999 resultados para Aplicações Online
There are many online communities with membergenerated and openly available multimedia content. Their successdepends on having active contributing users and on producing useful content. With this criterion, the community of sound practitioners that has emerged in Freesound is a successful case of interest to be studied. But to understand it and support it further we need an appropriate analysis methodology. In this paper we propose some qualitative and quantitative approaches for its characterization, focusing on the analysis of organizational structure, shared goals, user interactions and vocabulary sharing. We think that the proposed approach can be applied to otheronline communities with similar characteristics.
Desarrollo de un proyecto que permite realizar la gestión y la venta de películas online. Por un lado, permite la gestión por parte del administrador del catálogo de productos, el stock de estos, así como de la gestión de otros administradores y las compras de los clientes. Por otro lado, los invitados pueden ver los productos que se encuentran en la web, añadirlos a sus carritos virtuales y administrarlos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a lixiviação de nitrato causada por aplicação de lodo de esgoto e adubo mineral, em Latossolo cultivado com milho. As doses de N da adubação mineral (AM), em cinco cultivos, foram: 51, 90, 100, 90 e 100 kg ha-1. Nos tratamentos com lodo (L0N, L1N, L2N, L4N e L8N), as doses de N disponível corresponderam a zero, uma, duas, quatro e oito vezes às de AM. Ocorreu lixiviação em todos os tratamentos, na seguinte ordem de intensidade: AM
The main objective of this Master Thesis is to discover more about Girona’s image as a tourism destination from different agents’ perspective and to study its differences on promotion or opinions. In order to meet this objective, three components of Girona’s destination image will be studied: attribute-based component, the holistic component, and the affective component. It is true that a lot of research has been done about tourism destination image, but it is less when we are talking about the destination of Girona. Some studies have already focused on Girona as a tourist destination, but they used a different type of sample and different methodological steps. This study is new among destination studies in the sense that it is based only on textual online data and it follows a methodology based on text-miming. Text-mining is a kind of methodology that allows people extract relevant information from texts. Also, after this information is extracted by this methodology, some statistical multivariate analyses are done with the aim of discovering more about Girona’s tourism image
El objetivo de este proyecto es ir narrando el desarrollo, desde el momento de aceptación, sobre una oferta concreta con un proveedor de una aplicación web que dé servicio a los clientes de una determinada financiera. En este caso, la herramienta, a la que se le ha llamadoCustomer Web Site (CWS), se encargará de ofrecer determinados servicios de consulta y modificación de datos para que los clientes eviten contactar telefónicamente con el call center de la empresa.
El projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d'un joc multijugador create a base d'AndEngine, AppWarp i Swarm.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição de aminoácidos em grãos de cultivares de feijão e a presença de interação cultivares x locais, nos teores de aminoácidos, e identificar cultivares para uso direto na alimentação e derivações em programas de melhoramento. Os aminoácidos foram determinados por cromatografia líquida de alta performance (HPLC), em grãos de 19 cultivares de feijão cultivadas em dois locais. Os dados médios obtidos para cada cultivar, em duplicata, foram comparados entre si com a utilização do teste t, a 5% de probabilidade para cada local. Os grãos das cultivares analisadas apresentaram teores de aminoácidos essenciais e não-essenciais, adequados às necessidades diárias de um indivíduo adulto, o que indica alta qualidade da proteína do feijão. As cultivares de feijão apresentam, em ordem decrescente, os aminoácidos essenciais: leucina, lisina, fenilalanina, valina, isoleucina, treonina, histidina e metionina; e os aminoácidos não-essenciais: ácido glutâmico, ácido aspártico, arginina, serina, alanina, glicina, tirosina, prolina e cisteína. Os teores de leucina, isoleucina, histidina, valina, treonina, glicina e alanina foram afetados pela interação cultivares x locais. A cultivar Iraí apresenta composição de aminoácidos adequada e é indicada para uso em dietas e derivações em programas de melhoramento.
