938 resultados para Alterations In Monoamines
Background Hypersensitivity or uncontrolled responses against dietary antigens can lead to inflammatory disorders like food allergy and current models reflect a variety of causes but do not reveal the detailed modulation of gut immunity in response to food antigens after breakdown in mucosal tolerance. Objective To develop and characterize a murine model for food-induced intestinal inflammation and to demonstrate the modulation of gut immune response by dietary allergenic antigens. Methods C57BL/6 mice were sensitized with peanut proteins, challenged with peanut seeds and their sera and gut segments were collected for subsequent analyses. Results Sensitization and challenged with peanut seeds led to alterations in gut architecture with inflammatory response characterized by oedema in lamina propria and cell infiltrate composed mainly by eosinophils, mast cells, phagocytes, natural killer and plasma cells, together with low percentage of gamma delta(+) and CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) cells in Peyer`s patches. These animals also presented high levels of specific IgE and IgG1 in sera and modulation of mucosal immunity was mediated by increased expression of GATA-3, IL-4, IL-13 and TNF-alpha in contrast to low IFN-gamma in the gut. Conclusion A murine model for food-induced intestinal inflammation was characterized in which modulation of gut immunity occurs by peanut antigens in consequence of T-helper type 2 (Th2) allergic response and failure of regulatory mechanisms necessary for mucosa homeostasis, resembling food allergy. This work shed some light on the understanding of the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal disorders and intolerance in the gut and supports the development of therapies for food-related enteropathies like food allergy, focusing on gut-specific immune response.
Magnesium may influence blood pressure by modulating vascular tone and structure through its effects on myriad biochemical reactions that control vascular contraction/dilation, growth/apoptosis, differentiation and inflammation. Magnesium acts as a calcium channel antagonist, it stimulates production of vasodilator prostacyclins and nitric oxide and it alters vascular responses to vasoconstrictor agents. Mammalian cells regulate Mg(2+) concentration through special transport systems that have only recently been characterized. Magnesium efflux occurs via Na(2+)-dependent and Na(2+)-independent pathways. Mg(2+) influx is controlled by recently cloned transporters including Mrs2p, SLC41A1, SLC41A2, ACDP2, MagT1, TRPM6 and TRPM7. Alterations in some of these systems may contribute to hypomagnesemia and intracellular Mg(2+) deficiency in hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies. In particular, increased Mg(2+) efflux through dysregulation of the vascular Na(+)/Mg(2+) exchanger and decreased Mg(2+) influx due to defective vascular and renal TRPM6/7 expression/activity may be important in altered vasomotor tone and consequently in blood pressure regulation. The present review discusses the role of Mg(2+) in vascular biology and implications in hypertension and focuses on the putative transport systems that control magnesium homeostasis in the vascular system. Much research is still needed to clarify the exact mechanisms of cardiovascular Mg(2+) regulation and the implications of aberrant cellular Mg(2+) transport and altered cation status in the pathogenesis of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
Matsumoto T, Tostes RC, Webb RC. Uridine adenosine tetraphosphate-induced contraction is increased in renal but not pulmonary arteries from DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 301: H409-H417, 2011. First published May 6, 2011; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00084.2011.-Uridine adenosine tetraphosphate (Up(4)A) was reported as a novel endothelium-derived contracting factor. Up(4)A contains both purine and pyrimidine moieties, which activate purinergic (P2)X and P2Y receptors. However, alterations in the vasoconstrictor responses to Up(4)A in hypertensive states remain unclear. The present study examined the effects of Up(4)A on contraction of isolated renal arteries (RA) and pulmonary arteries (PA) from DOCA-salt rats using isometric tension recording. RA from DOCA-salt rats exhibited increased contraction to Up(4)A versus arteries from control uninephrectomized rats in the absence and presence of N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (nitric oxide synthase inhibitor). On the other hand, the Up(4)A-induced contraction in PA was similar between the two groups. Up(4)A-induced contraction was inhibited by suramin (nonselective P2 antagonist) but not by diinosine pentaphosphate pentasodium salt hydrate (Ip5I; P2X(1) antagonist) in RA from both groups. Furthermore, 2-thiouridine 5`-triphosphate tetrasodium salt (2-Thio-UTP; P2Y(2) agonist)-, uridine-5`-(gamma-thio)-triphosphate trisodium salt (UTP gamma S; P2Y(2)/P2Y(4) agonist)-, and 5-iodouridine-5`-O-diphosphate trisodium salt (MRS 2693; P2Y(6) agonist)-induced contractions were all increased in RA from DOCA-salt rats. Protein expression of P2Y(2)-, P2Y(4)-, and P2Y(6) receptors in RA was similar between the two groups. In DOCA-salt RA, the enhanced Up(4)A-induced contraction was reduced by PD98059, an ERK pathway inhibitor, and Up(4)Astimulated ERK activation was increased. These data are the first to indicate that Up(4)A-induced contraction is enhanced in RA from DOCA-salt rats. Enhanced P2Y receptor signaling and activation of the ERK pathway together represent a likely mechanism mediating the enhanced Up(4)A-induced contraction. Up(4)A might be of relevance in the pathophysiology of vascular tone regulation and renal dysfunction in arterial hypertension.
