1000 resultados para AGE CONSTRAINTS


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A multiproxy approach including the use of stable isotopes, magnetic characterization analyses, and organic geochemistry has been adopted to consider factors such as productivity and terrigenous input over the past 1.5 m.y. at two areas off the western coast of Africa. These factors can, in turn, be used to consider variability in ocean circulation and upwelling in addition to changes in climate on the African continent. In particular, studies focused on the influence of glacial-interglacial cycles and evidence for the mid-Pleistocene revolution (MPR), a complex change in climate that occurred at ~1 Ma. A comparison of the records from the two areas drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175, the Congo Basin, at a latitude of 5°S (Holes 1076A and 1077A), and the Walvis Ridge, at 17°S (Hole 1081A), demonstrates that these sites are affected by different localized factors. The sites in the Congo Basin are strongly influenced by freshwater and sediment from the Congo River, whereas the site at the Walvis Ridge is located in the center of oceanic upwelling and contains a more marine signal. Evidence also suggests that the two sites responded differently to both long- and short-term climatic variations. In particular, the response at the Walvis Ridge to the MPR occurred over an extended period, from 1.1 to 0.8 Ma, and was associated with a change in the dominant source of terrigenous input to the site in conjunction with a change in the productivity signal. In the Congo Basin, the response to the MPR was more rapid, occurring between 0.9 and 0.8 Ma. During this period, the influence of the Congo River became significant. However, productivity records only began to respond toward the end of this interval, at 0.8 Ma.


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Early Holocene recession of the ice cover over Germania Land in North-East Greenland 7.5 ka B.P. brought the Inland Ice margin back to a position close to the present. Continued recession after that time lead to the formation of a "Storstrømmen Sound" which separated Germania Land from mainland Greenland in the period from about 6 to 1 ka B.P. The present filling of the approximately 100 km long sound by the glaciers of Storstrømmen and Kofoed-Hansen Bræ must therefore have taken place during the Little lce Age. In an archaeological sense this implies deterioration of the living conditions of Neo-Eskimos compared to those of Palaeo-Eskimos. The neoglacial re-formation and present existence of the glaciers as a Little Ice Age relict may imply a present-day instability in their dynamics, as demonstrated by the pulsations (surge-like behaviour) in the last part of the 20th century. An earlier Little Ice Age advance might possibly have had the same amplitude as that documented from the 20th century but its exact age and character is not known. The glacio-isostatic response of the earth's crust to the variations in the Holocene glacier load implies a relatively slow and slight emergence and subsequent submergence. The shift from emergence to submergence must have taken place between about 2 and 1 ka B.P.


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Volcanogenic rocks from the Sea of Okhotsk are divided into seven age complexes: Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Late Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene. All these complexes are united into two groups - Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Each group reflects a certain stage of development of the Sea of Okhotsk region. Late Mesozoic volcanites build the geological basement of the Sea of Okhotsk, and their petrochemical features are similar to those of the volcanic rocks from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanogen. Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanites reflect stages of tectono-magmatic activity; the latter destroyed the continental margin and produced riftogenic troughs. Geochemical features of volcanites from the Sea of Okhotsk indicate influence of the sialic crust on magma formation and testify formation of the Okhotsk Sea Basin on the destructive margin of the Asian continent.


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Results of a complex study of the sedimentary cover (continuous seismic profiling and diatom analysis) in the northeastern Sea of Japan including the Bogorov Rise an adjacent part of the Japan Basin and the continental slope, are presented. Two varied-age complexes were distinguished in the sedimentary cover of the continental slope of Primorye: Middle Miocene and Late Miocene - Pleistocene. These complexes formed in a stable tectonic setting with no significant vertical movements. A depression in the acoustic basement is located along the continental slope and it is divided from the Japan Basin by a group of volcanic structures, the most uplifted part of which forms the Bogorov Rise. The depression probably formed before Middle Miocene. In Middle Miocene the Bogorov Rise was already at depths close to modern ones. In the sedimentary cover near the Bogorov Rise buried zones were found. Probably they were channels for gas transportation in pre-Pleistocene. Deformations of sediments that occurred in the beginning of Pleistocene are established in the basin.


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Qualitative petrographic study of selected clastic horizons within the Eocene section of Hole 516F has revealed the presence of abundant fine-grained lithic fragments, probably volcanic, along with coarser fragments of quartz and feldspar apparently derived from a nearby plutonic terrain. In detail, poor sorting, presence of graded bedding, and an abundance of clay suggest these are turbidite horizons locally derived from a mixed volcanic/plutonic terrain, possibly with some direct contribution from contemporary volcanic ash falls. A progressive increase in plutonic versus volcanic components with time is, however, more consistent with an erosional origin for most of this material. Unusual euhedral dark biotite is abundant in several of the lower clastic horizons; it is most easily interpreted as microphenocrysts weathered in situ out of alkalic volcanic ash. Biotite separated from Sample 516F-76-4,107-115 cm, has been dated by the K-Ar method at about 46 Ma. Alkaline volcanoes active on the Rio Grande Rise in the middle Eocene would be the most probable source of this ash and would be consistent with other evidence for potassic, alkaline volcanism along the Rio Grande Rise and at the Tristan da Cunha hot spot.


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Numerous studies have shown that delta18O records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera, primarily a proxy of global ice volume variations, reflect Milankovitch periodicities. To study climatic response to orbital forcing at Ocean Drilling Program site 758, we have generated continuous delta18O and delta13C records from a single benthic foraminiferal species Cibicides wuellerstorfi for the last 3.6 m.y. and extended the planktonic foraminiferal isotope records of Farrell and Janecek (1991, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.121.124.1991) (0-2.5 Ma, based on Globigerinoides sacculifer) to 3.6 Ma (Chen, 1994). We then constructed an age model by matching, correlating and tuning the benthic delta18O record to a model simulation of ice volume (Imbrie and Imbrie, 1980, doi:10.1126/science.207.4434.943). The filtered 41- and 23-kyr signals based on the resultant astronomically tuned age model are highly correlated to obliquity (r=0.83) and precession (r=0.75), respectively. Although derived with methodology different from Shackleton et al. (1990) and Hilgen (1991, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90206-W, 1991, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90082-S), our results generally agree with their published astronomical timescales for the time interval from 0 to 3.0 Ma, providing additional support for the newly emerging chronology based on orbital tuning. Slight discrepancies exist in the time interval from 3.0 to 3.6 Ma, suggesting several possibilities, including differences in the approaches of orbital tuning and the relatively low amplitude of delta18O variations in our record. However, even if the discrepancies are due to the relatively low amplitude of the isotope signals in our record at 3.0-3.6 Ma, our resultant timescale as a whole does not adversely affect our evaluation of the paleoclimatology and paleoceanography of the Indian Ocean, such as the evolution of the 100-, 41- and 23-kyr cycles, and variation of global ice volume and deepwater temperature during the past 3.6 m.y.