Die Studie präsentiert erste explorative Auswertungen zu den Antworten von über 2600 Kandidierenden im Rahmen der Nationalratswahlen 2007 auf den umfangreichen Fragenkatalog der Online-Wahlhilfeplattform « smartvote ». Untersucht wird, wie die Fragen von der Gesamtheit der Kandidierenden beantwortet wurden, welche Themen umstritten waren und wie sich die Kandidierenden von den Gewählten unterscheiden. Schwergewichtig beschäftigt sich die Analyse mit den Kandidierenden der vier grössten Parteien SVP, FDP, CVP und SP sowie der Grünen. Welche Positionen nehmen sie ein ? Wie geschlossen präsentieren sie sich in den einzelnen Fragen ? Wo bestehen grosse Gemeinsamkeiten, wo erheblicheUnterscheide und wie sind die Möglichkeiten der einzelnen Parteien einzuschätzen, sich politisch zu profilieren ? Schliesslich wird überprüft, wie gut die Kandidierenden zu ihrer eigenen Partei passen und welche Aussagen sich über die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Abweichung von der Parteilinie und der Herkunft von erhofften Panaschierstimmen machen lassen. Lors des élections au Conseil national en octobre 2007, plus de 2600 candidats ont répondu au questionnaire concernant l'outil de soutien au vote en ligne « smartvote ». Ce cahier de l'IDHEAP présente les résultats d'une première étude exploratoire, basée sur les réponses des candidats au questionnaire de « smartvote ». Les auteurs analysent les questions et les thèmes controversés. Ils se sont également intéressés aux différences de prises de position entre les élus et les candidats. L'accent est mis sur les candidats des grands partis, soit l'UDC, le PRD, le PDC, le PS et les Verts. Quelles sont leurs positions politiques ? Quelles sont les questions qui divisent les candidats d'un parti ? Sur quels sujets sont-ils du même avis ? Où se trouvent les points communs entre les différents partis ? Quels sont les blocs politiques qui se forment ? Sur quels thèmes les partis politiques peuvent-ils se profiler ? A l'aide d'une analyse multivariée, l'étude tente aussi d'établir si les candidats sont membres du parti politique qui représente le mieux leurs convictions. Le chapitre final discute l'influence du vote par panachage sur le positionnement politique des candidats.
Las Redes Sociales Online (RSO) son cada día más populares. Las últimas investigaciones destacan su relevancia en el proceso de construcción de la identidad de género, ya que se encuentran los estereotipos de género clásicos y modulan el bienestar psicológico de los usuarios. Debido a la carencia de estudios españoles, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue conocer los perfiles de los jóvenes en la red social Facebook en términos de estereotipos de género, de personalidad y para comprender qué relación tiene una determinada presentación con el bienestar psicológico. Participaron en el estudio 112 jóvenes con una media de 23 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la adaptación española del test TIPI (Oberst, Renau, Gosling & Rusiñol, manuscrito no publicado), la escala Redsocs y la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff (Díaz & et al., 2006). Los resultados indicaron que las chicas estaban más implicadas en las RSO que los chicos, y que en ellas quieren generar un perfil andrógino, ya que para su bienestar psicológico valoran positivamente poseer tanto características femeninas como masculinas. Se concluye que la lucha para combatir los estereotipos de género se libra en un entorno offline o face to face, ya que las RSO ayudan a controlar estas diferencias.
Introduction: Building online courses is a highly time consuming task for teachers of a single university. Universities working alone create high-quality courses but often cannot cover all pathological fields. Moreover this often leads to duplication of contents among universities, representing a big waste of teacher time and energy. We initiated in 2011 a French university network for building mutualized online teaching pathology cases, and this network has been extended in 2012 to Quebec and Switzerland. Method: Twenty French universities (see & for details), University Laval in Quebec and University of Lausanne in Switzerland are associated to this project. One e-learning Moodle platform (http://moodle.sorbonne-paris-cite.fr/) contains texts with URL pointing toward virtual slides that are decentralized in several universities. Each university has the responsibility of its own slide scanning, slide storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. The Moodle website is hosted by PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, and financial supports for hardware have been obtained from UNF3S (http://www.unf3s.org/) and from PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité. Financial support for international fellowships has been obtained from CFQCU (http://www.cfqcu.org/). Results: The Moodle interface has been explained to pathology teachers using web-based conferences with screen sharing. The teachers added then contents such as clinical cases, selfevaluations and other media organized in several sections by student levels and pathological fields. Contents can be used as online learning or online preparation of subsequent courses in classrooms. In autumn 2013, one resident from Quebec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland and created original contents in inflammatory skin pathology. These contents are currently being validated by senior teachers and will be opened to pathology residents in spring 2014. All contents of the website can be accessed for free. Most contents just require anonymous connection but some specific fields, especially those containing pictures obtained from patients who agreed for a teaching use only, require personal identification of the students. Also, students have to register to access Moodle tests. All contents are written in French but one case has been translated into English to illustrate this communication (http://moodle.sorbonne-pariscite.fr/mod/page/view.php?id=261) (use "login as a guest"). The Moodle test module allows many types of shared questions, making it easy to create personalized tests. Contents that are opened to students have been validated by an editorial committee composed of colleagues from the participating institutions. Conclusions: Future developments include other international fellowships, the next one being scheduled for one French resident from May to October 2014 in Quebec, with a study program centered on lung and breast pathology. It must be kept in mind that these e-learning programs highly depend on teachers' time, not only at these early steps but also later to update the contents. We believe that funding resident fellowships for developing online pathological teaching contents is a win-win situation, highly beneficial for the resident who will improve his knowledge and way of thinking, highly beneficial for the teachers who will less worry about access rights or image formats, and finally highly beneficial for the students who will get courses fully adapted to their practice.