The elevated plus-maze is an animal model used to study anxiety. In a second session, rats show a reduction in the exploratory behavior even when the two sessions are separated by intervals as large as 7 days. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the reduction in the exploratory behavior is maintained after intervals larger than 7 days. Additionally, we aimed at investigating eventual correlations between behaviors in the plus-maze and activation of limbic structures as measured by Fos protein expression after the second session. Rats were tested for 5 min in the elevated plus-maze and re-tested 3, 9 or 33 days later. Other groups were tested only once. The rat brains were processed for immunohistochemical detection of Fos protein. The results show a decrease in the open arms exploration in the second trial with intervals of 3, 9 and 33 days. The expression of Fos protein in the piriform cortex, septal nucleus and paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus in the groups tested with intervals of 9 and 33 days were statistically different from the other groups. The alterations observed in exploratory behavior in the second session in the plus-maze did not correlate with Fos expression. In conclusion, although the specific test conditions were sufficient to evoke behavioral alterations in exploration in the elevated plus-maze, they were enough to induce significant Fos protein expression in piriform cortex, septal nucleus and thalamic and hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei but not in other areas such as dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and amygdala nuclei, known to be also active participants in circuits controlling fear and anxiety. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We investigated the influence of captopril (an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) treatment during pregnancy and lactation period on hydromineral balance of the male adult offspring, particularly, concerning thirst and sodium appetite. We did not observe significant alterations in basal hydromineral (water intake, 0.3 M NaCl intake, volume and sodium urinary concentration) or cardiovascular parameters in adult male rats perinatally treated with captopril compared to controls. However, male offspring rats that perinatally exposed to captopril showed a significant attenuation in water intake induced by osmotic stimulation, extracellular dehydration and beta-adrenergic stimulation. Moreover, captopril treatment during perinatal period decreased the salt appetite induced by sodium depletion. This treatment also attenuated thirst and sodium appetite aroused during inhibition of peripheral angiotensin 11 generation raised by low concentration of captopril in the adult offspring. Interestingly. perinatal exposure to captopril did not alter water or salt intake induced by i.c.v. administration of angiotensin I or angiotensin II. These results showed that chronic inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme during pregnancy and lactation modifies the regulation of induced thirst and sodium appetite in adulthood. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To compare the circulating levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-9, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1, TIMP-2, and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 and MMP-2/TIMP-2 ratios in preeclampsia and gestational hypertension with those found in normotensive pregnancies. Design and methods: We studied 83 pregnant women (30 healthy pregnant women with uncomplicated pregnancies, 26 with gestational hypertension, and 27 with preeclampsia) and 30 healthy nonpregnant women in a cross-sectional study. MMP and TIMP concentrations were measured in plasma samples by gelatin zymography and ELISA, respectively. Results: We found higher plasma pro-MMP-9 levels, and higher pro-MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratios in women with gestational hypertension (95%-CI: 1.031 to 2.357, and 0.012 to 0.031, respectively), but not with preeclampsia, compared with those found in normotensive pregnant women (95%-CI: 0.810 to 1.350, and 0.006 to 0.013, respectively; both P<0.05). We found no significant differences in pro-MMP-2 levels (P>0.05). Conclusions: The higher net MMP-9 (but not MMP-2) activity in gestational hypertension compared with normotensive pregnancy suggests that MMP-9 plays a role in the pathophysiology of gestational hypertension. Conversely, the lack of such alterations in preeclampsia is consistent with the notion that different pathophysiological mechanisms are involved in these hypertensive disorders. (C) 2008 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In social anxiety disorder (SAD), impairments in limbic/paralimbic structures are associated with emotional dysregulation and inhibition of the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFq. Little is known, however, about alterations in limbic and frontal regions associated with the integrated morphometric, functional, and structural architecture of SAD. Whether altered gray matter volume is associated with altered functional and structural