849 resultados para Ageism, curricula, nursing students
A descriptive study of the current educational programs of selected health personnel in Nigeria was made in 1986. Data on the content of educational programs was obtained from personal communication with the Heads of the various institutions and from their published materials (catalogs, course outlines and program descriptions). Adequacy of these programs was judged in the light of current health problems and needs of the population. Evaluation was based on the following criteria: (a) Selection of students to maximize their usefulness in the provision of health care. (b) Relevance of the curriculum to the tasks the trainee will be called upon to perform. (c) Types of courses that focus on community health needs. Using official reports, the health situation in the country was described to give a relative priority of health services.^ Findings indicate the following: (1) Health conditions in Nigeria are related to a high prevalence of illness and disease, unsanitary living conditions, a high ratio of infant mortality and a shortage of public health services. Priority needs for improvement call for attitudinal and environmental changes. (2) All health training programs have improved the relevance of education to community health needs by strengthening practical field experience, and teaching those courses which focus on disease prevention. (3) Prospective nurses and community health workers are selected on the basis of a number of personal and intellectual characteristics, but academic performance alone is the criterion for medical students. (4) The curriculum in the medical school needs to be restructured to cut back on time devoted to enriching the medical "background". Basic sciences need better integration with hospital work. (5) Managerial and organization courses have been well incorporated into the nursing and community health workers' curricula. (6) There is a marked overlap in the tasks the community health workers are expected to perform. This causes some redundancy in having four separate categories of these health personnel. ^
The engineer must have sufficient theoretical knowledge to be applied to solve specific problems, with the necessary capacity to simplify these approaches, and taking into account factors such as speed, simplicity, quality and economy. In Geology, its ultimate goal is the exploration of the history of the geological events through observation, deduction, reasoning and, in exceptional cases by the direct underground exploration or experimentation. Experimentation is very limited in Geology. Reproduction laboratory of certain phenomena or geological processes is difficult because both time and space become a large scale. For this reason, some Earth Sciences are in a nearly descriptive stage whereas others closest to the experimental, Geophysics and Geochemistry, have assimilated progress experienced by the physics and chemistry. Thus, Anglo-Saxon countries clearly separate Engineering Geology from Geological Engineering, i.e. Applied Geology to the Geological Engineering concepts. Although there is a big professional overlap, the first one corresponds to scientific approach, while the last one corresponds to a technological one. Applied Geology to Engineering could be defined as the Science and Applied Geology to the design, construction and performance of engineering infrastructures in and field geology discipline. There has been much discussion on the primacy of theory over practice. Today prevails the exaggeration of practice, but you get good workers and routine and mediocre teachers. This idea forgets too that teaching problem is a problem of right balance. The approach of the action lines on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework provides for such balance. Applied Geology subject represents the first real contact with the physical environment with the practice profession and works. Besides, the situation of the topic in the first trace of Study Plans for many students implies the link to other subjects and topics of the career (tunnels, dams, groundwater, roads, etc). This work analyses in depth the justification of such practical trips. It shows the criteria and methods of planning and the result which manifests itself in pupils. Once practical trips experience developed, the objective work tries to know about results and changes on student’s motivation in learning perspective. This is done regardless of the outcome of their knowledge achievements assessed properly and they are not subject to such work. For this objective, it has been designed a survey about their motivation before and after trip. Survey was made by the Unidad Docente de Geología Aplicada of the Departamento de Ingeniería y Morfología del Terreno (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). It was completely anonymous. Its objective was to collect the opinion of the student as a key agent of learning and teaching of the subject. All the work takes place under new teaching/learning criteria approach at the European framework in Higher Education. The results are exceptionally good with 90% of student’s participation and with very high scores in a number of questions as the itineraries, teachers and visited places (range of 4.5 to 4.2 in a 5 points scale). The majority of students are very satisfied (average of 4.5 in a 5 points scale).
In this paper we report the process of designing and building the EYEFLY 1, a real UAS platform which has just performed its maiden flight. For the development of this aircraft, 30 groups of students from successive years at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) carried out their compulsory End of Degree Project as a coordinated Project Based learning activity. Our conclusions clearly indicate that Project Based Learning activities can provide a valid complement to more conventional, theoretically-based, teaching methods. The combination of both approaches will allow us to maintain traditional but well-tested methods for providing our students with a sound knowledge of fundamental engineering disciplines and, at the same time, to introduce our students to exciting and relevant engineering situations and sceneries where social and business skills, such as communication skills, team-working or decision-taking, can be put into practice.
