999 resultados para Análise e Desempenho de Tarefas
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
O reconhecimento dos limites entre o envelhecimento normal e o patológico é essencial para a adoção de políticas de saúde baseadas em evidências para o grupo etário acima de 65 anos. Este estudo é parte de um esforço sistemático que o grupo de pesquisa do Laboratório de Investigações em Neurodegeneração e Infecção da Universidade Federal do Pará tem feito para fornecer informações translacionais sobre a neurobiologia do envelhecimento normal e alterada. A meta principal em longo prazo é permitir políticas públicas para o envelhecimento saudável na Região Amazônica. No presente trabalho investigamos os efeitos do envelhecimento sobre os desempenhos em testes neuropsicológicos selecionados para avaliar aprendizagem, memória e alterações de linguagem. 29 adultos jovens (29,9 ± 1,06 anos) e 31 idosos (74,1 ± 1,15 anos) saudáveis foram submetidos aos testes e os resultados de seus desempenhos foram comparados por testes paramétricos e estatística multivariada. Uma anamnese e uma variedade de testes cognitivos, incluindo Mini Exame do Estado Mental, tarefas visuo-espaciais de aprendizagem e de memória da bateria de testes neuropsicológicos automatizados - CANTAB e testes de linguagem incluindo fluência verbal semântica e fonológica, teste de nomeação de Boston reduzido, performance narrativa utilizando a figura “o roubo dos biscoitos” e alguns testes da Bateria Montreal de Comunicação - MAC. O programa BioEstat versão 5.0 e o pacote estatístico SPSS foram utilizados para a análise. O teste paramétrico t de Student ou o não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney foram aplicados para detectar diferenças significativas (fixadas em valores de p <0,05). Os grupos foram pareados por escolaridade e incluiu homens e mulheres. A análise das subcategorias que compõem o MEEM mostrou diferença significativa apenas na recuperação da memória de evocação de lista de palavras, em que o grupo de idosos apresentou pior desempenho em comparação com o grupo de jovens. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os desempenhos de idosos e jovens adultos nos seguintes testes de linguagem: 1) Nomeação de Boston, 2) Testes de Narrativa, 3) Metáforas; 4) Prosódia Emocional e Linguística. Em comparação com os adultos jovens, indivíduos idosos apresentaram pior desempenho em 10 medidas diferentes nos testes de memória visuo-espacial e de aprendizagem do CANTAB. Distâncias Euclidianas e análise discriminante obtidas a partir do CANTAB e dos testes de linguagem demonstraram que os primeiros distinguem os grupos com maior resolução. Os efeitos do envelhecimento sobre o desempenho nos testes neuropsicológicos selecionados revelam que a Bateria CANTAB, empregada para testar a memória visuo-espacial, é mais sensível e discrimina melhor a formação de subgrupos tanto no grupo de adultos jovens quanto no grupo de idosos. Por essa razão sugerimos que a aplicação em larga escala de testes selecionados da bateria CANTAB, tanto em estudos transversais como em longitudinais, vai aumentar nossa capacidade de resolução na distinção dos limites entre o envelhecimento normal e o patológico.
This paper discusses the results of an investigation of academic achievement by gender and student perception of the expectations of their teachers. 120 students from the 5th year of primary education municipal public schools in the metropolitan region of Campinas city participated in the research: 60 of the students have satisfactory academic performance and the other 60 have unsatisfactory performance. We used a scale of student perception of teacher expectations and, to measure academic performance, we considered the grade teachers assigned to students. Research results revealed significant differences between boys and girls in the group of students with unsatisfactory performance, because most of them (83.3%) were male. On the other hand, there were no statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the group with satisfactory academic performance, although girls' average academic performance was higher. Regarding the perception of their teachers, we observed differences in both groups. Students with satisfactory performance have the perception that they are more praised and more often chosen to assist the teacher in the classroom while underperforming students believe they receive more criticism from their teachers and are seen as more unruly. The data allow discussing student-teacher bond, the influence of experience at the time of learning and how it influences the interest and motivation of students.
Arguments that lean manufacturing can positively relate with the operational performance of companies have been spreading the literature since the 1990s. However, there is a theoretical and empirical gap on this issue that needs further empirical evidence to validate or refute these arguments to the Brazilian reality. Hence, this research aims to, empirically, verify if the lean manufacturing positively influences the performance of the operations of companies in the Brazilian automotive industry, focusing on the segment of automotive parts and components. Methodologically, we carried out a survey of 75 companies in the mentioned sector. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling, a second-generation multivariate analysis. The main results of this research are: in fact, lean manufacturing positively affects the operational performance of the studied companies, validating the main hypothesis stated in this article, but this relation is just considered weak, although positive; all lean manufacturing practices analyzed were encountered in the reality, especially for the variable continuous improvement, with the highest average and the correlation between the adoption of Kanban and Just in Time; the operational performance construct has some practices/measures identified by the literature, which have not been validated by the studied sector, as innovation (new products) and quality.
Since the Seventies, there has been a growing degradation of concrete structures in Brazil. For that reason, much research has been made on the durability of those structures, aiming at contributing towards quality improvement and reduction of maintenance and repair costs. This study evaluates the behavior of the durability of high-performance concrete with additions, replacing part of the cement and aggregates with rice husk ash and tire rubber, respectively. Durability tests were carried out in which concrete was subjected to several degradation processes, such as the action of water, temperature, salts and acid solution. The results indicated that the addition of active silica or rice husk ash, both with tire rubber did not worsen the durability of concrete. In fact, rubber proved to be very effective in preventing the action of chemical agents, high temperatures and the penetration of water. Rice husk ash, despite the larger diameter of particles, had similar results to that of the active silica.
