1000 resultados para Aedes, crescimento
Levantamento biogeográfico da BaÃa de Guanabara: II - Crescimento do manguezal na Ilha do Pinheiro
Nesta terceira contribuiçãos os Autores apresentam os aspectos EpÃdemiológicos da Dermatozoonose pela picada de Culicoides em Salvador. Salientam que embora a densidade de insetos outros de hábitos antropófilos seja elevada na cidade, as seguintes evidências os conduziram a responsabilizar os Culicoides: conincidência do aparecimento de casos de Dermatozoonose após um perÃodo de maior densidade de Culicoides; maior número de casos, desde que a densidade de Culicoides aumentou nos últimos anos; proveni~encia de maior número de casos dos bairros onde há maior infestação de Culicoides. A Dermatozoonose é acentuadamente mais freqüente no sexo feminino. Houve maior número de casos entre os negros, talvez devido a maior freqüencia de negros que procuram tratamento no Hospital das ClÃnicas. Não há predominância acentuada para determinado grupo etário. Num levantamento que fizeram sôbre a incomodidade do Culicoides observaram que 81% de 593 residências visitadas em diferentes bairros, são incomodadas, sendo o inverno a época de maior incômodo. As horas de maior incômodo, coincidem com a ocorrência horária máxima do Culicoides. Observaram que as medidas usadas pela população para combate ao inseto são inadequadas pois, em 56% das residências não se obtém qualquer resultado. Considerando que nesses último cinco anos a densidade de Culicoides aumentou inexplicà velmente em Salvador, julgam que os seguintes fatôres participara para que êsse fenômeno ocorresse: a extinção do Serviço de Profilaxia da Febre Amarela em 1956, o qual, indiretamente, por meio de sua "polÃcia de fócos" combatendo o Aedes aegypti, controlava os Culicoides; o crescimento da cidade, aumentando o número de fossas, já que não existe um sistema de esgotos adequado; e a deficiência do Serviço de Limpeza Pública da Cidade, ocasionando o acúmulo de lixo nos quintais, terrenos baldios e mesmo em logradouros públicos. Essas condições permitiram a existência de uma extensa rêde de "focos potenciais" para a proliferação dos Culicoides que agora infestam a cidade.
Após ter-se verificado que a buclizina era capaz de acelerar o crescimento de tumor maligno até 33%, animais de laboratório foram tratados com essa substância em doses subletais agudas e muito acima das doses terapêuticas, por vias subcutâneas e intraperitoneal, ocorrendo, ocasionalmente, o aparecimento de fibrosarcomas nos ratos Wistar e sarcoma indiferenciado e adenoma papilÃfero em camundongos Swiss. O primeiro tumor surguiu em 1970, ao qual foi dada a sigla "BUSP" (BUclizina-SPoladore). O tumor vem sendo mantido com facilidade, apresentando como caracterÃsticas: crescimento lento, permitindo uma sobrevida do animal em torno de três meses; peso em torno de cento e vinte e cinco gramas na fase final; intensa hiperemia peritumoral; tumor maciço, quase sem necrose na parte central; persistindo bastante livre entre a pele e os tecidos subjacentes, durante toda a evolução.
Observations were made on 100 female Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz) maintained individually from the first blood meal onwards and allowed one blood meal during each oviposition cycle, 5% dextrose solution been supplied throughout life. The average length of live was 49.9 ± 17.8 days; the logarithm of the mortality rate increased proportionately to physiological age. The insects took an average of 7.3 ± 3.2 blood meals and produced a mean of 7.9 ± 3.7 clutches of eggs. There was a progressive decrease, proportional to advancing physiological age, in the mean numbers of eggs laid in successive oviposition cycles, in the intervals between blood feeding oviposition, and in the numbers of larvae that hatched. Delayed oviposition, transient sterility and a total loss of fertility were also recorded.
Aedes fluviatilis is susceptible to infection by Plasmodium gallinaceum and is a convenient insect host for the malaria parasite in countries where Aedees aegypti cannot be maintained in laboratories. In South America, for instance, the rearing of A. aegypti the main vector of urban yellow fever, is not advaisable because of the potential health hazard it represents. Our results of the comparative studies carried out between the sporogonic cycle produced with two lines of P. gallinaceum parasites into A. fuviatilis were as follows. As proved for A. aegypti, mosquito infection rates were variable when A. fluviatilis blood-fed on chicks infected with and old syringe-passaged strain of P. gallinaceum. Oocysts developed in 41% of those mosquitos and the mean peak of oocyst production was 56 per stomach. Salivary gland infections developed in about 6% of the mosquitos. The course of sporogony was unrelated to the size of the inoculum administered to chicks or to the route by which the birds were infected. The development of infected salivary glands was unrelated to oocyst production. Sporogony of P. gallinaceum was more uniform when mosquitos blood-fed on chicks infected with a sporozoite-passaged strain. Oocysts developed in about 50% of those mosquitoes and the mean peak of oocyst production was 138 per stomach, with some individuals having as many as 600-800 oocysts. Infected salivary glands developed in a mean of 27% of the mosquitos but, in some batches, was a high as 50%. Patterns of salivary gland parasitism were similar to those of oocyst production. The course of sporogony of P. gallinaceum in A. fluviatilis is analized in relation to degree of parasitemia and gametocytemia in the vertebrate host.