The new degrees in Spanish universities generated as a result of the Bologna process, stress a new dimension: the generic competencies to be acquired by university students (leadership, problem solving, respect for the environment, etc.). At Universidad Polite¿cnica de Madrid a teaching model was defined for two degrees: Graduate in Computer Engineering and Graduate in Software Engineering. Such model incorporates the training, development and assessment of generic competencies planned in these curricula. The aim of this paper is to describe how this model was implemented in both degrees. The model has three components. The first refers to a set of seven activities for introducing mechanisms for training, development and assessment of generic competencies. The second component aims to coordinate actions that implement the competencies across courses (in space and time). The third component consists of a series of activities to perform quality control. The implementation of generic competencies was carried out in first year courses (first and second semesters), together with the planning for second year courses (third and fourth semesters). We managed to involve a high percentage of first-year courses (80%) and the contacts that have been initiated suggest a high percentage in the second year as well.
Interdisciplinary projects in the industry typically require collaboration between professionals from various fields. However, this relationship is not generally addressed in the training offered by university programs, which often ignore this interdisciplinary approach. This paper offers an example of interdisciplinary interaction through joint laboratory activities in the curricula of two very different degree programs, i.e., Multimedia Engineering and Teacher Training in Primary Education. The programs' students formed an interdisciplinary team of multimedia engineers and trainee teachers to develop a Web product for children's cognitive development. The complexity of the task required students to engage in close and strong interdisciplinary cooperation and communication; in turn, they benefited from the synergy offered by collaborative work. The results of this paper, presented from the perspective of the multimedia engineering students, demonstrate a significant increase in their academic performance compared to the control group. This paper shows that university studies can incorporate an interdisciplinary perspective to engineering education without the need to introduce a specific course on the topic, thus avoiding further demands on the curriculum schedule.
Top Row: C. Arft, B. Baker, J. Balmer, M. Bassett, C. Beach, C. Becker, L. Berli, K. Bishop, P. Brigham, L. Brooks, K. Bruce, T. Burkett, J. Calland, T. Calnicean, C. Carnevale
Row 2: M. Caspersen, B. Christman, G. Christman, A. Comins, C. Conklin, E. Conklin, C. Conlin, P. Conway, D. Cox, M. Crabtree
Row 3: M. Craig, B. Cutler, N. Cutter, J. Kaboyashi, S. Golden, L. Davis, D. Davis, D. Dayton
Row 4: K. Dekoker, C. Dick, J. Fenner, J. Feuerstein, S. FIllhart, F. Hartman, J. Goodad, M. Hutchinson, F. Crow, B. French, H. Geddes, E. Gerber, D. Goldstein, E. Graff
Row 5: M. Gray, C. Haack, A. Handlos, J. Harris, M. Heminger, M. Hickes, R. Hickes, B. Johnson, J. Kalbfleisch, K. Kern, C. Klutsenbeker, C. Krone, S. Larson, I. Leftwick, S. Lehr, C. Ligotti
