826 resultados para Arithmetic.


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Generally, arithmetic and geometric progressions are taught separately from ane and exponential functions, only by the use of memorized formulas and without any concern of showing students how these contents are related. This paper aims at presenting a way of teaching such contents in an integrated way, starting with the definition of ane and exponential functions relating them to situations from the daily life of the students. Then, characteristics and graphics of those functions are presented and, subsequently, arithmetic and geometric progression are shown as a restriction of the ane and exponential functions. Thus, the study of the progressions is introduced based on the functions mentioned above using situations from students daily lives as examples


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Few quantitative data exist on pupil diameter, particularly in children. In this article we describe an analysis of pupil diameter and pupil area in normal preschool children during attentive gaze (AG) and spontaneous gaze (SG) using digital imaging. The pupil diameter and pupil area of 200 preschool children aged 4 to 6 years were evaluated. The images were recorded with a digital camera, transferred to a computer, processed by movie software and submitted to the Invert filter of Adobe Photoshop (R) software. Three consecutive measures of pupil diameter and pupil area were taken for both eyes during AG and SG. Arithmetic means of each parameter were calculated and data were expressed in millimeters. Mean pupil diameter was similar for both eyes, presenting values of 4.9 mm during AG and 4.1 mm during SG. Mean pupil area was also similar for both eyes, presenting values of 15.6 mm(2) and 9.1 mm(2) during AG and SG, respectively. There were no differences between boys and girls. However, 6-year-old children showed lower pupil diameter and area under both evaluation conditions.


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The objective of this study was to determine the level of resistance of Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep to levamisole albendazole ivermectin moxidectin closantel and trichlorfon The parasites were isolated from sheep naturally infected by gastrointestinal nematodes and were then kept in monospecifically infected lambs for production of infective larvae (L3) of both species Forty-two lambs at three months of age were simultaneously artificially infected with 4000 L3 of H contortus and 4000 L3 of T colubriformis The animals were allocated Into seven groups with six animals each that received one of the following treatments Group 1-control no treatment Group 2-moxidectin (0 2 mg/kg body weight (BW)) Group 3-closantel (10 mg/kg BW) Group 4-trichlorfon (100 mg/kg BW) Group 5-levamisole phosphate (4 7 mg/kg BW) Group 6-albendazole (5 0 mg/kg BW) and Group 7-ivermectin (0 2 mg/kg BW) Nematode fecal egg counts (FEC) were carried out on the day of treatment and again at 3 7 10 and 14 days post-treatment on the same occasions composite fecal cultures were prepared for each group for production of L3 which were identified into genus The animals were sacrificed for worm counts at 14 days after treatment The efficacy of each treatment was calculated from the arithmetic mean of the FEC or worm burden of the treated group compared with the values of the control group Only trichlorfon and moxidectin treatments resulted in a significant reduction of H contortus recorded at necropsy (73% and 45% respectively) Moxidectin reduced T colubriformis worm burdens by 82% and albendazole by 19% All other anthelmintics resulted in no significant reduction in the numbers of worms found at necropsy In conclusion the Isolates of H contortus and T colubriformis showed multiple resistance to all groups of anthelmintics tested This is the first report based on the controlled efficacy test to show resistance of T colubriformis to macrocyclic lactones in Brazil (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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In this paper a model, called ELLOBO running in STELLA II, was set to describe the plankton system of the Broa reservoir (SP). The three state variables of the model are: phytoplankton, zooplankton, and the fish Astyanax fasciatus. The forcing variables are: temperature, nitrate, phosphorus and solar radiation. The model did not consider the cycling of nutrients inside the reservoir. The results show that: temperature is the principal forcing variable in the phytoplankton dynamic and in the subsequent evolution of the whole system. The zooplankton predation was described by Odum's equation, and there is a strong random component in zooplankton grazing, which was essential for the model, because zooplankton estimates have high variance. One must collect data in a short space of time (maybe daily) to better explain the zooplankton and phytoplankton variation. Validation was performed using simple statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation) and the results show concordance between observed and simulated values. Overhead was used to calibrate some parameters and to validate the model. The highest overhead value (5%) imply in the better accordance between estimated and;observed state variables values. We believe this approach in Broa reservoir will provide an useful tool for future research and it could be used comparatively in other continental aquatic ecosystems. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar diferentes técnicas multivariadas na caracterização de 35 genótipos de gergelim mediante 769 marcadores RAPD. As distâncias genéticas foram obtidas pelo complemento aritmético do coeficiente de Jaccard e agrupadas pelos métodos hierárquicos do vizinho mais próximo, do vizinho mais distante, das médias aritméticas não ponderadas (UPGMA), do método de otimização de Tocher e análises de coordenadas principais. O agrupamento dos genótipos foi alterado em função dos diferentes métodos usados. Adotando-se a mesma distância genética (0,36) como valor de corte, diferenciaram-se quatro grupos no método do vizinho mais próximo, 13 para o vizinho mais distante, 11 no UPGMA e quatro no Tocher. Entre os métodos hierárquicos, o UPGMA apresentou o melhor ajuste das distâncias originais e estimadas (CCC = 0,89). As análises das coordenadas principais confirmaram a baixa diversidade existente entre os genótipos. A maior divergência ocorreu entre as cultivares Seridó 1 e Arawaca 4, e a menor, entre os genótipos VCR-101 e GP-3314. As três primeiras coordenadas principais contabilizaram 35,13% do total da variabilidade, e 18 autovalores foram necessários para explicar 81% da variação genética. Os métodos UPGMA, de otimização de Tocher, e as análises de coordenadas principais são complementares na formação dos grupos.


