750 resultados para Apostolic Fathers
Background. The parents of a sick child likely experience situational anxiety due to their young child being unexpectedly hospitalized. The emotional upheaval may be great enough that their anxiety inhibits them in providing positive support to their hospitalized child. Because anxiety affects psychological distress as well as behavioral distress, identifying parental distress helps parents improving their coping mechanisms. ^ Purpose. The study compared situational anxiety levels between Taiwanese fathers and mothers and focused on differences between parental anxiety levels at the beginning of the child's unplanned hospitalization and at time of discharge. The study also identified factors related to the parents' distress and use of coping mechanisms. ^ Methods. A descriptive, comparative research design was used to determine the difference between the anxiety levels of 62 Taiwanese father-mother dyads during the situational crisis of their child's unexpected hospitalization. The Mandarin version (M) of Visual Analog Scale (VAS-M), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-M), and the Index of Parent Participation/Hospitalized Child (IPP/HC-M) were used to differentiate maternal and paternal anxiety levels and identify factors related to the parents' distress. Questionnaires were completed by parents within 24-36 hours of the child's hospital admission and within 24 hours prior to discharge. A paired t-test, two sample t-test, and linear mixed regression model were used to test and support the study hypothesis. ^ Results. The findings reveal that the mothers' anxiety levels did not significantly differ from the fathers' anxiety level when their child had a sudden admission to the hospital. In particular, parental state anxiety levels did not decrease during the child's hospital stay and subsequent discharge. Moreover, anxiety levels did not differ between parents regardless of whether the child's disease was acute or chronic. The most effective factor related to parental situational anxiety was parental perception of the severity of the child's illness. ^ Conclusions. Parental anxiety was found to be significantly related to changes in their perception of the severity of their child's illness. However, the study was not able to illustrate how parental involvement in the child's hospital care was related to parental perception of the severity of their child's illness. Future studies, using a qualitative approach to gamer more information as to what variables influence parental anxiety during a situational crisis, may provide a richer database from which to modify key variables as well as the instruments used to improve the quality of the data obtained. ^
Prostate cancer is the most common incident cancer and the second leading cause of death in men in the United States. Although numerous attempts have been made to identify risk factors associated with prostate cancer, the results have been inconsistent and conflicting. The only established risk factors are age and ethnicity. A positive family history of prostate cancer has also been shown to increase the risk two- to three-fold among close relatives.^ There are several similarities between breast and prostate cancer that make the relationship between the two of interest. (1) Histologically, both cancers are predominantly adenocarcinomas, (2) both organs have a sexual and/or reproductive role, (3) both cancers occur in hormone-responsive tissue, (4) therapy often consists of hormonal manipulation, (5) worldwide distribution patterns of prostate and breast cancer are positively correlated.^ A family history study was conducted to evaluate the aggregation of prostate cancer and co-aggregation of breast cancer in 149 patients referred to The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center with newly diagnosed prostate cancer. All patients were white, less than 75 years of age at diagnosis and permanent residents of the United States. Through a personal interview with the proband, family histories were collected on 1,128 first-degree relatives. Cancer diagnoses were verified through medical records or death certificate. Standardized incidence ratios were calculated using a computer program by Monson incorporating data from Connecticut Tumor Registry.^ In this study, familial aggregation of prostate cancer was verified only among the brothers, not among fathers. Although a statistically significant excess of breast cancer was not found, the increased point estimates in mothers, sisters and daughters are consistent with a co-aggregation hypothesis. Rather surprising was the finding of a seven-fold increased risk of prostate cancer and a three-fold increased risk of breast cancer among siblings in the presence of a maternal history of any cancer. Larger family history studies including high risk (African-Americans) and lower-risk groups (Hispanics) and incorporating molecular genetic evaluations should be conducted to determine if genetic differences play a role in the differential incidence rates across ethnic groups. ^
The purpose of this study was to identify the smoking prevalence among high school students in rural areas of Thailand and the factors associated with their smoking habits. The sample population was comprised of 946 volunteer students of both sexes enrolled in the twelfth grade classes of the 1981-82 school year in randomly chosen regional public high schools throughout the country. Data were obtained from a formal self-administered questionnaire survey. The comparisons were treated by classified smoking habits as "non-smoker," "trier," "ex-smoker," and "smoker."^ The study presented the low rate of cigarette smoking habits among female students, compared to male students. Significant differences of smoking-related habits were found among those who had exemplar models for smoking habits; fathers, siblings and peers were their reference groups. Parental approval was found to be a significant factor associated with students' smoking habits. The awareness of health hazards, the perceptions of the influence of cigarette advertisement, and the attitudes toward the concerns of government in cigarette manufacturing were also factors associated with cigarette smoking habits of high school subjects. ^