Row 6: D. Loesel, S. Lorenz, M. McCrachen, S. Melber, M. Meulemans, S Meyers, L. Miller, B. Morley, J. Mulder, D. Older, M. O'Neil, D. Paldi, K. Palmer, M. Phebus, C. Phelps, C. Purdy
Row 7: P. Quick, K. Rathbun, B. Rochford, E. Rogos, B. Rose, P. Saxton, J. Schaible, S. Schodlatz, P. Schore, J. Selesky, L. Sloan, J. Smith, K. Smith, N. Stewart, J. Thomas, P. Thomas
Row 8: M. Tipmore, S. VanGorder, M. Wacht, K. Walker, E. Walker, D. Walters, R. Wellons, F. Werner, S. Weygandt, T. White, L. Williams, B. Winbun, S. Yahnke, J. Zander, C. Zylstra
Top Row: Kris Aasvved, Phyllis Askew, Stephanie Babboni, Carolyn Backus, Carol Bockeloo, Veronica Banks, Patte Barland, Sally Barling, Rowena Beebe, Ginger Behr, Bobbi Bergmooser, Clary Bestor, Terry A. Bilinski, Debbie Blauer, Kathleen Bly, Lois K. Boer, Aurelia boyer, Polly Bradley, Sue Brenkert, Sherry Brezina
Row 2: Andrea Brown, Phyllis Buchholz, Michele Bujak, Barbara Burcham, Carol Burg, Mary Ann Campbell, Nancy Cartwright, Sally Chin, Kathleen Christmas, Barbara Clark, Marlene Clarkson, Alma Cole, Judy Coltson, Donna Craig, Janet L. Davies, Catherine Davidson, Sandra Detrisac, Toni Doherty, Kathleen Dumas, Deretha Eddings
Row 3: Marcia Ferrand, Karen Finger, Carol Fischer, Susan Fischer, Suzanne M. Fleszar, Barbara Fritz, Lola Garland, Susan Goldstein, Pam Goltz, Diane Gorman, Debby Goudreau, Diane Greenfield, Debbie Gross, Joan Hamman, Cheryl Hauch, Michelle Hays, Betty Henderson, Christena Henson, Constance Hill, Linda Hill
Row 4: Pamela Hill, Marilyn Holland, Patricia Horvath, Lois Huissen, Nance J. Huston, Phyllis Isackson, Angela Janik, Kim Johnson, Marjorie Kelsey, Wanda Kent, Eugenie Kimura, Lesley Kinnard, Kathleen Klute, Peggy Koskela, Linda Ksiazkiewicaz, Barbara Lang, Karen C. Carson, Kathryn Linder, Kathleen Lipinski, Janie Locke
Row 5: Nancy Luth, Denise Lyons, Susan Malkewitz, Diane Mannino, Nancy Marsh, Denise M. McCann, Carol McVannel, Vicky Melancon, Darlene Mikolajczak, Jane Monroe, Pam Morris, Cari Mulholland, Sandra Muller, Jacqueline Murphy, Terri Murtland, Colleen Nash, Debbie Nichols, Nancy Nowacek, Denise D. O'Brien, Sue Olejniczak
Row 6: Susan Panozzo, Marty Parmelee, Nancy Parr, Alexandra Paul, Pam Pennington, Patricia Phelps, Helen Piggush, Jan Pinkham, Molly Power, Janet Primeau, Ilona Proskie, Gretel Quitmeyer, Vicki Jo Ray, Josephine Reed, Ruth Riley, Norine Rowe, Beata Rudnik, Pat Rutowski, Linda Sanders, Patricia Saran
Row 7: Judy Sayles, Janis Schlicker, Janice Schmidt, Janiece Selecky, Deborah Silverman, Susan K. Smith, Theresa Sobanski, Marcia Sosnowski, Joyce Stein, Cathie Stepien, Pam Stoeffler, Sharon Swann, Susan Truchan, Susan Turke, Susan Valentine, Delores Vander Wal, Mary Jane VanLoon, Pamela A. Van Riper, Jeanne M. Wade, Karen Warner
Row 8: Deborah White, Rebecca E. Wildgen, Karen Williams, Sharon Williams, Debra Wilson, KEn Wilson, Nancy Wiltz, Maribeth Wooldridge, Martha Zawacki, JoAnn Zlotnick
Row 9: Julie Sochalski, Norma Shumaker, Kristin Brawner, Susan Archambault, Lauralee Hess, Rita M. Gibes, Barbara Terrien, Laurie Cushman, Mary Markey
