A-3B, 2A-2B and 2A-4B, where the numerical value refers to the number of days for continuous feeding of a particular diet. The diets A and B served as the controls which contained 3.40 and 3.67 kcal/g gross energy respectively. The 2A-3B feeding schedule was also found to be highly economic as an expenditure of Rs.11/- only was required for raising the body weight by one kilo as against Rs.17/- with high protein diet (Diet B) as calculated


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Artificial Insemination (AI) is a tool for genetic manipulation in the shrimp stocks. It is seen as one of the means for propagating shrimp culture to new areas by controlled reproduction. Attempts at artificial insemination in the dominant closed-thelycum penaeid shrimps species of the area viz. Metapenaeus affinis and Metapenaeus brevicornis were induced in wild adult stocks collected off Mumbai coast. Female specimens were subjected to unilateral eyestalk ablation by pinching so as to induce moulting and maturation. AI was performed two days after moulting on these females when the cuticle was still soft and flexible. Moulting also ensured rejection of initial spermatophores, if present. Response of males to electrical stimulation for spermatophore expulsion was spontaneous. Use of tissue glue for spermatophore retention was found to be unnecessary. Latency period ranged between10-16 days, while spawning occurred within 10-12 days of spermatophore transfer. Three partial spawning were recorded viz., two in Metapenaeus affinis and one in Metapenaeus brevicornis with an average spawning and hatching rates of 30% and 72.3% respectively. Average survival from first nauplius (N1) to one-day old post-larva (PLI) was a meager 3.43%. Use of AI in genetic manipulation of shrimp stocks for aquacultural purposes is indicated.


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A 30-day experiment was conducted to determine the effects of varying feeding rates on the growth of fry of silver dollar, Metynnis schreitmulleri (Ahl). Silver dollar fry with an average initial body weight of 1.100 ± 0.029 g were collected from a local fish breeder and fed a diet (35% protein and 6% fat) at the rate of 3, 6 and 9% of body weight per day in two equal meals. Per cent weight gain increased from 54.54 to 118.18 with increased feeding rates, which were significantly different (p<0.05) from each other. The highest specific growth rate was obtained in the fry fed at 9% body weight per day. In another study for 30 days, the effects of feeding frequency on growth, feed conversion and protein efficiency of silver dollar fry were evaluated. Groups of silver dollar fry with an initial individual weight of 0.700 ± 0.019 g were offered feed continuously for 24 hours during the day or night at different time intervals with varying meal sizes. The night time feeding with two meals gave the lowest weight and length gains (0.985 g and 0.30 cm). The growth rates of fish fed during day with three equal-sized meals are significantly (p<0.05) higher (4.66%) than the other treatments.


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Using a magneto-optical (MO) technique, magnetic field distributions have been measured in a melt-textured YBa 2Cu 3O 7-x bulk superconductor, joined to form an artificial grain boundary (GB), in an external magnetic field perpendicular to the sample surface. The magnetic field at a weak section of the GB shows different values between the field increasing up to 150mT and decreasing down to 0T after zero-field-cooling. Namely, the magnetic field in increasing field is higher than that in decreasing field, even in the same external field. This result supports a model in which such differences in magnetic field at the weak-link GB give rise to the hysteresis behavior in the field dependence of transport critical current density in polycrystalline samples. The field distributions across a well-joined region of the GB behave similarly to the adjoining bulk material and this result indicates the possibility of creating useful artifacts provided that the strongly coupled sections can be reproduced on a larger scale.


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Nanoindentation is a popular technique for measuring the intrinsic mechanical response of bone and has been used to measure a single-valued elastic modulus. However, bone is a composite material with 20-80 nm hydroxyapatite plates embedded in a collagen matrix, and modern instrumentation allows for measurements at these small length scales. The present study examines the indentation response of bone and artificial gelatin-apatite nanocomposite materials across three orders of magnitude of lengthscale, from nanometers to micrometers, to isolate the composite phase contributions to the overall response. The load-displacement responses were variable and deviated from the quadratic response of homogeneous materials at small depths. The distribution of apparent elastic modulus values narrowed substantially with increasing indentation load. Indentation of particulate nanocomposites was simulated using finite element analysis. Modeling results replicated the convergence in effective modulus seen in the experiments. It appears that the apatite particles are acting as the continuous ("matrix") phase in bone and nanocomposites. Copyright © 2004 by ASME.


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Traditionally tubers of cyperus (Cyperus rotundus) and its extracts have been used for alluring fish during harvesting in India. An experiment was conducted to evaluate its feeding stimulatory activity and effect on the growth of a commercially important freshwater fish, Cirrhinus mrigala. Three isonitrogenous and isocaloric formulated diets viz. plant ingredient based control and control supplemented with cyperus tuber (CS) at 1% and 5% levels were fed to the fingerlings of mrigal, C. mrigala (2.68+0.20 g) for a period of 45 days. The growth performance and the activity of metabolic enzymes, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), in liver, gill and muscle tissues of mrigal were studied during every 15 days interval. Highest relative growth (72.28%) was obtained in the mrigal fed with the diet containing 5% cyperus (5% CS), while the relative growths were 66.18% and 43.40% for the fish fed with the 1% CS diet and control respectively. The activities of AST and ALT were significantly higher (p<0.01) in both 1% and 5% CS diets as compared to the control in all the tissues studied. Higher aminotransferase activities were observed in the tissues of 5% CS group than in those of 1% CS group throughout the experimental period. The observed higher enzymatic activity was concomitant with the higher growth rate in fish. The results suggested that cyperus tuber supplementation increased feed palatability and growth.