The study focused on the relationship between antisocial personality syndrome in boys ages 8-15 and parental alcohol/drug dependency. The population studied was case records of 101 boys coming to a private psychiatrist from 1966 through 1979. The boys were predominantly white and from middle to upper income families.^ A boy was determined to have antisocial personality syndrome if he exhibited antisocial behaviors in four or five major categories, did not exhibit a brain syndrome, and did not exhibit a thought disorder. The five major behavior categories were: (1) self-control (i.e., temper tantrums or hyperactivity), (2) behavior at home (i.e., disobedience or lying), (3) behavior at school (i.e., truancy or cheating), (4) behavior toward peers (i.e., bullying, fighting, or tattling), and (5) behavior against property (i.e., destructiveness or stealing). A boy was determined to be a control if he exhibited antisocial behaviors in two or less behavior categories.^ A parent was determined to have alcohol/drug dependency if s/he exhibited a score above the established threshold (1) for the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale (28 or above), and (2) for the Holmes Alcoholism Scale (35 or above) which are used with the MMPI. A parent was classified not alcohol/drug dependent if s/he had scores below set thresholds (22 on the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale and 28 on the Holmes Alcoholism Scale).^ For the final sample (N = 10), there was no reason to believe a relationship exists between antisocial personality syndrome in boys ages 8-15 and parental alcohol/drug dependency (Fisher's Exact Test {FET} P = 1.0). The small sample size primarily occurred as a result of 88.12% of the parents being classified in a questionable category in terms of alcohol/drug dependency.^ The sample was suggestive of a relationship between the fathers' Psychopathic Deviate (Pd) Scale scores as a measure of antisocial tendencies and the boy having antisocial personality syndrome (N = 75; P = .12). There was no evidence of such a relationship for mothers (N = 75; P = .97). ^
A father’s participation in a child’s life has been regarded as a significant factor in the enhancement of a couple’s relationship. Although the investigations between paternal behavior and marital satisfaction come with mixed results, they clearly link the concepts of maternal and paternal role expectations to paternal behavior, which can be also moderated by earner status, child’s gender, and traditional versus contemporary role expectations. Research needs to focus on examining how individuals’ perceptions of role expectations relate to fathers’ actual parenting behavior. Therefore, a framework that outlines the interaction between and among these variables is developed, as supported by recent literature as a guide for future research directives.
Background: Once thought to be eradicated, pertussis is now making a steady comeback throughout Texas and the United States. Pertussis can have an effect on all demographics, but infants have the greatest health concern as they suffer the highest case-fatality rate. The objective of this study was to create and report a comprehensive summary of confirmed or probable pertussis cases in a Texas County during the 2008 through 2012 time period.^ Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used to show at risk populations in a Texas county using descriptive statistics of data from probable and confirmed pertussis cases in this Texas County from 2008-2012. Data was collected during routine pertussis investigations conducted by the local health department of this Texas County.^ Results: There was a sharp increase in pertussis cases seen in this county in 2012. Hispanics made up the majority of cases (74.9%) as compared to 12.8% of cases among Whites, 3.1% of cases among Blacks and 9.2% of cases among unknown/other. The population of Hispanics within this county was 58.9%. Almost a quarter of cases (24.2%) in this study were hospitalized. There was no difference identified in the proportion of male sources of exposure (48.9%) as compared to female (51.1%). Household contacts were the main sources of exposure: siblings (29.2%), fathers (14.5%), children (14.6%), and mothers (12.5%).^ Conclusion: Prevention intervention needs to be designed to target vulnerable populations and reduce the effect of this sometimes fatal disease. These results show pertussis proportionally has a greater effect on Hispanics. Additional research needs to be conducted on risk factors such as household crowding and immunization status among Hispanics to identify if ethnicity plays a role in risk of transmission of pertussis. The results were limited due to the large amount of missing data in vaccination history and identification of source of exposure.^
El artículo analiza la configuración del espacio en tres novelas de William Faulkner como parte de un continuum iniciado en el período colonial: la idea del Nuevo Mundo generada por los puritanos y la adaptación de esa idea y de su manifestación retórica a las circunstancias inauguran la tópica que caracteriza a la literatura norteamericana y que Faulkner, echando mano de un imaginario autorreferencial, resignifica y enriquece con connotaciones innovadoras.
