682 resultados para Aigües residuals -- Depuració -- Tractament biològic


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O setor citrícola enfrenta sérios problemas representados por doenças de flores e frutos jovens que, além de diminuir a produtividade, depreciam os frutos pelo aspecto que conferem aos mesmos. Tais doenças são representadas, principalmente, pela mancha preta dos frutos cítricos (MPC) e pela queda prematura dos frutos cítricos (QPFC), onde a medida predominante de controle é a pulverização com produtos químicos. Entretanto, os custos financeiros e ambientais de aplicações com tais produtos, aliado às crescentes restrições à presença de resíduos, estão a exigir o estudo de novas alternativas. Entre estas, o controle biológico surge como alternativa importante. Sabendo-se que, o conhecimento da biodiversidade dos seres vivos é importante para determinação de suas funções potenciais, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a diversidade genética, através de marcadores moleculares AFLP, de 32 isolados de B. subtilis com a finalidade de se encontrar, dentre os mesmos, um (ou mais isolados) que apresentasse maior similaridade com o isolado ACB-69, o qual apresenta potencial para o controle da doença. Diante disso, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, permitiram concluir que: a) os isolados de B. subtilis estudados agruparam-se no filograma de distância genética, independente da procedência ou do hospedeiro; b) os isolados ACB-69 e ACB-83, com potenciais para o controle da queda prematura dos frutos cítricos, compartilham da mesma ancestralidade, o que pode ser inferido pela metodologia aplicada; c) em termos biológicos; o isolado ACB-83 merece mais estudos quanto à viabilidade de controle de doenças de citros, como a queda prematura dos frutos cítricos e a manha preta dos frutos cítricos, sob condições de campo.


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Foram utilizados cinco bovinos fistulados no rúmen para se determinar a degradação da cana-de-açúcar em dietas com diferentes fontes de proteína degradável, por meio do método de incubação de sacos de náilon. Os tratamentos estudados foram: cana e uréia; cana e farelo de soja; cana, farelo de soja e uréia; cana e glúten de milho; cana, glúten de milho e uréia. Após um período de adaptação de 14 dias, iniciou-se a incubação dos sacos de náilon, nos tempos de 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas. Após o período de incubação, foram determinados o pH e a concentração de amônia no fluido ruminal, em amostras retiradas 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 e 21 horas após a alimentação. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com tratamentos como parcelas e tempos como subparcelas. A concentração de amônia foi mais elevada nos tratamentos com maior quantidade de proteína degradável, porém não houve efeito significativo para os tratamentos. Para os valores de pH, houve significância, apresentando valores mais elevados para os tratamentos com maior quantidade de proteína degradável. Não se observou efeito significativo das diferentes fontes de nitrogênio sobre a degradação da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente neutro da cana-de-açúcar, sendo que a degradabilidade dessas duas frações variou apenas com o tempo de incubação. Os resultados do experimento não comprovaram o princípio de que a maior quantidade de proteína degradável no rúmen possa induzir maior degradação da FDN da dieta.


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According to great concern between the developed industrial activities and resultant impacts over the environment, an association of several factors have occurred, procedures to the efficient management of the rotation between economical development and the environment have been improved. A research in field have been realized inside building sites of companies in order to provide knowledge about the implemented and accomplish actions according to the resolution from CONAMA nº307. Trough the interview among the representations of the companies and photographic survey in loco, such as, what makes the companies implement this management, reutilization and recycling, transport and disposition. The present study had as objective: analyze the insertion of the used tools to residuals management, proposing improvements, in a way that it can be easily identified during the procedures execution in the building sites of the building companies of the city of Natal/RN. To reach the goal, in the first place a revision of the pertinent literature was performed; there for, it can be seen the relation between residues management and environment sustainability, once it happens in a continued way it may prevent the waste and reduces the risk that the activities way bring to the employees, community and environment; once found the great difficult faced with regard to labors, material, equipment, project, planning, costumer s interference, furnisher. And still, it could be verified wich materials generate greater indexes of residues in the works and the main occurrences of waste and loss. However a greater transparency is needed coming from the high administration in the commitment with the continued actions, to make it so, there must be a cultural change inside the company. There for there will be a greater productivity and quality of the under taking such as costumer s satisfaction