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O presente estudo investigou aspectos da representação numérica (processamento numérico e cálculo) e memória operacional de crianças com transtornos de aprendizagem. Participaram 30 crianças de idade entre 9 e 10 anos, ambos os gêneros, divididas em dois grupos: sem dificuldade em aritmética (SDA; N=11) e com dificuldade em aritmética (CDA; N=19), avaliadas pela ZAREKI-R, Matrizes Coloridas de Raven, o Blocos de Corsi e o BCPR. Crianças CDA exibiram escores levemente mais baixos que as SDA quanto ao nível intelectual e nos Blocos de Corsi. Na ZAREKI-R apresentaram prejuízo nos subtestes ditado de números, cálculo mental, problemas aritméticos e total. Crianças CDA apresentaram déficits específicos em memória operacional visuoespacial e comprometimento em processamento numérico e cálculo, compatível com discalculia do desenvolvimento.


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OBJETIVO: Construir uma rede neural artificial para auxiliar os gestores de restaurantes universitários na previsão de refeições diárias. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir do levantamento de oito variáveis que influenciam o número de refeições diárias servidas no restaurante universitário. Utiliza-se o algoritmo de treinamento Backpropagation. Os resultados por meio da rede são comparados com os da série estudada e com resultados da estimação por média aritmética simples. RESULTADOS: A rede proposta acompanha as inúmeras alterações que ocorrem no número de refeições diárias do restaurante universitário. em 73% dos dias analisados, o método das redes neurais artificiais apresenta uma taxa de acerto maior do que o método da média aritmética simples. CONCLUSÃO: A rede neural artificial mostrou-se mais adequada para a previsão do número de refeições do que a metodologia de média simples ou quando a decisão do número de refeições é feita de forma subjetiva, sem critérios científicos.


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Flavonoid compounds were analyzed in ripe fruit pulp of ten species of Coffea, including two cultivars of C. arabica and two of C. canephora. Three coefficients of similarity: Simple-Matching, Jaccard and Ochiai and three different clustering methods, Single Linkage, Complete Linkage and Unweighted Pair Group, Using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA), were used to analyze the data.Jaccard and Ochiai's coefficients of association showed a more coherent result, when compared with taxonomic and hybridization studies. Inclusion of Psilanthopsis kapakata in the genus Coffea, as C. kapakata, is justified by the similarity of this species with other studied species, and clusters clearly approximate the species C. arabica and C. eugenioides. The latter is one of the possible parents of the allotetraploid species C. arabica, C. congensis is the only species whose position remains ambiguous, probably due to the fact that the plants of this species that were introduced into the Campinas collections, were hybrids and not typical of C. congensis.


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Thirteen species of Coffea were studied for five enzymes systems, including alpha and beta esterase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, malate dehydrogenase and acid dehydrogenase. Three coefficients of similarity: Simple Matching, Jaccard and Ochiai and three different clustering methods: Single Linkage, Complete Linkage and Unweighted Pair Group, using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) were used to analyse the data.The phylogenetic relationships among the twelve diploid species and between them and the tetraploid species C. arabica showed that similarity among species of the same subsection is not always greater than among species of different subsections. In addition, although there are several similarity groups in common, established by isoenzymatic polymorphism, morphological characteristics, chemical data, crossability and geographic distribution, there is no common trend among the phylogenetic relationships as indicated by all these different evaluating procedures.