connectivity in SAD. Three techniques were used with 18 SAD patients and 18 healthy controls: voxel-based morphometry; resting-state functional connectivity analysis; and diffusion tensor imaging tractography. SAD patients exhibited significantly decreased gray matter volumes in the right posterior inferior temporal gyrus (ITG) and right parahippocampal/hippocampal gyrus (PHG/HIP). Gray matter volumes in these two regions negatively correlated with the fear factor of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. In addition, we found increased functional connectivity in SAD patients between the right posterior ITG and the left inferior occipital gyrus, and between the right PHF/HIP and left middle temporal gyms. SAD patients had increased right MPFC volume, along with enhanced structural connectivity in the genu of the corpus callosum. Reduced limbic/paralimbic volume, together with increased resting-state functional connectivity, suggests the existence of a compensatory mechanism in SAD. Increased MPFC volume, consonant with enhanced structural connectivity, suggests a long-time overgeneralization of structural connectivity and a role of this area in the mediation of clinical severity. Overall, our results may provide a valuable basis for future studies combining morphometric, functional and anatomical data in the search for a comprehensive understanding of the neural circuitry underlying SAD. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mechanical alterations related to the excessive use of accessory respiratory muscles and the mouth breathing observed in children with asthma may lead to the development of alterations in head posture, shoulders, thoracic region and, consequently, in alterations of body posture. The purpose of this study was to assess body posture changes of children with asthma compared to a non-asthmatic control group matched for gender, age, weight, and height. Thirty children with asthma and 30 non-asthmatic children aged 7 to 12 years were enrolled in this study. Digital photographic records were obtained for analysis of the body posture of the children by computed photogrammetry. The intraclass correlation coefficient and Student`s t test (p < 0.05) were used for statistical analysis. There were no significant differences between groups for the angles analyzed, except for the knee flexor angle. These results demonstrate that children with asthma did not present postural alterations compared to non-asthmatic controls since the only angle for which there was a significant difference between groups showed weak reproducibility. The findings of this study do not support the notion that children with asthma present alterations in body posture.
PURPOSE. The goal of this study was to determine whether the medial rectus muscles of patients with a history of medial rectus underaction or overaction show alterations in the process of satellite cell activation when compared with normal age-matched control muscles. METHODS. Medial rectus muscles were obtained with consent from adult patients undergoing surgical resection due to medial rectus underaction or overaction and were prepared for histologic examination by fixation and paraffin embedding. Control muscles were obtained from cornea donor eyes of adults who had no history of strabismus or neuromuscular disease. Cross sections were obtained and stained immunohistochemically for the presence of activated satellite cells, as identified by MyoD immunoreactivity, and the presence of the total satellite cell population, as identified by Pax7 immunoreactivity. The percentages of MyoD- and Pax7-positive satellite cells per 100 myofibers in cross section were calculated. RESULTS. As predicted from results in the literature, MyoD-positive satellite cells, indicative of activation, were present in both the control and resected muscles. In the underacting medial rectus muscles, the percentages of MyoD- and Pax7-positive satellite cells, based on the number of myofibers, were approximately twofold higher than the percentages in the control muscles. In the overacting medial rectus muscles, the percentage of MyoD- positive satellite cells was twofold less than in the control muscles, whereas the percentage of Pax7-positive satellite cells significantly increased compared with that in the control specimens. CONCLUSIONS. The presence of an increased number of activated satellite cells in the resected underacting medial rectus muscles and the decreased numbers of activated satellite cells in the overacting muscles was unexpected. The upregulation in the number of MyoD- positive satellite cells in underacting muscles suggests that there is potential for successful upregulation of size in these muscles, as the cellular machinery for muscle repair and regeneration, the satellite cells, is retained and active in patients with medial rectus underaction. The decreased number of activated satellite cells in overacting MR muscle suggests that factors as yet unknown in these overacting muscles are able to affect the number of satellite cells and/or their responsiveness compared with normal age-matched control muscles. These hypotheses are currently being tested.