Top Row: Peggy Alford, Anne Allen, Barbara Amann, Joann Baker, Elizabeth Bando, Sara Barnes, Mary Barz, Anne Bauer, Patricia Baxter, Gwendolyn Beaudette, Nancy Bidigare, Marian Bier, Susan Blaszczyk, Jacqueline bolin, Anne Bostwick, Heather Brendel, Theresa Brisker, Rosalyn Cage, Jeanne Calhoun
Row 2: Karen Caputo, Carolyn Carpenter, Laura Lewellen, Catherine Pearson, Pamela Carr, Lisa Clark
Row 3: Sarah Cleland, Kathy Collar, Ann Connors, Marian Coppo, Martha Coppo, Debra Wirth, Kathleen Coughlin, Mayble Craig, Jennifer Crittenden, Linda Dean, Ann Dika
Row 4: Shira Doneson, Valerie Dray, Lee Duffey, Mary Dunn, Nancy Edwards, Mildred Jett, Patricia Johnson, Jan Walters, Karen Dimitroff, Debra Walton, Moira Stein, Madi Ehrenreich, Paula Elliott, Claudia Evans, Jolaync Farrell, Karen Fierke
Row 5: Debra Finch, Nadine Furlong, Susan Gamerman, Anita Gardocki, Marcia Gerpheide, Roberta Gies, Deborah Glotzhober, Marlene Golabeck, Janet Goldberg, Rene Green, Diana Greer, Susan Gross, Vivian Hall, Jill Hallead
Row 6: Sharon Hamlett, Tamara Hanson, Jane Harper, Jesusa Heilig, Steinunn Hermannsson, Susan Hicks, Karen Hillebrand, Jomatia Hoff, Michelle Howey, Holly Howieson, Sandra Hubar, Kathleen Hughes, Shirley Jvery, Laura Johnson, Susan Johnson, Shirley Jones, Judith Kellermier, Lynda Kitchen, Susan Kleinbeck
Row 7: Nanette Kotz, Kathleen Kroh, Judith Krohn, Catherine Lahti, Mary Lange, Patti Larson, Susan Leach, Rebecca Linn, Lacy Loomis, Francene Lundy, Sue Lymperis, Robyn Main, Patricia McCleary, Theresa McGowan, Elizabeth Messiter, Mary Miller, Nancy Moffatt, Catherine Munn, Karen Munson
Row 8: Virginia Newman, Laura Novak, Thomas O'Connell, Julie O'Connor, Kaathleen O'Hara, Kimberly O'Loughlin, Karen Olsen, Marcy Ouellette, Gail Park, Georgiana Parsell, Mary Patchak, Linda Pearsall, Kathleen Poage, Shelly Ponte, Thomas Parter, Marilyn Pratt, Karen Prince, Kathryn Procter, Rebecca Raymond
Row 9: Jill remter, Cheryl Ricca, Brenda Robinson, Karen Rollins, Lisa Root, Audrey Ross, Barbara Rutherford, Linda Rykwalder, Margaret Sampson, Sherril Santo, Jeanne Scheer, Kathy Schlichter, Nancy Schuman, Debra Sihtala, Michele Smit, Donna Smith, Bonnic Smrcka, Janine Speck, Elizabeth Stainsby
Row 10: Grace Steinaway, Jennifer Stinson, Sally Stone, Anne Sullivan, Barbara Tonak, Linda Towers, Cindy Tremblay, Gregory Trowbridge, Sandra Tucker, Debbie Ullrich, Lee Ann Van Houten, Pamela Waggener, Martha Walker, Michele Wenderski, Catherine West, Harriet Wilkinson, Diane Willis, Jan Winslow, Karen Wismer
Top Row: Cathy Agree, Carol Bass, Nancy Bernadic, Barbara Bettman, Wendy Bittker, Judy Brown, Barbara Cassavoy, Nacy Cohen, Julie Coon, Mary Dawson, Susanne Dean, Barbara Diebolt, Joan Dzenowagis
Row 2: Donna Dziyba, Marla Erbin, Frederick Fiedler, Megan Forester, Lynn Babington, Keverne Popma, Barbara Cloutier, Catherine Doele, Barbara DeBenham, Alta Gaines, Susan Grant, Edward Greca, Pamela Griesbach
Row 3: Karen Haske, Janis Harris, Cherisse Hoffman, Wendy Jelinek, Judy Jenks, Barb Kakenmaster, Karen Kitchen, Kay Klass
Row 4: Kathryn Laing, Rachel Lapinski, Cheryl Marinett, Marta Monroe, Jackie Mrlik, Susan Mulkiten, Michele Olzack, Carol Osborn
Row 5: Deborah Parker, Linnae Pierskalla, Mary Prather, Terry Proctor, Karen Rech, Nancy reddaway, Nancy Reynolds, Mary Ridley
