969 resultados para Apis mellifera honey
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This research was developed in the center-urban area at the city of Dourados (MS), in Tibouchina granulosa trees, a plant popularly known as quaresmeira in Brazil. The floral visitors of this species were recorded in three daily periods: 7 - 8 a.m., 1 - 2 p.m. and 4 - 5 p. m. Bee visitors of those plants were collected with an entomological net when they landed on the flowers. The bees were anesthetized in a closed camera containing etila acetate, conserved in Dietrich ' s fixative and, soon afterwards, transferred to 70% ethyl alcohol for subsequent identification. Almost 300 specimens of Africanized Apis mellifera, Trigona spinipes and Tetragonisca angustula were collected. The presence of these three species of bees in the flowers of T. granulosa suggests that they can be considered the main floral visitors of that vegetal species. T. angustula workers did not visit the flowers of T. granulosa between 7 and 8 a.m., but they were the main floral visitors from 4 to 5 p.m. The workers of T. spinipes presented a very aggressive behavior against the Africanized A. mellifera workers on the quaresmeira flowers, defending the food sources with strength and efficiency and provoking a drastic reduction in the number of honeybee visits between 1 and 2 p.m. Nevertheless, they did not interfere in the opportunistic activity of foraging by T. angustula workers, mainly between 4 and 5 p.m. The most important result of this research was the detection of the Competitive Exclusion Principle between A. mellifera and T. spinipes species in relation to the foraging behavior, when they exploit the floral resources of T. granulosa.
As compared to Apis mellifera where only workers have hypopharyngeal glands, in Scaptotrigona postica, these glands occur in workers, queens and males. They are composed of two long axial ducts with many unicellular secretory alveoli interconnected by secretory canaliculi. The axial ducts are longer in miles than in workers, but the alveolar areas of queens and males are generally smaller. In workers the alveoli have their greatest size in the nurses or middle-aged individuals while in queens and males they are larger in newly emerged individuals. The results indicate that the glands in workers may produce food for the brood as in A. mellifera, since they are well developed in the nurse workers. However, the function of the glands in queens and males remains to be clarified since these individuals have no part in brood care.
In order to investigate the action of the juvenile hormone (JH) on honeybee caste differentiation two exocrine glands, Koschewnikow and Dufour glands, were chosen for study. Two combs (I & II) were taken from a single posture of a queen to use for this research. In comb I the larvae were treated with a topical application of JH in Acetone, and those from the comb II (control group) received only Acetone. Immediately after the emergence of the workers, their glands were dissected and prepared for microscopic measurements. The results showed cell area reduction in the Koschewnikow gland induced by the JH application. The results for the Dufour gland displayed taller epithelial cells with the JH application. The difference in glandular responses to the JH relates to gland function, hormone targets, and individual homeostasis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Adenocalymma bracteatum is a shrub of dense foliage and yellow flowers, easily found on grasslands areas in Central Brazil. The aim of this study was to determine the reproductive biology and the flower visitors of A. bracteatum in a pasture area nearby Ivinhema city, MS (Brazil). The flowering peak occurs in winter. The flower reflects ultraviolet light. Anthesis begins at 6:30h, and pollen and nectar are the resources to visitors. We captured 1,038 floral visitors. The bees Apis mellifera (L.), Trigona sp., Trigona spinipes (Fabricius), (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and the ant Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were the main visitors. The reproductive tests indicate that A. bracteatum is self compatible, justifying its expansion in altered environments; however, the largest reproductive success was dependant on cross-pollination and self-pollination, evidencing the pollinators importance. Adenocalymma bracteatum presents melittophilous syndrome and bumblebees were the main pollinators in the area. The correlations observed between the climatic variables and the main pollinator species were low or medium.
The present study compare the size of the corpora pedunculata (mushroom bodies) of Exomalopsis aureopilosa a quasi-social specie and Apis mellifera a eusocial specie of bees. The aim was to correlate the developmental degree of such structures with the behavior complexity. The results show that the female specimens of both species have the corpora pedunculata with same relative size. However the area occupied by the neurones cellular bodies (glomeruli) is greater in the workers of A. mellifera. In other way in E. aureopilosa the total size of the corpora pedunculata is larger in females, but the glomeruli area is relatively larger in the male.
In true social hymenopterans, such as many species of bees, wasps and all species of ants, the main characteristics are the overlapping of generations, the care with the offspring and the division of labor among the members of the colony. The first biological feature means that in a same moment there are groups of individuals, with variable ages, that execute different activities in the colony. In order to study the division of labor among the members of the colony, or to estimate the life span of these insects, or even to analyze any kind of behavior in non-social insects, it is necessary to know the exact age of each individual. For this reason, the insects must be identified soon after emergence. The identification of insects with numbers is an important technological improvement in behavioral studies, mainly in honeybee colonies. The aim of this scientific note is to describe an easy and cheaper technique for marking hymenopterans.
Merostachys riedeliana Rupr. é uma espécie monocárpica com floração cíclica e muito freqüente em sub-bosques de fragmentos florestais do sul do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Sua biologia floral e seu sistema de reprodução foram estudados e comparados com os de outros bambus. Devido ao complexo sistema de rizomas, formam touceiras vigorosas no interior da floresta, ocorrendo a interrupção na produção de novos colmos meses antes do aparecimento das primeiras inflorescências. O início da floração maciça e da morte da população ocorreu em outubro de 1998 e maio de 1999, respectivamente, com pico de floração durante a estação quente e chuvosa (dezembro e janeiro). As inflorescências espiciformes possuem, em média, 29 espiguetas. Estas são hermafroditas com três anteras poricidas e dois estigmas plumosos que se expõem durante a antese. O pólen é abundante e facilmente liberado das anteras pelo vento ou pelos visitantes. Apis mellifera L. e Trigona spinipes (F.) foram os visitantes mais freqüentes, atuando como pilhadores de pólen e, ocasionalmente, através de movimentos vibratórios, como elementos auxiliares para a dispersão do pólen. A alta pluviosidade durante a floração e a escassez de vento no sub-bosque da floresta, podem diminuir a efetividade da anemofilia. No entanto, vários caracteres morfológicos das espiguetas, queda de folhas e o hábito espacialmente agrupado, apontam para uma polinização pelo vento. Testes de polinização controlada, mostraram que M. riedeliana é autocompatível (ISI 0,99). A auto-incompatibilidade não favorece a formação de frutos em clones vegetais, ao passo que a autocompatibilidade poderia resultar em uma elevada produção de sementes. Assim, a possível ocorrência de clones de M. riedeliana nos fragmentos florestais, originados pelo crescimento vegetativo durante os intervalos reprodutivos de 30-32 anos, poderiam explicar o alto investimento na produção de espiguetas e a formação de frutos provenientes da autocompatibilidade.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)