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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Esta dissertação de mestrado, na área da Educação, tem como tema central o trabalho de coordenação pedagógica na escola que vem sendo aprimorado aos longo dos últimos anos, dada a evolução da Educação e a conscientização sobre a necessidade de formação continuada por parte dos professores e da equipe gestora em nome de uma melhor qualificação profissional e, consequentemente, da qualidade de ensino. Como problema de pesquisa foi colocado: qual é o papel da coordenação pedagógica na formação continuada dos professores e em que isto resulta em maior compromisso político e social com a educação? Dentre as hipóteses que orientaram o estudo estão as seguintes: a atuação do coordenador pode favorecer a construção de um trabalho articulado, que tenha como objetivo favorecer a autonomia da equipe escolar, enriquecendo a prática profissional e propiciando um exercício de troca de experiências; o exercício de diálogo favorece a superação dos obstáculos e a parceria entre o coordenador e a sua equipe escolar, de forma que, ao serem compartilhados, os problemas possam ser transformados em estímulos para busca de novos caminhos; a Educação Continuada pode ser uma boa alternativa para que o coordenador, no exercício de sua função, prepare a equipe escolar, principalmente os professores, para que, progressivamente, assumam atitudes autônomas frente às situações de conflito que interferem no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O objetivo geral do estudo foi pesquisar o compromisso político e social dos coordenadores pedagógicos da cidade de Mauá com a educação. Dentre os objetivos específicos apontam-se os seguintes: apresentar uma abordagem histórica sobre o coordenador pedagógico; analisar as atribuições do coordenador pedagógico; analisar a trajetória formativa do coordenador pedagógico; e, discutir a importância da formação continuada para o coordenador pedagógico. Além do embasamento teórico em busca dos objetivos propostos, o estudo contou com uma pesquisa de campo, de natureza qualitativa, com entrevistas a coordenadores pedagógicos e professores, sendo que os resultados, de um modo geral, vão ao encontro das hipóteses adotadas, com destaque para o trabalho da coordenação pedagógica na construção do diálogo entre a equipe e dos caminhos para a formação continuada, requisito esse de extrema essencialidade na Educação e na sociedade atual.


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A study is presented of the effects of temperature non-uniformity in a distributed temperature sensor based on the temperature dependence of Brillouin gain in an optical fibre. The form of the Brillouin gain profile for a given temperature distribution is measured and successfully modelled.


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Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of registerable blindness with a high medical and societal cost burden. Much of the research examining experiences of living with AMD has been conducted independently with small sample sizes and has failed to impact on practice. Meta-synthesis of qualitative research can improve the understanding of the experience of living with AMD by drawing together findings of qualitative studies. This article presents a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies investigating the experience of AMD (literature searched up to April 2012; published studies identified range from 1996 to 2009). The review highlights themes relating to: functional limitations, adaptation and independence; feelings about the future with vision impairment; interaction with the health service; social engagement; disclosure; and the emotional impacts of living with AMD. Attention to the experience of living with AMD can help us to better understand the needs of patients. This meta-synthesis aimed to bring together the findings of qualitative research studies and highlights important areas for consideration when caring for patients with AMD. Our findings suggest that a holistic approach to service provision and support for AMD is needed which takes into account individuals' needs and experiences when coping with and adjusting to living with AMD. This support should aim to reduce stigma, increase social engagement, and develop the psychological resources of patients with AMD.


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A study is presented of the effects of temperature non-uniformity in a distributed temperature sensor based on the temperature dependence of Brillouin gain in an optical fibre. The form of the Brillouin gain profile for a given temperature distribution is measured and successfully modelled.


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The ability to identify and evaluate the competitive advantage of employees' transferable and innovative characteristics is of importance to firms and policymakers. This research extends the standard measure of human capital by developing a unique and far reaching concept of Innovative Human Capital and emphasises its effect on small firm innovation and hence growth (jobs, sales and productivity). This new Innovative Human Capital concept encapsulates four elements: education, training, willingness to change in the workplace and job satisfaction to overcome the limitations of measurements used previously. An augmented innovation production function is used to test the hypothesis that small firms who employ managers with Innovative Human Capital are more likely to innovate. There is evidence from the results that Innovative Human Capital may be more valuable to small firms (i.e. less than 50 employees) than larger-sized firms (i.e. more than 50 employees). The research expands innovation theory to include the concept of Innovative Human Capital as a competitive advantage and determinant of small firm innovation; and distinguishes Innovative Human Capital as a significant concept to consider when creating public support programmes for small firms.


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The nonmonotonic logic called Autoepistemic Logic is shown to be representable in a monotonic Modal Quantificational Logic whose modal laws are stronger than S5. Specifically, it is proven that a set of sentences of First Order Logic is a fixed-point of the fixed-point equation of Autoepistemic Logic with an initial set of axioms if and only if the meaning or rather disquotation of that set of sentences is logically equivalent to a particular modal functor of the meaning of that initial set of sentences. This result is important because the modal representation allows the use of powerful automatic deduction systems for Modal Logic and unlike the original Autoepistemic Logic, it is easily generalized to the case where quantified variables may be shared across the scope of modal expressions thus allowing the derivation of quantified consequences. Furthermore, this generalization properly treats such quantifiers since both the Barcan formula and its converse hold.