Las Sententiae de Pedro Lombardo es, en la Edad Media, el libro más comentado luego de la Biblia. Se trata de una “colección" de las doctrinas teológicas vigentes a partir de la contribución de los Padres y de otros maestros más cercanos en el tiempo. En este trabajo se buscará identificar el estado de la cuestión acerca del concepto de persona en la obra de Alcuino de York como antecedente del desarrollo que esta misma noción tendrá en Pedro Lombardo. En primer lugar se determinará la presencia del concepto boeciano de persona en la obra de Alcuino y, luego, el desarrollo que este mismo maestro realiza de este concepto motivado por la necesidad de establecer las características de la persona de Cristo. En tercer lugar se analizará la aplicación que efectúa de lo ya definido al caso de la persona humana. Finalmente, se estudiará la aplicación de estas nociones a un caso concreto pero particularmente significativo para el desarrollo de la metafísica altomedieval: el poder político.
La Patrística cristiana recibió la noción veterotestamentaria de asthéneia de la versión griega de los LXX. Entendida como “debilidad" y “falta de fuerza", se la asoció con “enfermedad" o “estado general de debilidad", significado que se conservó tanto en los libros históricos como en los poéticos. El término aparece con frecuencia también en los Evangelios y en los escritos de Pablo, posibilitando así una comprensión de la enfermedad en clave filosófico-teológica por parte de los Padres, entre los que se destaca el Patriarca de Constantinopla San Juan Crisóstomo, quien recurriendo a una exégesis literal de la Escritura según los principios de la escuela antioquena, analiza el concepto en sus comentarios a las Epístolas llamadas “Mayores" de San Pablo y, particularmente, a la Segunda Carta a los Corintios. De esta lectura se desprende la necesidad de considerar la asthéneia de manera inseparable de la antropología cristiana. En los orígenes del cristianismo la concepción de hombre resultaba extremadamente compleja, oscilando desde la antropología tripartita de San Pablo (I Tes. 5, 23) a la quíntuple presentada por ciertos textos gnósticos (Carta esotérica de Santiago 11, 36-12, 17; 14, 24-36) y a la década de Clemente de Alejandría (Strómata VI, 16, 135, 1-2). El estudio de la aplicación del concepto de asthéneia a los distintos componentes del hombre en la polifacética literatura cristiana primitiva, permite comprender la importancia asignada a cada uno de ellos según las distintas corrientes interpretativas.
In this paper the author analyses the concept of the mind in the Alcuin’s treatise De ratione animae. Following the teaching of the Fathers, specially Augustine and Isidore of Sevilla, Alcuin of York comprehends the mind as a nominal part of the soul and as its highest peak, the way in which the man is a God’s image. Finally is presented an sketch of the Alcuin’s knowledge theory as exposed in this treatise.
La acedia ocupó un importante lugar dentro de la teología espiritual de los Padres del Desierto y el concepto por ellos acuñado pasó al mundo latino a través de Casiano aunque con un significado ya levemente diverso. San Gregorio Magno la desplaza de su listado de los siete pecados capitales y, es por eso, que en los siglos siguientes la acedia será considerada una especie de pereza concerniente a las actividades piadosas propias de la vida religiosa. La escolástica del siglo XIII, sin embargo, produce una renovación del estudio de la acedia, la que encontrará un lugar más o menos importante dentro de los tratados que escribirán pensadores como Guillermo de Auxerre, Alejandro de Hales, Alberto Magno o Tomás de Aquino. En este trabajo deseo puntualizar los aspectos más destacados de la doctrina sobre la acedia que elabora Alberto Magno a lo largo de varias de sus obras, buscando señalar los aspectos más destacados y que evidencia una clara evolución de su pensamiento al respecto.