Row 6: Catherine Rhodes, Patricia Roggenbeck, Barbara Ruppal, Victoria Russum, Suzanne Sanders, Elizabeth Saviano, Diane Scarpace, Nola Schramm, Paula Schroeder, Carolyn Schroth, Barbara Scott
Row 7: Deborah Scullon, Denise Shough, Belvayuna Simpson, Joyce Smith, Barbara Stang, Elizabeth Sullivan, Molly thibault, Debbie Varney, Margaret Walters, Desiree White, Janice Winfree, Meg Williams, Nancy Zuelch
Top Row: Jane Alcala, Katherine Atkin, sandra Shea Baer, Dee Baker, barbara Barnes, Rhonda Baruch, Adrien Beregsasy, Sally Bidol, Kathleen Birchmeier, Maureen Bishop, Julia Blanchard, Theresa Boyd, Janice Brown, Deborah Budde, Genevieve Burns, Mary Kaye Busch, Laurie Carroll
Row 2: Bonnie Cesak, Mary christensen, Julie Colegrove, Susan coleman, Cheryl coney, William cophenhaver, Wendy Culbertson, Angela Dade, Renee Damm, Lynn Darin, Michele DeMaria, Julie DeFouw, Martha Deming, Mary Dent, Michelle Diepenhorst, Janice Dietrich, Catherine Dilworth
Row 3: Barbara Dusseau, Fancine Eagle, Carolyn Eames, Janeen Ellis, Lisa Fandell, Melissa Fear, Michelle Revis, Barbara Ross, Thomas Bissonnette, Michele Henderson, Susan barnes, Catherine Foley, Marica Fosnaugh, Leana Fox, Carol Frens, Debra Furlette, Denise Garden
Row 4: Mary Lois Gardner, Jeanetter Giroux, Stephanie Glanton, Beverly Goodman, Debra Giffin, Laurie Guyton, Bobbie Hafford, Linda Haggerty, Cindy Hammelef, Kim Hand, Patricia Hartman, Susan Hepker
Row 5: Jayne Hetzner, Diana Hill, Sandra Hirsch, Margaret Howard, Carol Huebel, Beverly Jackson, Christine Jacobson, Dennis Johnson, SerVonia Jones, Kathleen Kadlec, Pamela Katz, Kim Kittle, Mary Jo Klepser, Cheryl Kole
Row 6: Julie Konkle, Mary Anne Kosek, Mary Kowalski, Kathryn Krawec, Cynthia Krc, Kathryn Leinberger, Linda Lewandowski, Deborah Lobert, Karen Lyon, Mary Beth McGowan, Deborah Mclnerney, Douglas McLellan, Mary McDonald, Donna Macksood
Row 7: Bruce macnee, Pamela Mandelkorn, Debra Mast, Constance Maynard, Carol Meach, Karen Meyer, Linda Moore, Robert Morgan, Lynn Murray, Cindy Nestell, Carol O'Dell, Christine Ostrowski, Jeanne Palmer, Frances Palms, Diane Parrish, Jennifer Patton, Cathy Plachetka
Row 8: Dawn Rhoades, Carolyn Riegling, Jill Rodammer, Michael Romej, Ann Rondi, Cindy Salesin, Cynthia Sapsford, Russsell Savage, Angela Schaefer, Lee Anne Schaefer, Debra Schafer, Paula Schelp, Sandra Schlump, Cindy Schneider, Brenda Schroeder, Laurie Schultz, Wanda Scott
Row 9: Michael sseator, Kimberley Sherman, Vicki Singer, Ingrid Smith, Mary Alice Smith, Kathy Snyder, Karen Staudt, Kathy Steinke, Sue Stevens, Kimberly Stone, Sheri Sutherland, Ann Marie Swiderski, Jane Sydlowski, Debra Thelen, Deborah Thompson, Phyllis Toney, Jill Triick
Row 10: Tara Trinrud, Kay Tupala, Rosemary Turckes, Richard Urbanski, Lynn VanDenBerg, Brenda VanDervoort, Catherine VanWagnen, Ellen Victor, Mary Anne Vitalis, Celia Wald, Anne Weber, Jurlean White, Martha White, Judith Wilcewski, Lynda Wood, Susan Wroblewski, Victoria Zielinski
Top Row: Debbi Anderson, Cherie Armstrong, Diane Arney, Grace Ball, Marie Bazil, Suzanne Bihan, Nancy Black, Ellen Bochenck, Lisa Bramble, Ann Marie Brissette, Mary Brock, Gale Brown, Nancy Buhl, Judith Burek, Dana Leigh Burn, Mari Byce