Evidence from our laboratory has shown alterations in myocardial structure in severe sepsis/septic shock. The morphological alterations are heralded by sarcolemmal damage, characterized by increased plasma membrane permeability caused by oxidative damage to lipids and proteins. The critical importance of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) in maintaining sarcolemmal stability led us to hypothesize that loss of dystrophin and associated glycoproteins could be involved in early increased sarcolemmal permeability in experimentally induced septic cardiomyopathy. Male C57Bl/6 mice were subjected to sham operation and moderate (MSI) or severe (SSI) septic injury induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Using western blot and immunofluorescence, a downregulation of dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan expression in both severe and moderate injury could be observed in septic hearts. The immunofluorescent and protein amount expressions of laminin-alpha 2 were similar in SSI and sham-operated hearts. Consonantly, the evaluation of plasma membrane permeability by intracellular albumin staining provided evidence of severe injury of the sarcolemma in SSI hearts, whereas antioxidant treatment significantly attenuated the loss of sarcolemmal dystrophin expression and the increased membrane permeability. This study offers novel and mechanistic data to clarify subcellular events in the pathogenesis of cardiac dysfunction in severe sepsis. The main finding was that severe sepsis leads to a marked reduction in membrane localization of dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan in septic cardiomyocytes, a process that may constitute a structural basis of sepsis-induced cardiac depression. In addition, increased sarcolemmal permeability suggests functional impairment of the DGC complex in cardiac myofibers. In vivo observation that antioxidant treatment significantly abrogated the loss of dystrophin expression and plasma membrane increased permeability supports the hypothesis that oxidative damage may mediate the loss of dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan in septic mice. These abnormal parameters emerge as therapeutic targets and their modulation may provide beneficial effects on future cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in sepsis. Laboratory Investigation (2010) 90, 531-542; doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2010.3; published online 8 February 2010
Background: One of the frequent questions in obstetric practice is to determine placental vascular changes that may account for abnormal Doppler flow velocity alterations in maternal uterine vessels from women and fetuses without pregnancy pathology. Methods: A retrospective morphometric study was realized using 27 placentas from patients submitted for Doppler flow velocity exam during pregnancy. The placentas were morphologically examined using hematoxylin-eosin staining. Measurements of villi were made with the use of a video camera coupled to a common light microscope and a computer with automatic image analyzing software. Results: Of the 27 placentas, 13 (48%) were of patients showing unaltered Doppler and 14 (52%) showing altered Doppler. The number of stem villi vessels was significantly larger in the placentas of patients with Doppler exam alterations (P = 0.003). This group also presented greater stem villi vessel thickness, although without significant difference. The number of intermediary and terminal villi vessels was greater in the placentas of patients with altered Doppler exams (P < 0.001), and a greater terminal villi area was observed in these cases (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The morphological proof that uterine artery Doppler flow velocity exam alterations are associated with placental vascular alterations demonstrates the importance of this exam during prenatal care, even in the absence of maternal-fetal alterations.
The mechanism of isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage is unknown, but a mismatch of oxygen supply vs. demand following coronary hypotension and myocardial hyperactivity is the best explanation for the complex morphological alterations observed. Severe alterations in the structural integrity of the sarcolemma of cardiomyocytes have been demonstrated to be caused by isoproterenol. Taking into account that the sarcolemmal integrity is stabilized by the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) that connects actin and laminin in contractile machinery and extracellular matrix and by integrins, this study tests the hypothesis that isoproterenol affects sarcolemmal stability through changes in the DGC and integrins. We found different sensitivity of the DGC and integrin to isoproterenol subcutaneous administration. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that dystrophin is the most sensitive among the structures connecting the actin in the cardiomyocyte cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. The sarcomeric actin dissolution occurred after the reduction or loss of dystrophin. Subsequently, after lysis of myofilaments, gamma-sarcoglycan, beta-dystroglycan, beta 1-integrin, and laminin alpha-2 expressions were reduced followed by their breakdown, as epiphenomena of the myocytolytic process. In conclusion, administration of isoproterenol to rats results in primary loss of dystrophin, the most sensitive among the structural proteins that form the DGC that connects the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton in cardiomyocyte. These changes, related to ischaemic injury, explain the severe alterations in the structural integrity of the sarcolemma of cardiomyocytes and hence severe and irreversible injury induced by isoproterenol.
