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An efficient and rapid synthesis of 1-acetyl-1H-indol-3-yl acetate 1 and its derivatives 7 via the microwave-assisted cyclisation and decarboxylation of 2-[(carboxymethyl)amino]benzoic acids 5 is described. The latter were left to react with acetic anhydride using triethylamine as the base and were subjected to microwave irradiation for 1 minute, at 80 °C with initial power of 300 W. The target 1-acetyl-1H-indol-3-yl acetate 1 and derivatives 7 were isolated in 34-71% yield. In particular, synthesis of 1-acetyl-6-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-indol-3-yl acetate 7f and 1-acetyl-3-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl acetate 7h is reported for the first time.
This study examines the impact of a global sports event on gender representations in media reporting. Whereas previous research on gender, sport and media has been mainly concerned with sports events in the North American or Australian context, this study investigates the British media reporting before, during and after the London Olympics 2012. Our study follows the approach of Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) and uses both quantitative and qualitative research procedures. The results reveal more balanced gender representations during the London Olympics in that the ‘regular’ biased associations were supressed in favour of positive references to female achievements. However, little carry-though of the ‘gains’ was noted. Also, this study shows that the positive associations intersected with national sentiments and were used to celebrate the nation-state. At the same time, some subtle resistance was observed to accepting as ‘truly’ British the non-white athletes and those not born in Britain.
Using the novel technique of topic modelling, this paper examines thematic patterns and their changes over time in a large corpus of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports produced in the oil sector. Whereas previous research on corporate communications has been small-scale or interested in selected lexical aspects and thematic categories identified ex ante, our approach allows for thematic patterns to emerge from the data. The analysis reveals a number of major trends and topic shifts pointing to changing practices of CSR. Nowadays ‘people’, ‘communities’ and ‘rights’ seem to be given more prominence, whereas ‘environmental protection’ appears to be less relevant. Using more established corpus-based methods, we subsequently explore two top phrases - ‘human rights’ and ‘climate change’ that were identified as representative of the shifting thematic patterns. Our approach strikes a balance between the purely quantitative and qualitative methodologies and offers applied linguists new ways of exploring discourse in large collections of texts.
Juvenile angiofibroma is a benign fibroangiomatous tumor of relatively rare occurrence, developing most frequently in male adolescents. It has local characteristics of aggressiveness and expansion. The treatment of choice is surgical excision. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of the surgical technique using the Le Fort I osteotomy are described, and the literature correlated with 2 case reports.
The Nd:YAG laser efficacy associated with conventional treatment for bacterial reduction has been investigated throughout literature. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bacterial reduction after Nd:YAG laser irradiation associated with scaling and root planning in class II furcation defects in patients with chronic periodontitis. Thirty-four furcation lesions were selected from 17 subjects. The control group received conventional treatment, and the experimental group received the same treatment followed by Nd:YAG laser irradiation (100 mJ/pulse; 15 Hz; 1.5 W, 60 s, 141.5 J/cm(2)). Both treatments resulted in improvements of most clinical parameters. A significant reduction of colony forming unit (CFU) of total bacteria number was observed in both groups. The highest reduction was noted in the experimental group immediately after the treatment. The number of dark pigmented bacteria and the percentage of patients with Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans reduced immediately after the treatment and returned to values close to the initial ones 6 weeks after the baseline for both groups. The Nd:YAG laser associated with conventional treatment promoted significant bacterial reduction in class II furcation immediately after irradiation, although this reduction was not observed 6 weeks after the baseline.
The synthesis of FDU-1 silica with large cage-like mesopores prepared with a new triblock copolymer Vorasurf 504 (R) (Eo)(38)(BO)(46)(EO)(38) was developed. The hydrothermal treatment temperature, the dissolution of the copolymer in ethanol, the HCl concentration, the solution stirring time and the hydrothermal treatment time in a microwave oven were evaluated with factorial design procedures. The dissolution in ethanol is important to produce a material with better porous morphology. Increases in the hydrothermal temperature (100 degrees C) and HCl concentration (2 M) improved structural, textural and chemical properties of the cubic ordered mesoporous silica. Also, longer times induced better physical and chemical property characteristics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Pterins are members of a family of heterocyclic compounds present in a wide variety of biological systems and may exist in two forms, corresponding to an acid and a basic tautomer. In this work, the proton transfer reaction between these tautomeric forms was investigated in the gas phase and in aqueous solution. In gas phase, the intramolecular mechanism was carried out for die isolated pterin by quantum mechanical second-order Moller-Plesset Perturbation theory (MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ) calculations and it indicates that the acid form is more stable than the basic form by -1.4 kcal/mol with a barrier of 34.2 kcal/mol with respect to the basic form. In aqueous solution, the role of the water molecules in the proton transfer reaction was analyzed in two separated parts, the direct participation of one water molecule in the reaction path, called water-assisted mechanism, and the complementary participation of the aqueous solvation. The water-assisted mechanism was carried out for one pterin-water cluster by quantum mechanical calculations and it indicates that the acid form is still more stable by -3.3 kcal/mol with a drastic reduction of 70% of the barrier, The bulk solution effect on the intramolecular and water-assisted mechanisms was included by free energy perturbation implemented on Monte Carlo simulations. The bulk water effect is found to be substantial and decisive when the reaction path involves the water-assisted mechanism. In this case, the free energy barrier is only 6.7 kcal/mol and the calculated relative Gibbs free energy for the two tautomers is -11.2 kcal/mol. This value is used to calculate the pK(a) value of 8.2 +/- 0.6 that is in excellent agreement with the experimental result of 7.9.