We have been interested in identifying genes that play a role in reproduction of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Our interests are currently focused on the vitellogenin genes which in the mosquito are expressed only in the fat body in response to the insect steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. Four of the five vitellogenin genes in the genome have been cloned. We have examined the relationships between these genes and find that they form a small gene family exhibiting different levels of relationship.
Aedes (Ochlerotatu) rhyacophilus Costa Lima i resurrected from the synonymy with Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis (Rondani). Lectotype and paralectotypes are designated Larval, pupal and both sexes of adult stages are redescribed and illustrated. Bionomics include a picture of a brreding place. Diagnostic characters for distinguishing rhyacophilus from other species of the Scapularis Group are provided. Some data about known distribution are presented.
As propriedades larvicidas de 34 extratos, provenientes de 29 vegetais, foram testados em larvas de Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz) (Diptera: Culicidae) nas concentrações de 100, 10 e 1 ppm. 26,5% dos exames utilizados, reduziram significamente a sobrevida larvária (alfa = 0,05), quando empregados na concentração de 100 ppm (Anacardium occidentale, Agave americana, Allium sativum, Coriandrum sativum, Nerium oleander, Spatodea campanulata, Tibouchina scrobiculata e Vernonia salzmanni). O ácido anacárdio (A. occidentale) mostrou-se larvicida na concentração de 10 ppm e o extrato bruto de A. sativum foi eficaz contra as larvas na concentração de 1 ppm.
Several larval and pupal products of Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz) were tested for their influence on the oviposition behaviour of females of the same species. Significant (alfa = 0,05) atractiveness was shown by: larval water, previously containing 5 to 15 larvae/1,5 ml; larval water, preserved up to 38 days; evaporate and reconstructed larval water extracts up to 2 years after production and water filtered through fresh or dried ground larvae. hexanic larval water extracts and water filtered through fresh or dired ground pupae did not influence oviposition.
Whole, ethanolic, hexanic, lyophilized extracts of several plants and anacardic acid tested in respect of their influence on the oviposition behavior of Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz) at 100, 10 and 1 ppm concentrations. Extracts of Allium stivum, Jatropha curcas, Mikania schenkii, Poinciana regia and Spatodea campanulata had a repulsive effect (α=0.05) on females at 100 ppm, those of Anacardium occidentale, Bidens segetum and Caesalpinia peltophoroides were also repelent at 10 ppm. Extracts of Coriandrum sativum (100, 10 and 1 ppm), Chara Zeylanica (10 ppm), Cupressus sempervirens (10 ppm), Foeniculum vulgare (10 ppm) and Spatodea campanulata (1 ppm) were attractive to the females; 13 (52.0%) of the extracts tested, did not influence the oviposition behavior.
After the Aedees albopictus has been discoved by Neves & Espinola (1987) at Minas Gerais state, we begun studying some biologic aspects, such as breeding places, host preference, times of feeding and the preferred places for blood feeding.
Two fish species, Astronotus ocellatus (Cichlidae) and Macropodus opercularis (Anabatidae) were tested for predacious behavior toward immature mosquitoes (Aedes fluviatili9s, Diptera: Culicidae) and schistosomiasis snail hosts (Biomphalaria glabrata, Mollusca: Planorbidae), in the presence or absence of non-living food and laboratory conditions. A. ocellatus, a species indigenous to Brazil, was a very efficient predator of both organisms (alpha=1,05); M. operculatis, an exotic species, preyed well on immature mosquitoes, but small snails and snail egg-masses were ingested only irregulary. Both fish species seemed to prefer live to non-living food.
Aedes albopictus (Skuse,1894) va ser detectada a Catalunya l’any 2004 a Sant Cugat del Vallés. El mosquit tigre asià tic és espècie invasora que causa impactes negatius a nivell econòmic, sociosanità ri i mediambiental, principalment per les seves molestes picades però també pel potencial risc que té com a vector transmissor de diverses malalties com la febre groga i el dengue. En aquest treball és vol avaluar i estudiar la situació actual de l’espècie al municipi de Rubà (Vallés Occidental) a través de l’estudi per paranys d’oviposició. També és vol avaluar l’impacte que el mosquit tigre asià tic té en el medi socioeconòmic a través de la metodologia de experiments d’elecció.