Background: Noninvasive diagnosis of giant cell arteritis (GCA) remains challenging, particularly with regard to evaluation of extracranial arterial disease. Objectives: The objective of the study was to retrospectively review extracranial involvement in patients with GCA and/or polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), especially 3-dimensional contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography images of the aortic arch and its branches. Methods: Clinical information, biopsy status, and MRI examinations of 28 patients with GCA/PMR were reviewed. Patient images were mixed randomly with 20 normal control images and were independently reviewed by 2 radiologists. Interobserver agreement for detection of arterial stenosis was determined by the k coefficient. Results: Both readers described vascular alterations in keeping with extracranial GCA in 19 of 28 patients (67%) with good interobserver agreement (k = 0.73) and with even higher agreement on diagnosing nonocclusive versus occlusive disease (k = 1.00). The most common lesions were bilateral axillary stenosis or obstructions, observed by both readers in 8 patients (28%). Among the 19 patients with magnetic resonance angiography lesions in the subclavian/axillary arteries, 12 (75%) had biopsy-proven GCA, but only 5 (41%) of these patients had clinical features of large artery disease. Conclusions: In our series review, MRI could provide accurate information on involvement of the aortic arch and its branches in extracranial GCA, depicting different degrees of stenosis. Our analysis also illustrates that occult large artery vasculitis should be considered in patients without biopsy-proven GCA, patients with classic GCA but without clinical signs of large artery disease, and in patients initially diagnosed as having PMR.
Histopathological alterations in human aneurysms and dissections of the thoracic ascending aorta include areas of mucoid degeneration within the medial layer, colocalized with areas of cell disappearance and disruption of extracellular matrix elastic and collagen fibers. We studied the presence of matrix metalloproteinases in relation to their capacity to diffuse through the tissue or to be retained in areas of mucoid degeneration in aneurysms and dissections of the ascending aorta. Ascending aortas from 9 controls, 33 patients with aneurysms, and 14 with acute dissections, all collected at surgery, were analyzed. The morphological aspect was similar whatever the etiology or phenotypic expression of the pathological aortas, involving areas of extracellular matrix breakdown and cell rarefaction associated with mucoid degeneration. Release of proMMP-2, constitutively expressed by smooth muscle cells, was not different between controls and aneurysmal aortas, whereas the aneurysmal aortas released more of the active form. Release of pro and active MMP-9 was also similar between controls and aneurysmal aortas. Immunohistochemical staining of MMP-2 and MMP-9 was weak in both control and pathological aortas. In contrast, released MMP-7 (matrilysin) and MMP-3 (stromelysin-1) could not be detected in conditioned media but were present in tissue extracts with no detectable quantitative difference between controls and pathological aortas. Immunohistochemical staining of MMP-7 and MMP-3 revealed their retention in areas of mucoid degeneration, and semiquantitative evaluation of immunostaining showed more MMP-7 in pathological aortas than in controls. In conclusion, areas of mucoid degeneration, the hallmark of aneurysms, and dissections of thoracic ascending aortas, whatever their etiology, are not inert and can retain specific proteases. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Milk is the normal secretion of the mammary gland, practically free of colostrum and obtained by the complete milking of oil(? or more healthy animals. Mastitis is all inflammatory process of the mammary gland and it may cause alterations in the milk. The present work aimed to verify whether it is possible, by means of the counts of microorganism in the bulk raw milk ill four selective culture media, to establish a correlation with the occurrence of mastitis and therefore, to monitor this disease in bovine dairy herds. The following selective culture media were Used: KF Streptococcus Agar, Edwards Agar, Baird-Parker Agar, Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite. Spearman`s correlation coefficient was calculated in order to compare the Occurrence of mastitis (percentage) in each herd with respective selective culture media counts of microorganisms in bulk raw milk. Thirty-six possibilities were analysed (Tamis and CMT-positive rates were compared with the log-transformed count in four selective Culture media) and there was a negative correlation between Tamis 3 and the Baird-Parker Agar plate count. The total results of microbiological tests showed that there were three correlations of the counts in selective culture media. Fifty-two possibilities were analysed and there was a negative correlation between no-bacteria I-growth mastitis rates and log(10) of KF Streptoccocus Agar plate Count and there were two positive correlations between coagulase-positive staphylococci and log(10) of Baird-Parker Agar plate count and Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite plate count.