Thin zirconium nitride films were prepared on Si(l 00) substrates at room temperature by ion beam assisted deposition with a 2 keV nitrogen ion beam. Arrival rate ratios ARR(N/Zr) used were 0.19, 0.39, 0.92, and 1.86. The chemical composition and bonding structure of the films were analyzed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Deconvolution results for Zr 3d, Zr 3p(3/2), N 1s, O 1s, and C 1s XPS spectra indicated self-consistently the presence of metal Zr-0, nitride ZrN, oxide ZrO2, oxymnide Zr2N2O, and carbide ZrC phases, and the amounts of these compounds were influenced by ARR(N/Zr). The chemical composition ratio N/Zr in the film increased with increasing ARR(N/Zr) until ARR(N/Zr) reached 0.92, reflecting the high reactivity of nitrogen in the ion beam, and stayed almost constant for ARR(N/Zr) >= 1, the excess nitrogen being rejected from the growing film. A considerable incorporation of contaminant oxygen and carbon into the depositing film was attributed to the getter effect of zirconium. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents the electro-optical characterization of metal-organic interfaces prepared by the Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) method. IBAD applied in this work combines simultaneously metallic film deposition and bombardment with an independently controlled ion beam, allowing different penetration of the ions and the evaporated metallic elements into the polymer. The result is a hybrid, non-abrupt interface, where polymer, metal and ion coexists. We used an organic light emitting diode, which has a typical vertical-architecture, for the interface characterization: Glass/Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)/Poly[ethylene-dioxythiophene/poly{styrenesulfonicacid}]) (PEDOT:PSS) /Emitting Polymer/Metal. The emitting polymer layer comprised of the Poly[(9,9-dioctyl-2,7-divinylenefluorenylene)-alt-co-{2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene}] (PFO) and the metal layer of aluminum prepared with different Ar(+) ion energies varying in the range from 0 to 1000 eV. Photoluminescence, Current-Voltage and Electroluminescence measurements were used to study the emission and electron injection properties. Changes of these properties were related with the damage caused by the energetic ions and the metal penetration into the polymer. Computer simulations of hybrid interface damage and metal penetration were confronted with experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The selective determination of alcohol molecules either in aqueous solutions or in vapor phase is of great importance for several technological areas. In the last years, a number of researchers have reported the fabrication of highly sensitive sensors for ethanol detection, based upon specific enzymatic reactions occurring at the surface of enzyme-containing electrodes. In this study, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) was immobilized in a layer-by-layer fashion onto Au-interdigitated electrodes (IDEs), in conjunction with layers of PAMAM dendrimers. The immobilization process was followed in Teal time using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), indicating that an average mass of 52.1 ng of ADH was adsorbed at each deposition step. Detection was carried out using a novel strategy entirely based upon electrical capacitance measurements, through which ethanol could be detected at concentrations of 1 part per million by volume (ppmv). (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Allyl 1-naphthyl ethers are useful compounds for different purposes, but reported methods to synthesize them require long reaction times. In this work, we have obtained allyl 1-naphthyl ether in good yield using ultrasonic-assisted methodology in a 1-h reaction. A central composite design was used to obtain a statistical model and a response surface (p < 0.05; R(2) = 0.970; R(adj)(2) = 0.949; R(pred)(2) = 0.818) that can predict the optimal conditions to maximize the yield, validated experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Oxidation of cholesterol (Ch) by a variety of reactive oxygen species gives rise mainly to hydroperoxides and aldehydes. Despite the growing interest in Ch-oxidized products, the detection and characterization of these products is still a matter of concern. In this work, the main Ch-oxidized products, namely, 3 beta-hydroxycholest-5-ene-7 alpha-hydroperoxide (7 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-5 alpha-cholest-6-ene-5-hydroperoxide (5 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-hydroxycholest-4-ene-6 alpha-hydroperoxide (6 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-hydroxycholest-4-ene-6 beta-hydroperoxide (6 beta-OOH), and 3 beta-hydroxy-5 beta-hydroxy-B-norcholestane-6 beta-carboxaldehyde (ChAld), were detected in the same analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to dopant assisted atmospheric pressure photoionization tandem mass spectrometry. The use of selected reaction monitoring mode (SRM) allowed a sensitive detection of each oxidized product, while the enhanced product ion mode (EPI) helped to improve the confidence of the analyses. Isotopic labeling experiments enabled one to elucidate mechanistic features during fragmentation processes. The characteristic fragmentation pattern of Ch-oxidized products is the consecutive loss of 1120 molecules, yielding cationic fragments at m/z 401, 383, and 365. Homolytic scissions of the peroxide bond are also seen. With (18)O-labeling approach, it was possible to establish a fragmentation order for each isomer. The SRM transitions ratio along with EPI and (18)O-labeled experiments give detailed information about differences for water elimination, allowing a proper discrimination between the isomers:Phis is of special interest considering the emerging role of Ch-oxidized products in the development of diseases.
This paper reports an expert system (SISTEMAT) developed for structural determination of diverse chemical classes of natural products, including lignans, based mainly on 13C NMR and 1H NMR data of these compounds. The system is composed of five programs that analyze specific data of a lignan and shows a skeleton probability for the compound. At the end of analyses, the results are grouped, the global probability is computed, and the most probable skeleton is exhibited to the user. SISTEMAT was able to properly predict the skeletons of 80% of the 30 lignans tested, demonstrating its advantage during the structural elucidation course in a short period of time.