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Mixtures of pesticides in foodstuffs and the environment are ubiquitous in the developed world and although agents are usually exhaustively tested individually, the toxicological implications of pesticide mixtures are underreported. In this study, the effects of two fungicides, fenhexamid and myclobutanil were investigated individually and in combination on two human cell lines, SH-SY5Y neuronal cells and U-251 MG glial cells. After 48. h of incubation with increasing concentrations of pesticides ranging from 1 to 1000. μM, gene expression profiles were studied in addition to toxicity end points, including cell viability, mitochondrial depolarisation as well as cellular glutathione maintenance. There were no significant differences between the susceptibility of the two cell lines in terms of cell viability assessment or mitochondrial membrane potential, when agents were administered either individually or in combination. By contrast, in the presence of the fungicides, the SH-SY5Y cells showed significantly greater susceptibility to oxidative stress in terms of total thiol depletion in comparison with the astrocytic cells. Treatment with the two pesticides led to significant changes in the cell lines' expression of several genes which regulate cell cycle control and growth (RB1, TIMP1) as well as responses to DNA attrition (ATM and CDA25A) and control of apoptosis (FAS). There was no evidence in this study that the combination of fenhexamid and myclobutanil was significantly more toxic than individual exposure, although gene expression changes suggested there may be differences in the sub-lethal response of both cell lines to both individual and combined exposure.


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Passively mode locked fibre lasers have a variety of applications ranging from telecommunication to medical photonics. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted recently a great deal of attention as a promising solution for saturable absorber elements required for laser mode locking (see e.g. [1-3] and references therein). CNTs can be used as a saturable absorber in passively mode locked fibre laser directly [1,2] or as a CNTs polymer composites [3]. An attractive feature of CNT-based solutions in fibre lasers is a possibility to maintain the compactness, robustness of all-fibre format and low cost through using all standard telecom compatible components. The two important technical challenges in such type of lasers are: (i) to achieve stable polarization properties of the generated radiation without using complex control elements, and, (ii) to avoid low frequency instabilities of the mode-locked pulse train. In this paper we report results of the experiments on mode-locked soliton fibre laser using the following standard components: 1m of highly doped erbium fibre (Liekki Er80-8/125) serves as the gain medium with nominal absorption of 80 dB/m at 1530 nm; a 976 nm laser diode providing up to 310mW power is used to pump the laser via a 980/1550 wavelength division multiplexing; an isolator is employed to ensure single direction oscillation; SMF-28 is used to create necessary amount of anomalous dispersion to form soliton pulse making the total cavity length around 7.83 m; the CNT-polyvinyl alcohol polymer saturable absorber sandwiched in the FC/PC connector is used as a mode-locker device (see [3] for details). © 2011 IEEE.