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A simulation study was made of the effects of mixing two evolutionary forces (natural selection and random genetic drift), combined in a single data matrix of gene frequencies, on the resulting genetic distances among populations. Twenty-one, kinds of simulated gene frequencies surfaces, for 15 populations linearly distributed over geographic space, were used to construct 21 data matrices, combining different proportions of two types of surfaces (gradients and random surfaces). These matrices were analysed by Unweighted Pair-Group Method - Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA), clustering and Principal Coordinate Analysis. The results obtained show that ordination is more accurate than UPGMA in revealing the spatial patterns in the genetic distances, in comparison with results obtained using the Mantel test comparing directly genetic and geographic distances.


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Bark extracts of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart) Coville a Leguminosae species, well known in Brazil as barbatimao, are popularly used as healing agent. The objective of this work was to determine the genetic diversity of S. adstringens populations and to correlate genetic distances to the production of tannins. S. adstringens accessions from populations found in Cerrado regions in the states of Goias, Minas Gerais and São Paulo were analyzed using the AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) technique. A total of 236 polymorphic bands were scored and higher proportion of genetic diversity was found inter populations (70.9%), rather than intra populations (29.1%). F-ST value was found to be significantly greater than zero (0.2906), demonstrating the complex genetic structure of S. adstringens populations. Accessions collected in Cristalina, GO, showed higher percentage of polymorphic loci (87.3%) and the highest genetic diversity. The lowest genetic variability was detected among accessions from the population growing in Caldas Novas, GO. The genetic distance among populations was estimated using the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA), which grouped populations into 3 clusters. Moreover, chemotypes with tannin concentration above 40% showed higher genetic similarity. AFLP analysis proved to be an efficient gene mapping technique to determine the genetic diversity among remaining populations of S. adstringens. Obtained results may be employed to implement further strategies for the conservation of this medicinal plant. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The radiation budget in agricultural crops is very important on the microclimate characterization, on the water losses determination and on dry matter accumulation of vegetation. This work describes the radiation budget determination in a green beans crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in Botucatu, SP, Brazil (22° 54′S; 48° 27′W; 850 m), under two different conditions: the normal field culture and in a polyethylene greenhouse. The densities of fluxes of radiation were used to construct diurnal curves of the components of global radiation (Rg), reflected radiation (Rr), net radiation (Rn).The arithmetic's relations allowed to obtain the components net short-waves (Rc) and net long-waves (Rl). The analysis of these components related to the leaf area index (LAI) in many phenological phases of the culture showed Rg distributed in 68%, 85%, 17% and 66%, 76%, 10% to Rn, Rc and Rl in the internal and external ambients in a polyethylene greenhouse, respectively.


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The genetic divergence in 20 Eucalyptus spp. clones was evaluated by multivariate techniques based on 167 RAPD markers, of which 155 were polymorphic and 12 monomorphic. The measures of genetic distances were obtained by the arithmetic complement of the coefficients of Jaccard and of Sorenso-Nei and Li and evaluated by the hierarchical methods of Single Linkage clustering and Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA). Independent of the dissimilarity coefficient, the greatest divergence was found between clones 7 and 17 and the smallest between the clones 11 and 14. Clone clustering was little influenced by the applied procedure so that, adopting the same percentage of divergence, the UPGMA identified two groups less for the coefficient of Sorenso-Nei and Li. The clones evidenced considerable genetic divergence, which is partly associated to the origin of the study material. The clusters formed by the UPGMA clustering algorithm associated to the arithmetic complement of Jaccard were most consistent.


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This paper is based on the analysis and implementation of a new drive system applied to refrigeration systems, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC standards (Harmonic/Flicker/EMI-Electromagnetic Interference restrictions), in order to obtain high efficiency, high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current and reduced electromagnetic interference, with excellent performance in temperature control of a refrigeration prototype system (automatic control, precision and high dynamic response). The proposal is replace the single-phase motor by a three-phase motor, in the conventional refrigeration system. In this way, a proper control technique can be applied, using a closed-loop (feedback control), that will allow an accurate adjustment of the desirable temperature. The proposed refrigeration prototype uses a 0.5Hp three-phase motor and an open (Belt-Drive) Bitzer IY type compressor. The input rectifier stage's features include the reduction in the input current ripple, the reduction in the output voltage ripple, the use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input current, in compliance with the IEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller for the output three-phase inverter stage has been developed using a conventional voltage-frequency control (scalar V/f control), and a simplified stator oriented Vector control, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital controls for continuous temperature control applied at the refrigerator prototype. ©2008 IEEE.