La relación entre comunidad y sociedad puede rastrearse de los orígenes de la sociología hasta la actualidad. Fue un punto central en el pensamiento de la segunda generación de padres fundadores -Durkheim, Tönnies, Weber-, lo fue luego en la sociología de Talcott Parsons, y es aún un fuerte centro de debate entre las diversas corrientes contemporáneas, tanto dentro de la sociología como en las ciencias políticas y la filosofía. En este sentido, la relación comunidad-sociedad continúa hasta el día de hoy suscitando polémicas e inspirando numerosos y sugerentes trabajos. No obstante, si bien en sus diferentes tratamientos presenta incontables diferencias, un elemento común es analizar la relación como dos polos excluyentes y antitéticos. Este trabajo se propone describir cómo dos pensadores provenientes de corrientes diferentes como Talcott Parsons y Helmut Plessner buscaron pensar ambos conceptos -comunidad y sociedad- no cómo elementos excluyentes, sino como dimensiones necesarias y presentes en todo nivel de la vida humana. Así, la intención es demostrar cómo dichos autores lograron integrar ambas dimensiones, a la vez que advertir sobre las consecuencias y dificultades de los intentos de superación o eliminación de esta relación.
Este artículo discute las concepciones de jóvenes brasileños, argentinos y uruguayos sobre los sujetos en la historia, en función de su aprendizaje histórico escolar y extra-escolar. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de la encuesta internacional " Jóvenes frente a la historia " . Los cuestionarios estuvieron dirigidos a estudiantes de 15 años y sus profesores, y se utilizó mayormente la escala Likert. Teóricamente, la investigación se sustenta en los conceptos de conciencia histórica y cultura histórica, formulados por la Didáctica de la historia alemana, pero también en el concepto de cultura política. Los resultados apuntan que, dentro del universo estudiado, las llamadas " personalidades importantes " típicas de la enseñanza escolar de la historia son reconocidas en lo que se refiere a los "padres fundadores" de las naciones, pero no en cuanto sujetos que hicieron la historia nacional. De la misma manera ocurre en el caso de los personajes femeninos. Ciencia, tecnología e invenciones son vistos como un factor de cambio más importante que las "personas importantes" y estos, a su vez, han sido superados por la importancia reconocida a los movimientos colectivos
En este trabajo se estudian los escasos testimonios que encontramos de la literatura griega en Iberoamérica, desde la expulsión de los jesuitas (1767) hasta mediados del siglo XIX, coincidiendo con los últimos años del periodo colonial español y los primeros de la independencia de la mayoría de los países sudamericanos. El conocimiento de los autores griegos es indirecto, salvo contadas excepciones, y el estudio del griego avanza tímidamente en algunos países, coincidiendo también con el tipo de país que los próceres de la patria pretenden construir
Se presenta una síntesis del nuevo proyecto de investigación, en el que se propone indagar las Modalidades de la diversidad en el ejercicio de la parentalidad y en la pareja , en dos campos de problemáticas. Una refiere a la diversidad en relación con las múltiples formas que adquieren hoy las configuraciones vinculares familiares. La otra a la diversidad en relación con la conformación sexual de la pareja. Se desarrollan los núcleos conceptuales con que se abordarán dichas problemáticas: origen y transformaciones del patriarcado ; sexualidad y diversidad ; complejización y ampliación de los conceptos del marco teórico que se vienen utilizando desde las anteriores investigaciones: concepto de familia (organización y aspectos estructurales), principios de permanencia y cambio , vínculo , diversidad y parejas parentales del mismo sexo. De investigaciones anteriores se evalúa que persiste la representación de la madre como eje central de la crianza y que el reparto del poder entre madres y padres en la familia y entre varones y mujeres en la sociedad surge con vacilaciones y ambivalencias. Orientará la presente investigación la indagación sobre los modos actuales de expresión de estas representaciones, en familias de organización y configuración de la pareja no convencionales. El análisis de sus transformaciones posibilitará dilucidar su relación con nuevas formas de lazo familiar que den cuenta de la diversidad