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A tanulmányban arra keressük a választ, hogy a hazai fogyasztás szerkezetében a rendszerváltozás óta lejátszódó változások milyen irányúak; növelik, avagy csökkentik a környezet terhelését, továbbá, melyek azok a specifikus okok és tételek, amelyek ezt a változást előidézik. A tanulmányban a fogyasztási szerkezet sajátosságait és változásait vizsgáljuk, majd pedig az ÁKM-számításokból ismert energia- és anyagráfordítási együtthatókkal számszerűsítjük a szerkezeti változásokat. A fenntarthatóság kereteit az ökológiai lábnyomszámításokkal vázoljuk fel. Ezek egyszerű és gyors választ adnak arra, hogy egy ország mennyire terheli a környezetet, mennyire lépi túl a fenntarthatóság határát. Ebből látható, hogy a vizsgált problémának mi a súlya, mennyire „fenyegeti” a magyar háztartások fogyasztása a globális környezetet (avagy, mennyire jelentéktelen ebből a szempontból). Az elemzés nem ad választ arra a kérdésre, hol van a fenntartható fogyasztás határa, azaz ökológiailag mikortól fenntarthatatlan, de jól érzékelteti a környezet terhelésében bekövetkező változásokat és az egyes időszakok egymáshoz viszonyított jellemzőit.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter from physical, optical and imaging sensors mounted on a vertical sampling system (Rosette) used during the 2009-2013 tara Oceans Expedition. It comprised 2 pairs of conductivity and temperature sensors (SEABIRD components), and a complete set of WEtLabs optical sensors, including chrorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, a 25 cm transmissiometer, and a one-wavelength backscatter meter. In addition, a SATLANTIC ISUS nitrate sensor and a Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) were mounted on the rosette. In the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013), a second oxygen sensor (SBE43) and a four frequency Aquascat acoustic profiler were added. The system was powered on specific Li-Ion batteries and data were self-recorded at 24HZ. Sensors have all been factory calibrated before, during and after the four year program. Oxygen was validated using climatologies (WOA09). Nitrate and Fluorescence data were adjusted with discrete measurements from Niskin bottles mounted on the Rosette, and optical darks were performed monthly on board. A total of 839 quality checked vertical profiles were made during the tara Oceans expedition 2009-2013.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter from physical, optical and imaging sensors mounted on a vertical sampling system (Rosette) used during the 2009-2013 tara Oceans Expedition. It comprised 2 pairs of conductivity and temperature sensors (SEABIRD components), and a complete set of WEtLabs optical sensors, including chrorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, a 25 cm transmissiometer, and a one-wavelength backscatter meter. In addition, a SATLANTIC ISUS nitrate sensor and a Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) were mounted on the rosette. In the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013), a second oxygen sensor (SBE43) and a four frequency Aquascat acoustic profiler were added. The system was powered on specific Li-Ion batteries and data were self-recorded at 24HZ. Sensors have all been factory calibrated before, during and after the four year program. Oxygen was validated using climatologies (WOA09). Nitrate and Fluorescence data were adjusted with discrete measurements from Niskin bottles mounted on the Rosette, and optical darks were performed monthly on board. A total of 839 quality checked vertical profiles were made during the tara Oceans expedition 2009-2013.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) was a global survey of ocean ecosystems aboard the Sailing Vessel Tara. It carried out extensive measurements of evironmental conditions and collected plankton (viruses, bacteria, protists and metazoans) for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter that were measured from discrete water samples collected with Niskin bottles during the 2009-2013 Tara Oceans expedition. Properties include pigment concentrations from HPLC analysis (10 depths per vertical profile, 25 pigments per depth), the carbonate system (Surface and 400m; pH (total scale), CO2, pCO2, fCO2, HCO3, CO3, Total alkalinity, Total carbon, OmegaAragonite, OmegaCalcite, and dosage Flags), nutrients (10 depths per vertical profile; NO2, PO4, N02/NO3, SI, quality Flags), DOC, CDOM, and dissolved oxygen isotopes. The Service National d'Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2, at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, determined CT and AT potentiometrically. More than 200 vertical profiles of these properties were made across the world ocean. DOC, CDOM and dissolved oxygen isotopes are available only for the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013).


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Objectives: Identification of the level of knowledge on ergonomics principles, and application of these by dentistry students to investigate whether painful symptomatology was experienced. An-other objective is the expansion of discussions on occupational health in academic settings. Study Design and Settings: Dentistry students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (n = 148) were surveyed using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to determine the severity of musculoskeletal symptoms experienced. Data were analyzed through EpiInfo 7.0 to measure central trends and variability 5for quantitative variables, absolute and relative frequencies for categorical variables, and significance between groups (confidence intervals and chisquare). Association analysis (Pearson) was also carried out. Results: Ergonomic measures were not reported by students. Within the musculoskeletal symptoms described, females were the most affected, independent of academic level. Conclusions: Positive correlations were verified between all categories and all anatomic regions (e.g., neck, lower back, wrists, hands, and shoulders). Data suggest progressive worsening of symptoms, which will eventually result in leaves of absence.


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The ability of a previously PCB-enriched microbial culture from Venice Lagoon marine sediments to dechlorinate pentachlorophenol (PCP) and 2,3,5-trichlorophenol (2,3,5-TCP) was confirmed under anaerobic conditions in microcosms consisting of site water and sediment. Dechlorination activities against Aroclor 1254 PCB mixture were also confirmed as control. Pentachlorophenol was degraded to 2,4,6-TCP (75.92±0.85 mol%), 3,5-DCP (6.40±0.75 mol%), and phenol (15.40±0.87 mol%). From the distribution of the different dechlorination products accumulated in the PCP-spiked cultures over time, two dechlorination pathways for PCP were proposed: (i) PCP to 2,3,4,6-TeCP, then to 2,4,6-TCP through the removal of both meta double-flanked chlorine substituents (main pathway); (ii) alternately, PCP to 2,3,5,6-TeCP, 2,3,5-TCP, 3,5-DCP, then phenol, through the removal of the para double-flanked chlorine, followed by ortho single-flanked chlorines, and finally meta unflanked chlorines (minor pathway). Removal of meta double-flanked chlorines is thus preferred over all other substituents. 2,3,5-TCP, that completely lacks double-flanked chlorines, was degraded to 3,5-DCP through removal of the ortho single-flanked chlorine, with a 99.6% reduction in initial concentration of 2,3,5-TCP by week 14. 16S rRNA PCR-DGGE using Chloroflexi-specific primers revealed a different role of the two microorganisms VLD-1 and VLD-2, previously identified as dechlorinators in the Aroclor 1254 PCB-enriched community, in the dehalogenation of chlorophenols. VLD-1 was observed both in PCP- and TCP-dechlorinating communities, whereas VLD-2 only in TCP-dechlorinating communities. This indicates that VLD-1 and VLD-2 may both dechlorinate ortho single-flanked chlorines, but only VLD-1 is able to remove double-flanked meta or para chlorines.