INTRODUCTION: developmental dyslexia is characterized by impairment in reading and writing of simple words often involving deficits in phonological decoding and spelling. It affects individuals without sensory disabilities, free of significant emotional commitment and adequate educational opportunities. OBJECTIVE: to characterize the performance in activities related to writing observed in children with developmental dyslexia. METHOD: a total of six children (boys and girls) from 3rd to 7th grade from public schools in a city in the state of Sao Paulo, eight to thirteen years of age, participated in this study. Data were collected in CEES - Centro de Estudos de Educação e Saúde of UNESP - in Marília -SP in writing tasks. The results were analyzed descriptively by the score in percentage of correct answers. RESULTS: children with developmental dyslexia presented alterations in relation to the activities: writing of isolated words and writing of dictated words were below expectations for the education level, presenting phonological and orthographic changes. CONCLUSION: it is important that children with school problems make a more specific evaluation concerning these tasks.
Visual-motor integration is a skill that involves visual perception and eye-hand coordination. Deficit in perceptual ability and motor organization capacity may reflect in reading, writing and arithmetic learning difficulties. This study aimed to verify the relationship between visual-motor integration ability and academic performance, as well, whether visual perception ability was correlated with reading performance and whether motor coordination ability was correlated with writing performance. Participants were 77 students in the 2nd. year of elementary education at a public school. To data collect were applied the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and the Academic Performance Test. The results showed a significant correlation between visual-motor integration ability and academic skills of reading (r = 0.230, p = 0.044), writing (r = 0.244, p = 0.033) and arithmetic (r = 0.277, p = 0.015). In addition, was also identified significant correlation between visual perception and reading performance (r = 0.407, p = 0) and between the motor coordination and cursive writing (p = 0.039). The results of this study are consistent with the literature, concerning the verification of visual-motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination abilities influence on the students performance in school activities.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente estudo teve com objetivo analisar alguns fatores externos que podem interferir durante uma partida de basquetebol e tentar desvendar quais destes são encarados pelos jogadores como os que têm a maior influência durante o jogo. Buscamos através de um questionário, onde haviam oito questões, estudar a influência da torcida, dos pais, e do técnico com relação ao desempenho de jogadores de basquete da cidade de Rio Claro - SP. Foram entrevistados treze jovens do sexo masculino praticantes de basquetebol na cidade de Rio Claro - SP, na faixa etária de 15 a 17 anos, com tempo de pratica variando de um a quatro anos e treinando cinco vezes por semana. Os principais resultados obtidos foram: A maioria dos entrevistados respondeu que sofre uma influência negativa da torcida adversária; 46,15% dos entrevistados não sofrem nenhum tipo de influência devido à presença dos pais na torcida; A conduta do técnico durante os treinos e os jogos pode influenciar no resultado do jogo; 84,62% responderam que os árbitros podem ter seu desempenho diminuído com a pressão da torcida; A maioria dos entrevistados (69,24%) acha que o técnico, por estar junto da equipe durante os treinos e os jogos, tem uma influência maior no desempenho dos atletas.
A growing number of companies is adopting quality management systems to achieve better performance and remain competitive in the market. These systems, however, can prove quite complex because they involve different practices and factors. This paper seeks to identify and analyze how each of these factors and practices, defined as quality constructs, influence the performance and competitiveness in the organizational environment and thus contribute to the strategic decisions in the area of quality. To achieve that, a survey was conducted with industrial companies located in the state of São Paulo, and the data was analyzed by a structural equation software. As a result, it was observed that the constructs Customer Focus and Human Resources are the most influent for the competitive criteria of a company, while the constructs Supplier development and Customer Focus exert greater impact on performance
Due to motor difficulties, children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) doesn't feel motivated to do physical activities, sometimes resulting in a decline of their physical fitness, but it isn't really known for sure the reasons that induct children with DCD to low performances in physical fitness tests, because a lot of tasks that are part of the battery of tests of physical performance are complex in the coordination and/or motor control point of view, like the vertical jump for example. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the factors that induct children with DCD to low performances in physical fitness tests, especially in the vertical jump task. For that, cinematic (duration of the eccentrical phase, duration of the concentrical phase, shift of the mass center and velocity of the mass center), kinetic (potency peak and force peak) and vertical jump performance analysis in two conditions (with the use of arms and without it) were realized in a force platform. The results indicated that children with DCD show a lower performance compared to their peers with typical development (TD), due to a lower potency production
Learning to read and write at an early stage is the process of transferring the sound form of the spoken language for the graphical form of writing, a process, a time that in our system of alphabetical called writing, the letters are graphical representations in the level of phoneme. So that this representation occurs, it is necessary that the individual already can of some form perceive and manipulate the different sonorous segments of the word. This capacity of perception directed to the segments of the word calls Phonological Awareness. Thus, it was established had for objective to verify the pertaining to school performance of 1ª to 4ª series with and without of learning in Tests of Phonological Awareness. Fourth children with age average of 9 years and 3 months without learning disabilities had been submitted to the Protocol of Phonological Awareness (CIELO, 2002) using of this instrument had participated of this study 80 pertaining to school of both only the phonological tasks. The data received from quantiqualitative approach whose results were extracted inferences. The statistically significant results occurred in the tasks of Realism Face Detection, Syllables, Detecting Phonemes, Phonemic Synthesis and Reversal Phonemic. Based on the results we observed that children without learning difficulties performed better on all tasks mentioned above