Row 2: Dianne Byrd, Diane Cary, Julie Rosanne Cherno, Susan Copland, Lisa Corso, Sharon Corzine, Elsa Cowan, Linda Crawley, Constance D Anna, Mary Daly, Julie De May, Janet Dean, Lwah Ann Dennis, Leslie Jean De Noon, Barbara Deur, Marilynn Dowdy
Row 3: Laurie B. Dreisbach, Patricia Dvorak, Mary Earle, Judith Eason, Charlene Eickholt, Kathryn Elden, Susan Bourget, B.M. Rutkowski, J.Sebring-Mammel, Joan Kessler, Gregory Hazle, Rosa Ohno, Miriam Elgent, Micky Erickson, Kathleen Evans, Cathleen Fasse, Martha Finkelstein, Edie Firshman
Row 4: Susan Fitzpatrick, Lynn foley, Barbara Fredal, Lisa Ghormley, Susan Green, Carol Grishaw, Jennifer Hayden, Susan Hewens, Brenda J. Hooker, M. Karen Harning, Jean Huneke, Rose Hunter
Row 5: Joyce Jackson, Janet James, Mary Jesse, Christy Jones, Kathy Joy, Debra kadlec, Therese Keating, Ann Marie Kelly, Carol Key, Karen Dickstein, Jill Knechtel, Robin Kruger
Row 6: Mary Beth Kyko, Catherine Lawrence, Joni Lawrence, Eun Lee, Amy Long, Kathey F. Lord, Johanna Lund, Elizabeth Mac Kinnon, Marilyn Mackovjak, Lisa Mann, rose Marentette, Carmen McDowell
Row 7: Molly Mitchell, Mary Molewyk, Sandra Musci, Susan Nevins, Janet Newman, Marcy L. Ortquist, Jeanmarie Otto, Marci Peterhans, Marquite Pierce, Janet Pierson, Rachel Plumley, Frances Potasnik, Cynthia pressprich, Susan J. Robertson, Gilbert RodriqueZ, Deborah Romano, Deborah Ross, Patricia Rouen
Row 8: Abby Scholnick, Nancy Schuster, Cynthia Schwartz, Mary Ellen Sitek, Marqaret Smith, Ann Marie Smith, Cindy Smith, Julie Smrcka, Susan St. Onge, Michelle Stafford, Brenda Stallings, Nancy Steffler, Louise Sullivan, Laure Szatkowski, Bonnie R. Temple, Patricia A. Tevlin
Row 9: Linda L. Travis, Margaret Turner, Heidi Unger, Grace M.J. Valmassoi, Sally Van fleeren, Anne VanLoon, Jan Veseth, Anne MArie Villeneuve, Cynthia vrable, Lori E. Weyland, Theresa Wish, Anne Witham, Laura Wollum, Marla Young
Top Row: Mary Jo Ambrozy, Carolyn, Ashley, Gail Marie Barbaza, Jeanne Barr, Susan Bauer, Lynn Eva Becker, Christine Bibilikow, Kathy Biehl, Lisa Bloomfield, Bail M. Borowiak, Susan, M. Browning, Diane Louise Burgoon, Camille Carlson, Cindy marie Chaltry, Kathleen Anne Clegg, Ann cline
Row 2: Wendy Cogan, Annette Robin Cole, Barbara Compton, Elizabeth Connors, Norma K. Marshall, Michele Betts, Donna Jean Holihan, Pamela S. Harden, Kathleen McLaughlin, Mary M. Walker, Mary Lohr, Julia Cooney, Carol Crapo, Deborah D. Davis, Mary Dreisig
Row 3: Athena Eary, Eleanor Eckrich, Patti M. Eidenberger, Catherine Elmlinger, Annette Englund, Cynthis Fellencer, Karen Fischer, Carolyn B. Forbes, Nancy Ellen Freedman, Susan P. George, Annette Gervaix, Beverly Glogowski
Row 4: Jayne Goodrich, June A. R. Grimm, Marie Guerrini, Douglas Leon Hankins, Yvonne M. Harwoor, Linda Hecimovich, Catherine M. Herbel, Kelly Hocker, Brenda Lee Horness, Theresa A. Hosey, Karin E. Hunt, Beth Jackson
Row 5: Karen Sue Jaffe, Roland Jemerson, Tamera Johnson, Susan Kaczmarek, Laura S. Keverian, Julie A. Kimbrough, Eva Marie Kline, Nancy L. Kuehn, Margaret J. Labadie, Lori K. Lane, Elizabeth Lang, Linda Lawton, Judy Linden, Peggy Little, Sharon Lois Longe, Claire Lonstein
Row 6: Deloris Macon, Karen Marie Macsay, Susan E. Mapley, Maria Y. Maquera, Ann McCullough, Michael Meade, Barbara Messink, Mary Elizabeth Mick, Susie E. Mikolajewski, Marilyn Millman, Debra A. Mills, Lu Ann Minore, Jean M. Mischel, Terri Ann Mitchell, Catherine Jean Moore, Michelle A. Mourad