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Foram utilizados 35.732 registros de peso do nascimento aos 660 dias de idade de 8.458 animais da raça Tabapuã para estimar funções de covariância utilizando modelos de regressão aleatória sobre polinômios de Legendre. Os modelos incluíram: como aleatórios, os efeitos genético aditivo direto, materno, de ambiente permanente de animal e materno; como fixos, os efeitos de grupo de contemporâneo; como covariáveis, a idade do animal à pesagem e a idade da vaca ao parto (linear e quadrática); e sobre a idade à pesagem, polinômio ortogonal de Legendre (regressão cúbica) foi considerado para modelar a curva média da população. O resíduo foi modelado considerando sete classes de variância e os modelos foram comparados pelos critérios de informação Bayesiano de Schwarz e Akaike. O melhor modelo apresentou ordens 4, 3, 6, 3 para os efeitos genético aditivo direto e materno, de ambiente permanente de animal e materno, respectivamente. As estimativas de covariância e herdabilidades, obtidas utilizando modelo bicaracter, e de regressão aleatória foram semelhantes. As estimativas de herdabilidade para o efeito genético aditivo direto, obtidas com o modelo de regressão aleatória, aumentaram do nascimento (0,15) aos 660 dias de idade (0,45). Maiores estimativas de herdabilidade materna foram obtidas para pesos medidos logo após o nascimento. As correlações genéticas variaram de moderadas a altas e diminuíram com o aumento da distância entre as pesagens. A seleção para maiores pesos em qualquer idade promove maior ganho de peso do nascimento aos 660 dias de idade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A main purpose of a mathematical nutrition model (a.k.a., feeding systems) is to provide a mathematical approach for determining the amount and composition of the diet necessary for a certain level of animal productive performance. Therefore, feeding systems should be able to predict voluntary feed intake and to partition nutrients into different productive functions and performances. In the last decades, several feeding systems for goats have been developed. The objective of this paper is to compare and evaluate the main goat feeding systems (AFRC, CSIRO, NRC, and SRNS), using data of individual growing goat kids from seven studies conducted in Brazil. The feeding systems were evaluated by regressing the residuals (observed minus predicted) on the predicted values centered on their means. The comparisons showed that these systems differ in their approach for estimating dry matter intake (DMI) and energy requirements for growing goats. The AFRC system was the most accurate for predicting DMI (mean bias = 91 g/d, P < 0.001; linear bias 0.874). The average ADG accounted for a large part of the bias in the prediction of DMI by CSIRO, NRC, and, mainly, AFRC systems. The CSIRO model gave the most accurate predictions of ADG when observed DMI was used as input in the models (mean bias 12 g/d, P < 0.001; linear bias -0.229). while the AFRC was the most accurate when predicted DMI was used (mean bias 8g/d. P > 0.1; linear bias -0.347). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The wavelet transform is used to reduce the high frequency multipath of pseudorange and carrier phase GPS double differences (DDs). This transform decomposes the DD signal, thus separating the high frequencies due to multipath effects. After the decomposition, the wavelet shrinkage is performed by thresholding to eliminate the high frequency component. Then the signal can be reconstructed without the high frequency component. We show how to choose the best threshold. Although the high frequency multipath is not the main multipath error component, its correction provides improvements of about 30% in pseudorange average residuals and 24% in carrier phases. The results also show that the ambiguity solutions become more reliable after correcting the high frequency multipath.


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We present residual analysis techniques to assess the fit of correlated survival data by Accelerated Failure Time Models (AFTM) with random effects. We propose an imputation procedure for censored observations and consider three types of residuals to evaluate different model characteristics. We illustrate the proposal with the analysis of AFTM with random effects to a real data set involving times between failures of oil well equipment


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The general purpose of the study was the analysis of residents' participation in the program of door-by-door collection of recyclable residuals in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Even though the conception of such program by municipal managers was basically aimed at providing job opportunities and income for the collectors, the main objective of the investigation was to verify whether residents' participation could be attributed to their environmental commitment. Data collection involved three municipal districts and was performed in three stages, with complementary methodological strategies (observation, questionnaire, and interview), and characterized by selfevaluation, by residents, and hetero-evaluation, by collectors. Social, demographic, situational/contextual, and dispositional data were identified to help in the analysis of residents' adherence to the program. Separating and delivering recyclable residuals was the most frequent type of residents' participation, which demonstrates their low level of appropriation of decisions related to the program, taking part on it as passive agents. Two forms of motivation towards participating in the program were found: environmental and social. Despite the first being more frequent, it was associated to lack of environmental awareness related to the process, which may very well imply a mere reproduction of pro-environmental discourse. Motivation towards social issues was strongly connected to philanthropic forms of help. Knowledge was revealed as na important predictor for participation, as well as social networks, formed by neighbors, relatives and friends. Despite the social emphasis in the design of the program, it is possible to conclude that some residents also perceive its environmental benefits, possibly as consequence of a knowledge originated outside the program. Initiatives of environmental education should be promoted in order to minimize the allegation of lack of knowledge as justification for non-participation. Similarly, actions to put together municipal management and population would be welcome, to promote joint decisions towards sustainable styles of life


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This present work has as its objective the analysis of transformations relating to the production processes in the Southern littoral urban space of the city of João Pessoa PB. The research estimated that the urban space is the product, means and condition of the society which produces it. The object-area of this inquiry is constituted of five districts: Altiplano Cabo Branco, Portal do Sol, Ponta do Seixas, Penha and Costa do Sol. The urban expansion which occurs in this area is characterized by the appearance of sufficient contradictory space phenomenona. On the other hand, the launching of real estate products such as the horizontal closed condominiums, directed towards the upper class, and the occurrence of areas of irregular occupation, inhabited by lower socioeconomic class and with a great lack of infrastructure and basic urban services, revealing the social contradictions. Due to this, processes such as auto-segregation and segregation imposed beyond the precarious and delinquent inclusion, has become the determining characteristic of this part of the city in analysis. The study also takes into account the appreciation of the new urban environmental zoning of Altiplano do Cabo Branco and from this moment on, start the discussion about the tendencies of urban expansion in this area, due to the interests and strategies of the real estate sector and the prominent role of the government in the current valorization process of urban soil of the area. The presence of residuals of agricultural businesses indicates a typical picture of the peri-urban areas configuring what we observe today at the Southern littoral of João Pessoa


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Um modelo bayesiano de regressão binária é desenvolvido para predizer óbito hospitalar em pacientes acometidos por infarto agudo do miocárdio. Métodos de Monte Carlo via Cadeias de Markov (MCMC) são usados para fazer inferência e validação. Uma estratégia para construção de modelos, baseada no uso do fator de Bayes, é proposta e aspectos de validação são extensivamente discutidos neste artigo, incluindo a distribuição a posteriori para o índice de concordância e análise de resíduos. A determinação de fatores de risco, baseados em variáveis disponíveis na chegada do paciente ao hospital, é muito importante para a tomada de decisão sobre o curso do tratamento. O modelo identificado se revela fortemente confiável e acurado, com uma taxa de classificação correta de 88% e um índice de concordância de 83%.