Memoria de este proyecto de fin de Máster donde se explican, entre otras cosas, los objetivos, planificación, y el método para añadir nuevos repositorios.
BACKGROUND: Patients with rare diseases such as congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) are dispersed, often challenged to find specialized care and face other health disparities. The internet has the potential to reach a wide audience of rare disease patients and can help connect patients and specialists. Therefore, this study aimed to: (i) determine if web-based platforms could be effectively used to conduct an online needs assessment of dispersed CHH patients; (ii) identify the unmet health and informational needs of CHH patients and (iii) assess patient acceptability regarding patient-centered, web-based interventions to bridge shortfalls in care. METHODS: A sequential mixed-methods design was used: first, an online survey was conducted to evaluate health promoting behavior and identify unmet health and informational needs of CHH men. Subsequently, patient focus groups were held to explore specific patient-identified targets for care and to examine the acceptability of possible online interventions. Descriptive statistics and thematic qualitative analyses were used. RESULTS: 105 male participants completed the online survey (mean age 37 ± 11, range 19-66 years) representing a spectrum of patients across a broad socioeconomic range and all but one subject had adequate healthcare literacy. The survey revealed periods of non-adherence to treatment (34/93, 37%) and gaps in healthcare (36/87, 41%) exceeding one year. Patient focus groups identified lasting psychological effects related to feelings of isolation, shame and body-image concerns. Survey respondents were active internet users, nearly all had sought CHH information online (101/105, 96%), and they rated the internet, healthcare providers, and online community as equally important CHH information sources. Focus group participants were overwhelmingly positive regarding online interventions/support with links to reach expert healthcare providers and for peer-to-peer support. CONCLUSION: The web-based needs assessment was an effective way to reach dispersed CHH patients. These individuals often have long gaps in care and struggle with the psychosocial sequelae of CHH. They are highly motivated internet users seeking information and tapping into online communities and are receptive to novel web-based interventions addressing their unmet needs.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar as frações de acumulação de fósforo em solo submetido a sucessivas aplicações de dejetos líquidos de suínos (DLS) em sistema de plantio direto. Em Santa Maria, RS, doses de 0, 20, 40 e 80 m³ ha-1 de DLS foram distribuídas a lanço por sete anos agrícolas, antes do plantio de cada cultivo de inverno ou verão, em Argissolo Vermelho arenoso, totalizando 0, 584, 1.168 e 2.336 kg ha-1 de P aplicado via dejetos. O solo foi coletado nas camadas 0-2, 4-6, 8-10, 14-16 e 20-25 cm, e submetido ao fracionamento químico de P. A adição do DLS ao solo durante sete anos aumentou o teor de P até 25 cm de profundidade, principalmente nas frações inorgânicas extraídas por resina trocadora de ânions, NaHCO3 0,5 mol L-1 e NaOH 0,1 mol L-1. As aplicações não aumentaram os teores de P orgânico extraído por NaHCO3 0,5 mol L-1, mas sim as frações orgânicas extraídas por NaOH 0,5 e 0,1 mol L-1. O DLS adicionado ao solo por longo período pouco afeta a partição de P em frações inorgânicas e orgânicas. As sucessivas aplicações de DLS aumentam o acúmulo de P em frações predominantemente lábeis no solo, o que representa um risco potencial para contaminação de águas superficiais e subsuperficiais.
La gran oferta de universidades y escuelas de negocio aumenta la competencia del mercado de la Enseñanza Superior en el entorno europeo, aspecto que no pasa desapercibido para los centros de formación, ciudades de acogida y empresas de servicios, que ven a los estudiantes como un segmento de mercado atractivo como fuente de desarrollo económico para la economía de sus ciudades. Conocer la situación de la marca país puede ayudar a tomar decisiones sobre el plan de actuación de los diferentes agentes interesados. En este trabajo presentamos el caso de los Países Bajos como destino para los estudiantes españoles. El análisis de la reputación online a partir del análisis del contenido de los diferentes canales en Internet (noticias, foros, blogs, redes sociales, etc.), ha permitido conocer los principales aspectos, positivos y negativos, relacionados con la imagen de marca de estos países.