Row 7: Mary Lynn Musial, Kathleen Myles, Denise Oliphint, Patrice M. Orlowski, Susan Orne, Carolyn Pernell, Holly Perry, Paula L. Petkoff, Arlene Ann Popovich, Barbara A. Quinn, Carol Reid, Sandra J. Remington, Gisselle Rodriguez, Susan Roelant, Laura S. Rogers, Nancy Rudd
Row 8: Karen Beth Salem, Barbara Santavy, Linda Schairer, Marie B. Schneider, Julie Schoettley, Julie Rose Schuster, Mary V. Seibert, Tracy Shafer, Claire E. Sharda, Susan D. Shortino, Judith Simon, Phillis Simpson, Donna Sledz, Cynthia Smith, Diane L. Smith, Mary Kay Smith
Row 9: Susan R. Smith, Sharon stansberry, Linda Suchocki, Susan Swoiskin, Leslie Ann Urban, Mary B. Van Wingen, Gretchen M. Vermeulen, Verland Z. Walker, Jayne Walworth, Elaine Devorah Webber, Julie Ann Webster, Sora Weller, Julie L. Weyburne, Malorie Whitefield, Frances Wiecha, Anne C. Wise
Top Row: Joellyn M. Markey, Carol L. Kallewaard, Janet R. Sobel, Jacqueline L. Spatafora, Susan M. Tucker, Cynthia S. Gordon, Pamela J. Sanders, Carol M. Salinger, Marylou Rabaut, Connie R. Jarlsbers, Sylvia J. McKenney, Elizabeth A. Regan, Barabara S. Schelenker, Vandy L. Sherbin, Judy A. Srrbina, Susan K. Ginster, Lydia A. Robinson, Sandra L. Sprague, Beth A. Stegeman, Catherine T. Totte
Row 2: Kathleen M. Lahiff, Julia M. Markovich, Andra M. Rush, Darlene C. Ressler, Wendy K. Reigel, Beth L. Burch, Jewel E. Carpenter, Wendie L. Weber, Kay E. Jersey, karen D. Curl, Carol L. McGraw, Durene M. Elem, Linette perushi, Betty A. pulliams, Vicki E. Meffert, Harriettee Williams
Row 3: Beth A. Hoatlin, Rhonda C. Tolbert, Michelle R. Robertson, Lori A. Wissman, Marilyn S. Dietrich, Jayne E. Taylor, Jill M. Smith, Barbara J. House, Siobhan Gorman, Madeline L. Mobley, Joyce A. Williamson, Fay M. Wright
Row 4: Rosanne M. Hrqamiec, karen S. Nowak, Peggy J. Cameron, Mary V. Morris-Tucker, Frances L. Righmond, Marlene A. Baker, Karen J. Worden, Kathleen M. McGillivary, Janet L. wylie, Sandra K. Thompson
Row 5: Karen A. Cruickshank, Irene M. Dery, Ann M. Ignatowski, Elizabeth A. Peklo, Anne K. Waters, Laura E. Harvey, Mary M. Eggenberger, Wendy K. Kenyon, Kathleen M. Jordan, Elaine J. Zeilke, Barbara J. Waxman, Jolie A. Laker
Row 6: Velria M. Brown, Jane A. Burke, Marv A. Damken, Leau M. Stein, Cheryl Lumm Truzz, Deborah G. Thomas, Charlene L. Davis, Carol A. Zuber, Susan G. Toler, Betty M. Jones, Linda L. Kouba, Cynthia A. Lovell
Row 7: Kathy A. Churches, Dana L. Garrett, Mary E. Cella, Sarah E. Newton, Judy L. Benkeser, Lori J. Googel, Nancy H. Jenson, Helen I. Erickson, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Norma K. Marshall, Karen M. Walker, Deborau D. Barrett, Janice M. Sinsabaugh, Vickie M. Rodla, Bonnie M. Mann, Cynthia R. Matthews, Karen L. Heithecker
Row 8: Judith Gniewek, Valerie A. Filkins, Mable A. Glass, Kathleen M. Dwyer, Diane M. Fritz, Susan D. Cook, Evon J. Goyer, Kathryn Greenleaf, Laurie Haan Abraham, Sharon Gwozdec, Karen J. Douglas, Claudette P. Bryan, Kathy L. Deniston, Carol A. Garon, Maureen goode, Jennifer A. Gegenheimer, Colette White, Mary C. Kuckuc, Mary S. Craft
Row 9: Joan M. Garbarino, Linda S. Farwell, Julie A. Cook, Susan M. Bolohan, Sharon A. Bailey, Deborah Babala, Kathleen M. Oldani, Mary E. Grace, Mary A. Moriarty, Marybeth Annessa, Martha A. Beaudry, Jamie M. Ashley, Sue Bohnet, Janice J. Bishop, Diana L. Beveridge, Catherine A. Belski, Debra R. Surdyk, Maureen A. Flaherty, Lisa M. Barron, Carole A. Fanelli
Top Row: Barbara A. Fleckenstein, Anne M. Phelan, Julie-Ann Gersin, Laura E. Kemper, Mary Ann McCulloch, Meryl I. Faber, Karen E. Morton, Jennifer S. Miller, Catherine A. Chichester, Dana R. Piper, Harold K. Lohwasser, Michelle A. Lyons, Julia C. Kelly, Deborah L. Rossman, Amy L. Keskey, John F. Nama, Linda Borucki, Michelle M. Bradley, Caroline M. Fischer, Lisa A. Kuhnlein
Row 2: Karen M. Pardo, Laura L. Price, Mollie A. McDonald, Jan M. Grable, Janna S. Nichols, Laura A. Quain, Patricia M. Battel, Claudia J. Koch, Maureen G. D'hondt, Trudy J. Tervo, Linda A. Walz, Cheryl K. Ebling, Patricia A. Merte, Lauri R. Klock, Maria A. Lomibao, Mary E. Eisenhauer, Ellen B. Malvern, Josephine A. Polesnak
Row 3: Yvonne D. Krisel, Rosemary T. Coyne, Janey A. Porterfield, Deborah A. Mulawa, Janet E. Lovelace, Susan P. O'brien, Margaret T. Perrone, Brenda K. Luckhardt, Terry A. Layher, Sharon A. Potonac, Susan K. Watson, Janet A. Servatowski
Row 4: Vivian A. Reeves, Tracey A. Weeks, Marilyn K. Morgan, Terrilynn Phillips, Susan S. Kirk, Robert J. Ziola, Fred Roberts, Karen S. Myron, Pamela M. Przybylski, Mary Jo F. Lafata, Janet A. Scapini, Mary J. Swails
Row 5: Julie E. Reitz, Julie A. Symons, Ave M. Reagor, Catherine A. Regan, Marsha A. Glass, Susan M. Derubeis, Judy L. Goode, Jennifer P. Wylie, Janet L. Nowak, Karen M. Ulfig, Cynthia E. West, Carol A. Czarnecki, Gloria J. Verdi, Lisa D. Singleton
Row 6: Cynthia Wiggins, Monica L. Babyak, Gail M. Ray, Karen S. Desloover, Ladonna L. Christian-Combs, Deborah J. Dunnaback, Deborah A. Cecchini, Nancy A. Neville, Julia H. Grove, Wendy A. Weinfurtner, Susan M. Twigg, Jolynne Vanotteren, Lori A. Clark, Susan T. Savidge
Row 7: Marianne Ojeda, Ann M. Tucker, Lisa A. Valiquette, Sharon J. Bergmann, Elizabeth A. Rice, Marjorie R. Hovis, Laura I. Berry, Janice B. Lindberg, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Susan B. Steckel, Helen L. Erickson, Kathleen M. Oshea, Tricia A. Richardson, Cheryl L. Sanders, Ann L. Shcoene, Anita M. Bargardi, Constance S. Siler, Anne L. Scott
Row 8: Gassenie Thomas, Victoria L. cadagin, Sheryl A. Strace, Joyce I. Sourbeck, Mary S. Donald, Cindy Tollis, Miriam L. Allis, Julie J. Watson, Patricia A. Shefferly, Nina M. Squire, Carol J. Debrodt, Jennifer A. Dreps, Cynthia B. Stone, Martha A. House, Elizabeth A. Hull, Laurie J. Bommarito, Erin A. Swain, Lisa D. Davis
Row 9: Lisa W. Barak, Charlotte L. Allport, Karen J. Baker, Julie M. Sweet, Pamela R. Armfield, Kathleen A. Hornick, Marcianna M. Davis, Joann L. Holdridge, Barbara A. Black, Scott L. Baker, Lawrene S. Gardipee, Julie A. Hemsteger, Mary Ann Barz, Carla L. Arnett, Danielle L. Bonam, Janice S. Brady, Karen L. Eischer, Amy A. Hing, Marcia L. Hassig, Heidi G. Henn
Top Row: Carol Serr, Peggy Quinlan, Laura Struble, Lynne Carpenter, Shirley Evans, Catherine Eichel, Irene Soble
Row 2: Mary Jo Grippen, Judy Howe
Row 3: Cindy Fenske, Mary Lynn Parker
Row 4: Tara Prescott, Maureen Sheehan, William Paddock, Linda Hein, Dai-Wei Chen, James Fischer, Susan Saydak, Linda Heller Burgess